Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pink Panther - At The Supermarket - Classic Cartoons

Pink Panther at the Supermarket.  Classic cartoons every Saturday right here in GVLN.
The Pink Panther Show was one of many Saturday...
The Pink Panther Show was one of many Saturday morning cartoon shows that utilized a laugh track. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Mr Magoo - William Tell Magoo

The Famous Adventures of Mr Magoo.  William Tell Magoo.  Classic Cartoons here on GVLN.
Mr. Magoo and McBarker from What's New Mr. Magoo?.
Mr. Magoo and McBarker from What's New Mr. Magoo?. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Butcher's Ballroom, Poetic Pitbull Revolutions - Free MP3 song of the day

The Butcher's Ballroom with their song, Poetic Pitbull Revolutions.  Fast, furious and melodic.  Euro style gothic metal with horns.  This is a tune for those with an ear towards gothic metal.  For everyone else, it's something well worth exploring as long as you like it fast paced.  Euro gothic metal has a lot of classical music influence which is what makes it so darn interesting.  Downloads are always free.

Ville Valo. Taken on the Love Metal tour. Norf...
Ville Valo. Taken on the Love Metal tour. Norfolk VA, 2003. Ville really has a gothic fog around him all the time -- this wasn't done with photoshop! ;) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Gloucester Pumpkin Porridge - Old Fashioned Recipe

A shot of a pumpkin, focused on its stem.
A shot of a pumpkin, focused on its stem. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Peel and slice up as much pumpkin as will produce about eight ounces for each person, and put this into a boiling pot, with two ounces of butter, and a quart of water; set the whole to boil very gently on the fire, until the pumpkin is reduced to a pulp, and then add half-a-pint of buttermilk, or skim milk, to every person who is to partake of the porridge. You then stir the porridge over the fire for about fifteen minutes longer, taking care that it does not boil over; season with salt and a little nutmeg, and eat it with toasted bread for breakfast, or any other meal.

Make something extraordinary tonight.
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James Armistead, American Revolutionary Double Agent Spy

Liberty's Kids episode number 35, James Armistead.  The first double agent spy of the American Revolution under the command of General Lafayette.

After getting consent of his master, he volunteered in 1781 to join the army under General Lafayette. He was stationed as a spy. First he spied on Brigadier General Benedict Arnold (by this time, Arnold had defected from the American Continental Army to lead British forces). After Arnold departed north in the spring of 1781, James went to the camp of Lord Cornwallis. He relayed much information about the British plans for troop deployment and about their arms. The intelligence reports from his espionage were instrumental in helping to defeat the British during the Battle of Yorktown.

While pretending to be a British spy, Armistead gained the confidence of General Benedict Arnold and General Cornwallis. Arnold was so convinced of Armistead's pose as a runaway slave that he used him to guide British troops through local roads. Armistead often traveled between camps, spying on British officers, who spoke openly about their strategies in front of him. Armistead documented this information in written reports, delivered them to other American spies, and then returned to General Cornwallis's camp.

Although Virginia passed a manumission act in 1782 allowing for the freedom of any slave by his or her owner, James remained the property of William Armistead. (A 1783 law targeted specifically at freeing slaves whose owners had used them as substitutes for army service in exchange for their liberty did not apply to James). However, in 1786, with the support of William Armistead (then a member of the House of Delegates) and carrying a 1784 testimonial of his service from the Marquis de Lafayette, James petitioned the Virginia Assembly for his freedom. (The facsimile of the letter of commendation can be viewed on the Lafayette College website.[2]). On January 9, 1787, the Virginia Assembly granted James' petition. At that time he chose to add "Armistead" and "Lafayette" to his name, to honor the general.[3]

He continued to live in New Kent County with his new wife, one son and several other children. He became a farmer and at one point owned three slaves.[4]By 1818 he applied to the state legislature for financial aid. He was granted $60 for present relief and $40 annual pension for his services in the Revolutionary War.

