Showing posts with label Clove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clove. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Gloucester Sugar Cakes - Old Fashioned Recipe of the day

Three cakes of commercially produced palm suga...
Three cakes of commercially produced palm sugar, in a decorative seashell shape. Photo taken in Kent, Ohio with a Panasonic Lumix digital camera (model DMC-LS75). Palm sugar purchased in a Cleveland, Ohio Vietnamese grocery store. Palm sugar produced in Thailand, and distributed by Gusto Food, Inc. of Maspeth, New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Take three pound of the finest Wheat Flower, one pound of fine Sugar,
Cloves, and Mace of each one ounce finely searsed, two pound of butter,
a little Rose-water, knead and mould this very well together, melt your
butter as you put it in; then mould it with your hand forth upon a
board, cut them round with a glass, then lay them on papers, and set
them in an Oven, be sure your Oven be not too hot, so let them stand
till they be coloured enough.

A blast from the past.  An old fashioned recipe we dug up.  
Make something extraordinary tonight.
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