The subject title alone here can make the hairs on the back of ones neck stand straight up when we think of how many times we have been deceived by the men we have voted into office.
We used to trust these men but then we discovered they were lying to us and now we have become divided...a nation that in 2001 representatives that stood on the White House steps hand in hand on September 11th, vowing that we are one nation under God. Yet, the fact is many of those hand holders are seeking division in the worst possible way. Unity is what will keep Our Country strong.
Let's go back to the days of old for a bit.... Some of you are too young to remember her ..., but her name was Chandra Levy. She was a young beautiful intern for the Federal Bureau of Prisons who had her whole life before her until she became a missing person in 2001. Her remains were found in May of 2002. Throughout the search, the secret affair she had with an U.S. congressmen by the name of Gary Condit(D) unfolded. Many thought he was behind it, others slandered her name. Although someone has been tried and convicted of her death, the question still lingers in the hearts and minds of many if the sexual predator of this young intern had anything to do with it.
Then there was another beautiful young intern by the name of Monica Lewinsky..... who was shunned and scandalized for revealing thatour then President Bill Clinton(D) was having sexual relations with her. He even stood before the American people on National television and called her a liar...., "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" were his words. And To add insult to injury he used OUR Oval Office to violate her. As we all now know DNA DON'T lie but Bill Clinton does!
Here's my point, you have just been given two examples of what could happen to young beautiful interns that are placed in the midst of powerful men. As of late, we're informed of a "list" of women who have been paid off with 17 million of our tax payers dollars to keep them from revealing sexual harassment and /or abuse from trusted politicians. Yet, we have a Senator right here in Virginia who has access to that list and refuses to show it to us. Which isn't surprising.... because let's not forget his close association with the Man "who didn't have sex with that woman". That's right, his beloved wife Hilary wanted him to be vice president! Does he have no shame? Does he not comprehend that the man sexually violated a young intern whose parents were once proud to speak about yet now feel they were let down by the very men they entrusted their daughters with? If that's not cause for concern, then you must not have a daughter, wife or granddaughter who is excelling in the powerful world of politics.
My question to you is, how many of these young women on that list have been frightened or coerced into taking money to seal their lips? Afterall, look at the ones we do know about. Their lives were ripped apart, they were put down by the media and presented as "having asked for it". đź‘€ Really? That's the opinion of our young rising interns? How horrible to be in a position to have to decide between justice and slanderous accusation that can ruin you forever or being quiet and watching the perpetrator continue on his path. Ladies....take a moment And ponder that. And as you do so, ask yourself...... Do you really think they stopped at one victim?
It's election time people....if you're a woman this should bother you tremendously regardless what party you represent. If you're a husband or father it should bother you. Let me put it like this...... If you're a HUMAN BEING this should bother you. Make a statement at the polls on November 6th. Let Tim Kaine and all those in this cover up know we want him to reveal the list of the senators who have violated the human rights of women! If you don't .... you are just as guilty of their treacherous acts as they are, simply by disregarding these women and their sufferings. Most were most likely young interns who had visions of rising to the top only to be stymied by sexual acts upon them. Demand the list from senator Tim Kaine who stands side by side with the most notorious sexual predator in our political arena Bill Clinton. Stand up for these women and get mad that millions of our tax dollars are being used to cover it up! Vote November 6th. It's time corruption stops and it's up to us to make it happen.
See you at the polls!
Violet Holland
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Friday, November 2, 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Regression In The United States of America. Do you see it??
As I observe the events unfolding in our political arena I am incredibly saddened by the regression our Country has somehow managed to find itself in. At times, I find myself wondering if our younger generation has a clue what our ancestors went through to acquire the freedoms that they now own. Many would be surprised to learn that men of color actually acquired their rights to vote, long before WOMEN did! Yet, no one is stopping to notice the REGRESSION!
In 1870, two women tried to get into the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London and were denied access. This started a movement that took 80 years to achieve. Women's Rights to Vote. They would no longer be silenced! Their opinions finally had credence in America!
This was actually 50 years AFTER the black MAN was given his right to vote yet, I watch as politicians silence women with monetary funding from our tax dollars and a blind eye has been turned, even by the Women Rights Activists who proclaim to fight for ALL women. Wow! That is heart breaking!
Regression my friends, we are in the midst of it! The government on the left says they want you to have more "free stuff". Housing, food, etc. Tell me....wasn't that what slavery was all about, the owner/ master gave you a roof over your head and provided the necessities yet you never really "owned" anything. In fact, they owned you! Hence, the new terminology "Government Plantation" and I am amazed how many are willing to surrender their freedom to achieve nothing really. Keeping in mind, you can't make a lot of money to "qualify" for the free stuff, nope as soon as you do you are on your own, keeping you in their clutches. Which only means one thing, the government owns you,at least until you try and break "free" from their clutches. That is NOT what your ancestors fought for!
