Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Years Attending BOS Meetings

After years of attending Board of Supervisors meetings and dealing with county government, it has been made very clear that the BOS meetings are con jobs designed to appease the citizens and are a joke. Only when the masses have had enough and pile into a rare meeting, do the shill dictators who sit above you get scared enough to listen. Otherwise it's a dictatorship old world communist style and you might get a say but they simply do not care. These people are not worth your time or effort and definitely not worth a dime of your money. They use theft at gunpoint. Intimidation at gunpoint. They don't follow rules but demand you gunpoint. They bring you into court at the threat of gunpoint and jail. They steal from you through fake laws under the threat of loss of liberty at gunpoint. They are all criminals so you can only expect theft from them. But they insist it's for your own good. Horse Manure. These insane folks need to be dismantled permanently or as we continue to see, higher levels of theft is all you can count on at the expenses of your liberties and finances. They will only continue to usurp more from all of us. They believe they have that absolute right.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Vi-LIGHT ZONE: Community Meetings

Well, here we are folks! Welcome to the Vi-Light Zone where you just can't make none of this stuff up.

I went to a community meeting today, if that's what you want to call it.  It was the most ridiculous meeting I have ever been to! Now, let's be clear I have never been to a "community board meeting" and if this is how it's held, they sure could use some training. I have been to lots of meetings. I have always been to meetings where both sides are presented. Well, not here folks! This was elaborately designed to tell their side. If you know me, you know I had come prepared and done my research, but you had to wait until they wanted to "answer" your question. What nonsense! You can't offer feedback, and you must be good boys and girls if you want to be called on. And there are no cons being presented. Never mind the person trying to make the deal with the people promising to make them quite well off by installing solar panels are related to the head of the board of supervisors. No folks, you can't make this stuff up!

At one point a gentleman asked him to get back on the subject since "Tim" wanted to talk about a solar panels in New Jersey, which of course was pointed out by another gentleman that that was not even by water. Then A lady asked me if I was going to present my case, I said...."Heck they are only allowing questions. Well, she took herself up there and demanded answers and all "Tim" had to say was, sit down until I call on you for your question". Yea that! While some creepy lady tried to stare me down because I said the woman should be allowed to speak! It was like sitting in a third-grade classroom

Well, I'm tired but tomorrow morning bright and early I will break it down here for you. It may take me a little while but I will be including the links so you can see there are a lot of discrepancies in what they were presenting. I could have opened my folder and proven that. It was written so all could see with the link to find it but that wasn't what the meeting was for. It was to hear one side by a BOS with the same last name as the concerned party. The only two parties that will benefit from this ... Nope, you can't make this stuff up.

Recently, someone told me that people who usually fight the system around here turn up missing. All I got to say.... If I turn up missing or harassed, there are a whole lot of folks watching so, I'm good.

Alas for me, here I am on a mission to prove people are being lied to and some simple somebody like me is about to break it down for you, so you can see the discrepancies yourself in that meetings presentation. I won't sleep well until I do. In my opinion, a petition should be started now and if you have to go outside for help do it! I've never been all about family names running counties, I think that's hogwash anyways. How do you get credentials by your family name? Just cause daddy's a good man don't make him one. Y'all should ponder that. Afterall...look at the Murdaugh's. There's your best example and here are your minutes to the most bogus meeting I have ever witnessed. 

Look for my post tomorrow and thanks for visiting the Vi-Light Zone, where you just can't make this stuff up!