Friday, March 29, 2013

Gloucester, VA - Kudos To Delegate Keith Hodges

A special thank you to Delegate Keith Hodges, representative covering Gloucester County, Virginia.  Keith recently turned down backing Gloucester Counties legalize theft campaign in favor of the citizens of Gloucester.

  A great deal of information came out in the news over all of this.  Gloucester County Government sued it's own citizens to push through a system no one wanted back in 1988.  Now the county wants more money for a system people still do not want but the county could care less what the residents want.

It's like we already pointed out, the board of supervisors have been taken over and you are dealing with a secret masonic order that knows what you need and could care less what you want.

  It would make more sense to us if you are looking to argue saving the Chesapeake Bay, that more homes should have septic systems as opposed to a county sewer system.  Let's look at the logic behind all of this.  If you can call it logic on their part.  The county sewer system is piped over to Hampton Roads across the York river.  Eventually that pipe system is going to break down or break for one reason or another.  Storm destruction, hit by a tanker, whatever, something will knock it out.  Here is the problem.  When you combine the waste of multiple households, you increase the toxicity of the waste more than twice it's level for each household added.  Two households increase toxicity by a factor of at least 4 times.  10 households over 40 times.  The more you add, the more toxic the waste becomes.

  It's no different than chemistry class.  Add chemicals together and you get new chemicals.  New strains of bacteria and so much more.  When the pipeline does break, the massive amount of waste that dumps into the bay area will be tremendous.  The system backups that will flow back into people's houses will be massive.  When that happens, who is going to pay for the cleanup?  Gloucester County Government?  Don't count on it.  You will.  Based on a system you never wanted to begin with.

  With septic systems, you have containment.  Gloucester County only had 3 septic systems needing attention in 2012 and they see this as a problem?  The hourly bird droppings into the Bay cause more damage than 30 septic system failures would cause in a week.  So who are they kidding?  No one in Gloucester wanted the 22 million dollar debt note.  So it's a county problem.  Not a resident problem.  Just stop paying the note.  Default on the payments.  If our federal government can do it, so can our local government.

  Maybe the county could then file for a federal bailout? Maybe they can just hold a bake sale to raise the money.  Have a special Masonic fun day and charge parking fees.  Put parking meters on Main Street to raise money.  Stop giving tax breaks to big business and let them pay their own way like everyone else has to.

  Maybe we should hold a contest on how the county can raise money other than putting a gun to people's backs.  Or maybe they can actually put guns to people's backs as they shop through the Gloucester Main Street Village.  A sort of pay to play daily event.  Fun for the whole family.  They can even process your credit cards to cover the fees while holding you up.

  Enough of the poking fun and once again saying Thank You to Delegate Keith Hodges.  With actions like this, it looks like we have to keep you around.  Not a bad idea in our opinion.

Free MP3 download.  Out On The Road is the title track by Persson.  A really good Blues track.

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Gloucester, VA - Local Chamber Of Commerce Becoming Invalid?

We have to ask the question.  Is the Gloucester Chamber of Commerce becoming invalid?  With all the challenges now being made by the Gloucester Main Street Association that is stepping more and more into the role that the Chamber of Commerce traditionally plays, it looks like the Gloucester Main Street Association is looking to kill the Chamber of Commerce as a valid tool for area businesses.

  In a recent article in the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal and a recent site visit to the Gloucester Main Street Association web site, the Gloucester Main Street Association is expanding out well past it's boundaries.  It's no longer containing itself to the Gloucester Main Street Village area.  Exceptions have been made that have brought in the Inn At Warner Hall into the GMA as well as WXHM radio.  Both outside the GMAV zone.

  Once you open this door, you can't close it.  The Gloucester Main Street Association now needs to open it's doors to all businesses in Gloucester County.  That includes the spice shops as well.  Or didn't they get the invitations?  In which case, the Gloucester Main Street Association needs to change it's name. Now that does look like a direct threat to the Chamber of Commerce to us.

  Further notes of interest is the headline in the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal.  Gloucester Main Street Association Chart Future Course.  Sounds familiar to the Triad story now does it not?  Food was provided during a membership and planning meeting.  That's fine as long as county employees were not eating any of the food provided,  If they were, that is also fine as long is it was the first time and the only time this year that they do so.  Otherwise you may be looking at further bribes being accepted by county employees.

  But then again, March is Bribe your local official month.  So bribe away.  Blackmailing your county official starts real soon here in April.  You have to love these people, they make reporting the news so much fun.

Free MP3 download.  Adibudi - Special Sounds For Special Girl.  Instrumental Dance beat.  Great sound mix.  Check it out.  Money back guarantee if you do not like it.  It's free so just delete it.

