Monday, October 4, 2010

Watch TV On Your Computer, Free Simpsons TV Program

Here is a free TV program for you to watch.

Blue Grass Music From The Last Muster, Civil War Days, Gloucester Courthouse

More blue Grass music from the Last Muster event here in Gloucester.

Last Muster Of The Civil War, Gloucester Courthouse, Video

Some more video from the Last Muster of the Civil War at the Gloucester County Historic Courthouse Circle. Next year's event will be held in May and down at the point on the water. We are already scheduled to be there and will be doing a lot of early promotions on this.

Hip Expressions Tribal Dance, White Marsh Shopping Center

The nice folks over at Hip Expressions gave a grand show at the event this past weekend at the White Marsh Shopping Center. Aela Badiana and her crew performed some tribal dance moves for the crowd. One of the events best shows. Hip Expressions has their studio at this shopping center, so for you ladies interested in learning more about his art form of dance or maybe taking off a few pounds and having fun doing so, this is a great place to consider. You can visit Aele at her web site as well by Clicking Here.

Last Muster Of The Civil War, Gloucester, Virginia

Some more video from the Last Muster. We will get slide shows up and a lot more video soon. Enjoy.

Last Muster Of The Civil War, Gloucester Courthouse

We have a lot of catching up to do. This past summer we shot so much video and an incredible amount of pictures, processing all of it has proven to be a major job. Also with a death in the family, we had to take a break and travel out of town for awhile. Now we are trying to play catch up on so much that we are sitting on. Here is a music video we shot at the Last Muster, August 17th, 2010, Civil War Days at the historic courthouse circle. This was a great event put on by the county. We have a ton of pictures and video from this event that we also plan on sharing. So hold on everyone as we catch up on all the news.

World Famous 1,900 Year Old Log Home, VA State Fair

Another great site at the Virginia State Fair was this 1,900 year old log home. The wood work inside was spectacular. This log home is only 3 rooms. But you would be surprised just how much room 1 or two people had in it. Now for a family of 3 or more, it would not work, but for one or two, it was comfortable. Not something one could really live in though. No bathroom or showers. Otherwise it was nice.

Pig Racing From The Virginia State Fair

We went to the State Fair on the 3rd day of opening. We have a number of pictures to share as well as a number of videos from the event. This video is of the pig races that were held there. Very funny. This was one of the shows that made the trip worth while.

AWE At The White Marsh Shopping Center

On Saturday, October 2nd, 2010, there was an event at the White Marsh Shopping Center. We managed to get there for awhile and captured some of the highlights for you. This is a slide show of the AWE's first two matches. We were not able to stay for the entire event as we had other commitments. We have other slide shows from the event that we will be posting very soon. It was a great time.