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Gloucester, VA - Question To Officials, Where Is The Money? Over 14 Million Vanished?

Based on the recent Gloucester Board of Supervisor's meeting this past Tuesday evening, August 6th, 2013, the Board gave to the public the following information that raises a great deal of very serious questions that every single taxpayer in this county should demand be answered right away.  Why?  Because based on what the Gloucester County, Virginia Board of Supervisor's told us, there is a great deal of money not accounted for.  To the tune of multi millions.  Let's go over their own information that they told all of us and made very public.

Based on county population and real estate taxes;

income per penny of tax rate  (How much one penny of tax dollars are worth)

65 cents
tax rate for real estate,  (Present amount we are taxed)
$26,000,000.00  (What is expected to be collected in one year).

number of times taxes collected per year (Taxes are owed every 6 months).
assume 80 percent collection, (Allowing for a 20% not collected in owed payments).
$10,400,000.00  (What has probably been collected in the month of June).

Page insurance money, (Should be held in account)

$22,400,000.00   (What the local treasury should be showing on hand)

money that should be in account
? Personal property tax June
? other income water etc

money in Gloucester CD Account,  (General Fund of Gloucester, County).

? misc money in bank account
$14,900,000.00  (What should be showing on top of the 7.5 million dollars).

Where is this money?

All of the above is the very simple math that Gloucester County officials gave everyone during the recent public hearing of the Board of Supervisor's meeting.  Nearly 15 million dollars can not be accounted for?  Voodoo accounting?  Who's pockets is the money lining?  Fair question based on their statements.  Watch the video we have posted on here, that is where all of this information comes from.  We don't make this up.

Is the 17 million dollars in new bond money to cover the missing money?  Again, that is a very fair question.  And if the 17 million in new bonds is to cover the missing $14,900,000.00, why 17 million in new bond money instead of 15 million?  Is another 2 million slated to disappear?

Other very serious questions we have to ask based on that meeting, the school maintenance supervisor stated that schools are in disrepair to the tune of 30 plus years?  The county board of supervisors has been denying money to the school board for how long for basic repairs?

Where is the money going?  Where is all the money?  Millions seem to be disappearing into thin air while taxes continue to go up.  Anyone see any issues here?   Nearly 15 million dollars missing, everyone is allowing these people to borrow another 17 million?
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Gloucester County Fiscal Management Needed?

Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia;

Once again, I planned to return to the State Constitution today; however, reading several of Mr Thompson’s stories over the weekend and watching the Supervisors meeting Tuesday night I must deviate from my plan.

For all future meetings I recommend you get two minister to pray for you. Financial Stewardship appears to be totally unheard of by the Board of Supervisors. Let me count the ways.

  1. County employees use government vehicles for personal use in violation of state and local ordnance. What is being done besides buying more gas for them?
  2. You voted to give the School Board $5 million dollars for maintenance and repair after forming a committee to determine what repairs are needed and you determined a $4.5 million need. Who is responsible for the $.5 million? More trips to Hardees?
  3. County records show you have $7.5 million in CDs. This a general fund as you referred to it for all county money; a Gazette Journal story said there is $12 million from insurance for the school plus all the taxes just collected. There appears to be at least $4.5 million missing? I could be wrong the calculator on my computer may make mistakes.

I know shopping with other peoples money is fun for you otherwise you would not have found it so easy to vote to give the schools money that there is no stated requirement. In the Federal government gold plating requirements gets people sent to jail. Maybe this can be looked into while the State is investigating your activities?

I can see why you are willing to run all over people when the local paper refuses to investigate and report what is going on. As quoted from Mr. Thompson’s web site “We heard back from one person at the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal who informed us of the following, 'stopping by hardees is a de minimus errand'.  “ Based on this logic (this for example only I do not recommend nor condone stealing) I can get a copy of the Gazette Journal free it is of limited value and not worth getting bothered about right? How about everyone in the county doing the same every week? How long would you stay in business if we did this every week?

