Saturday, March 16, 2013

Gloucester, VA, County Attorney Ted Wilmot Lying To Board of Supervisors?

The above video clip is a behavioral analysis of Ted Wilmot during two Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors meetings.  In our opinion he was lying on both clips, however, his actions on the second clip are more clear than they are on the first.  We took video clips from various You Tube posts that are experts in the field of detecting when people are lying and incorporated them in with clips from Gloucester County Board of Supervisor meeting video clips.

  The results speak for themselves and we suggest you make up your own mind on whether or not you think this man is lying to his bosses.  What we do know.  In the first clip, Ted Wilmot says that he and Animal Control were on top of changes to state law and county ordinances well before we started our complaints on the ordinances being in violation of state law.  In the second clip, Mr Wilmot dropped that argument.  What we had pointed out to Mr Wilmot is that his proposed changes to section 3-15 that were published on January 2nd, for that first clip meeting, were still in violation of state law.  After we pointed that out, the county had published the changes and they are all found on this site.

  So he did have to change the January 2nd, Animal Control ordinances proposal  per part of our suggestions to meet state law requirements.  That's how we knew he was lying in the second clip.  We have a copy of the original proposal and it's on this site and we have the changed proposal on this site as well.

  But lets go even further.  The state laws changed back in 2011.  Why did both Animal Control and Ted Wilmot wait until 2013 to play catch up?  Let's make it worse.  We have already shown on this site that the new ordinances still have violations to state laws.  That means Mr Wilmot is lying down on the job of protecting the county.

  Just when you think we are done.  Mr Wilmot prosecuted a woman in a Gloucester Court with a supposed violation to section 3-15 which is the ordinance that was being changed because it was in violation of state laws, only a few days after this meeting.  He knew he was prosecuting a person with an ordinance that was not valid.  Still more.  The judge for the case, went along with the prosecution filing misdemeanor charges, court costs and penalties.  They are still forcing this woman to pay those fees for an ordinance violation that in itself was a violation of state law.

  Welcome to the new wild wild west.

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Spinning The Trilateral Secret Government of Gloucester, VA

If we were asked to spin a story on the Trilateral secret government of Gloucester, how would we do it?  First we would belittle the notion that there was any such thing and that it is all the crazy idea of a local deranged person.  We would talk about all the positive works that the three groups under the Trilateral secret government have done for the county.

  We would say that we were opening up all the books and records to public inspection for anyone to take a look at as there is nothing to hide.  We would spin the concept of Gloucester County Officials being on the boards of these 3 non profit private enterprises has only been a positive thing.  (Even though it is considered a violation of law as we know it).  We would also point out that these organizations and the county share common goals.  We would deny and wrong doing and that any secret meetings or back room deals have ever happened or would ever happen.

  That is how we would spin this.  It would be with a lot of news stories on all the wonderful things, events, ideas, and past successes that have made Gloucester County a better place.  We do not deny that the three organizations have made positive contributions to the community.  The real problems exist in the closed secret meetings that of course they would deny but are required to have.  You do not have open public board meetings for private entities.

  There is no way to prove that secret back room deals have not been made.  It is very clear that the county is promoting the agenda of these three organizations.  A clear violation of the public trust and a very serious threat to the entire county. That's the spin.  How would you spin it?

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

TTC Media Surpasses The Million Viewers Mark

TTC Media, the parent of GVLN and a number of other sites across the Internet has surpassed the million viewers worldwide mark with fans growing from all over the globe following numerous sites and media.

  That's a major mark for any media concern on the Internet today with all the competition out there.  TTC Media is completely independent with no outside capital investments into the concern.  Compromised of a small but highly dedicated staff in various areas around the nation and it's main office having moved to California some months ago, TTC Media has major plans to continue it's growth.

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  New deals are being looked at and new media outlets are being explored and devised.  Thanks to the Internet, media can be moved very fast from one area to another with almost no delays these days.  We are looking more and more at the live video feeds area of media and have had the capabilities for the past two years without a lot of use for it.  Now we are looking at new ways to take advantage of this growing area of media.  Expect a lot of new and exciting ideas coming soon.

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New Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors Web Site Now Up

A new blog web site titled Gloucester, VA Board of Supervisors is now up.  This site is not run by the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors but is instead one of our many new sub sites where we are covering more and more detail about the county at every level.  As we said, we are now going to flood the search engines with all kinds of sites and pages to make sure that you are getting all the latest news that the controlled press won't report.  This is the link for the new site. It will be covering news you may miss from the Board of Supervisors meetings.