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gloucester, VA - Illuminating The Triad - Gloucester's Secret Masonic Government

First we would like to open this post with an explanation of Illumination.  When dealing with secret societies, illumination means different concepts at different levels for it's members.  For most members of secret societies, illumination means education or moving from the dark, into the light.  Hence, one becomes illuminated with the teachings gained from membership through secret societies..

  Most people within secret societies never learn the second level of illumination.  False light.  One only gains illumination through false light.  Hence, false teachings.  Herein lies some of the mysteries of the mystery schools of the secret societies.  Please do not tell them this as they are going to be very mad that they are not being taught the truth.

  All that time, money and energy wasted on illumination to achieve a higher self and for what?  Welcome to the underworld of the secret societies.  In this article, we are going to explore very deeply into this underworld as it is important to understand what drives and motivates the members of such and why it's a threat in the real world and is a driving force in Gloucester County Government.

  We are going to take excerpts out of the book, "A Dictionary Of Freemasonry", written by Robert Macoy.

  "SECRET SOCIETIES:  All great associations of antiquity, the objects of which were to civilize and improve the condition of mankind, were secret societies.  They were called "Mysteries."  The mysteries of India, Egypt, Greece, etc, were secret orders - great educational institutions, established for the advancement of men in wisdom and virtue.  The wide extension of the secret principle at the present time, and the immense number of secret philanthropic societies which all lands, prove that there must be some wants, universally felt, to which political institutions do not respond; some elements of human nature not represented therein, which are the cause and groundwork of these secret orders.

  When society and governments are oppressive or imperfect - and all are imperfect, when they do not provide for all the moral, intellectual, and physical needs of men, - the earnest, the loving, the hoping, who dissatisfied with the present, invoke the future; and the weak, who are crushed to the earth by oppressive laws which govern all industrial arrangements, become disgusted with these conditions, and fly to the embrace of some secret order, where a higher ideal is revealed, and the prophecy of a better state is announced.  We conclude then, that secret societies have their origin in the deepest and most pressing wants of humanity.  They grow out of a social arrangement which is unjust and unequal, and point forward to a time when justice and love shall posses and govern the earth."

Now keep in mind that this book was written by a 33 degree Mason and Deputy Grand Master of the state of New York and Nova Scotia.  There is a high degree of bias and plenty fudging of history throughout the book.

So what does all of this have to do with any Masonic secret government in Gloucester?  Wait, we are getting to that.

  "TRIAD:  Three in one.  An important symbol in Freemasonry.  The number three was thought holy in the earliest antiquity.  Numbers, xix, 12, furnishes an instance.  This must have it's reason in the nature of the number.  It represents to us unity and opposition, and the connecting unity - synthesis.  It is the first uneven number in which the first even one is found:  herein lie it's peculiar signification and perfection.  Even in antiquity it could not escape attention, that this number is to be found wherever variety is developed.  Hence we have beginning, middle, end, represented in the heavenly rise, point of culmination and setting; morning, noon and evening, and evening, midnight, morning; and in general, in the dimensions of time, the past, the present, and the future.  In space, also, this number three occurs, as above, in midst, and below; right midst, and left; and in general, in the dimensions of space, as length, breadth, and thickness, or depth.

  To the eye, the number is represented in the regular figure of the triangle, which has been applied to numberless symbolical representations; the ear perceives it most perfectly in the harmonic triad.  As the triple is also the basis of symmetry, that three-figured form is found in architecture and in simple utensils, without any particular reference to symbolic or other significations.  Of this kind are triglyphs in architecture, the tripod, trident, the three thunderbolts of Jupiter, the ancient three-stringed-lyre, though the number has in these objects, as well as in the three-headed Cerberus, other more symbolical relations.  The Triad, represented by the delta, is a significant emblem in a large number of Masonic Degrees."

  Now that we have some Masonic history of the Triad, let's look at the 3 organizations that have gained particular attention on this site as of late.  The Cook Foundation, The Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust, and the Gloucester Main Street Association.  All three organizations are together.  At the head of the list is the Cook Foundation, representing the arts, or the present.  You can not appreciate the arts in anything other than the present.  Next is the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust.  Preserving the past.  Now we see the past represented.  We also have the Gloucester Main Street Association.  Visit their web site and you see the promotion of bringing in businesses and people into the area, representing the future.  So we have the perfect Triad here.  Past, present, and future.  Because there is a head to these three organizations being the Cook Foundation, we have nicknamed the Triad, the Trilateralists.

  It is and has been, a serious problem that secret societies, including Freemasons, have a very high interest in directing government to their own ideals that they consider higher than your own.  Remember, these people are enlightened, hence illuminated, so there is a very high degree of elitist attitudes that go along with those in secret societies.  It's all a part of the brain washing, sorry, training that comes with membership.  Is the Masonic order represented at the Board of Supervisors in Gloucester?  Oh yes.  And knowing what these people think and believe is very critical.

