Friday, October 31, 2014

Gloucester, VA Happy Halloween, Dracula And Frankenstein Are Here

VHS cover.
VHS cover. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dracula, by Bram Stoker, Free eBook from Chuck Thompson

Though we are not fans of Halloween for our own reasons, we know that a great deal of people love this time of year.  So with that, we have put up this book from Bram Stoker, Dracula.  It's the entire book.  You are free to download a copy.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Free eBook from Chuck Thompson

This version of Frankenstein is the second print copy produced for Mary Shelly.  It has some very interesting history covered in the very beginning of this book explaining how she came up with the idea for the book.  Again, the book is available for free downloads.  Enjoy.

Special Thank You To Glo Quips And Gazzette Journal

We want to take a moment to thank both Glo Quips as well as the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal for helping get the news out about Gloucester Animal Control Ordinances that are up for public hearing as they are about to be changed.

  One in particular we believe to be very illegal.  That code, 3-18, has been covered on this site multiple times.  We put together a flyer and started to distribute it through various means and we contacted both of the above papers as well as WXGM, who to the best of our knowledge has not covered the issue, and the Daily Press who also, to the best of our knowledge has not yet covered it.  It's not to say that the Daily Press will not cover the matter, but they have already had several days with the information sent to them.

  We are asking as many people who can, to come to the Board of Supervisors meeting being held this coming Wednesday Evening starting at 7:00 PM at the Gloucester Courthouse Circle, old colonial courthouse building to speak out against proposed ordinance 3-18.  There are so many issues with it.  For one, by asking county law enforcement to enforce this ordinance potentially puts them at risk for being maimed or even killed performing the duties covered under this ordinance.

  Another issue is that the county seeks to create requirements on manufacturers that not even the Federal government makes.  Air Conditioned vehicles.  If you do not have air conditioning in your vehicle, when temperatures reach 80 degrees or higher, and you leave an animal in a vehicle, you risk becoming a criminal for the rest of your life.

  The way this ordinance is being re worded, the back of pick up trucks, horse trailers and other vehicles will be required to have air conditioning in order to transport any animal for any reason when the temperature reaches 80 degrees or higher outside.  Animal Control could have deputies sitting at the local vets businesses just waiting for you or at the local feed stores such as Tractor Supply or Southern States.

Sec. 3-18. Animals in enclosed vehicles.

(a) It shall be unlawful to leave any animal in a vehicle without the
benefit of air conditioning when the outside temperature reaches
eighty (80) degrees Fahrenheit or greater.

(b) Any person who confines an animal in an unattended vehicle so as
to cause the animal to suffer from heat stress, shall be guilty of a
Class 1 misdemeanor. The animal control officer or other officer
shall have the authority to remove any animal found left in an
enclosed vehicle that appears to be suffering from heat stress.
The animal shall be provided immediate veterinary care. The
animal owner or custodian shall be responsible for all expenses
incurred during the removal of the animal or its subsequent
treatment and impoundment.

(c) In the event that the person responsible for the violation cannot be
ascertained, the registered owner of the vehicle, as required by
Chapter 6 of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia, shall constitute in
evidence a prima facie presumption that such registered owner
was the person who committed the violation." 

Now look at the above picture.  Gloucester says they can charge you up to $2,000.00 and put in you jail or both.  Plus, they say they have the legal right to break into your vehicle by whatever means and take your pet.  (Who knows what else may end up missing if they do this).  

  Also, they state right there in the ordinance, the animal only needs to appear to be suffering.  Who is to make the determination that the animal is actually potentially suffering?  A deputy who is also an officer of the court who will testify against you in court and you will need a lawyer who is also an officer of the court.  Those cards are stacked against you so you will not win even if you show your pet was never in any danger.  And you get a criminal record.

  There is no corresponding state code that we have been able to find despite looking all over for it.  Since there appears to be no corresponding state code, that makes this ordinance illegal based on the Dillon Rule.  

  This is anarchistic.  Anyone traveling into the area has no idea of Gloucester's ordinances.  Other localities do not have this ordinance as they know it's illegal, so it has not been an issue in other areas a traveler has already been through.  But they come here and park their car and leave their pet in the vehicle while the temperature is only nearing 80 degrees, animal control gets a call from a plant who snoops parking lots, and wham, instant victim to milk.  A speed trap.

  There are already codes on the state books that cover cruelty to animals.  If Gloucester wants this to be legal, they need to get it through on the state level.  Now we are not against the safety of animals, but let's keep within the laws of the state as required.  Stop making up anarchistic ordinances just for milking unsuspecting victims.  So we are asking everyone to stand up against this and let the Board of Supervisors know that you do not consent to this.  It's a violation of our rights and freedoms. 