I have question for the Gazette Journal, I know I should go to Sunday School and Church every Sunday, I missed the week where they taught de minimus errand can you tell me what book, chapter and verse of the Bible this is from?

We need to hold the supervisors accountable for their actions and make sure the ones voted in this fall do not follow this irresponsible financial stewardship. Maybe you can get the supervisors to tell you why we are building a school in the swamp and in the same meeting talk about closing other schools.

With the Supervisors vote Tuesday we will get a new Monument to Stupidity built in the swamp.

I am not a lawyer, but have questions that are not being answered.
“For the Common Good. “

Sincerely, Alexander James Jay

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Gloucester Housing To Dramatically Change In Near Future?

Obama administration using housing department to compel diversity in

In a move some claim is tantamount to social engineering, the
Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule
that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s
neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems

The policy is called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It will
require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every
single neighborhood and try to remedy it.

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan unveiled the federal rule at the NAACP
convention in July.

"Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest hit communities, no matter
how hard a child or her parents work, the life chances of that child,
even her lifespan, is determined by the zip code she grows up in. This
is simply wrong,” he said.

Data from this discrimination database would be used with zoning laws,
housing finance policy, infrastructure planning and transportation to
alleviate alleged discrimination and segregation.

Specifics of the proposed rule are lacking. Now published in the
Federal Register and undergoing a 60-day comment period, the rule,
"does not prescribe or enforce specific” policies.

But one critic says it smacks of utopian idealism.

"This is just the latest of a series of attempts by HUD to social
engineer the American people," said Ed Pinto, of the American
Enterprise Institute. "It started with public housing and urban
renewal, which failed spectacularly back in the 50's and 60's. They
tried it again in the 90's when they wanted to transform house
finance, do away with down payments, and the result was millions of
foreclosures and financial collapse.”

Some fear the rule will open the floodgates to lawsuits by HUD -- a
weapon the department has already used in places like Westchester
County, N.Y., where mayors and attorneys representing several towns,
like Cortlandt, are writing HUD to protest burdensome fair housing
mandates that go far beyond those agreed to in a 2009 settlement with

One letter written by Cortlandt town attorney Thomas Wood expresses a
common dilemma.

"Cordlandt is mostly residential and has only a few vacant parcels
that could be developed for commercial use," he writes. "In order to
stabilize the tax base amongst the most affordable in Westchester
County, the Town Board needs to encourage the development of
commercial property for commercial use."

Rob Astorino, the Westchester County Executive recently said, "What
they are trying to do is to say discrimination and zoning is the same
thing. They are not. Discrimination won't be tolerated. I won't
tolerate it. Zoning though, protects what can and can't be built in a

Also troublesome to critics is that the HUD secretary, in announcing
this proposed rule, blamed poverty on zip codes – rather than other
socio-economic factors that studies have shown contribute to poverty.

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Governor Bob McDonnell Announces New $31 Million Investment in Clean Water

English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / ...
English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / Srpski: Застава америчке савезне државе Вирџиније. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Deposit to Water Quality Improvement Fund Result of Fourth Straight Surplus During McDonnell Administration
Total investment in Water Quality During Administration Exceeds $430 million

RICHMOND – Just prior to embarking on the first day of his “This Commonwealth of Opportunity” statewide tour, Governor Bob McDonnell announced this morning that a new deposit of over $31 million will be made to the Commonwealth’s Water Quality Improvement Fund (WQIF) as a portion of the most recent budget surplus, the fourth in the four years of the McDonnell administration.  The total amount that will be deposited to the WQIF during the Governor’s term is more than $218 million, with a cumulative investment in all water quality programs now reaching $430 million over the last three and a half years. The governor will announce Virginia’s total surplus amount and discuss the uses of the funds at his annual fiscal presentation to the Virginia General Assembly money committees on August 19th.