Rosa Parks defied the stigma imposed upon her and sat in a white man's seat. Martin Luther King Jr. called for and achieved through the non-violent Civil Rights Movement, the freedoms people of color had been pleading for. And, in case you didn't know.....he was a minister, A MAN OF GOD who put his faith in the God this Country was founded on. In my opinion, one should not use his name to defend any ungodly acts of violence they perform, that was never his mission! He and Rosa succeeded through non-violent marches and speeches that reached the ears and hearts of those who needed to hear and through the powerful process of prayer!
As for women, we were silenced for so many years and the struggles we went through took 80 years to achieve! 50 years after the black MAN was given the right to vote. Which leads me to the question..... Why are we turning a blind eye to what is happening to the women who have been paid off (with our very own tax dollars)to not expose the politicians that sexually harassed and abused them? Why are we regressing like this? Having said all of this, I'd also like to point out that it was 17 years after the black man achieved the right to vote that the Native Americans were considered citizens and that was only if they left their tribes! With Native American blood running through my blood, I have to say, my people were raped and killed, theur land was stolen....the slaves that were brought here were given rights before them. Ponder that. Yet, the Native Americans are a peaceful people and hold no one walking this earth today accountable for what was done to them then.
To make it simple folks:
1) People(black and white)fought for black freedom, the government wants to take that away by giving free stuff (as long as you will remain in poverty)
2) Women(there were men supporters)fought for their rights to vote and not to be silenced or "kept". Yet, here we are watching politicians silencing women after performing some form of perverted acts upon them. And "kept" by 17 million of tax payers dollars.
3)Native Americans were the Last to be called citizens on their own land, yet no one sees them standing in streets, looting and setting things on fire
4) Last but certainly not least, Christians are being called haters simply because they follow the Word of God. The foundation of this country! And are therefore, watching as the government tries to remove morals and values from our Country, leaving us in the turmoil where our younger generation can't find peace within and are told there is no God...... even being told they have no gender...... that ought to upset every praying Christian in America!
If you don't see regression, it's only because you choose not to!
Written By Violet Holland
In 1870, two women tried to get into the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London and were denied access. This started a movement that took 80 years to achieve. Women's Rights to Vote. They would no longer be silenced! Their opinions finally had credence in America!
This was actually 50 years AFTER the black MAN was given his right to vote yet, I watch as politicians silence women with monetary funding from our tax dollars and a blind eye has been turned, even by the Women Rights Activists who proclaim to fight for ALL women. Wow! That is heart breaking!
Regression my friends, we are in the midst of it! The government on the left says they want you to have more "free stuff". Housing, food, etc. Tell me....wasn't that what slavery was all about, the owner/ master gave you a roof over your head and provided the necessities yet you never really "owned" anything. In fact, they owned you! Hence, the new terminology "Government Plantation" and I am amazed how many are willing to surrender their freedom to achieve nothing really. Keeping in mind, you can't make a lot of money to "qualify" for the free stuff, nope as soon as you do you are on your own, keeping you in their clutches. Which only means one thing, the government owns you,at least until you try and break "free" from their clutches. That is NOT what your ancestors fought for!
Rosa Parks defied the stigma imposed upon her and sat in a white man's seat. Martin Luther King Jr. called for and achieved through the non-violent Civil Rights Movement, the freedoms people of color had been pleading for. And, in case you didn't know.....he was a minister, A MAN OF GOD who put his faith in the God this Country was founded on. In my opinion, one should not use his name to defend any ungodly acts of violence they perform, that was never his mission! He and Rosa succeeded through non-violent marches and speeches that reached the ears and hearts of those who needed to hear and through the powerful process of prayer!
As for women, we were silenced for so many years and the struggles we went through took 80 years to achieve! 50 years after the black MAN was given the right to vote. Which leads me to the question..... Why are we turning a blind eye to what is happening to the women who have been paid off (with our very own tax dollars)to not expose the politicians that sexually harassed and abused them? Why are we regressing like this? Having said all of this, I'd also like to point out that it was 17 years after the black man achieved the right to vote that the Native Americans were considered citizens and that was only if they left their tribes! With Native American blood running through my blood, I have to say, my people were raped and killed, theur land was stolen....the slaves that were brought here were given rights before them. Ponder that. Yet, the Native Americans are a peaceful people and hold no one walking this earth today accountable for what was done to them then.
To make it simple folks:
1) People(black and white)fought for black freedom, the government wants to take that away by giving free stuff (as long as you will remain in poverty)
2) Women(there were men supporters)fought for their rights to vote and not to be silenced or "kept". Yet, here we are watching politicians silencing women after performing some form of perverted acts upon them. And "kept" by 17 million of tax payers dollars.
3)Native Americans were the Last to be called citizens on their own land, yet no one sees them standing in streets, looting and setting things on fire
4) Last but certainly not least, Christians are being called haters simply because they follow the Word of God. The foundation of this country! And are therefore, watching as the government tries to remove morals and values from our Country, leaving us in the turmoil where our younger generation can't find peace within and are told there is no God...... even being told they have no gender...... that ought to upset every praying Christian in America!
If you don't see regression, it's only because you choose not to!
