Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Pirates Are Stormin Hampton, Virginia Again

Quick, hide all the valuables, the pirates are back and they are taking no prisoners this time.  This weekend, June 1st and 2nd, the Hampton Blackbeard Pirate festival goes into full gear once again.  If you have never been to this event, it is a fantastic time.  Great actors and musicians abound all over downtown Hampton.

  The food is fabulous and there are all kinds of refreshments sold throughout the area.  Yes, even beer.  You can even pick up a full turkey leg that has been freshly smoked.

Pirates everywhere you look and even on the water.  Pirate ships will be all around.

Run fer cover if ye encounter this scurvy dog.  This is the infamous Cap'n Pern.  One of the nastiest henchmen of the 7 seas.  Even Blackbeard himself won't tangle with Pern.  (Really one of the nicest guys you could ever meet and a good friend).

Pirate ships of all types will be sailing these waters.  You dare not be in them when they are.  Canons are heard for miles when they get to fighting.

Rumor has it that Blackbeard's actual ghost comes back to Hampton at night and is seen around the camps looking for his loot during this event.  The pirates normally don't like to talk about this as it scares them near to death.

So come one, come all to the Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival.  You'll be glad you did.

Free MP3 music Download - Suerte - 5 Rue Des Belles Filles - is the track for his post.  Our way of saying thanks for spending time with us.  Download link.

(cc) Some Rights Reserved - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SAYou can copy, distribute, advertise and play this track as long as you:
  • Give credit to the artist
  • Don't use this album for commercial purposes
  • Distribute all derivative works under the same license

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For The Common Good of Gloucester, Virginia Government

There may be some people that do not like this letter.

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia,

“For the Common Good. “

The Virginia Constitution was written by men from all walks of life that wanted us to not live under the rule of an unjust government.  Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States?  How about the Constitution of Virginia? The Virginia Constitution is similar.

Article 1 Section 3. Government instituted for common benefit. This sounds like the definition in Wikipedia for a commonwealth.  We have to work together for the common good or be torn apart by those that want to treat us unfairly.  One way we are treated unfairly is when government employees and elected officials use their position working on the clock for their own gain.  There have been reports on this blog about government employees conducting personal business in government vehicles (Animal Control going to Hardees in a government vehicle) and opening the county garage for who knows what on a Saturday evening and elected officials in private organizations then voting to approve that organizations proposal.  According to Mr. Thompson, several active and former government employees have provided this information in an attempt to stop the activities.  If government employees are working to try and clean up these inappropriate activities we as citizens of the county should do our part and report these activities also.

  I am not saying that all government employees are bad or do things inappropriately most are good and dedicated to performing their jobs; however, for whatever reason they are not able or willing to go through their chain of command to report inappropriate behavior; this is also seen at higher levels of government.  Email the information to Mr Thompson’s blog site, he is willing to publish the information and provide it to the county officials to get it stopped.

  He does have a history of getting information to the people who can make decisions.  He was successful with an issue with a homeland defense employee that thought he was above the law, and there have been no more reported inappropriate visits of Animal Control Vehicles to Hardees.

Homeland Security has been telling everyone if they see something report it.  This should apply to us when we see county employees doing things that are not right.  How do I know if it is something to report?  Is it something you would do? What should you report?  Is there a county vehicle parked at a business and the employee shopping or seem to be taking long breaks instead of working, are people going into county buildings at hours that are not appropriate.  Do not hesitate to call 911 if they are obviously breaking the law.  However, we know there are people in the county that hold grudges so this blog site allows you the opportunity to make an anonymous complaint.  Mr. Thompson needs to have enough information to ensure it is not a false complaint which is against the law and not protected speech, if you can safely take pictures do so if not provide all the details you can.  As a reporter, Mr Thompson would like to know who he is receiving information from and will keep it confidential.

For the common good of all of us and to keep our taxes low we owe it to ourselves and the good government employees to do our duty and report the wrong when we see it.  We owe it to ourselves to have the best government and employees in our county.  “For the Common Good. “


Alexander James Jay

P.S. I am not a lawyer so I am not giving you a legal definition but what these writings mean to me.

Free MP3 Music Download - Briareus - The Great Wheel - Jazz tune.  Very mellow and laid back cool tune.

(cc) Some Rights Reserved - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SAYou can copy, distribute, advertise and play this track as long as you:
  • Give credit to the artist
  • Don't use this album for commercial purposes
  • Distribute all derivative works under the same license

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Free Charlie Chan Comic Book

Free download from our Slideshare site.  Charlie Chan comic book.  For those who remember when comic books only cost 10 cents each.  This is sure to bring back a lot of memories for many people.  For others, it's a chance to get acquainted with some old time material that is rather entertaining.  Back in the 1930's through the 1950's, Charlie Chan mysteries reached a wide range of audiences through radio broadcast shows, movies and later, TV.  There were a series of books and as you can see, comic books as well.

  Entertainment has dramatically changed throughout the years, so this can easily be considered an historical piece.  This comic also contains original advertising of the period which are rather unique and fun to read in and of themselves.  So have fun with this piece.

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