Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Education And Religion

Education and Religion;

Education and religion is the third article in our series being presented. Now I promise not to argue whether or not religion should be taught in our school systems. That is not within the scope of this article and I am a Jeffersonian when it comes to this subject in that I believe that each and every person has the right to believe what is best for them and that no other has the right to invade that belief. So why then the subject of religion coupled with education? To make a point. Wars for centuries have been fought over religion and religious views. Why? The answer is very simple. Religion is conceptual. No one can or has seen God. God is strictly left to us as a footprint within us all as a concept. Arguments ensue as to the correct interpretation over even a single verse of a bible or as to which bible is the correct or closest to the correct one. Which denomination is right and why all others have it wrong. It's all based on conceptual beliefs that none of us have a picture for nor can we create one.

Remember in my last article I pointed out that there is no picture for the word no or stop and others. It's the same thing here. Battles, wars, fights, arguments, are all the result of one persons picture of a concept opposed to the next persons picture of the same or similar concept. Mans biggest struggle is over building the right image or picture of a given concept. The most successful people in the world are the ones who are best adept at imposing their image or picture of a concept to another with the highest level of accuracy. The bloodiest battles have always been in opposing views of an image or picture of a concept. Again, concepts have no pictures to them. They are our biggest hurdles and our most successful triumphs.

Right and wrong are mere concepts again that we have built pictures for. What one day everyone thought to be right, was later proven wrong. A great example of this is when someone decided to stand on top of a building with the concept and picture in mind that they could fly. The person jumped off and the natural laws of gravity caused that person to land smack down on their face. Well man can't fly. The image is now fully ingrained throughout society based on natural law. Well gravity is defeated by reversing the polarity of magnetic poles. This to is natural law. While man struggled to build a better picture for the ability to fly, we developed planes, helicopters, gliders, even jet packs. (Somewhere out there are reversed polarity machines). So the concept of the right picture that man can not fly was proven wrong.

So what is right and what is wrong one day, are proven to be opposites the next. (Is there any wonder why there is so much turmoil in the world today)? Can we standardize concepts to a correct picture? Should we even really consider doing so? If we do, we are all at a lose. If we don't we can rest assured of more fighting, battles, war, arguments and more. (This could explain why I do so much photography and video, I constantly create images of my world as I see it and wish to see it). Different versions of the bible or different versions of religion create different images and pictures in the minds of the end user. So they are never going to be the same between two people no matter how close you try to make them. Only through understanding of this process can one achieve peace.

Truths lie within all religions. Falsehoods equally lie within all religions. Throughout my years of study, I even ran across the Satanic bible and read it. I even found truths in there as well as falsehoods.
Here is a direct quote, “pictures and how people view the same exact image, are not seen in the same way from one person to the next”. This was one of Satan's ways of proving his superiority. When opposed to man, he is right on the money on that level as he understands this concept all to well.

(Hey, I did promise this would be a hot topic). Let's see how many people remember this from their old school days. You set up a line of people. You tell the first person in line a story. Each person then tells the story to the next and it goes all the way down the line. The last person repeats the story and it does not sound anything like the original story. What happened? The story kept changing it's image in the mind of each person. Now had the story been something along the lines of “It's a green elephant”, then the story would probably remain the same all the way down through the line as the picture was very accurate and simple. If you can consistently convey your concept into an image and keep it as simple as it's a green elephant, then you will do by far better than 95% of the rest of the people in the world.

This is how you teach. Convey a simple picture or series of pictures through words and direct hands on action using the best principles as we know them today until proven wrong. Will you always be right? No, someone else has a different picture from you. But with an open mind, that could expand to something great.

Our next article will be, “What IF”. What if we could find the best teachers and have them teach all the children? Remember, I'm shooting for 21st education. My what if already has an answer.

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