Written By Violet Holland
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Sexual Misconduct Cover Up (What are Tim Kaine and others hiding)
I see so
much regression happening in the liberal party that it pains me to know that
women are once again being hushed by men, money and power. Where are our
feminists who cried in the streets for Dr. Ford? The woman who couldn't
remember a detail pertinent to her "ordeal"? Yet they have no empathy
or desire to get to the truth on behalf of the great cover up amongst our
senators. Then to add insult to injury, they used millions of tax payer dollars
to do so!
Are you
frustrated that a man by the name of Tim Kaine could share the list of these
predators, yet doesn't? Has the thought occurred to you that he
"might" be hiding his own name from the public? Let's be real...if
your son husband or father were accused of such a deed, they would be arrested,
publicly humiliated and face a judge. The only "plea deal" would be
an admission of guilt and a rejection by society with a tag over their head for
the rest of their lives. Yet, we are PAYING sexual predators to remain in
office and allow their power to only victimize more women and/or men. Yes, I
believe we might even see that there are men victims as well.
Think about
it, wasn't Anthony Weiner a close ally of the Clintons who are also closely
tied to Tim Kaine? Hmmm....apples don't fall too far from their tree and we all
know only too well Monica Lewinski has paid dearly for having been violated by
Bill CLinton in the oval office. Yet, Where is his shame? Why doesn't it bother
Tim Kaine to be seen with such a sexual predator? Whom I might add his wife ...
Hillary’s closest associate is married to one of the most notarized internet
child sexual predators of all time. People if we don't stop this craziness that
is taking place in our public offices...we are just as responsible as if we did
it ourselves! They won't stop unless we stop them...your daughter could be
next....your wife...even your mother. Is that when you'll make noise? Is that
when it will matter? The fact of the matter is....we must DEMAND to see the
list of sexual predators serving the people. We must expose these men and
DEMAND pay back from these unprosecuted criminals. We don't want our tax monies
bailing these men/ women out of their sexual misconduct. If you vote for a man
who refuses to reveal the truth to YOU. You have in fact, helped to fund the
hush money for future pay offs.
It's okay to
question the behavior of your party if they go against your values and I know
you don't want to surrender your values for a party that deliberately keeps
it's voter's in the dark. Be wise this coming election day....demand the truth
and stop the deception.... we don't want or need anyone in office who would
willingly make a woman or man feel inferior by sexually harassing them or
deceive the people by not exposing the predators. Ladies....and gentleman, I
ask you to consider this matter before voting. Don't allow them to victimize
another soul or hush them with YOUR money. You also might want to ask
many of these predators would offer up your tax dollars to get you out of a
bind discreetly? With that answer you should have the answer you need when
stepping up to the polls this November.
Written by
Violet Holland
Friday, October 5, 2018
America Is Waking Up….... Now is the time for "We The People" to take action.
Freedom; a
word that is the foundation of a republic founded by our forefathers over 230
years ago and while the United States is not the only country in the world with
freedom we as Americans celebrate and cherish this privilege every day and
sorrowfully a lot of people overlook the freedom that we have. Along with
freedom also comes the word respect because our republic’s constitution was
written on compromise and respect.
Over the
years we had our battles within our country regarding tyranny, slavery, racial
and civil rights and these disagreements were bloody and long, but we worked
through the issues only after thousands of people died fighting for what they
thought was right. Whether the tyranny of King George or the tyranny of the
northern armies during the War Between the States, people died fighting for a
cause, unity and respect and while minorities such as the Irish, the Asians or
the Africans were not treated fairly for many years they have taken steps
forward in equality.
In the past
10 – 15 years a new battle has reappeared to the front stage of our country and
the world. We are fighting another war not with guns and close combat (yet) but
in the political arena of county, state and federal governments. Republicans
and Democrats are at odds at all levels of government spending the people’s
money and making decisions that are not in the best interest of the people, the
same people that these politicians are supposed to be working for and
representing. People are protesting in the chambers of congress and the senate
and in some cases these protests are violent and the appalling matter that
disturbs me is the amount of lies being fabricated to justify the agenda of
their political party. Totally sickening that we as a respected people on the
world stage that our elected officials have stooped to such low levels,
demonstrating how corrupt we as a nation have become and we as the people are
allowing this to happen.
Today we
argue about our President and while the Democrats deny his election they must
recognize that he is our President. Our elected officials are charged with
making decisions for the good of the people and not for the good of the vote or
their political career. While due diligence must be exercised when confirming
appointed positions, the people demand that the Constitution drafted and
adopted by our forefathers, be followed and not used as a guideline. We the
people deserve better and we the people demand that people start acting
responsibly and while just saying this is not going to make it happen we the
people must demand equal and fair treatment under the law and we need to make a
statement to the governing body that treason, perjury and intentional
defamation will not be tolerated and needs to be punished to the fullest extent
of the law, setting an example that these activities will no longer be
tolerated by the people.
In November
mid-term election are going to take place and a swing of power could take place
and while I am not suggesting or endorsing any one particular party or position,
but I encourage everyone reading this to research the candidates and their
platforms. America is waking up to all the corruption and scandals in
Washington, Richmond and Gloucester. We the People need to stand together and
forget white, black and racial differences because if they divide us as a
people they have conquered us as a people, we will lose our rights, freedom and
respect, not only on the world stage but with each other. It is time for
America to wake up the sleeping beast that we are and strengthen our country,
state and county. It is time for America to wake up, are you ready?
