Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A History of County Names In Virginia

English: Virginia population map based on Cens...
English: Virginia population map based on Census 2000. See the data lineage for a description of the process. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are taking a few days off as a number of us have developed colds.  So that we are not missed to much, we are posting this history book for you to enjoy and research.  It's a history of the names behind the counties of Virginia.  A fascinating read if you are into that kind of stuff.  If not, this site is so loaded with information it's hard to be missed at this point.

Virginia County Names - A History from Chuck Thompson

Enjoy and we will be back as soon as we can.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Virginia Council On Women Presents Report on Working Women in Virginia

Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell speaking at...
 Gage Skidmore,  Photographer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
~ Council Makes Recommendations Aimed at Improving the Lives of Working Women in the Commonwealth ~
Report can be found here.

RICHMOND- The Virginia Council on Women today presented Governor Bob McDonnell with the final report on working women in Virginia. In February 2013, Governor McDonnell charged the Council to look at all aspects of state government and develop recommendations for consideration. The Council, through a special subcommittee on working women, considered recommendations aimed at improving the lives of working women in Virginia. On Wednesday September 18th the Council unanimously approved twenty-nine recommendations targeted at entrepreneurship, education and health, state services and the role of the Council.

            Speaking about the meeting, Governor McDonnell said, “Women in Virginia make up more than half of our workforce.  Every day they balance home and career. This subcommittee was tasked with identifying ways by which state government can help in this ongoing effort. I am pleased to receive this thoughtful report from the Virginia Council on Women. I look forward to further reviewing the Council’s recommendations with my Cabinet and implementing positive changes to better assist working women and their families across the Commonwealth.”

Tracy Key, Virginia Council on Women Chairwoman, remarked, “Identifying ways state government can streamline and improve efficiency of services not only benefits working women but all Virginians.  The Council on Women is pleased to present our recommendations and appreciates all who contributed towards this report.”

            Dawn James, chairwoman of the special committee on working women, said “I am confident these recommendations will not only improve the lives of working women but of all Virginians. It has been my pleasure to lead this special committee on working women. Together, we identified several commonsense ideas to help women in Virginia better interact with state government.”

            For more information about the Virginia Council on Women visit

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Global Poker Games

North American Xbox cover art
North American Xbox cover art (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We ran across an article that had this video with it and found it rather interesting.  Though we do not fully buy into everything they are claiming, we can not dismiss some of the material as we have run across it before and it showed to have substantial merit.  Claiming governments to be mere corporations does not fly with us.  It contains no logic.  We do understand how they make this claim based on our own documentary library we maintain on Slideshare that we have yet to fully publish here with notes.  But we still do not agree with the conclusions.

  Below is the document statements that go along with the video.

Global Poker Games from Chuck Thompson

On further research, we will continue this into a series as it has led to other highly interesting documents and information.  Not what we expected to find and all of amazing value.  Some of the arguments in the document appear valid when checked with other sources and some do not check out at all.

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Virginia Ken Cuccinelli's Conflict of Interest Concerns

Ken Cuccinelli (R)
Ken Cuccinelli (R) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli is responsible for providing advice to the state Board of Elections on legal issues relating to campaigns and elections — including his own campaign for governor.

That means he's responsible for issuing legal opinions about the implementation of voting and election laws, and will be the Board's go-to lawyer if there are any problems or irregularities on Election Day!

If Ken Cuccinelli wants to resolve this stunning conflict of interest, he should recuse himself and his office from election matters immediately.

Ken Cuccinelli isn't the first Attorney General to run for governor of Virginia. But he did break a long-standing bipartisan tradition by flat out refusing to step down during the campaign.

In recent history, former attorneys generals have resigned because of the time commitments of a gubernatorial campaign (when Governor McDonnell stepped aside, he said a campaign "preclude[s] you from working full-time as attorney general") and because of the inevitable conflicts of interest that arise for any attorney general who is also a candidate for governor.

Earlier this month, the Daily Press Editorial Board called on Cuccinelli to step aside, explaining, "if a Democratic campaign needs clarification on a legal matter, it must seek guidance from an office headed by the Republican candidate for governor. And if questions arise for the GOP, the attorney general's office cannot be expected to give counsel to a ticket headed by its own boss."

