Friday, April 24, 2009

New Battle of the Hook Web Site

We just put up our new Battle of the Hook web site with 4 new videos and we just started adding our pictures to it. This site will take a while to complete as we have a lot of pictures to put on it and we are trying to keep the pictures a reasonable viewing size yet not to big or to small. Click Here to view the new site. We hope you enjoy the new site.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Battle of the Hook Teaser Video

This is our teaser video for the Battle of the Hook that was held back in October of 2008. We took somewhere in the neighborhood of 350 to 400 pictures that day. A few of those pictures were posted here on this site and are still on the site, but you have to use the search bar at the top of the page to get to them.

This is the first of many video slide shows we are producing from this event. We are also going to put up a web site for these videos as well as many of the pictures we took during the event. We will link the new site into this one once we have it up. We are estimating about 3 days from now.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum 10 Video Mini Series & Pictures Update

We have just finished adding the entire 10 video mini series of the Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum onto our expansion site and put them all on one page. We will soon be adding a number of pages of pictures that we just finished editing. Because of the lighting at the Abingdon Episcopal Church, the pictures had a heavy yellow hue to them that we had to clean up. There is also a few pictures that are a matter of interest. We will point them out once we have the pages up, so be sure to look for them. Click Here to go to the 10 video mini series page. From the site side bar, look for the picture pages for them.

Rodrigo Guitar Trio Pictures Link

In an effort to cut down on high end pictures and video, we are now using expansion sites to host the majority of our pictures, videos and slide shows. By using these expansion sites, we are also able to increase the amount of pictures, videos and slide shows as well as other content that we can offer. The best example of this starts here with 4 pages of pictures of the Rodrigo Guitar Trio who were recently at the Abingdon Episcopal Church on Friday night, April 17th, 2009. Click Here to view the pictures. We have put up 4 pages of pictures on this site.

We have also added links at the bottom of each page that will take you back here to the main site. Moving forward, we will be minimizing the amount of pictures, videos and slide shows on this site so that our friends on dial up will be able to access this site. Plus they should be able to access the pictures on the expansion sites as well as we are cutting down the size of the pictures yet they will be on the pages in larger size than they first appear on this site.

We hope you enjoy these expansion.