Your Humble
Dogood Lives
Friday, September 28, 2018
Cox Communications Should Be Expanding Service In Gloucester County? This is what we found in federal law.
There are a lot of residents
in Gloucester who are upset because of the lack of internet access throughout
the County. There are even more residents who do not understand why Cox
Communications has not expanded cable service throughout the County. Don’t get
me wrong, Cox will extend service to anyone who can pay for it and when I say
pay for it, we mean thousands, tens of thousands and even more dollars in some
instances to install cable to a single residence.
The question is; can anything
be done about it? According to federal law governing cable franchises, it
appears there is something that can be and should have been done for many
years. Title 47, Chapter 5, Subchapter V-A, Part III, Paragraphs 3 and 4, of
the United States Code state in part:
(3) In
awarding a franchise or franchises, a franchising authority shall assure that
access to cable service is not denied to any group of potential residential
cable subscribers because of the income of the residents of the local area in
which such group resides.
(4) In awarding a franchise, the franchising
(A) shall allow the applicant's cable system a
reasonable period of time to become capable of providing cable service to all
households in the franchise area;
(B) may require adequate assurance that the cable
operator will provide adequate public, educational, and governmental access
channel capacity, facilities, or financial support; and……..
We are not lawyers and are not
rendering legal advice, but it certainly looks like Gloucester’s local
government has the authority under federal law to require Cox to expand their
cable services throughout Gloucester. If this is in fact true; why, in all the
years Cox has provided service in Gloucester, hasn’t Gloucester’s local
government pushed the issue of expansion? There could be any number of reasons,
but the important question today is; will the current Board of Supervisors look
out for the interests of Gloucester residents or will they continue to lookout
for Cox Communication’s interests?
The Public Hearing to renew
Cox’s cable franchise on October 2nd at 6:30 p.m. at the Colonial Courthouse
is the time and place to share your concerns with the Board of Supervisors. Some
may think the franchise agreement is a done deal and nothing can be done about it.
That is not true. Federal law requires cable providers to submit franchise
renewal requests a full three years in advance of the expiration of the most
current agreement. The current agreement does not expire until sometime in 2021,
therefore there is plenty of time for negotiations. If Cox and the Board of
Supervisors are not challenged at the public hearing, nothing will improve. All
who can attend the public hearing should attend and all who cannot should at
least contact the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors at:
It may also be a good idea to
contact the big wigs at Cox Communications’ corporate office to share your
concerns about the cable service they do and do not provide. It appears taking
this route resulted in success for at least one Gloucester resident.
Cox Communications’ President’s
contact information is:
Cox Communications Inc
Mr Patrick J. Esser
404-269-7100 (Direct)
Postal Address
Advice from
Related lists
The link to the United States
Code pertaining to cable franchises is:
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Why Hasn’t VDOT Fixed That Road!!?? This is what you can do to help them do their job.
Photo By Chuck Thompson |
As we navigate the roads,
streets and highways throughout Virginia, most of us will find ourselves
wondering why the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has not fixed a
pothole, repaired a street that is falling apart, cleaned out a drainage ditch
or about any number of other roadway issues. Typically, we assume VDOT monitors
the condition of Virginia’s transportation facilities and performs maintenance as
needed, but when it comes to roads, streets and highways, we assume wrong to
say the least.
As it turns out, VDOT relies primarily
on reports from roadway users and traffic stopping roadway failures to
determine when maintenance or repairs are necessary. For this reason and
because VDOT does very little to inform roadway users of this responsibility,
we are providing you with information on how to report roadway problems to
The best way to report
non-emergency roadway problems is to fill out and submit an online service
request. The first step in the process is telling VDOT how they can help you.
You will be asked to select one of the following choices:
I need a road
I need something
removed from a road
I need signs,
signals, or guardrail repaired
I need new signs
or traffic devices installed
I need to report
an issue on a sidewalk, or pedestrian or bicycle path
I have a question
or need information
I want to submit
a claim (includes mailbox damage)
I want to submit
a compliment
Once you select the area you
are asking for help with, you will be asked to provide details about the
requested service and your contact information. When filling out your contact
information, we suggest not providing a phone number. Not providing a phone
number will force VDOT to correspond with you in writing through email instead
of by phone; otherwise there will not be a written record of VDOT’s response to
you to fall back on in the event your service request is not satisfactorily
fulfilled. The online service application only takes a couple of minutes to
complete and can be found at:
If your service request is
related to a road hazard that needs immediate attention, VDOT suggests calling
them at 1-800-367-7623 (FOR-ROAD). For emergencies, they recommend dialing 911.
You also have the option of contacting
or visiting your local VDOT Residency Office. The following is contact
information for the office that services Gloucester County:
Saluda Residency (Servicing:
Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, Middlesex)
address: 300 Virginia St.