From the Terry McAuliffe camp.  Sent via email to us.  It's about time that his staff actually sent something worth looking at and reporting and even better yet, without asking for money as well.  And this time we have to admit, it looks like he's right.  There is a very real potential for a conflict of interest here that is not in the least bit fair.  Now we will not try and pretend that we like McAuliffe, we don't.  But this is inexcusable by the Cuccinelli Camp and of very serious concern.  Cuccinelli either needs to step down from his position as Attorney General or leave the race.  

A very black eye for the Cuccinelli camp.

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Centenary Cookbook - Free Recipes

Centenary Cookbook Free- E-Book from Chuck Thompson

To read full screen, left click the icon on the far right bottom of the above Slideshare container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  To download a free copy of this e-book, please visit our Slideshare account.  Lot's of great ideas in this book.

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Liberty's Kids 21, Sybil Ludington - Battle of the Hook Pre Show.

Liberty's Kids episode number 21, Sybil Ludington.  Pre show for the upcoming Battle of the Hook re enactment coming up very soon here in Gloucester, Virginia.  See below for further details.

Gloucester, VA Links and News Battle of the Hook pre show from Chuck Thompson

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FEDERALIST Papers No. 18 Insufficiency of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union - Continued

For the New York Packet. Friday, December 7, 1787


To the People of the State of New York:

AMONG the confederacies of antiquity, the most considerable was that of the Grecian republics, associated under the Amphictyonic council. From the best accounts transmitted of this celebrated institution, it bore a very instructive analogy to the present Confederation of the American States.

The members retained the character of independent and sovereign states, and had equal votes in the federal council. This council had a general authority to propose and resolve whatever it judged necessary for the common welfare of Greece; to declare and carry on war; to decide, in the last resort, all controversies between the members; to fine the aggressing party; to employ the whole force of the confederacy against the disobedient; to admit new members. The Amphictyons were the guardians of religion, and of the immense riches belonging to the temple of Delphos, where they had the right of jurisdiction in controversies between the inhabitants and those who came to consult the oracle. As a further provision for the efficacy of the federal powers, they took an oath mutually to defend and protect the united cities, to punish the violators of this oath, and to inflict vengeance on sacrilegious despoilers of the temple.

In theory, and upon paper, this apparatus of powers seems amply sufficient for all general purposes. In several material instances, they exceed the powers enumerated in the articles of confederation. The Amphictyons had in their hands the superstition of the times, one of the principal engines by which government was then maintained; they had a declared authority to use coercion against refractory cities, and were bound by oath to exert this authority on the necessary occasions.

Very different, nevertheless, was the experiment from the theory. The powers, like those of the present Congress, were administered by deputies appointed wholly by the cities in their political capacities; and exercised over them in the same capacities. Hence the weakness, the disorders, and finally the destruction of the confederacy. The more powerful members, instead of being kept in awe and subordination, tyrannized successively over all the rest. Athens, as we learn from Demosthenes, was the arbiter of Greece seventy-three years. The Lacedaemonians next governed it twenty-nine years; at a subsequent period, after the battle of Leuctra, the Thebans had their turn of domination.

Read the rest below.

Federalist Papers No. 18 Preserving The Union from Chuck Thompson

Liberty Education Series.

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Secret Societies and Subversive Movements

English: Skull and Crossbones, with the captio...
English: Skull and Crossbones, with the caption "Secret Societies" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
" There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House... I mean
the secret societies.... It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal,
that a great part of Europe-the whole of Italy and France and a great portion
of Germany, to say nothing of other countries-is covered with a network of
those secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered
with railroads. And what are their objects? They do not attempt to conceal
them. They do not want constitutional government: they do not want ameliorated institutions... they want to change the tenure of land, to drive out the
present owners of the soil and to put an end to ecclesiastical establishments.
Some of them may go further..."
— (DISRAELI in the House of Commons, July 14, 1856.)

From the book below;

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements from Chuck Thompson

Some more history written about secret societies in the past.  An historical view of what they are and what they are about.  Of course they will tell you otherwise, however, it's hard to argue against history.  To read the above in full screen mode, left click the icon at the far bottom right of the Slideshare container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Free downloads of this book is available from our Slideshare site.

