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Monday, August 16, 2010
Gloucester County Virginia, History Not Often Told
Battle of the Hook video clips as well as some very important history are in here. We were not aware of this video until today. It's one that every person in Gloucester County should see as well as everyone in the nation. It's about our nations history and Gloucester County's silent contributions to it. The video is 10 minutes long and very well done.
Gloucester County Renaissance Fest, Magic Show #1 And The Entire Show Posted Here
From the Gloucester County Renaissance Festival that was held here at the Historic Courthouse Circle in July, here is Mars Mandrake performing his magic act for those of us who attended. If you missed this festival, here is your chance to at least catch Mandrake's magic. This is a 6 video series and the entire show is posted right here on this site. This year was the 4th annual Renaissance Festival and it was yet another good one. Despite the small area in which it is performed in, these folks have a way of transforming time and taking you back to an era of old. We have more video from this years event and plenty of pictures which we are still working on. Some of it shot in HD and that takes a lot of time to process.
We even have a live interview with the King and Queen of the event and finally found our lost pictures from last year. So we have a lot to catch you up on. Enjoy the show.
Gloucester County Renaissance Fest, Magic Show #2
#2 in our video series of Mars Mandrake the Magnificent Magician. Gloucester County Renaissance Festival. July, 2010.
Gloucester County Renaissance Fest, Magic Show #3
#3 in our series of Mandrake's Magic. From the Gloucester County Renaissance festival. July, 2010. Gloucester County Historic Court House Circle.
Gloucester County Renaissance Fest, Magic Show #4
Here is number 4 in our series of Mandrake's Magic. Mars Mandrake the Magician. Live at the Gloucester County Renaissance Festival. July, 2010.
Gloucester County Renaissance Fest, Magic Show #5
#5 in our series of Mars mandrake the magnificent magician.
Gloucester County Renaissance Fest, Magic Show #6
This is the last in our series of 6 videos of Mars Mandrake the Magician from the Gloucester County Renaissance Festival. We hope you enjoyed the show and make the festival next year.
Gloucester County Renaissance Fest, Belly Dance Video
We are a bit late getting these up for everyone. Here is a video of Aela Badiana performing a belly dance at the Gloucester County 4th annual Renaissance Festival at the Historic Courthouse. Aela has a dance studio right here in the county is one of the most prolific dancers in her class. You can visit her web site and learn more about her and belly dancing by visiting her site. CLICK HERE.
Gloucester County Civil War Weekend, Early Pictures
The Last Muster Of Gloucester Militia, or the Civil War re enactments held at the Gloucester County Court House this weekend was a successful event for the county. A very nice showing from the community, supporting this event went over very well. As usual we were there taking a lot of pictures and video. We have a very rare and exclusive interview coming to this site soon, of General Robert E Lee. We will also be putting together some other videos and slide shows from this event for those of you who missed it. This was the counties second event. Next year's event will be held down at the point on May 8th, 2011. The Alliance will be included in the event as a ship that comes up to bombard the shores of Gloucester.
We will be promoting this event and have already made the arrangements to do so. Parking for next years event will NOT be available, everyone attending the event will need to be bused in to the event. This is for the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. So expect this to be very big. The county is already working with the state on this and the promotions should be much better than past promotions for county events. If we can, we will be shooting a number of promotional videos and getting them up in all the right places. These will be done in full HD. So clear your calendar for next year and plan on attending.
Gloucester County Public Service Announcement, Smokers
This is our own public service announcement. Please, please be very careful where you throw your cigarettes out when you are smoking and driving. The above pictures are at the local Wal Mart parking lot, the main drive into the lot, someone threw a cigarette out the window and into the mulch. The result was a mulch fire that damaged a bush and the roots of a young tree. Now legally, this is considered littering whenever you even throw a cigarette out the window, but just about every smoker does this, so I am not picking on smokers here. Where you throw your cigarette butts does make a difference. Especially in this heat with little rain. So let's have a little more consideration out there for everyone else. Thank you.
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