            Speaking about the new funding for clean water, Governor Bob McDonnell stated, “Over the course of our administration, we have made a strong commitment to improving the health of Virginia’s waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.  Together with the General Assembly, we have invested hundreds of millions of dollars to this end and the citizens of Virginia are enjoying cleaner water as a result. Clean water and environmental conservation are crucial to a strong economy and robust private-sector job creation.”

            In addition to the deposit to the WQIF, the 2013 General Assembly supported the Governor’s $221 million water quality bond fund to improve wastewater treatment plants across the state, combined sewer overflows, a drinking water facility, and to fund a new urban stormwater investment program.  These monies are currently available for critically needed infrastructure improvements.

            “We commend and thank Governor McDonnell and the members of the General Assembly for their leadership and continued stewardship of our critical water resources.  The bond funding represents a huge victory for the James River and will help improve long-term water quality as well as the health of local streams and creeks,” said Bill Street, Chief Executive Officer of the James River Association. “The additional funds announced today will help even more.”

            The water quality bond fund includes $101 million to support projects in roughly 30 localities across the state for upgrades to wastewater treatment, and $35 million for a new stormwater grant program for localities.

            “Due to strategic investments and smart state policies, Virginia is shining brightly in the Chesapeake Bay cleanup,” according to Chris Pomeroy, who represents the Virginia Association of Municipal Wastewater Agencies and the Virginia Municipal Stormwater Association.  “Our local agency members will build on the significant achievements they have already made to clean wastewater to higher levels and remove more stormwater pollutants as a result of the Commonwealth investing $101 million in treatment plant upgrades this year and launching the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund with $35 million.”

            As part of the bond fund, the City of Richmond will receive $45 million and Lynchburg will receive $30 million for improvements to their Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) facilities.  The Hopewell Wastewater Treatment Authority will receive $5 million for upgrades to its waste water treatment plant and the Appomattox River Water Authority will receive $5 million for upgrades.

            “We are grateful to the Governor and the General Assembly for this investment in improvements for our combined sewer overflow,” Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones stated.  “This funding will help us complete the next phase of work and to continue to do our part to improve the health of the James River.”

            The Mayor of Lynchburg, Michael Gillette said, “The City of Lynchburg is extremely pleased to accept the $30 million grant from the Commonwealth and appreciates the support of the Governor and General Assembly.  It will fund up to half of the City’s revised Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) program.  This along with the City's contribution will greatly accelerate the completion of this important program ultimately leading to the achievement of water quality goals.”

            Deposits to the WQIF, the clean water bond, general fund appropriations, and deposits from the recordation tax will all add up to over $430 million in state support for clean water programs during the McDonnell administration.

            In addition to these significant monetary investments, there have been some major accomplishments in improving the overall health of the Bay during Governor McDonnell’s tenure. 

·         Approval of Virginia’s Phase I and II Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
·         Legislation passed removing phosphorus from usable fertilizer beginning December 31, 2013.
·         Exceeding the 2011 EPA Pollution reduction milestone goals for wastewater treatment plants by 2,000 percent which exceeds 2013 nitrogen reduction goals by more than 680,000 pounds.
·         Receiving the EPA’s “Biggest Loser Award” for reducing non-point source nitrogen pollution more than any other state in Region 3.
·         The highest blue crab population that Virginia has experienced in twenty years in 2012, along with a historic comeback of the oyster population, with the highest harvest numbers seen since 1989.
·         Legislation expanding the nutrient credit exchange program, a key tool in meeting and maintaining water quality in the Bay.

            “Virginia has been a leader in pollution reduction activities,” said Anthony Moore, Deputy Secretary of Natural Resources.  “We have won awards from EPA and are consistently exceeding pollution reduction goals set out in the Watershed Implementation Plan.”
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Governor McDonnell Announces $859,406 in Grants to Expand Community Services for Individuals with Disabilities

English: Governor of Virginia at CPAC in .
English: Governor of Virginia at CPAC in . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
RICHMOND – Governor Bob McDonnell today announced that Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD), the Commonwealth’s Developmental Disabilities Council, has awarded six grants totaling $859,406 to improve and expand support for individuals with developmental and other disabilities. The grantees have leveraged an additional $324,992 in private, local and state funds. 

