Thursday, May 23, 2013

7th Virginia Return To Gloucester - American Revolution This Saturday

The 7th Virginia regiment returns to Gloucester this Saturday, May 25th, 2013.  The volunteers interpret colonial era military movements and demonstrate musket firing as well as canon fire.  This is a once a year event and is only for one day.  If you have never had the opportunity to see these demonstrations, we highly recommend them.

The volunteers all recreate a very authentic colonial militia camp and atmosphere.  The 7th Virginia regiment even has a doctor on hand interpreting colonial medical care.

The above video gives you an idea of some of the demonstrations.

We checked the weather forecast and we are looking at a nice cool overcast day. Temperatures in the lower 70's.  No rain.  Good day to attend this event.  

The good doctor is always a hit as he has a great display and really knows his medicinal history.  Time travel is possible, so come out and support the 7th Virginia Regiment and travel back in time to America's colonial era.  You won't be disappointed.

Free MP3 music download. -  Ivan Dolgunov - classical Bach.

Bach Suite C-dur Prelude  Download Link.  Our way of saying thanks for spending time with us.

(cc) Some Rights Reserved - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SAYou can copy, distribute, advertise and play this track as long as you:
  • Give credit to the artist
  • Don't use this album for commercial purposes
  • Distribute all derivative works under the same license

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New Gift Shop Now Open - Features Gloucester Virginia Souvenirs.

Battle of the Hook - Collector's Plate 2 

Above is a picture of one of our new collector plates featuring a scene from the Battle of the Hook.  We have been working hard the past few days on getting a new online store up featuring all kinds of souvenirs that are just not available anywhere else.  We have everything from a Gloucester County, Virginia poster to postcards, Battle of the Hook ties, t-shirts for Gloucester and Battle of the Hook, an exclusive Gloucester Civil War print, Rosewell print, and a lot more coming.  Towards the top of this site is the links bar for various sections and links to other areas of local interest.  One of the new options is a link to the Gift Shop. The gift shop link takes you to the new store.

  This gift shop will also be featuring historical collectibles from all around the state of Virginia.  Each item is exclusive.  Retailers can order quantities at discounts to make these items available in their own stores.  At the bottom of this site is a new feature that shows the newest items available for purchase now.  We are creating new items each day.  is the link to the new gift shop.

We have over 100 products that will all be available by May 24th, 2013.  Within the next few weeks we should have hundreds more.  Our goal is to provide the world's largest collection of custom historical collectibles and souvenirs before the year is up.

Free MP3 Music download.  - KhaRMa - Linde Sagen - Faded Flowers - Is the download with this article.  Download link.

(cc) Some Rights Reserved - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SAYou can copy, distribute, advertise and play this track as long as you:
  • Give credit to the artist
  • Don't use this album for commercial purposes
  • Distribute all derivative works under the same license

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We cover what no one else will.
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Let Them Not Take Our Freedom's - Alexander James Jay

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia,

For the Common Good.“  Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States?  How about the Constitution of Virginia?
Happy Memorial Day to you!
Today we honor the men and women of our great country that have given service in the time of need to obtain and maintain our freedoms.  Virginia has given up many sons and daughters in the many wars since the beginning of our county. Some gave all for the cause they believed in.  We have many veterans that we live near or work with daily.

Let’s look at their accomplishments.  We won our independence from a county that did not respect our rights as citizens of that country, a country that placed unfair taxes on us.  There are many things that we fought for, read our Declaration of Independence to remember.  We have been in many wars over the years to maintain our way of life and to help others to obtain the freedoms that we have.

As our politicians like to ask us let us give back the freedoms that were fought for many times over.  They will give us security in exchange for giving up these freedoms.  Let’s think about that for a moment.  The countries without freedoms are the ones we have fought with during the many wars we have been in.  Did those countries have security? No.  They were little better than slaves to the powers in charge.  It took many years for all of our citizens to be given freedom and we should not allow our politicians to take away our freedoms.