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Secret Societies Incompatible With Christianity A History

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...
Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglican Church, Ashfield, New South Wales. Illustrates Jesus' description of himself "I am the Good Shepherd" (from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 11). This version of the image shows the detail of his face. The memorial window is also captioned: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70 Yrs." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Religion of Secret Societies is Anti-christian.
Secret Societies are classified thus: (1) religious, (2)
social or insurance, (3) economic or labor organizations.
While the various secret orders have different names, rites,
forms, and obligations, they have a principle that is common.
The Grange, a more recent order, was cunningly designed
to catch the farmer. Their general secretary, Mr.
Kelly, says: "Many of our originators were Masons and
Odd-fellows," A. B. Crosh, author of " Odd-fellow's Manual,"
prepared the Granger's Ritual.

 There is a kindred spirit running through all secret orders. To condemn one is to condemn all. The different secret orders have each an authorized officer to lead their religious services, whom they
call Chaplain, Prelate or Priest. 

They also have an altar and
a ritual Their various services, installations, dedications,
and burials, would readily impress an observer that they
are a religious people, while some members of secret orders
claim their system to be only a hand-maid to religion,
a refined system of morality, or a mutual aid society. We
have before us a number of their standard authors, claiming
their system to be a religious one. We quote as follows:
"All the ceremonies of our order are prefaced and terminated
with prayer, because Masonry is a religious institution."
("Mackey's Lexicon on Freemasonry," page 369.) "The
meeting of a Masonic Lodge is strictly a religious ceremony.
So broad is the religion of Masonry, and so carefully are all
sectarian tenets excluded from the system, that the Christian
the Jew, and the Mohammedan, in all their numberless
sects and divisions, may and do harmoniously combine in its
moral and intellectual work, with the Buddhist, Parsee, the
Confucian, and the worshiper of the Deity under every
form." ("Freemason's Monitor," by Thomas Smith Webb,
pages 286 and 287.)

These authors emphatically declare their system to be
a religion,—the religion of Masonry. It is a fact that not
only the tenets of Christian religion are excluded, but even
the name of Christ is studiously excluded from their prayers.
On page 166, " Odd-fellow's Pocket Companion," by
Donaldson, we read, u using none other than the prescribedform
of prayer" Think of professed ministers, elders, bishops,
prominent divines, leaders of the people, offering up prayers,
leaving Christ,—their only advocate,—not once named.
To us it looks like sacrilege.

On page 226, " Freemason'sMonitor," by Z. A. Davis, the author, in giving the outlinesof the Royal Arch Degree, quotes the sacred words of the
apostle Paul, in 2 Thess. 3; 6-17. The name " Lord Jesus Christ," occurring in verses 6 and 12 is omitted, without
any marks of omission. The same omission in " Freemason's
Guide," by Cornelius Moore, page 137; also in "Webb's
Monitor," page 122. Such omissions are of frequent occurrence
by authors on secrecy.

Mackey, in his Lexicon, page 16, defines " Acacian ' as
" signifying a Mason, who, by living in strict obedience to
the obligations and precepts of the fraternity, is free from
sin." The Gospel teaches that.
" the blood of Jesus Christ,
his Son, cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John. 1: 17. "Without
shedding of blood there is no remission." Heb. 9: 22.
But Masonry, Odd-fellowship, and a number of other orders
offer a religion,—a system that saves from sin without a
Christ, hence no blood. Jesus says, " No man cometh to
7 V ' the Father but by me." Webb and Mackey, as quoted, teach the contrary.

Read the entire book below.

Secret Societies Incompatible With Christianity from Chuck Thompson

This is an historic text exploring issues between Christianity and Freemasonry as well as other secret societies.  Secret Societies are often classed as well organized and well disciplined anarchists.  Anti government and anti religion.  We see this a great deal including in our own local government where we have a presence of Freemasonry well represented on the local Board of Supervisors and we see all of the ordinances that are in violation of state codes and Dillon rules as well as how often they break their own ordinances and state codes with no regard.  They use their code of silence not to speak about these violations or address them with the public when these violations are brought to their attention.

  They use their influence through Freemasonry to stay out of trouble as Freemasons never go against each other or there are very severe consequences.  The purpose of the present separation between Church and State as it presently stands is thanks in part to Freemasonry.  Freemasons can be found in just about every church order in the US with the exception of Catholics, who have their own secret society order, the Knights of Columbus.  John Adams was watching closely to the secret society threat to the US when he was involved in the political system.  That is coming soon.

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