  "SECRECY:  Secrecy is one of the first duties of a Freemason, but those Masons err much who think they do their duty by only exercising it in things concerning the Order of the lodge.  It is not for this reason only that secrecy is so often inculcated in the lodge as a masonic duty, it is that he ought to use secrecy and caution in all his transactions out of the lodge, and especially where his talkativeness might be the means of causing injury or damage to his fellow-men."

Secrecy is one of the first duties taught to any Mason and not just about the lodge, but in all matters that could harm his fellow-men.  We have already shown that numerous Gloucester County officials are on the boards of the Triad organization.  We have shown through video that the Triad is now fully incorporated into the Gloucester County government. What we must point out now is how this Triad thinks and secrecy is a big part of what they believe in.

  So do not expect anyone in Gloucester County government to fix any of these issues.  They are all tied together.  Because secret societies believe they have a right, a duty, to control government, part of the real threat that comes about all of this is that they will ignore state and even federal laws to push through what they want believing that theirs is a higher purpose and for the benefit of mankind.

  "CONCEALMENT:  Keep the door of they lips nor even let the frantic moments of revenge wound that which, in sober reflection, perhaps thou wouldst wish, in vain, to spend years to heal.  Think the best, but never speak the worst; reverence and imitate the good qualities of others, but to all their defects, whether real or imaginary, be a Mason in secrecy, and thus prove to the world - whose eye is curious, indeed, over Masons - that one of the secrets of Masonry is the concealment of our brother's fault, which by discovery, could neither be amended nor obliterated."

  In other words, never admit anything.  Even if it means clearing your own mind, you could harm your masonic brother in revealing the truth.

  You will not ever get a response on these issues from the Board of Supervisors or the Trialaterlists.  They are bound by secrecy to protect the Order.  They may deny any wrong doing.  But they will never give you the truth of the matter.  But hey, this is all one big secret anyway.  So don't tell anyone you know this or admit you ever read this.  Deny that it's even on this site.  In fact, don't even talk about this to anyone.  If anyone brings this up to you, tell them that it's a mystery to you but give them the answer of 9.  Why 9?  It's a mathematical mystery.  3x3=9  3 to the third power = 81.  8+1 =9.  9=3x3.  3 is the holy Triad.  Now you are illuminated.

  We have also shown on this site that the county does in fact ignore state laws and creates it's own ordinances that are in violation of state laws.  Judges go along with these ordinances as well as the county attorney.  Just how deeply the Masonic Order is embedded into the county is unknown.  County employees have been heard to violate many laws and all with impunity.  Understanding how this all happens is what this article has been about.

Free MP3 download.  Seed of Sin by Heifervescent.  A hot pop song with a strong beat to get you moving.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gloucester, VA - Our Global footprint

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Global Footprint of Gloucester, VA Links and News.  This is what one day looks like for this web site and our numbers are one fourth of what they were last month.  We are working on correcting that and getting the numbers back up.  This site has been the part of a university study program in one country.

  We want to thank everyone for taking the time to read our site and making it a global success.  Let us know what you would like to see more of.

Free Music Download.  Bane Djakovic.  Barcelona  Intrumental.  Jazzy sort of feel.  Nice accoustic guitar.  Soft and melodic.

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Gloucester, VA - Readers Respond To Video Posting

Readers respond to video of local business man being interrupted during his talk to the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors.

"This gentleman gets interrupted by someone on the Board of Supervisors at only 59 seconds into his talk. He's supposed to have 10 minutes. He is 94 years old.

 I'm retired military and I respect and love my county. And I respect my elders. This is a damn shame that somebody obviously has no respect for her elders."

This is the video our reader is responding to and it was Louise Theberge, Chair person of the Board of Supervisors, who interrupted this gentleman while he was trying to make a point to the Board of Supervisors.  We thank our responder for their time and service to our country.

Free music download.  

Bane Djakovic  Urban Tales.  A nice soft instrumental piece.  Modern classical.  

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Gloucester, VA Man Arrested In 7-Eleven Robbery

GLOUCESTER — A Gloucester man was arrested early Monday morning following an armed robbery at a 7-Eleven in the Wicomico area.
A clerk called the Gloucester Sheriff's Office at about 12:30 a.m. Monday to say that a man armed with a handgun and with distinctive large black eye glasses and wearing a black hooded jacket, black pants and gloves and with a red bandanna covering the lower portion of his face entered the store and demanded money, said Maj. Ryan Cookson. After receiving an undisclosed amount of cash, the suspect fled the store on foot, Cookson said.
Within two hours investigators arrested Stephen Thomas Reaves, of the 2400 block of Winfred Road.

Free music download.  Circa Vitea's song, Wage War.  A nice pop beat.

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