How can we ensure our security, not by taking away our rights.  We are a commonwealth; “for the common good.“  We need to stand together, looking out for each other the way we have done in the past.  We are stronger together than separately.  Look what Virginia’s sons and daughters accomplished working together with other like minded individuals.  Virginia’s sons and daughters and those of the other 12 Colonies did not look at how different we were from one another but how we are alike; the things we have in common, our love of freedom, family, and the belief that others should not tell us how we can live. Because of their sacrifices we have our great country and the ability to honor those that have given us our freedom.

To survive and return to our greatness, before our current recession, we need to focus on how we are alike not how we are different.  We need to remember the freedoms in the Bill of Rights – Speech, Religion, etc and that we do not dictate terms to our neighbors we take care of our own house, but remember to look out for our neighbors.

For our veterans of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Merchant Marines, and Navy and families of these service members thank you for the love of and service to our county.


Alexander James Jay

Have you read the Declaration of Independence?  Here it is if you have not.

United States of America" target="_blank">Declaration of Independence - United States of America from Chuck Thompson

And now our Bill of Rights:  The original 10.

Free MP3 Music Download - From PremiumMusic - Cinematic, Patriotic, Slow.

Our way of saying thanks for spending time with us.
(cc) Some Rights Reserved - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-NDYou can copy, distribute, advertise and play this track as long as you:
  • Give credit to the artist
  • Don't alter, transform or build upon this album
  • Don't use this album for commercial purposes

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Numerous Complaints Of County Official Abuses of Position

We have received not one, but multiple complaints asking some valid questions. These are verified complaints that we are reporting on here.  One email sent to us reads as follows.

"Letter to the editor,

I wrote to you a few weeks ago about seeing a Gloucester County Animal Control truck being used for personal business.  I bring to your attention something much more disturbing.  Saturday evening I was traveling up Rt 17, a couple of minutes after 7:00 PM, I was at the intersection of Providence Road and Rt 17 stopped at the stoplight.  I noticed the County Garage had a garage door open, southern door, a private owned vehicle with a woman and a child in the car was going into the garage.  I have some very serious questions that should to be answered:

  1. Why was the garage open on Saturday night?
  2. Was the employee on the clock working on a privately owned vehicle?
  3. What are non-county employees doing in the garage after hours?
  4. Is the insurance company aware that these types of abuses are going on?
This appears to be a very large case of fraud, waste, and abuse by a County Employee. Are things like this going on causing county taxes to be as high as they are?"

Date of occurrence is Saturday, May 18th, 2013.   

We verified the above report with another witness to this incident.  What we learned was that the vehicle was a mid sized vehicle with a light metallic paint.
The people seen going in opened the garage door quickly and then proceeded to move the vehicle in as fast as possible then closing the garage door quickly to attract as little attention as possible.  So we are able to determine that it is a county employee with access to a key to the building.  The time frame is not in a usual county hours of operation.  

  If the people entering the building had a right to be there, why move a personal vehicle into the building?  This leaves open very valid questions as to what is going on.  Are county employees ordering parts for their personal vehicles and installing them at taxpayer expense?  Were the employees stealing tools or other equipment?  Once they opened the garage and turned on even one light, it was at taxpayer expense.  Were these people trying to hide something?  Were they trying to move something that they have been hiding?  All fair questions.  The building in question is the white building on the left hand side of the above picture.  The stoplight in question is also visible in the above picture.

  Your tax dollars working hard to enrich others.

Free MP3 Music Download - Flat People- Oh Conspiracy - is the track for this post.  Our way of saying thanks for spending time with us.  

    (cc) Some Rights Reserved - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-NDYou can copy, distribute, advertise and play this track as long as you:
  • Give credit to the artist
  • Don't alter, transform or build upon this album
  • Don't use this album for commercial purposes

 For all the latest news, please click on the Home button towards the top of this site.  
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Some of Gloucester's most incredible history is found on this site in detail.
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We cover what no one else will.

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