Freedom; a
word that is the foundation of a republic founded by our forefathers over 230
years ago and while the United States is not the only country in the world with
freedom we as Americans celebrate and cherish this privilege every day and
sorrowfully a lot of people overlook the freedom that we have. Along with
freedom also comes the word respect because our republic’s constitution was
written on compromise and respect.
Over the
years we had our battles within our country regarding tyranny, slavery, racial
and civil rights and these disagreements were bloody and long, but we worked
through the issues only after thousands of people died fighting for what they
thought was right. Whether the tyranny of King George or the tyranny of the
northern armies during the War Between the States, people died fighting for a
cause, unity and respect and while minorities such as the Irish, the Asians or
the Africans were not treated fairly for many years they have taken steps
forward in equality.
In the past
10 – 15 years a new battle has reappeared to the front stage of our country and
the world. We are fighting another war not with guns and close combat (yet) but
in the political arena of county, state and federal governments. Republicans
and Democrats are at odds at all levels of government spending the people’s
money and making decisions that are not in the best interest of the people, the
same people that these politicians are supposed to be working for and
representing. People are protesting in the chambers of congress and the senate
and in some cases these protests are violent and the appalling matter that
disturbs me is the amount of lies being fabricated to justify the agenda of
their political party. Totally sickening that we as a respected people on the
world stage that our elected officials have stooped to such low levels,
demonstrating how corrupt we as a nation have become and we as the people are
allowing this to happen.
Today we
argue about our President and while the Democrats deny his election they must
recognize that he is our President. Our elected officials are charged with
making decisions for the good of the people and not for the good of the vote or
their political career. While due diligence must be exercised when confirming
appointed positions, the people demand that the Constitution drafted and
adopted by our forefathers, be followed and not used as a guideline. We the
people deserve better and we the people demand that people start acting
responsibly and while just saying this is not going to make it happen we the
people must demand equal and fair treatment under the law and we need to make a
statement to the governing body that treason, perjury and intentional
defamation will not be tolerated and needs to be punished to the fullest extent
of the law, setting an example that these activities will no longer be
tolerated by the people.
In November
mid-term election are going to take place and a swing of power could take place
and while I am not suggesting or endorsing any one particular party or position,
but I encourage everyone reading this to research the candidates and their
platforms. America is waking up to all the corruption and scandals in
Washington, Richmond and Gloucester. We the People need to stand together and
forget white, black and racial differences because if they divide us as a
people they have conquered us as a people, we will lose our rights, freedom and
respect, not only on the world stage but with each other. It is time for
America to wake up the sleeping beast that we are and strengthen our country,
state and county. It is time for America to wake up, are you ready?
Your Humble
Dogood Lives