“The grants awarded by VBPD will benefit all Virginians, not just those with disabilities,” said Governor McDonnell. “As we continue the transition to a community-based system for individuals with developmental disabilities, it is important that we implement programs to help these individuals and the communities around them thrive.  The grants awarded will serve persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in integrated settings as we move towards a Commonwealth of Opportunity for all.”

            The 2014 awards are:

Grantee:  Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS)
Project:  “Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Program”
Grant Award:  $52,066       
Project Goal:  To develop a peer mentoring program for individuals with intellectual or other developmental disabilities being or recently discharged from state training centers.  Trained mentors will share their experiences and provide information and resources that will facilitate integration into community life.  DBHDS will partner with The Arc of Virginia and Hope House Foundation to build capacity and competence for a statewide peer-to-peer network and implement the mentoring program.

Grantee:  Virginia Association of Centers for Independent Living (VACIL)
Project:  “Empowerment to Prevent Institutionalization”
Grant Award:  $ 124,688    
Project Goal:  To prevent the institutionalization of people with developmental and other disabilities who experience medical interventions, behavioral stresses or changes in family dynamics. Materials specific to each region will be developed and approximately 450 healthcare professionals will be trained on preventing institutionalization.

Grantee:  Virginia Association of Centers for Independent Living (VACIL)
Project:  “ABLE: Advocates Building Livable Environments”
Grant Award:  $ 171,409    
Project Goal:  To significantly increase the knowledge, skill and expertise of builders, building inspectors/officials, engineers, architects and design professionals in the area of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines and Fair Housing laws.  The initiative will train at least 120 building professionals in 134 jurisdictions in Virginia through multiple formats.

Grantee:  Virginia Commonwealth University—Partnership for People with Disabilities (PPD)
Project:  “Leadership for Empowerment and Abuse Prevention”
Grant Award:  $ 178,125    
Project Goal:  To teach people with developmental and other disabilities about healthy relationships and how to protect themselves from assault, abuse, neglect and violence. The curriculum will be piloted at a state training center and ultimately will train 250 persons with disabilities through 15-20 training sessions in central Virginia using a train-the-trainer model.  

Grantee:  Virginia Oral Health Coalition (VaOHC)
Project:  “Improving Oral Health for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities”
Grant Award:  $ 89,143      
Project Goal:  To build statewide capacity and commitment for the provision of dental health services to individuals with developmental disabilities. VaOHC will conduct three 2-day Regional Dental Provider Trainings, with continuing education credits, in Chesapeake, Lynchburg and Richmond. VaOHC will also work with the VCU School of Dentistry on a dental externship.

As Virginia’s Developmental Disabilities (DD) Council, VBPD works to develop and advance policies and practices that promote individual and family-directed services and supports that allow individuals with developmental and other disabilities to be fully integrated and included in all facets of community life.

VBPD has invested in more than 220 best-practice, demonstration, research, advocacy, training and outreach projects in the areas of community supports, healthcare, education, employment, housing and transportation. 

Funding for VBPD’s investment initiatives is provided by the federal Administration for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,  under the national Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-402).

To learn more about VBPD, its grants, advocacy and leadership programs and other activities,, call (800) 846-4464, or e-mail
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Governor McDonnell Announces 60 New Jobs in Southampton County

English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / ...
English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / Srpski: Застава америчке савезне државе Вирџиније. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
~Hampton Farms to invest $5.5 million in new peanut butter production plant ~

RICHMOND – Governor Bob McDonnell today announced that Hampton Farms, the leading roaster of in-shell peanuts in the United States, will invest $5.5 million to establish a peanut butter production plant in Southampton County. Virginia successfully competed against North Carolina for the project, which will create 60 new jobs.

            Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McDonnell said, “We are thrilled that, as part of its regional corporate growth, Hampton Farms chose Virginia. Southampton County is the perfect fit for the company’s needs, offering an existing building that allows great speed to market, and abundant natural resources for its product. It is gratifying that a region that is recovering economically will gain 60 new jobs, and a strong Virginia agriculture sector will be utilized. We welcome Hampton Farms to the Commonwealth.”

            “It is always a pleasure to gain a new corporate partner to Virginia, and Hampton Farms is a great addition to the Commonwealth’s burgeoning food and beverage industry,” said Jim Cheng, Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade. “Southampton County will benefit from new jobs and investment, and the company is able to take advantage of the infrastructure in place that put Virginia ahead of the competition.”

            Hampton Farms has become the #1 brand of In-Shell peanuts in the country (Source: IRI 2011), and operates four strategically located roasting and productions facilities. The company remains family-owned and committed to producing the finest peanut snacks available.

            “Hampton Farms and Severn Peanut Company of Severn, N.C. are pleased to become a part of Southampton County and the Commonwealth of Virginia,” said G. Dallas Barnes, President & CEO of Hampton Farms. “We believe the relocation to Southampton/Franklin will be a great fit for Hampton Farms, and affords Hampton the benefit of immediate and long term expansion. Ms. Amanda Jarratt with Franklin Southampton Economic Development and Mike Johnson with Southampton County Administration have been instrumental in handling all of the many details. Their quick follow-up and willingness to work with Hampton was obvious.”

            The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Southampton County, Franklin Southampton Economic Development Inc., and the Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance to secure the project for Virginia. Governor McDonnell approved a $200,000 grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist Southampton County with the project. The company is eligible to receive state benefits from the Virginia Enterprise Zone Program, administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. The company will be eligible for a sales tax exemption on eligible equipment as a result of legislation passed in 2009 by the General Assembly. Through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program, the Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide funding and services to support the company’s recruitment and training activities.

            Dallas O. Jones, Chairman of the Southampton County Board of Supervisor indicated, “Southampton County is delighted to play a part in Hampton Farms’ and Severn Peanut Company’s continued growth and development. For more than 60 years, we’ve admired their growth from a small, local peanut sheller to the leading roaster and number one brand of in-shell peanuts in the country. They’ve built their business the right way, with a strong reputation for honesty and integrity, and we are honored to partner with them on this latest expansion.  We appreciate the assistance of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, and the dedication of the Franklin-Southampton Economic Development Inc. (FSEDI) staff in working to bring this project to Southampton County.”
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Statement of Governor Bob McDonnell on Virginia College Rankings in Princeton Review’s Best Value Colleges for 2013

University of Virginia
University of Virginia (Photo credit: Phil Roeder)
University of Virginia Ranked Nation’s “Best Value College”; William & Mary Ranked #4
Nine Virginia Schools Make List

RICHMOND – Governor Bob McDonnell issued the following statement today regarding the Princeton Review’s release of the “Best Value Colleges for 2013.”  Among the 75 best public colleges, the University of Virginia is ranked No. 1 and the College of William and Mary No. 4.  Christopher Newport University, George Mason University, James Madison University, Longwood University, Radford University, and Virginia Tech are also on the list.  The University of Richmond is on the list of private colleges.  The Princeton Review rankings are based on 30 data points covering academics, costs and financial aid, as well as the percentage of graduating seniors who borrowed from any loan program and the average debt those students had at graduation.

“We continue to see Virginia’s public and private colleges lead the rankings of top colleges and universities nationwide.  That is because we truly have one of the best higher education systems in the world.  I want to congratulate the University of Virginia and the College of William and Mary for their number one and number four rankings respectively, as well as the nine total Virginia schools who were ranked among the best value colleges in the nation.  Over the last three years, we have strived to increase access to a top-quality education in Virginia while making sure our students are adequately prepared for the top-jobs of tomorrow by placing a greater a greater emphasis on the high demand subjects of science, technology, engineering and math.  At the same time, through reform-based investments we have worked to get tuition increases in check and reduce the cost of higher education for Virginia’s students.  In all, we have invested close to $400 million into higher education and undergraduate enrollment at our public and private institutions have increased by 17,000 students. We continue to work to ensure that Virginia’s colleges are more affordable and accessible for our students, and we are seeing the results of this work in rankings such as these.”

