Showing posts with label Sheriffs Office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheriffs Office. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2012

GVLN - Gloucester VA Board of Supervisors Ignore Complaints

Gloucester VA Links and News

GVLN - Gloucester VA Board of Supervisors Ignore Complaints

July 6th, 2012 – GVLN

Several months ago we filed a complaint with the Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors about all the issues we found with county officials who obviously did not follow any form of legal procedure when they raided a home in Gloucester County. We had numerous issues when we were investigating the story as county officials ignored numerous requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act, and then after months and repeated numerous requests, did not provide all the information requested.

Issues we complained about include an invalid search warrant used by Gloucester County Animal Control as well as the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office. Numerous serious issues were found throughout the search warrant as well as how it was issued. The laws of the state of Virginia were not followed as we have reviewed them.

Issues were raised regarding the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office 911 emergency recording. Serious questions about the authenticity of the recording have been made with evidence that the recording is fraudulent. The meta data on the audio equally questioned for serious fualts.

Issues were raised regarding Gloucester Animal Control audio recorded evidence that when put under lab testing showed it to be fraudulent. Further issues raised through said recordings also show serious signs of both Animal Control officers and Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputies tampering with evidence as well as producing false evidence statements. Equally, serious questions concerning the meta data of the digital audio are of paramount fault.

Issues were raised showing very serious concerns and huge discrepancies in testimony given by one Holli M Cohoon, a 911 emergency operator for the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office at the time said raid took place.

Very serious issues of Gloucester County Animal Control photographic evidence and meta data showing that Gloucester Animal Control and Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputies testimony in a courtroom were false and very misleading.

Issues of actual Animal Cruelty have been raised about both Animal Control Officers as well as Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputies in order to produce false evidence against a Gloucester County resident who has been victimized by this raid.

Issues were raised about numerous Gloucester County attorney's including Gloucester County Official Attorney, One Ted Wilmot, along with numerous Circuit Court officials. Legal issues have been brought up about how law or the lack thereof has been presented.

Issues concerning Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputy reports have been raised for serious inconsistencies.

Though the above list is extensive, it is not complete as more issues are on the table. Extensive evidence has been presented to the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors and as of this date, no response has been made by any member of the Board of Supervisors. The lack of response from members of the board of supervisors is:

  1. Reprehensible
  2. A Dereliction of Duties
  3. Complicit in said matters

Now we do understand that for the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors to investigate these issues and find any fault whatsoever would have major legal ramifications as well as serious expenses and huge potential restitution concerns. Choosing to ignore these issues in the hopes that they will just go away is not only fool hardy, it's down and outright dangerous as it makes each member of the Board of Supervisors potentially guilty of equal collusion, dereliction of duties, complicit in, cover ups and the list can go on and on.

No refute of the above issues have been made by any Gloucester County Official on these matters. No actions have been taken by the Board of Supervisors here in Gloucester County that we have been made aware of. There have been no personnel changes in Animal Control, Sheriff's Office or in the employ of the Circuit Court of Gloucester County that would indicate actions regarding these matters are in fact being addressed.

The issues along with our presented evidence can be seen on the following site and are presented in a list of numbered segments;

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