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New Gloucester White House On the Hill Web Site Now Up

The all new Gloucester White House on the Hill web site is now up and running. This site is meant to poke fun at Gloucester County.  There is even a Gloucester County Anthem on the site.  It has just started so give it time.
is the link to the new site.  Something new to lighten up the day.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Gloucester, VA's Trilateral Secret Government Now Exposed

Gloucester, VA's very own Trilateral secret government is now exposed.  This is shear conspiracy and it is now safe to say that there can now be no public trust of our county government.  It has been fully compromised by special interests.  We posted the news last night how Louise Theberge, Chairperson of the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors is also a board member on the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust.  This is beyond a conflict of interest and now there is no way of telling just where Gloucester County government begins or where it ends.

This means that secret meetings that concern county government can and most likely are going on behind closed doors and that secret deals are being made that no one outside those rooms will ever know about.  That means full deniability exists for any accusations for wrong doing can be made because there is no way to prove it because those meetings were closed.

  This means that Gloucester's own special interests now control your tax dollars and can use it to enrich themselves.  There is no way to tell just how many county officials have been compromised.  We know that several board members have as well as numerous officials just based on the video clip we posted last night.

  Expect full deniability that any kind of wrong doing is going on. Expect only a positive spin to be created around this if they ever even bother to discuss it.  No one is going to shoot themselves or each other in the head.  You won't read about this in the local paper either as we would highly suggest that they are part of the partnership.  You have to control the local media to stay out of the lime light and to also create positive news stories around it all.

  This also means that you have no chance of getting anything put through the county that the Trilateralist's do not approve of.  There is no way of knowing then who really controls the government in the county other than special interests.

  Could it be that the reason for the new proposed water and sewage fees that the county wants passed against the citizens to free up the general fund is so that the general fund will have more money to be raided by the special interests?  It's a fair question at this point.  The special interests are composed of a local well know construction company, well known lawyers, and well known suppliers.

  Lets meet the Trilateral Secret Government Again.  At the top of the snake is the Cook Foundation.  Next is the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust.  Third in line is the Gloucester Main Street Association.  That is the peeking order.  Again we have to ask, what is the purpose of three non profit groups all getting involved in promoting anything in the county if there is no money involved in it?  There has to be a profit motive.  Why would any private non profit entity want to promote bringing in new business into the county unless there was money to be made from doing so?

  There is money to be made from doing so and that is by taking over sections of the local government and playing a third party roll in all of it.  Setting up secret sweetheart deals that provide kickback donations?  You really need to look at the web sites of these entities and read between the lines.  In general, they are not at all logical.

Here are the links;  The Cook Foundation  Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust  Gloucester Main Street Association

  The Gloucester Main Street Association still has facts about Gloucester County that are wrong on their site.  Gloucester is not the Daffodil Capital of the world.  Never has been and is not likely to ever be.  Yet somehow the county has managed to steal the name as a title only.  Holland is the world's largest producer of the bulbs and England is the world's largest producer of cut Daffodils as well as using Daffodils for making medicine.  Gloucester County is also not Virginia's oldest living village.  Gloucester is an offspring of York County.  So Gloucester is older how?  But then again these people make up their own rules, their own laws and whatever else benefits them even when they violate state laws.

  They are more than happy to make up ways to prosecute you when they are the ones who should be prosecuted.  We don't make this stuff up.  It's all there right in front of you.  Watch their videos and read who is on certain boards.  It''s as plain as the nose on your face that you do not see until you look in the mirror.

  These people think they have a right to do this and that you are nothing more than cattle.  Welcome to the real world.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Readers Respond To Gloucester Main Street Village New Site

One of our readers has just sent us a response to a recent story.  It's about our new web site, Gloucester Main Street Village.

"So you show the not so nice side of Main Street ... fine. What is the story behind the buildings that do not look so good. Why not write about the background to the buildings not blatantly misrepresent a good thing such as the community wide trash pick up with orange bags.

You could be performing a good community service with this site and instead you chose this sophmoric action.

You have heard from me before ... on the Animal Control ordinance."

First off, thank you again for taking the time to comment on our work.  We do appreciate it.  Second, we think you will find the answer to your comment on the post just below this one and we believe it will be an answer that is more than you bargained for.  You can not begin to understand the pain that this type of research causes all of us.  We keep unraveling unbelievable crap that sickens us to the bones and at times does make us physically sick.  What is the future you want for all our children, our grand children, our future generations?  What kind of community do you wish to live in?  Do you want government officials that can come into your home whenever they feel like it, take whatever they want and then do to you and your family whatever they want to?  

  That isn't what we want.  Let's look at good community service.  We are aware of an individual who tried to produce post cards for the county as he noticed that the county lacked them.  It's great for tourism.  He approached the county about producing post cards for the county.  The county said no thanks, they produce their own.  What is government doing producing goods that is supposed to be the domain of private industry hence locking out private industry from even being able to produce?  You can not compete against the government.  

  The government has no business competing against private businesses.  Yet Gloucester County is doing just that.  Locking out private enterprise.  That is big government getting bigger and more dangerous.  By the way, the government official who told this person that the government produced their own post cards and were not interested in private industry competition was no other than Hilton Snowdon, one of the people involved below in a major conflict of interest with his county job and private non profit board status with the Gloucester Main Street Association.  Hope that answers your concern.  Thank you again for the comment.