The full list of “Best Value Colleges for 2013” is available at
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Governor Bob McDonnell Announces Amtrak and Virginia Reach Agreement for New Era in Passenger Rail

English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / ...
English: The state seal of Virginia. Српски / Srpski: Застава америчке савезне државе Вирџиније. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Commonwealth is First State to Take Greater Control of Regional Intercity Passenger Service under Federal Law

RICHMOND – Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that Virginia has stepped up in partnership with Amtrak to sign on as the first state to usher in a new era and take greater control of passenger rail service.  Under the agreement Virginia will be assuming greater costs associated with making intercity passenger rail service available to communities between Washington, D.C., and Lynchburg, Newport News and Norfolk, including Richmond. This new operating and capital cost-sharing agreement with Amtrak, as required under federal law, needed to be in place no later than  October 1, 2013 or all Virginia regional rail service would have ceased.

            “Over 1.5 million people either board or disembark on a train in Virginia,” said Governor McDonnell.  “Stopping regional Amtrak service in the Commonwealth was not an option.  With this agreement between Virginia and Amtrak, we can continue to provide for existing regional intercity passenger rail service and work toward extending new service from Lynchburg into Roanoke and extend more service to Norfolk. I’m pleased that Virginia was the first state able to sign this agreement.”

            “Under the leadership of Governor McDonnell, Virginia worked to ensure that a dedicated funding source was created to insure that state-supported regional intercity passenger rail continues to operate after October 1,” said Transportation Secretary Sean T. Connaughton. “Many Virginians rely on this cost-effective, comfortable transportation option, and this administration has recognized how important this service is to citizens of the Commonwealth.”

            The agreement supports Virginia’s ongoing commitment to offering the public transportation choices to driving on congested highway corridors like I-95, Route 29, Route 460, and I-81, expanding mobility and increasing connectivity for travel throughout the regions served and along the Northeast Corridor. Passenger rail service also supports economic development and job growth for long-term local investment along service routes.

            “Virginia is a forward-thinking leader on this issue, developing the cost-sharing methodology with Amtrak and becoming the first state to ensure its corridor services continue to operate beyond the October 1 deadline,” said Amtrak President and CEO Joe Boardman.   “Virginia recognizes the value, mobility and economic development that Amtrak service brings to the state and local communities.”

            The agreement between Virginia and Amtrak is part of Section 209 of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008 (PRIIA), a federal law that requires Amtrak to work with the 19 affected states to establish a consistent cost-sharing methodology for the 28 corridor routes of less than 750 miles in order to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all states. Starting in late 2010, Amtrak and the Section 209 State Working Group, comprised of representatives from California, Maine, North Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin, developed a cost-sharing methodology that ultimately received approval for implementation by the Surface Transportation Board.


About Amtrak Virginia:
Amtrak Virginia is a program developed by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) andAmtrak to provide more rail travel choices in Virginia. The new service promotes economic, tourism and environmental benefits. For more information visit

About Amtrak®:
Amtrak is America’s Railroad®, the nation’s intercity passenger rail service and its high-speed rail operator. A record 31.2 million passengers traveled on Amtrak in FY 2012 on more than 300 daily trains – at speeds up to 150 mph (241 kph) – that connect 46 states, the District of Columbia and three Canadian Provinces. Amtrak operates intercity trains in partnership with 15 states and contracts with 13 commuter rail agencies to provide a variety of services. Enjoy the journey® at or call 800-USA-RAIL for schedules, fares and more information. Join us on and follow us at
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