Virginia 23175
Mailing address:
1027 General Puller Highway
Virginia 23149
Phone: 804-758-2321
Have A Great Day and Be Safe on Our Roadways
Monday, September 24, 2018
Cox Cable Requests Franchise Renewal In Gloucester County (We need a better deal)
Photo By Chuck Thompson |
October 2nd at 6:30 p.m., the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors
will conduct a Public Hearing to consider renewing the County’s cable franchise
agreement with Cox Communications. The current and only cable franchise agreement
in Gloucester expires on March 21, 2021 and if renewed, will continue as is for
another 10 years beyond that.
Cox Communications has made a
lot of money in Gloucester, but they do not appear to have invested any of that
money back into the community. They closed the Gloucester Cox Solutions Store,
forcing customers to travel to Newport News or Williamsburg or rely on various
mail services to fulfill certain needs. There are still huge sections of Gloucester
that are without cable service and Cox Communications has pretty much refused
to expand their infrastructure to accommodate these areas. The biggest slap in
the face is Cox’s refusal to provide highspeed internet to Gloucester
residents. The lack of highspeed internet not only frustrates would be user, it
contributes to stifled economic growth.
Tuesday, October 2nd
at 6:30 p.m. is the time for you to tell the Board of Supervisors and Cox
Communications that Gloucester County wants a better deal, or the franchise
agreement must go away.
Below and beginning on page 5, you will find a SlideShare presentation of
the franchise agreement and other information pertaining to the agreement. We
have also provided the email address for the Board of Supervisors.
Email the Board of Supervisors:
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Gloucester County, Virginia's Hidden Tourism Plan
a tourist area that is made up of Colonial Yorktown with its’ battlefields, new
Victory Museum, the Yorktown River Walk, the Waterman’s Museum, floating docks
that can accommodate cruise ships up to 400’ long and numerous other tourist
attractions. Further imagine two Virginia State Parks located on the York River
in Gloucester; a National Park on the York River in the Capahosic area of
Gloucester; the York River State Park on the York River in the Toano area of
James City County and; New Quarter Park located next to Cheatham Annex and
close to historic Williamsburg. Imagine tour boats picking up and dropping off
tourists at each location as they navigate up and down the York River while
tour guides describe locations of various shipwrecks on the floor of the York,
the docks at the Navel Weapons Station and Cheatham Annex, watermen harvesting clams,
fish, oysters and crabs, historical sites and so on. Imagine new marinas in
Gloucester and more boats, jet skis and other watercraft enjoying the York River
and it’s tributaries for recreation. Imagine Gloucester’s rich history being
brought to the forefront and Gloucester becoming a high density part of
Virginia’s tourism industry. Imagine ferry boats or an up river bridge
connecting Gloucester to the Williamsburg area, creating a historic tourism
circle made up of Gloucester, Yorktown, Jamestown and Williamsburg.
let reality set back in and let yourself begin to realize that a tourist area
of that magnitude would cost hundreds of millions of dollars or more and would
take a very long time to design, plan and complete. Let yourself begin to
realize there would be even more negative impacts on commercial Watermen. Let
yourself realize it will require more roads, housing, hotels, restaurants, fire
and rescue, police, schools and bigger local government. Finally let yourself
realize Gloucester County would no longer be the quiet little town it has been
throughout history.
is now time for a serious question. What would you say if you learned that such
a tourism plan has been in the works for several years and that several steps
have already been taken to move the concept forward without informing the
People that such a plan exists? After reading the rest of this article we think
you will realize that is exactly what is occurring as none of the steps taken
thus far have included public statements from anyone acknowledging or even
mentioning the existence of a non-publicly disclosed master plan that we
believe has been in existence for over 20 years. Anyway, here are just few
steps that have been taken publicly so far without the un-named plan being
February 14, 2014 the daily press reported funding for a new state park on the
York River and Aberdeen Creek was being sought by local legislators to begin
constructing amenities to include trails, camp sites, cabins and water access.
The Daily Press reported that Del. Keith Hodges, R-Middlesex, and Sen. Thomas
K. "Tommy" Norment, R-James City were seeking $8 million for work on
the first phase of the park which include roads, a beach, swimming area, seven
miles of trails, a fishing pier and other basic amenities. A 2011 park master
plan estimated the cost of the first phase at $13.3 million. Hodges had also
requested $600,000 to pay for staff and equipment to develop the park. The park
has 2,260 feet of York River shoreline at an area where the river is two miles
wide, it has 3,776 feet of shoreline along Aberdeen Creek, it encompasses 431
acres of land and was purchased in 2005 for $3.9 million from Newport News
resident Pela Hundley during former Gov. Mark Warner's administration. (The
same Pela Hundley who sold the new Page Middle School property to Gloucester
County in 2004.) The property purchase was financed using general obligation
bonds from a voter-approved state referendum in 2002. Phase two plans for
lodging facilities at the state park include 30 camping sites and a group camp
site, 10 cabins to include one three-bedroom, eight two-bedrooms, one lodge, a
picnic area and a play area. More amenities are included with a price tag of
$13.6 million for phase II. A 2010 park master plan estimated the total cost of
the park to be around $28.2 million.
