On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, the Gloucester County, Virginia
Board of Supervisors approved the “GLOUCESTER COUNTY SECOND AMENDMENT
PRESERVATION ACT”. York District Supervisor Phillip Bazzani sponsored the Act
which was ratified by a 6 to 1 vote. Abingdon District Supervisor and Chairman
of the Board, Robert Orth, cast the only dissenting vote.
Below you will find the link to the 2nd Amendment portion of the Board of Supervisors meeting. It is well worth watching. Below you will also find a SlideShare Presentation of the proposed resolution. The approved resolution will not contain any mention of Installed President Joe Biden for reason explained in the video.
Please Share using the Facebook Icon located below the SlideShare Presentation.
Written By: Kenny Hogge, Sr.
Link To Meeting Video: https://gloucester.granicus.com/player/clip/2468?meta_id=144684
Presentation Of Proposed Resolution: