We are doing some new things with the site for 2009. We will be cataloging Gloucester County through pictures and bits of information about businesses, places of interest, more links and videos on area interests so that any visitor can see Gloucester County the way we do. We are becoming more interactive and we appreciate your feedback.
We will also try and get more news stories that we break ourselves for your information. Let us know what you want and if we can do it we will. So if you see someone taking pictures in the middle of an intersection, parking lot or park, it's a good chance it's us. So honk your horn and say hello. And as you can tell, we have already begun.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Google Map For Gloucester County Virginia
Google Map
This is the link for a map of Gloucester County. It has some really slick features that can be turned on such as wiki postings on the area, photos and videos on the area. Check it out.
This is the link for a map of Gloucester County. It has some really slick features that can be turned on such as wiki postings on the area, photos and videos on the area. Check it out.
Short Lane Ice Cream Video
Here is a great video for the Short Lane Ice Cream Shop here in Gloucester, Virginia. This is a great example of socially engineered marketing and the video has the best reasons to visit this shop. I know I plan on taking the family there. They also put up a few other videos on YouTube which I may bring to this site in the future. We will have an update on this store in the future after we visit.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Hollywood Parasites New Web Site
TTC Media has just created a new web site called Hollywood Parasites and it has been designed for those with a story about parasitical people who prey on the rich and famous to get that story out. Its a new concept in reporting as it gives press time to stories that may not have been considered news worthy in the past or was considered more of a constant embarrassment by those who were and or are suffering these leaching parasites that are within our society. The terms and conditions that must be met before submitting a story and having that story published on the new site are extremely rough.
The site has just opened and does not yet contain any stories, but you may want to keep an eye out as you never know what is around the corner. Or you may have a story of your own or know of someone with a good story and have them visit the site to consider publishing that story. The story does not have to be about a Hollywood Celebrity. The person just needs to fit the bill of famous even if just famous by region. So visit the site and bookmark it now so that you can check out the stories in the future. We contacted some pretty high profile people to pass the word around, so it may not take long at all.
The site has just opened and does not yet contain any stories, but you may want to keep an eye out as you never know what is around the corner. Or you may have a story of your own or know of someone with a good story and have them visit the site to consider publishing that story. The story does not have to be about a Hollywood Celebrity. The person just needs to fit the bill of famous even if just famous by region. So visit the site and bookmark it now so that you can check out the stories in the future. We contacted some pretty high profile people to pass the word around, so it may not take long at all.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Gloucester Wal Mart Closed Christams Day
Because the site has had a number of hits from people looking up Wal Mart's Business hours on Christmas Day, Wal Mart has been closed all day to allow it's employees to spend time with their families. Wal Mart closed at 6:00 PM on Christmas Eve and will open at Mid Night after Christmas Day. Almost all businesses have been closed today with the exceptions of very few restaurants, the local Cinema, gas stations and some of the video stores. I was actually shocked at the amount of traffic on the road today compared to years past on Christmas day.
Destination Spain - Traveling To Europe?

Are you thinking about traveling to Europe? Here is a web site to look over to consider a destination of Spain. This site is well laid out and loaded with a lot of great information. Whether you are looking for a destination in the mountains or one by the ocean, why not have it both ways?
There is even car rental information on this site for you. You can book a villa right from the site as well. So if you are looking for a place to stay for a few days or even a few months, take a look here first. Happy Travels.
We have also added a side bar and bottom page link to this site, Mijas la Nueva!
Casa del Cielo - Mijas, Spain, with the heading, "Destination Spain".
Tough Location?
One of the first businesses you come up on coming into Gloucester on the right hand side. This location has housed an Adult book store, several Tattoo parlors, and I have no idea what was there last. To the best of my knowledge there is nothing in here right now. I always thought this would make a great brew threw site. A store that it's main business is beer. The biggest problem with the concept is that there is a very low markup on beer. The markup is so low that it's really not worth it for any store to carry except that it brings customers in. It is consistently a loss leader.
It's a tough location to get in and out of. So finding a successful concept to work in this spot is a very tough trick. So the challenge is on to see who can come up with a winning idea and can really make it work. I'll bet the ideas are many but the money not there. Those with the money are waiting for the right ideas. Wouldn't it be great if the two could meet.
Gloucester Inn Motel
An Insight As To What Is Coming
This is a bit of an insight as to where we are taking this site. If you once lived here, are thinking about living here, if you keep up with this site, you will know everything you see as you drive through here as you will have seen it all on this site.
We will be bringing you pictures of local businesses, sites of interest and we will eventually take you off the beaten paths to the hidden treasures of the area. Plus we will continue with the usual links and news stories and we will continue to track where you come in to see what your interests are.
Thank you all for your patronage.
Ocean Buffet Update
We track where hits come from to our sites that helps us to determine what is important to you. Ocean Buffet has been a pretty hot topic as of late. For those wondering, Ocean Buffet is not presently open. We have heard third party as to why and because it was third party, we will not post the reason we were given as it would not be fair. Will this restaurant re open? We do not know at the present time, but we hope so as we liked the place. If you know as to whether or not they re open, please send that to us and we will update the site. As to why they closed, we are not going to post unless it comes from an official within the company that owns Ocean Buffet or an official with the state.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
More Santa Tracking Choices For Gloucester, VA

The MSNBC Santa Tracker.
Because it's all about choice as to how you want to track Santa here in Gloucester. Our goal is to bring you plenty of choices. So have fun and see when Santa will be here so that you can be sure to be in bed when he comes down the chimney. Sure hope you have all been good so that you get what you asked for.
Norad Santa Tracker For Gloucester, VA
NORAD Santa Tracker
And Christmas would be what without the Santa Tracker?
Let's not forget the all important North Pole web site.
And Christmas would be what without the Santa Tracker?
Let's not forget the all important North Pole web site.
Merry Christmas Gloucester County Virginia

Merry Christmas Gloucester County Virginia. We will soon be moving into a new year and in that new year, we have been working on some big changes to this site. We will begin the new changes with the start of the new year. We won't give away what we have planned for you, but we know that many of you will be very pleased with these changes. Enjoy the holiday season and we hope that Santa brings all of you the best for the new year coming.
Friday, December 12, 2008
WXGM Link update
WXGM Here is the latest link for WXGM 99.1 FM in Gloucester, VA. Finally found the actual web site. This is a great time of year to listen to them as they are playing a great collection of Christmas music. Yup, I said it. Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, not Holiday music, I don't ever hear 4th of July music around the 4th of July. I don't hear Thanksgiving music ever, It's the Christmas season for most of us here in the good old USA. I mean no disrespect of people of other faiths, but the vast majority in this nation still believe in Christmas and what it stands for. So God Bless and Merry Christmas to all. (And don't forget to check out WXGM at 99.1 on your FM dial). Also, if it says Holiday tree on the package, ask them if it is a Palm tree with lights on it and what Holiday it's for and do they sell it throughout the year? If they answer no to any of these, don't buy it.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Jamie Fresh's Book On Rick Nelson Not a Reality

I have to apologize to you. I posted an entry a few weeks ago announcing the release of a new book, or so I was lead to believe, from Jamie Fresh, aka Steven Furst, that is supposed to be about Rick Nelson. After numerous contacts with Jamie Fresh and his companion Evelyn, I did a lot of research and found out the book has little to no chance of ever coming out. Seems he is unable to ever get the backing of the Nelson family and there is no one else that any publisher can check with to prove what Jamie is claiming in his works.
I created a web site where the details of my dealings with Jamie Fresh are documented. The site is here so you can look the whole matter over for yourself. Jamie is from Gloucester County, VA and presently resides in California. We wish Jamie the best of luck in his endeavors, but a book and movie just do not look like it's in the cards for him.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
More Links Battle of the Hook
WordPress.com Battle of the Hook, is another news story on the events along with pictures. Some more pictures from one of the photographers there that day, Lissa68 on DeviantART Gallery, and here is a Youtube Video, , plus there are more videos on Youtube for the battle.
Battle of the Hook Update
We have a Battle of the Hook update for you. Here is a link to Pleasant Living Magazine and if you go to the September/October section and download the PDF file, you can read the entire article about the re enactment here. The download is about 15 mbs in size. We had met Dr David Justic and his lovely wife at the Battle as he was also photographing the battle and you can see his pictures through this PDF download. Enjoy the article, they did a great job covering the story.
Jamie Fresh New Book Update

We have an update on the new book by Jamie Fresh on the death of Ricky Nelson. The link is right here, Jamie Fresh.
Any other updates will be posted as they develop.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Great Book, "Jane" by Donald Devine

If you are looking for a really good book to read, may we recommend the book, Jane, by Donald J. Devine. We recently met the author, Mr Devine who was kind enough to give us an overview of this new book which is the first book in a four part series. Here is Mr Devine's Synopsis of the book.
Jane is a teenage slave who falls in love, but it is a forbidden love - doomed to have a tragic end. Before that can happen, she finds herself in an unexpected and violent escape.
She experiences an adventurous and harrowing flight as she tries to find freedom and a settled life. She meets interesting people and challenging situations along the way, and, grows into a confident and successful young woman.
This is a story of adventure, a coming of age, and the meaning of love and affection. It includes tales of the Underground Railroad, ambushes, narrow escapes, rescue missions, robberies, chases, life among the Quakers and Dunkards of Pennsylvania, scenes from life among the slaves and gentry in Virginia, high pitched political emotions, an election, secession and battling armies.
It explores the attitudes and values of people in both the North and the South in the critical months leading up to the Civil War, the continues through the first major events of the war: the riots in Baltimore, the siege of Washington and the first battle at Bull Run.
Local Interest; The novel is largely set in Virginia, with important action taking place in Williamsburg, Richmond, Norfolk, and along the Chesapeake Bay.
This is a book with a lot of local interest, set during the period of the Civil War. One does not need to be a Civil War buff to appreciate this book. The book's characters and it's opening setting are fictitious, however, the book is based on historical facts that have been very well researched by the author. Don Devine does a great job in keeping the reader glued to the book at all times as this story has a story behind the story.
Here is a link to Don Devine's web site where you can learn more about the book as well as finding the best way to buy a copy for yourself or to give as a gift this Christmas season. Coldriverbooks.com just click the name and it will take you right to the site.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Jamie Fresh Story On Ricky Nelson's Death, Was It Murder?
We recently ran into Jamie Fresh who is just finishing up his new book on the death of his very close friend, Ricky Nelson. Many of you might not know who Ricky Nelson is so a little background is in order. Here is the Wiki Link on Ricky Nelson. Jamie Fresh was Ricky's room mate for 2 years prior and up to the time of Ricky's death. Jamie is now exposing the truth behind his friend's early demise. Was it an accident or was it murder? The official records up to this point call it an accident.
This book has been in the making for some time now and Jamie has had his life threatened not to produce this book. Seems there are those who have deep interests in the truth not coming out. At this moment we do not have the official name of the book, but we are meeting up with Jamie within the next few days and will supply you with that information as soon as we have it. Jamie has been a very gracious host on supplying us with advanced information since our first meeting. The book is scheduled to be out within the next few weeks and will also be available on Amazon.com and we will link into the site for you on the first day available.
Part of why this is a big deal here is that we are not only talking about a book exposing corruption in the music industry, a movie deal has just been made on this book as well. So we are talking about a major media event that is coming up and grabbing your attention. Jamie is no stranger to the entertainment industry either. Jamie is a singer, songwriter and producer himself and has worked with the likes of Mark St. John, lead guitarist for KISS, Shane Bankston who was Lita Ford's drummer and many other well known musicians. How does this fit Gloucester News? Jamie has a number of friends here and has been looking into buying some local property. Jamie has two web sites but both of them are down at the moment. One is www.jamiefresh.com, (Not linked while it is down), and the other is www.rickynelsonbook.com, which is also down right now and not linked.
We will keep you up to date on what is going on as Jamie has promised to give us whatever news he can as he Loves Gloucester County, Virginia.
In The Picture From Left To Right: Chuck Thompson (Your Host), Jamie Fresh and another major player in the entertainment industry, Joel Cody.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Advertise On Gloucester's Fastest Growing And Most Comprehensive Website
TTC is now offering Advertising on Gloucester's fastest growing and most comprehensive web site. Please contact us for rates and terms.
TTC Joins With Stole It To Fix And Sell Computers

Thompson Technology Consulting has recently joined forces with a Store at the Stagecoach Market called, Stole It, where the deals are so good, you will think you stole it, in order to bring area residents great deals on refurbished computers. We do not stop there either, we are also offering service, repairs and upgrades on computers and will be offering special deals that no one else can match.
During the month of November, bring your computer in to the shop on any Sunday between the hours of 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM and we will install a free office suite for you. That's right, 100% free, no gimmicks. This office suite is highly compatible with Microsoft Office Professional edition offering just about all the same features and with this office suite, you can save your documents as PDF Format.
We not only sell computers, we also sell Linux Operating System computers, fix service and repair computers, offer file recovery services, administrator password reset, and so much more. For more information on services offered, please visit, Thompson Technology Consulting by clicking this link to go to the web site. We also have over 5,000 software titles in stock to customize your computer for you. Plus we buy computers working or not and computer parts.
Store Hours: Tuesday through Friday are 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 AM til 5:00 PM.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Battle of the Hook Part 2, Pictures
The location of this event was at Warner Hall here in Gloucester. Warner Hall is a privately owned Bed and Breakfast Inn and a spectacular property. The owners out did themselves with the event that in it's own right is a great piece of modern history.
For those of you that missed this event, you really did miss something special. There were people here from all over the world to see this show.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Battle of the Hook 1
Battle of the Hook, on an overcast cool crisp day with a good breeze in the air, fall is without question cutting through the crowd of people who came out today to see the largest Revolutionary War re enactment. The battle started at about 2:00 PM and lasted about one and a half hours long. The pictures above are an early preview and we will produce a more detailed story on the battle soon. This event will continue tomorrow, 10/19/08 as well so you still have a chance to get out and see for yourself this great event.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Find A Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agents
Here is a link to help you find a Real Estate Agent to help you buy, sell or just find out what your house is worth.
Here is a link to help you find a Real Estate Agent to help you buy, sell or just find out what your house is worth.
Special Deal For Our Readers With The Stagecoach Market

We have worked out a special deal for you, our readers with the Stagecoach Market for you to be able to set up for free at their outdoor flea market. Here is how the deal works. You can set up for free on any Friday. If you live in an area where you would like to be able to have a yard sale but you are prohibited from doing so for whatever reason, you can now come to the Stagecoach market and set up for free to be able to sell your excess goods or items you no longer need.
There are many people who live in an apartment building or rent a house and are prohibited from having a yard sale. Well now you have a way to sell and make some extra money. No strings attached. This is a fall special we have worked out for you. All you have to tell them at the market is that you are there on the Gloucester Links and News special deal. Use one, two or three tables if need be. In today's economy, making a few extra dollars does not hurt at all. See you there.
Coleman Bridge Openings Link
English: The Coleman Bridge as seen from Yorktown as it connects with Gloucester Point. © 2005 Wyatt Greene (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Recently we received a request to post any known links to any sites that list any known Coleman Bridge openings that may be coming up. At first that was a pretty tough one to find. But after using a number of search engines we have located one and here it is. You do not have to sign up for the service. Just put in central Virginia and on the right hand side of the two drop down menus, put in route 17 for the map. Scroll down the map until you see the triangle in the Gloucester area and put your mouse over the triangle and a flash menu will come up giving you the next known bridge opening.
For all the latest news,
please click on the Home button towards the top of this site.
Have a news story? Submit
it above.
Some of Gloucester's most
incredible history is found on this site in detail.
Gloucester, VA Links and
News – A GVLN Website.
We cover what no one else
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Find A Doctor In Gloucester County, VA
Find a local doctor
Here is a link to help you find a local doctor.
Here is a link to help you find a local doctor.
Affordable Health Care In Gloucester County, VA
This article is going to be a little off beat from the norm. The reason being is because we didn't officially interview the Doctor we are about to mention in this article and we will not be mentioning his name or the address of his practice at this time. We thought it was worth reporting though based on first hand experience that all should be aware of.
A few weeks ago, we had to find a Doctor to see one of our son's within a very reasonably soon time period. Most doctors were not able to accommodate our then present needs. After many phone calls all over the county, we came up with three options, only two were acceptable. We picked one of the two doctors based on pricing. Here is what we found, this doctor does not take appointments. It's first come first served. The doctor does not take insurance, no waiting for months to get paid half or less of billed services. This doctor does not take credit cards, no bounced charges or costs associated with the fees for doing so. This doctor does not take checks, no bounced check fees or waiting for money to clear the accounts.
This doctor only takes cash and it is payable at the end of the visit. No paying later on. The office visit fees? About half of what you would pay a normal doctor before they start adding fees for additional services. In other words, you walk out without paying $100.00 or more or even $50.00 or more. In fact, this doctor's fees were substantially less than $50.00, plus this doctor was refreshingly very friendly and not stressed about his job like so many other doctors seem to be these days.
The net results because of the way this doctor runs his practice is affordable health care in an arena where costs have gone through the roof for all other doctors and we are the ones who pick up those costs.
A few weeks ago, we had to find a Doctor to see one of our son's within a very reasonably soon time period. Most doctors were not able to accommodate our then present needs. After many phone calls all over the county, we came up with three options, only two were acceptable. We picked one of the two doctors based on pricing. Here is what we found, this doctor does not take appointments. It's first come first served. The doctor does not take insurance, no waiting for months to get paid half or less of billed services. This doctor does not take credit cards, no bounced charges or costs associated with the fees for doing so. This doctor does not take checks, no bounced check fees or waiting for money to clear the accounts.
This doctor only takes cash and it is payable at the end of the visit. No paying later on. The office visit fees? About half of what you would pay a normal doctor before they start adding fees for additional services. In other words, you walk out without paying $100.00 or more or even $50.00 or more. In fact, this doctor's fees were substantially less than $50.00, plus this doctor was refreshingly very friendly and not stressed about his job like so many other doctors seem to be these days.
The net results because of the way this doctor runs his practice is affordable health care in an arena where costs have gone through the roof for all other doctors and we are the ones who pick up those costs.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Gloucester County, VA Free Public Access Records
Gloucester County Free Public Records
Here is a link to Gloucester County, Virginia public records. These records are free and open to public access.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Williamsburg Triangle Links & News Sister Site Kick off

Williamsburg Triangle Links & News
The Williamsburg Triangle Links & News sister site is getting ready to be launched by this weekend and will be fully up next week. We are proud to announce the kick off of this site and the format and layout are similar to this one. Please take some time and visit our new sister site. We think you will enjoy it.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
WXGM 99.1 FM Gloucester Radio Station
Gloucester Radio Station WXGM
Here is a link to the Gloucester Radio Station, WXGM FM 99.1. They have on line radio so you can listen right from your computer. The music is a mix of top 40 and everything from 70's through to today. Even though we like the radio station, we do not really care for the website. It contains very little information about the station and is top heavy on advertising. The site is geared more towards you buying services than anything else. We do not recommend you try listening from your computer as they want you to sign up for a service that you may never use. It's free on the radio, listen there instead.
Here is a link to the Gloucester Radio Station, WXGM FM 99.1. They have on line radio so you can listen right from your computer. The music is a mix of top 40 and everything from 70's through to today. Even though we like the radio station, we do not really care for the website. It contains very little information about the station and is top heavy on advertising. The site is geared more towards you buying services than anything else. We do not recommend you try listening from your computer as they want you to sign up for a service that you may never use. It's free on the radio, listen there instead.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Plenty of new Gloucester News RSS Feeds
You asked for it, so we have worked on clearing up the old feed we had for news about Gloucester and now have a nice list and cleaner look of RSS News feeds about and for Gloucester County. Your one stop information station on the web. Guess we need to figure out some way to pipe in the local radio stations as well. Since we brought it up, guess the next link needs to be about our local radio stations.
Beaverdam Park, Gloucester County, VA
Beaverdam Park
Beaverdam Park; Gloucester Counties largest park to the tune of 1340 acres with a 635 acre lake. Boating, fishing, hiking, nature trails, children playground, outdoor cooking are just some of the fun you can have here. This is a very scenic park and very clean and well kept. Great for the family, company picnic, or some place to go just to clear your head after a long day.
At the top is a link to more information about the park and they even have a live camera in case you want to see the conditions on the lake before taking up your boat or just to go fishing. Enjoy the picture slide show, it's the most extensive picture show of the park on any website.
Beaverdam Park; Gloucester Counties largest park to the tune of 1340 acres with a 635 acre lake. Boating, fishing, hiking, nature trails, children playground, outdoor cooking are just some of the fun you can have here. This is a very scenic park and very clean and well kept. Great for the family, company picnic, or some place to go just to clear your head after a long day.
At the top is a link to more information about the park and they even have a live camera in case you want to see the conditions on the lake before taking up your boat or just to go fishing. Enjoy the picture slide show, it's the most extensive picture show of the park on any website.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Dr Walter Reed Birthplace
Dr Walter Reed Birthplace
For information, or the lack thereof, on the birthplace of Dr Walter Reed, try this link posted above.
For information, or the lack thereof, on the birthplace of Dr Walter Reed, try this link posted above.
The Rosewell Ruins
Click the link above and take a virtual trip to the Rosewell Ruins. See what is new and all the exciting things going on. October 26th is their annual fund raiser BBQ Dinner and only advanced reservations will get you in, so visit the site and plan on this great event.
Click the link above and take a virtual trip to the Rosewell Ruins. See what is new and all the exciting things going on. October 26th is their annual fund raiser BBQ Dinner and only advanced reservations will get you in, so visit the site and plan on this great event.
York River Overlooking Gloucester Point
Guinea Jubilee, September 26th and 27th
Come one, come all, its the Guinea Jubilee. Two days of arts, crafts, entertainment, heritage displays and the Fireman's parade. Abingdon Ruritan Club Grounds, Guinea Road, Bena. Visit the official website by clicking this link.
Guinea Jubilee
Guinea Jubilee
Quilt Code of the Underground Railroad, September Event
On display throughout the month of September are exhibits including posters explaining the "Code" and several quilts depicting its use of the Underground Railroad. This exhibit will be at the Visitor Center, in the Historic Court Circle, Main Street, Gloucester.
The Virginia Symphony, Yorktown
The Virginia Symphony held a concert over in Yorktown on August 30th, 2008. A very well done setup and well performed concert. Here is one of the clips we did. If you ever get a chance to see the Virginia Symphony, we recommend going. It was just a great night on the hill over looking the water towards Gloucester. Our thanks to the Virginia Symphony for allowing us to make this recording available to you.
The Ocean Buffet Restaurant
The Ocean Buffet Restaurant, located at 6693 Fox Center Parkway, right by Starbucks, next to Wal Mart, is a must visit place to eat. Service is top notch and the staff is really friendly, and most important of all, the food is fantastic.
We took the family to dinner there and were just delighted over the menu, very pleased with the service and we highly recommend this place. The picture slide show only gives you a small idea of the wonderful food. The dining area is very clean and the food is not made in mass quantities so you know it is always very fresh.
For all the latest news,
please click on the Home button towards the top of this site.
Have a news story? Submit
it above.
Some of Gloucester's most
incredible history is found on this site in detail.
Gloucester, VA Links and
News – A GVLN Website.
We cover what no one else
Advertisement: How To Interpret Dreams with free bonuses offer. CLICK HERE for more information.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Day For Jarrett
This is a dedicated group of local citizens trying to make a difference for the children in our community with special needs. Last year they did an event called "A Day For Jarrett", in honor of Jarrett Frush. Jarrett Frush is an eight year old boy with severe cerebral palsy. The event last year had a police escorted motorcycle ride, vendors, a carnival and clowns for all the families to enjoy. The money raised was for Cerebral Palsy of Virginia located in Virginia Beach.
This year the groups desire is to build an all inclusive playground for the children in the Gloucester and surrounding communities, siting that these types of playgrounds are few and far between but are becoming a much needed asset to all communities. The playground design is for children with different abilities and they can learn, play and enjoy the interaction with others. It will be 100% wheelchair accessible.
This Year's Event
This year's event is being held on September 27th, at the Soccer Fields behind EVB and Damon & Co, Route 17, Gloucester, VA.
The event starts at 11:00 AM and will go until 7:00 PM.
There will be a "Ride with the guys II" with the guys from Rockers Originals at 8:00 AM to kick off the event and will have a police escort. To sign up to ride with this group, please go to Damon & Co.
Please visit their website by clicking the link below;
A Day For Jarrett
Gloucester County Shopping Link 2
Shopping 2
This list is a more extensive list of places to shop in Gloucester, however, it has multiple repeated postings of the same stores over and over and over......
This list is a more extensive list of places to shop in Gloucester, however, it has multiple repeated postings of the same stores over and over and over......
Shopping In Gloucester County, Link 1
Shopping in Gloucester County. Here is a small list from the Virginia.org site.
Shopping in Gloucester County. Here is a small list from the Virginia.org site.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Daily Press News Feed
we just added a Daily Press News Feed to the bottom of the page but we really do not like the way it looks and it takes up a lot of space. However, we want to know what you think. We are looking for better looking feeds for local news and will continue to experiment until we have a nice looking and practical feed. Please do not hesitate to comment. This is an RSS Feed. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Daily Press,
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
RSS Feed
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester Restaurants Link 2
More places to eat
Another good website with information on local area restaurants. Happy Dinning. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Another good website with information on local area restaurants. Happy Dinning. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Places to eat,
Restaurants Link,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester Restaurants Link 1
Places to eat
Here is the first link for places to eat in Gloucester County. The site has some wrong postings such as Friendlys restaurant in MA, and some that have since gone out of business. Other than that, a nice place to start. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN website.
Here is the first link for places to eat in Gloucester County. The site has some wrong postings such as Friendlys restaurant in MA, and some that have since gone out of business. Other than that, a nice place to start. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN website.
Gloucester County,
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Places to eat,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester Worship, Churches Links 2
Another Link Site of places to Worship
Here is another links site of places to Worship on Gloucester County. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Here is another links site of places to Worship on Gloucester County. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester County Blog News
Blog site with Gloucester County News
Here is a blog with news on Gloucester County, VA. Nice site and information on what is going on in Gloucester Politics. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Here is a blog with news on Gloucester County, VA. Nice site and information on what is going on in Gloucester Politics. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester County Church Guide
Gloucester Church Guide
Far from a complete list, to date it's the biggest list I have seen yet. Maybe I have to develop a new site for a more complete listing? Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Far from a complete list, to date it's the biggest list I have seen yet. Maybe I have to develop a new site for a more complete listing? Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester Chamber of Commerce Site
Gloucester Chamber of Commerece
The Gloucester County, Virginia Chamber of Commerce website. Link. Gloucester, VA Links and News website.
The Gloucester County, Virginia Chamber of Commerce website. Link. Gloucester, VA Links and News website.
Chamber of Commerce,
County Gloucester VA Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester Weather
The Weather Underground
Gloucester County Virginia Weather Underground. A great bookmark for the most current weather conditions. We loaded one of their stickers onto the bottom of this page. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester County Virginia Weather Underground. A great bookmark for the most current weather conditions. We loaded one of their stickers onto the bottom of this page. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Virginia Hometown Location Link
Virginia Hometown Location Link
One of the things missing from this site is Gloucester Churches and places of worship.
Also missing restaurants, and places to shop. Other than that, a great site to dig up tons of information on Gloucester County. Four star site out of 5. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
One of the things missing from this site is Gloucester Churches and places of worship.
Also missing restaurants, and places to shop. Other than that, a great site to dig up tons of information on Gloucester County. Four star site out of 5. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Web Site
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Sunday, August 24, 2008
A Coleman Bridge Opening, Gloucester, VA from YouTube
Here is a video of the Coleman Bridge opening. Gloucester Point and Yorktown. Found this on You Tube and thought we would share it. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Bridge. Opening,
Gloucester Point,
Gloucester VA Links and News,
Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester Point, VA, USA
Big Gloucester County Issue
This is a big Gloucester County issue. I do not have all the facts of the case so I do not take sides having been a para legal in the past. I will be happy to post both sides of the issue, and let both the courts and the public make their own respective verdicts. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester VA Links and News,
Law Suit,
Links and News,
VA Issue,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester High Marching Band
High School,
Links and News,
Marching Band,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester High School, 6680 Short Ln, Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester Wal Mart
Technically speaking, what you see in this video is a big no no. Wal Mart does not allow cameras to be used in their stores and if they had caught the person who did this, they would have made sure this file never made it to this point. My opinion? It was not done in anyway that would harm Wal Mart, so I have no issues posting it here, in case you have not seen it.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester VA,
Gloucester Wal Mart,
Links and News,
Wal Mart
Location:Gloucester, VA
6819 Waltons Ln, Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Stagecoach Market

The Stagecoach Market is celebrating it's 20th birthday this year. This Antique village, flea market and farmers market was opened to the public back in 1978. A family owned business since the beginning and still run by the same family, this is a fun place to browse around in and find some really great bargains and hard to find items. An antique lovers dream is found here as there are plenty of antique shops with all kinds of finds.
Looking for out of print movies? This is a great place to look as the selection here is one of the best. The link to the Stagecoach market is right at the beginning of this post, just click on the name Stagecoach Market above and you will be taken right to that website. There you will get a much better idea of what kind of items and deal you can find at the Stagecoach. This is one of our featured sites and there is also a link on the bottom of this page to the site. Happy Shopping.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Flea Market,
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
The Stagecoach Market,
Location:Gloucester, VA
6467 George Washington Memorial Hwy, Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Tyndall's Point, aka Gloucester Point - History
Tyndall's Point, aka Gloucester Point, was originally named after map maker Robert Tyndall in 1608. Mr Tyndall was exploring the lands of Virginia with Christopher Newport and John Smith. The area quickly became a hot bed for tobacco plantations and a warehouse was built on the point to serve planters shipping their crops back to England. In 1667, the first fort was built to defend against any possible invasion from the Dutch fleet.
This was an important area during both the American Revolution and the Civil War. The Earthworks, also known as readouts, are all man made defenses from those periods. Tyndall's Point park is a great example of modern warfare, but the biggest secret of this park remains buried in the woods covered with overgrowth. The best of the earthworks are rather dangerous and the parks department would prefer you stay out of that area and not know about it. The ending pictures on this slide show reveal the best areas, but they are not easily accessible and we do not recommend you try to go into them. They are dangerous as there are sudden unseen drops that are very deep. I tried to take a few pictures of them, but the overgrowth is so thick, none of them came out where you could tell what they were. Plus moving around that area was extremely rough and very hazardous.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
American Revolution,
Civil War,
Gloucester Point,
Gloucester VA,
Historical Site,
Links and News,
Tyndall's Point,
Location:Gloucester, VA
George Washington Memorial Hwy, Gloucester Point, VA 23062, USA
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Gloucester County Government TV Channel 48
TV 48 This is just to cool to not link. The Gloucester Government TV Channel 48 site. If you are on high speed Internet, you can stream this channel over your computer. Check it out. We just tested the site using the Firefox browser and it did not work. The site recommends using Internet Explorer. We will give you an update soon on how well the site works using IE.
Update, because Gloucester, VA Gov uses Silver Light for it's videos, porting them over does not work very well with alternative browsers or Linux site servers. We have had a number of problems with their videos. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Update, because Gloucester, VA Gov uses Silver Light for it's videos, porting them over does not work very well with alternative browsers or Linux site servers. We have had a number of problems with their videos. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Channel 48,
Gloucester County,
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester County Tourism Link Update
Gloucester County Tourism Here is a link update for Gloucester County Tourism. We were just sent this link update and this is a great site to start your information tour of our county. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester County,
Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Battle Of The Hook
Battle Of The Hook We highly recommend this site as one to visit for a major upcoming event. Billed as the nation's largest Revolutionary War Reenactment, this is a can not miss event. We have this on our calender of events that we will be posting as much as possible about after the event. One of the sponsors of this event is the Stagecoach Market a local Antique, flea and farmers market. Another site that we highly recommend that you visit. In the event you have no idea of what to expect at this market, please visit the site by clicking on the above link.
The owners took down the main Battle of the Hook site a few months after the event. In fact, most web sites that contained information about the battle are long gone. You Tube has plenty of videos from the event including our own. We have our own Battle of the Hook site up and the link is at the top of the page and on the right hand side bar. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
The owners took down the main Battle of the Hook site a few months after the event. In fact, most web sites that contained information about the battle are long gone. You Tube has plenty of videos from the event including our own. We have our own Battle of the Hook site up and the link is at the top of the page and on the right hand side bar. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Battle Of The Hook,
Gloucester VA,
Stagecoach Market,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester News Website
Gloucester News Here is an incredible news website just found. Between the Gloucester - Mathews Gazette Journal and this site, you will have the full perspective of all the local news going on in this area. Looks like we will be a regular user of this site ourselves. Very clean and well done. Topix is the name of the news site. They have some crazy posts from many local people. Some fights are found here. This is not an actual local site. It's part of a national site with local feeds.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester County,
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester VA, Antique Car Show Every Weekend
Every weekend there is an antique car show here in Gloucester. It's in the parking lot where the main Library is on Main Street, across from the DAV thrift shop. Everyone is welcome and there are no fees to see the vehicles. There is only a very small fee to enter in your own antique or classic car into the show. It's a fun time. I will be putting together a slide show very soon of one of these shows so you can get a much better idea of what a great event this is each week. I'll also have more details on the next posting.
Some really cool antique cars can be found on display here. Restaurants are located in the plaza here so if you do get hungry, it's a non issue. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Every Weekend,
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Main Street,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester County Library, Main Street Center, 6920 Main St, Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester County Tourism Site
Gloucester County Tourism Here is the link to the official Gloucester County Tourism Site.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester County,
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester County Public School System
Here is the link for the Gloucester County public school system. Gloucester County Schools.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester County,
Gloucester VA,
Links and News,
Public Schools,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Gloucester-Mathews Gazzette Journal Link
Gloucester - Mathews Gazette- Journal Here is the link to one of our local newspapers. I have met a number of the people who work at this paper and let me say, this is one of the nicest group of folks I have ever dealt with. Very polite and professional and a real joy to work with. I can't say enough nice things about them. They produce a great paper for the community and this link is to their on line version. Please give them a visit.
Update, the site is mostly a paid subscription site. Don't know if it's really worth it. I'd rather subscribe to the paper myself. Even still, it's one of the best local papers we have ever seen for any community. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Update, the site is mostly a paid subscription site. Don't know if it's really worth it. I'd rather subscribe to the paper myself. Even still, it's one of the best local papers we have ever seen for any community. Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester County Fair Picture Slide Show
We decided to kick this site off with a slide show from the Gloucester County Fair that just ended Sunday, August 17th, 2008. 315 pictures total. We tried to capture as much of the fair as possible. It was a good time for the entire family. We will be covering as many events in the area as we can from this point forward, bringing you advanced information and news along with coverage of after the events and as many pictures as possible and when we can, we will even do video clips. Hope you enjoy this show, it's a long one.
Gloucester, VA Links and News. GVLN Website.
Gloucester VA,
Links and News. County Fair,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Link Info, Gloucester County 1
Seal of Gloucester County, Virginia (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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incredible history is found on this site in detail.
Gloucester, VA Links and
News – A GVLN Website.
We cover what no one else
Getting Started,
Gloucester VA,
Link Info,
Links and News,
New To Area,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester, VA 23061, USA
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