If you can not attend the meeting, email the Board of Supervisors and let them know before this upcoming meeting. 

There are also other illegal ordinances on the books here in Gloucester as well.  We will be posting the entire list very soon.

Interview: Judge Mary Elizabeth Bullock with Bill Windsor of Lawless America

Harmony Corruption
Harmony Corruption (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is unedited video filmed for Lawless America...The Movie. The comments are those of the subject.

Lawless America is a documentary film that is exposing government corruption, judicial corruption, and law enforcement corruption. For more information, see

Ever get a bad shack in the courts?  Ever think you just had bad luck?  You may want to see this video.  Lawless America blows the lid off the court systems and the corruption that exists throughout the nation.  It's not just here.  It's everywhere.  It not just at the local or regional level, it's all the way up to the very top of the Federal level.  This is only one of many wake up calls to what is going on in our nation.  You have to give Judge Mary Elizabeth Bullock for her courage and hard work speaking out against corruption and exposing what we all sensed but not many put together.

  After viewing a video like this, you have to wonder why last year local judges were asking for a special security parking garage for themselves?  Maybe they were making some very bad decisions that they knew were hurting people and had nothing to do with law or justice?  Afraid of what those they just destroyed might come and do to them after court?  

  Yes folks, the system is broken and is not getting better anytime soon.

The above video is how to disqualify your judge.  What you may also want to consider is the top video, the Judge points out that a number of judges are on the bench without a license to practice, which is illegal.  Check on the judges credentials before you go to court.  This video uses mostly covers California law.  The information in here may or may not apply and you need to do some research before considering these types of moves.

  Now we are not lawyers or attorneys and are not trying to render any form of legal advice.

Now this video is just entertaining.  Whether or not anyone can actually use the above information successfully remains at question.  We have seen this in various forms.  Until we see actual cases won under this, then again, as stated, it's entertaining.

Gloucester ,Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Governor McAuliffe Signs Executive Order Strengthening Virginia’s Housing Policy

Courthouse in Clarendon Arlington County, Virg...
Courthouse in Clarendon Arlington County, Virginia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
~ Governor makes announcement at the Virginia Governor’s Housing Conference ~ 

NORFOLK – While speaking today at the Virginia Governor’s Housing Conference, Governor Terry McAuliffe issued Executive Order 32 to advance critical components of Virginia’s housing policy agenda. The Executive Order will build upon the Commonwealth’s ongoing efforts to reduce homelessness, implement Virginia’s Olmstead Community Integration Plan and ensure that housing is a key contributor to Virginia’s ongoing economic recovery.

“Expanding access to quality affordable housing is at the very foundation of my administration’s efforts to build a new Virginia economy,” said Governor McAuliffe. “Strengthening our Commonwealth’s housing policy will create jobs, grow our economy and help improve the quality of life of Virginians all over our state.”

Executive Order 32 emphasizes community development investments that will further revitalize urban and rural communities throughout Virginia. The Executive Order also seeks to better address homelessness throughout Virginia and achieve the goal of ending veterans’ homelessness by the end of 2015. In addition, through the implementation of Virginia’s Olmstead Community Integration Plan, the Executive Order seeks to meet the terms of Virginia’s Settlement Agreement and expand community living opportunities for people with disabilities.

“Affordable and sound housing is a critical component of growing our economy and making life better for Virginia families,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones. “Smart housing policy creates jobs and encourages locally-based businesses and industries, which creates healthy and successful communities.”

Following the Governor’s announcement, the 2014 Virginia Housing Awards were given to several organizations and government entities throughout the state. The awards recognize outstanding and innovative efforts in crafting effective solutions for the Commonwealth’s complex array of housing needs. The following were the winners of the 2014 awards:

Arlington County and the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing
Project: Arlington Mill Residences

Best Housing Program or Service
Pulaski County and the Town of Pulaski
Project: Pulaski Tornado Recovery Project

Best Housing Preservation/Revitalization Effort
Project: Forest Heights Neighborhood Improvement Project

Best Affordable Housing Energy Conservation Effort
Better Housing Coalition, Richmond
Project: Somanath Senior Apartments at Beckstoffer’s

Best In My Backyard “IMBY”Arlington County and the Pike Planning Plenary Group
Project: Columbia Pike Planning Initiative

The Governor’s Housing Conference is Virginia’s largest and most comprehensive affordable housing event. The three-day event features workshops and sessions designed to help public and private sector representatives develop effective housing solutions in Virginia. Nearly 800 affordable housing advocates, providers and policy makers gather each year at the conference.
The text of Executive Order Number 32 is below:


Importance of the Issue
            The sustained economic and social vitality of communities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia depends upon the quality, availability, and affordability of housing. Housing is, and will remain, a key policy priority with far-reaching economic and social consequences. Successfully addressing homelessness, particularly among veterans and youth, requires a continued commitment of energy and resources. Advancing progress in special needs housing is also an imperative to ensure that individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to live in appropriate, fully integrated settings within communities rather than institutional facilities. Moreover, the housing industry is a major direct and indirect contributor to the growth of the state’s economy.