May 20, 2014 the Daily press reported President Obama’s proposed budget called
for spending $6 million on the Werowocomoco site in Gloucester and the John
Smith Trail, which traces Smith's exploratory journey throughout the Chesapeake
Bay area from 1607 to 1609. (The story behind this park coming to the attention
of the President is another complex and somewhat curious story that will be
covered in the future.) Governor Terry McAuliffe visited the farm that is owned
by Bob and Lynn Ripley which was supposedly home to Chief Powhatan and his
daughter Pocahontas when settlers arrived in Virginia in 1607. That during the
Governor’s visit he is reported to have said the property could link Gloucester
with the Hampton Roads region's famed Historic Triangle of Jamestown, Yorktown
and Williamsburg. The Daily Press further reported that McAuliffe said he had
briefed and had the full support of Virginia's congressional delegation about
the proposal for the national park. They also reported that he sees
Werowocomoco National Park and the John Smith Trail as a way to draw tourists,
help diversify the state's economy and bring money to communities such as
Gloucester. The Daily Press reported that he said he can see tourists landing
from the water.
August 7, 2012 the Daily Press reported that the Gloucester Board of
Supervisors unanimously approved establishing “No Discharge” zones in
Gloucester. The establishment of these zones means boaters will be prohibited
from dumping human sewage in the Piankatank River, Mobjack Bay and the York
River and all of their tributaries. On October 7, 2014 the Board of Supervisors
authorized the Gloucester Go Green Advisory Committee to submit an application
for the establishment of No Discharge Zones in Sarah Creek and the Perrin
River. Currently, the Federal Clean Water Act prohibits dumping untreated
sewage from boats anywhere in the U.S., but does permit dumping treated sewage
from certain marine sanitation devices in U.S. waters, except in No Discharge
Zones. Once No Discharge Zones are establish even those with both device types
will not be permitted to dump sewage in the No Discharge Zone waters and will
be required to have human waste removed from their boats at marinas with waste
pumping stations or through other on-land disposal facilities.
March 2015 Lewis Lawrence, executive director of the Hampton Roads Middle
Peninsula Planning District Commission made a presentation to the Gloucester
Board of Supervisors on dredging Aberdeen Creek. During this briefing Lawrence
said watermen have been raising concerns in recent years about their ability to
get boats in and out of the wharf at the end of the creek. He further said that
in 2009 the Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority and
Planning District Commission were asked to study Aberdeen Creek as a commercial
seafood hub, specifically looking at land-use issues and options for dredging.
This study was funded through a grant from Virginia's Coastal Zone Program. (A
“networked program”. established to manage Virginia's coastal resources, the
program relies on a network of state agencies and local governments to
administer the enforceable laws and regulations that protect our wetlands,
dunes, subaqueous lands, fisheries, and air and water quality within the
Virginia “Coastal Zone.) The Daily Press reported that the Virginia Institute
of Marine Science is performing an economic impact study and that Lawrence said
the dredging could cost $600,000 to $1.5 million, depending on the extent of
the project. They further reported him saying the most probable cost should be
around $744,000, or $93,000 a year which would be paid for by Gloucester
taxpayers over eight years.
April 16, 2015 the Gloucester Board of Supervisors repealed the Boat Tax,
resulting in a $438,000 annual revenue loss.
July 19, 2015 the Daily Press reported that Governor McAuliffe, the Virginia
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, the Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation and the Virginia Department of Transportation met
under the bridge at Gloucester Point where they signed a memorandum of
understanding which asks the three agencies to work together to identify new
potential public access projects, especially at bridge crossings and roads. The
Daily Press quoted McAuliffe saying, "Where ever we have VDOT next to one
of our state parks and [there is a bridge] or an opportunity for us to build at
that waterway and allow people to access the water I want that done"
October 20, 2015 the Gloucester Board of Supervisors received a presentation on
what is being referred to as the York River Stewardship Program. The presentation
primarily focused on what is being called the York River Maritime Heritage
National Marine Sanctuary Initiative. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) is legally responsible for the management of maritime
heritage resources within designated sanctuaries. According to NOAA, the
National Marine Sanctuaries Act authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to,
“…designate and manage areas of the marine environment with special national
significance due to their conservation, recreational, ecological, historical,
scientific, cultural, archaeological, educational or esthetic qualities as
National Marine Sanctuaries.” In other words, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce
will be in complete control of the York River, its tributaries and land that
“may” impact the condition of the York River. Bodies of water that are
designated sanctuaries under the National Marine Sanctuaries Act appear to be
highly regulated, especially in the area of commercial fishing. The president
of the Waterman’s Museum Board also shared that York River boat tours leaving
from the Waterman’s Museum will likely begin during the summer of 2016.