  Oh wait, the orange bag thing.  The county found a bunch of suckers to clean up the trash produced by major corporations who spend billions convincing us we need their garbage and then blame us because the crap they produce does not break down?  Great plan.  Another sucker buys the cool aid and drinks freely.  Like I said, it's trash left in by the building.

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Is Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust Bribing Gloucester Officials?

The video above is provided by the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors and the clip is used under the fair use act of the US.  In Gloucester's own Board of Supervisor's meeting, you will see Anne Ducey-Ortiz admitting that the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust provided food during meetings with Gloucester County Officials.  One of these officials is a member of the Board of Supervisors.  Seems innocent until you start to look at the rules and regulations that government officials must abide by to avoid even the appearance of  a potential bribe.  We went to one of our inside government contacts to get more information on this.  What we were told is that in the Federal Government, a gift of up to $20.00, one time, is acceptable, but even something as simple as on going taking of a free cup of coffee is considered to be a bribe by the Federal Government.

  In other words, a one time meeting between Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust and Gloucester County Government Officials could have food as long as the amount was kept below or at the top level of $20.00 per person.  More than one time on accepting food during a private concern meeting under federal regulations and the officials would now be under investigation for accepting bribes if they were federal employees.  We do not know what state law says on this at this time but we are going to look into it.

  We are not saying that bribes have taken place, but we are saying that it looks like bribes may have actually taken place and requires further investigation.  Another question that needs to be asked is why is a private concern such as the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust so tied up with Gloucester County Government and why is Gloucester County Government so tied up with a private concern?

  Which we still have another question.  What is a Gloucester County Official, employed by the county, doing on the board of a private concern as the Gloucester Main Street Association?  This is a very clear conflict of interest.

Note the name on meet the board above from the Gloucester Main Street Association, Hilton Snowdon.

Now note the same name from the Gloucester County Government Site, Hilton Snowdon as the Tourism Director.  Clear conflict of interest.  But then again, these are the same people that have consistently shown violations to the public trust by allowing numerous other conflicts of interest to continue to exist throughout the county such as Animal Control Officer Jeff Stilman's Pet Cremation business, Carl Shipley's Carpet cleaning business and another Animal Control Officer's Buy It Used Store that looks like a county used furniture outlet store.

NOW FOR BREAKING NEWS!  While we were putting this altogether, we just found a major conflict of interest.  Louise Theberge is on the board of the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust.  This screen capture proves it.

Under other board members, Louise Theberge, Chair of the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors is listed as a member of the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust.  A serious conflict of interest.  No wonder the county lets others get away with all these other violations.  

  So what we really have uncovered here is two non profit organizations, the Gloucester Main Street Association and the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust has successfully infiltrated the Gloucester County Government and become a secret government that private business or citizens have no chance of winning against.  These two private non profit organizations fall under the Cook Foundation also located in the Main Street Village located at the old Coke Building.  

  Now for the final question of why the Gloucester Main Street Village has been expanded beyond the original 2010 Frazier plan that was only covering the Gloucester Main Street area businesses.  The answer as to why it was expanded is very simple.  The statistics under the Frazier plan most likely did not support business investment into the Gloucester Main Street Village as it then stood.  It could not support it now.  In order to inflate the statistics to show that the concept could be sold, the big box retailers had to be incorporated to get the proper numbers.  Without those numbers a reasonable business person would not look the other way, they would run the other way as fast as they could all the while laughing at such an absurd presentation.

  One can easily see by spending a day counting foot traffic in the Gloucester Main Street Business District, that there are not enough people to support a new business unless that business was very unique and special and could attract business no matter where it went.

This is your tax dollars being used against you in the most foul violations to the public trust we have seen to date.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Gloucester Main Street, New Web Site Now Up

Gloucester Main Street Village, a new web site has gone up today. and is one of our new sites.  We put this site up to show everyone the other side of the Gloucester Main Street Village that neither Gloucester County officials want to show nor the Gloucester Main Street Association wants to promote.  There are two sides to every story and we decided that it was time to show the second side of that story.  This is just one of many Gloucester, VA sites we are now putting up.  We think it's only fair to now flood the search engines with sites and pages as the Gloucester County government site has been flooding the search engines with pages in order to knock down any negative information that may show up against the county.

  Two can play the game.  We are now developing a complete series of sites on various hosts and all with links back to this main site.  The objective is to get the information back into the hands of the people and stop the county from flooding the search engines.  It's a cat and mouse game.  These sites will also bring a lot more information into the hands of everyone and will now expand on various subject matters in greater detail.  So everyone will win and the county will have to spend a greater deal of time and your tax dollars trying to knock down all the flooding that will be coming.  Enjoy.

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