            The Commonwealth must build upon the foundation established by public and private constituencies to address homelessness, while identifying several new priority areas in which progress is needed and attainable. The availability of affordable housing is a critical component not only for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities, but also for a growing workforce. It is essential to coordinate housing and economic development investments.

            Accordingly, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor under Article V of the Constitution of Virginia and under the laws of the Commonwealth, and subject to my continuing and ultimate authority and responsibility to act in such matters, I hereby direct the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, with the assistance of the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Executive Director of the Virginia Housing Development Authority, and a representative of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to identify and implement actions to enable quality, affordable housing, which will strengthen families and communities and foster economic growth.

Policy Review Initiatives
            In developing Virginia’s current housing policy, prior housing policy initiatives will be reviewed in addition to the following measures:
  1. Prioritize the most urgent areas of housing and homeless program needs.
  2. Identify the links between housing and economic and community development.
  3. Establish working groups as determined by the Secretary of Commerce and Trade and invite stakeholder participation to provide input regarding housing and related issues.
  4. Conduct a review of programs and policies in coordination with the activities of state-level housing and economic development policy-setting efforts.

  1. Offer advice and recommendations for policies that address:
    1. Homelessness, particularly among veterans, young adults, and children;

    1. Rapid re-housing strategies;
    2. Housing opportunities for individuals with disabilities and other categories of special needs;
    3. Appropriate housing options for an aging demographic;
    4. Economic and community development strategies integrated with housing initiatives for urban and rural revitalization, including adaptive reuse, mixed-use development and mixed-income housing, and the preservation of existing affordable housing;
    5. Cross-Secretariat and agency collaboration and identification of resources to assist individuals receiving supportive services within a community, as appropriate, rather than in institutional settings; and,
    6. Affordable housing that meets the needs of working Virginians in areas where high housing costs impede economic development, productivity, and the quality of life.

Staffing and Funding
            Staffing will be furnished by the Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Trade and the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Department of Housing and Community Development, Virginia Housing Development Authority, and other agencies and offices as needed. Stakeholder participants in the review shall serve without compensation. 

Effective Date of the Executive Order
            This Executive Order shall be effective upon its signing and shall remain in force and effect until rescinded by further executive order. 

            Given under my hand and under the Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia, this 30th day of October, 2014.

Terence R. McAuliffe, Governor

Attest:               _______________________________________
                        Levar M. Stoney, Secretary of the Commonwealth

(If anyone isn't paying attention, there are a lot of code buzz words used in this release that strongly suggest highly socialist overtones that are not in the best interests of anyone who own property in Virginia.  Smart Housing Policy is one of those buzz phrases that spells out disaster for private property owners.  Looking at some of the information in this press release, one quickly finds mixed use development plans with multi story apartment buildings and retail units all on the first floor.  One project mentioned is Arlington Mills Residences.  628 square foot units that are energy efficient and are affordable with rents being around only a mere one thousand dollars a month.  

  Who are they kidding?  You can buy a house with land for that amount of money.  But that is the scam.  It is no longer desired that you should ever own property and the future for children?  No way they will own land.  Even if you try to leave it to them through your will.  This release stinks of corruption that is so cleaver that it's very hard for most to see the underlying plans.)

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source

Governor McAuliffe Announces 376 New Jobs in the City of Petersburg

English: Tanks at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmac...
English: Tanks at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceutical Factory . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
~ UniTao Pharmaceuticals purchases Boehringer Ingelheim plant and plans to invest $22.5 million to establish operation ~
-Project result of Governor’s meeting with company officials in Shanghai, China during Asia Marketing Mission-

RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that UniTao Pharmaceuticals LLChas purchased the Boehringer Ingelheim plant in the City of Petersburg, and will invest $22.5 million to establish operations. UniTao is a subsidiary of Shanghai-based Tenry Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and the company manufactures active pharmaceutical ingredients. The project is a result of the Governor’s meeting with company officials in Shanghai, China during his Asia Marketing Mission. Virginia successfully competed against California and China for the project, which will create 376 new jobs.

Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McAuliffe said, “This project will have a tremendous impact in the City of Petersburg and the surrounding region. I had the great privilege of meeting with company officials during my Asia marketing mission last week in Shanghai, China to officially close this significant win. UniTao’s new manufacturing operation in the Commonwealth is another milestone in building a new Virginia economy and builds on Virginia’s longstanding and growing relationship with China.”