we said earlier, those are only some of the steps that have been taken to push
along the un-named project. Other steps that have been taken include things
like; several million dollars in improvements to Hickory Fork Road; multiple
strategically placed mixed use development type plans that have been approved
in Gloucester; strategic land purchases by a small number of individuals who
obviously know more about the un-named plan than the general public; building
Page Middle School on T.C. Walker Road with plans to relocate the school bus
garage and sell the property being in the works long before the tornado damaged
Page and; the efforts of the Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust to
re-construct Main Street, through a backdoor tax dollar funding mechanism
called library and health department space rent. There are plenty more
occurrences that clearly demonstrate a long and continuous effort by a few
individuals to bring the un-known plan to reality and profit from it without
letting the vast majority of Gloucester residents, businesses and property
owners know what is actually taking place. There are people who live among us
and elsewhere who have and continue to take advantage of knowing things the
majority of Gloucester property owners have no knowledge of. Just like what
went on with Page Middle School; the plans for the un-named plan have been
created, the People’s money is being spent and when the time comes, the whole
thing will be shoved down a huge majority of the People’s throats and the few
who were in the “know” will profit.
are not trying to advocate for or against the un-named plan as our primary goal
is to let everyone know what is going on I Gloucester County. We realize there
could be many long term benefits for Gloucester’s residents, businesses and
property owners, but we also know that when things are done outside of the
People’s watchful eye, many get taken advantage of so a few greedy individuals
can profit. Our advice to Gloucester property owners is to hang onto what you
have because within the next several years the value of your property will
increase. Don’t be fooled by offers that appear to be high in comparison to
Gloucester’s assessed value as the assessment is not a true reflection of your
property’s true worth, even though the Code of Virginia requires all properties
to be assessed at true market value. That does not happen in Gloucester. A
prime example of this is the Route 17 frontage property that connects to the
new Page Middle School property, which Harry Corr, now deceased, purchased one
day before the School Board voted to build Page on that property. Mr. Corr paid
the Pella Hundley Trust more than six times the properties’ assessed values, or
so it would appear in Gloucester’s online land records. (Again the Hundley name
comes up) As can be seen from this example, Gloucester’s assessments appear to
be far lower than true market value.
Gloucester become a tourist destination and retirement community, or should it remain
a place to live away from all of that?
Hogge, Sr.
Point, Virginia
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
8 Shires Distillery Investment Opportunities
There is presently an investment opportunity available with 8 Shires Distillery in Williamsburg, Virginia. The investment type is called a debt derivative. What is a debt derivative? As defined on Wikipedia; In finance, a derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity. ...Derivatives are one of the three main categories of financial instruments, the other two being stocks (i.e., equities or shares) and debt (i.e., bonds and mortgages). This opportunity is only available for about one more week.
(By: Chuck Thompson)
Today being May 29th, 2018. A little about 8 Shires Distillery. From farm to table. Locally sourced grains come from a local Virginia farm known as Hart and Son located between Gloucester and West Point. 750 acres of farmland and these folks use natural farming techniques producing high quality grains which include indian corn used in both 8 Shires bourbon and gin products creating very unique flavors.
What sets 8 Shires apart from any other Distillery anywhere is the commitment to 17th and 18th century interpretations of spirits produced by this distillery. Years have been spent researching recipes and techniques in an effort to recreate the flavors of the past. This caused interest with folks over at the Jamestown Island who do the archaeological excavations and interpretations. They approached 8 Shires with the idea of recreating the first spirit ever made in what is now the United States. They offered a very unique proposition that was just to good to pass up. They found a well that was capped by Captain John Smith which was no longer producing enough water for the settlers. The Jamestown folks managed to pull 20 gallons of water from the well and save it. 8 Shires has reproduced a single malt spirit using 10 gallons of that water for recreating the spirit of the time. It's a single malt and it is slated to be bottled in hand blown glass bottles and topped with natural cork wired to the rim of the neck of the bottle.
Release date is expected to coincide with a special event happening at Jamestown Island in April, 2019. Bottles will be 375 ml each and are expected to sell for about $500.00 each. Other spirits being produced by 8 Shires are as follows, Silver rum, dark or aged rum, spiced rum, cordials that change with the seasons are about to be released, George Thorpe original which is a bourbon mash bill white whiskey honoring the father of American Bourbon, and the distillery is also working on a single malt similar to the first spirits ever produced in North America.
A trip to the distillery is quite a treat as you can view reproduction stills from the late 16th century all the way up to the late 18th century. Plans are being finalized now to start outdoor interpretations of colonial distilling using some of the stills on display at the distillery. While you are there, be sure to try one or several colonial drinks like the wicked maiden that is a favorite by just about everyone who tries it. Also try a stone fence and be sure to hear the story behind the drink which is a wonderful American Revolution story that is indeed well reputed. The distillery is located at 7218 Merrimac Trail in Williamsburg. It is a bit difficult to find as the distillery is located in a building in the back part and the front of the building houses a church.
Check out this link to view more details about this investment opportunity.
(By: Chuck Thompson)
Today being May 29th, 2018. A little about 8 Shires Distillery. From farm to table. Locally sourced grains come from a local Virginia farm known as Hart and Son located between Gloucester and West Point. 750 acres of farmland and these folks use natural farming techniques producing high quality grains which include indian corn used in both 8 Shires bourbon and gin products creating very unique flavors.
