If you are looking for a really good book to read, may we recommend the book, Jane, by Donald J. Devine. We recently met the author, Mr Devine who was kind enough to give us an overview of this new book which is the first book in a four part series. Here is Mr Devine's Synopsis of the book.
Jane is a teenage slave who falls in love, but it is a forbidden love - doomed to have a tragic end. Before that can happen, she finds herself in an unexpected and violent escape.
She experiences an adventurous and harrowing flight as she tries to find freedom and a settled life. She meets interesting people and challenging situations along the way, and, grows into a confident and successful young woman.
This is a story of adventure, a coming of age, and the meaning of love and affection. It includes tales of the Underground Railroad, ambushes, narrow escapes, rescue missions, robberies, chases, life among the Quakers and Dunkards of Pennsylvania, scenes from life among the slaves and gentry in Virginia, high pitched political emotions, an election, secession and battling armies.
It explores the attitudes and values of people in both the North and the South in the critical months leading up to the Civil War, the continues through the first major events of the war: the riots in Baltimore, the siege of Washington and the first battle at Bull Run.
Local Interest; The novel is largely set in Virginia, with important action taking place in Williamsburg, Richmond, Norfolk, and along the Chesapeake Bay.
This is a book with a lot of local interest, set during the period of the Civil War. One does not need to be a Civil War buff to appreciate this book. The book's characters and it's opening setting are fictitious, however, the book is based on historical facts that have been very well researched by the author. Don Devine does a great job in keeping the reader glued to the book at all times as this story has a story behind the story.
Here is a link to Don Devine's web site where you can learn more about the book as well as finding the best way to buy a copy for yourself or to give as a gift this Christmas season. Coldriverbooks.com just click the name and it will take you right to the site.