Boehringer Ingelheim announced its plant closing in August of 2013, affecting 240 total employees by the end of this year. Simultaneously, UniTao was seeking an existing manufacturing facility in the U.S. to expand its global market share. The Petersburg operation is a perfect fit for the company’s specific needs and allows quick startup to production.

“The Governor’s marketing mission to Asia provided a unique opportunity to strengthen Virginia's relationship with Asian companies that already have a Virginia presence, to share our great story with prospective corporate investors and trade partners, and to solidify deals like today’s announcement,” said Maurice Jones, Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade.“It is a great testament to our ongoing efforts and Virginia’s incredible assets that Tenry will establish its first U.S. manufacturing operation in the City of Petersburg. An investment of this magnitude and new job opportunities in an economically distressed community is cause for celebration.”

Tenry, founded in 2005, is a Chinese firm engaged in R&D, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceutical drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), dietary supplements, and food additives. The company currently has 500 employees and five subsidiary operations: UniTao Pharmaceuticals, LLC; Shanghai Tenry Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Shanghai Qingping Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Hainan Tenry Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; and Shanghai Tenry Bio-Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

“Our expansion to Virginia underscores our commitment to meeting the demands of our global customers as efficiently as possible,” said Tao Ye, chief executive officer for UniTao Pharmaceuticals. “The former Boehringer Ingelheim facility, the region’s accessibility and its skilled workforce will enable us to start operations quickly and better meet marketplace demands in the U.S. and elsewhere. We are grateful for the support of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the City of Petersburg and also the hard work of both the Boehringer Ingelheim and UniTao teams that have gotten us to this point. We also are very pleased to be a catalyst for continued, advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing and R&D in the region.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with the City of Petersburg tosecure the project for Virginia. Governor McAuliffe approved a $1 million grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist Petersburg with the project. Funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program. The company will also be eligible to receive a Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit and sales and use tax exemptions on manufacturing equipment.

            “Today’s announcement by Governor McAuliffe and UniTao of hundreds of jobs and a multimillion dollar investment is a home run for the City of Petersburg, our local and regional economy and our residents,” said Brian A. Moore, Mayor of Petersburg. “The City is extremely pleased that UniTao has chosen this great city as a home for their operations. This will be a great driver to assist us with our continued plans of investment and growth.”

“We are proud to have been a part of the Petersburg community for more than 20 years, and we recognize how important this facility is to the City and the Commonwealth of Virginia,”said Dr. Pere Paton, VP Operations and Site Head of Boehringer Ingelheim Chemicals, Inc. “We are very pleased to have reached an agreement with UniTao, who has shown great commitment to the future of the site.”

Amazon Fulfillment Center Among State Employers Honored for Championing Disability Employment

Maps of counties in Virginia
Maps of counties in Virginia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Awards ceremonies across the state celebrate Disability Employment Awareness Month.

The Amazon Fulfillment Center in Chesterfield County, which has hired more than 40 clients of the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), was among the Virginia employers honored this month for outstanding commitment to hiring and supporting people with disabilities in the workplace.
DARS held six awards ceremonies across the state to recognize Virginia’s champions of disability employment and to celebrate October as Disability Employment Awareness Month. The final awards ceremony was held today at Stratford University in Virginia Beach. Previous events were held in Central Virginia, Northern Virginia, Southside, the Peninsula and the Shenandoah Valley.
“Virginia prospers when all of its workers have a chance to contribute to our great Commonwealth,” said Governor Terry McAuliffe. “These employers deserve credit for providing job opportunities to individuals with disabilities, but the real reward for these businesses is a productive, capable, vigorous workforce committed to high-quality products and services and a stronger economy that benefits everyone.”
Among the 30 Disability Employment Champions Award recipients this year are:

·             Amazon Fulfillment Center, Chesterfield County
·             The Hershey Co., Stuarts Draft
·             Skookum Contract Services, Fort Lee
·             U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
·             Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA), Norfolk
·             Walmart Supercenter, Stuart
“These employers cut across a variety of economic sectors, from commerce to manufacturing to retail,” said Dr. William A. Hazel, Secretary of Health and Human Resources. “The jobs they create enable workers with disabilities to learn skills, earn wages and engage with coworkers and their communities.”
DARS’ Division of Rehabilitative Services offers vocational rehabilitation to assist people with disabilities to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment.
“This month raises awareness about disability employment issues and honors the many diverse contributions of Virginia’s workers with disabilities,” said DARS Commissioner Jim Rothrock.“Truly advancing disability employment is about much more than just hiring; it is about creating a common ground of career opportunities and a continuum of inclusion in the Commonwealth.”

Gloucester, Virginia Links and News, GVLN
Gloucester, Virginia's Best News Source