What sets 8 Shires apart from any other Distillery anywhere is the commitment to 17th and 18th century interpretations of spirits produced by this distillery. Years have been spent researching recipes and techniques in an effort to recreate the flavors of the past. This caused interest with folks over at the Jamestown Island who do the archaeological excavations and interpretations. They approached 8 Shires with the idea of recreating the first spirit ever made in what is now the United States. They offered a very unique proposition that was just to good to pass up. They found a well that was capped by Captain John Smith which was no longer producing enough water for the settlers. The Jamestown folks managed to pull 20 gallons of water from the well and save it. 8 Shires has reproduced a single malt spirit using 10 gallons of that water for recreating the spirit of the time. It's a single malt and it is slated to be bottled in hand blown glass bottles and topped with natural cork wired to the rim of the neck of the bottle.
Release date is expected to coincide with a special event happening at Jamestown Island in April, 2019. Bottles will be 375 ml each and are expected to sell for about $500.00 each. Other spirits being produced by 8 Shires are as follows, Silver rum, dark or aged rum, spiced rum, cordials that change with the seasons are about to be released, George Thorpe original which is a bourbon mash bill white whiskey honoring the father of American Bourbon, and the distillery is also working on a single malt similar to the first spirits ever produced in North America.
A trip to the distillery is quite a treat as you can view reproduction stills from the late 16th century all the way up to the late 18th century. Plans are being finalized now to start outdoor interpretations of colonial distilling using some of the stills on display at the distillery. While you are there, be sure to try one or several colonial drinks like the wicked maiden that is a favorite by just about everyone who tries it. Also try a stone fence and be sure to hear the story behind the drink which is a wonderful American Revolution story that is indeed well reputed. The distillery is located at 7218 Merrimac Trail in Williamsburg. It is a bit difficult to find as the distillery is located in a building in the back part and the front of the building houses a church.
Check out this link to view more details about this investment opportunity.
8 Shires,
Location:Gloucester, VA
7218 Merrimac Trail, Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA
Saturday, May 26, 2018
The Continuing Saga of Moonbeam Bagels
Tales from the campfire
This is a work of fiction.
As the weather has been suitable for spending time out around the
campfire more people are out and talking about the great bagel shop in
the community. We had wondered about the lack of open business hours
and the long hours into the night of the business while closed.
People have come forward and explained. The business being open
interferes with the money making back door operations.
The front door operation had a very limited menu while the back door
operation has a huge assortment of chemicals used to alter your mood
and pain level. We are now wondering if the backdoor business is
cutting the business of our local doctors and medical centers, but has
probably increased our emergency rooms and undertaker business?
We had also wondered why the business had such a huge presence, large
square footage, yet little front door foot traffic to justify the
large retail space. Is the retail side for laundering all the
backdoor business income?
How do you go about ordering backdoor bagels? Hold the cream cheese?
Can coffee hold a candle to the back door chemical pick me up?
While waiting to get your best in the area bagel or hanging out in the
parking lot (we have to wait because of the limited hours and highly
limited production) be sure to keep your smart phone handy to get
pictures of people going to the back of the building for business.
You have to wonder why the owner of the bagel shop was once
complaining about the spice shop that existed next door. Did the
owner need the space for the chemical business or was the problem the
We need a good bagel shop, but one that has the front door open for
bagels that does not sell out in two hours each day.
Remember this is a work of fiction and tales around the campfire. No
writer of this work of fiction uses illegal chemicals to alter mood or
pain level.
As we hear more interesting tales around the campfire we will share
them with you. If you have any stories, fact or fiction, you would
like to share we are always here to share.
Backdoor Operations,
Illicit Chemicals,
Money laundering,
Moonbeam Bagels,
Location:Gloucester, VA
Gloucester County, VA, USA
Saturday, March 31, 2018
The Villages of Gloucester Trying to Bilk Gloucester Taxpayers??
On April 3,
2018 the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on
changes to the previously approved high-end golf course, residential and
commercial development known as The
Villages of Gloucester. (Previously submitted under the project name, The Barrens)
following is an email I sent to the Board of Supervisors. Take a few minutes to
send the Board an email asking them to deny The Villages’ proposal. We have provided the Supervisors' email addresses and the link to the public hearing information at the end of this article.
Kenny Hogge,
Board Members,
The proffer
statement contained in The Villages of Gloucester’s proposal is lacking to say
the least. Once again, we have a developer who boldly expects Gloucester
taxpayers and utility customers to foot the bill for future infrastructure and
services upgrades that will be a direct result of the proposed development.
This road has already been traveled two times in the past.
When The Villages
of Gloucester was first proposed it was called The Barrens. That proposal was denied by the sitting board
of that time for, among other reasons, not offering reasonable proffers to
offset impacts on the community. One such example was the developers offer to
build a 350,000 water tower instead of a one million gallon tower. (A one million gallon tower that would be
turned over to Utilities was later approved when the proposal was resubmitted under
the new name.) The developers initial offer to build the smaller tower would
have been acceptable if Utilities only provided metered water to the tower and the
development retained possession of the tower and associated distribution
systems within the development. That would mean the development would have to retrofit
their tower to be compatible with Gloucester’s distribution system; not Gloucester retrofitting our system to be compatible with the development. They would also maintain,
repair and replace their tower and distribution system, read meters and bill
and accept payments for water usage within the development. Under such a scenario
there would be little to no impact on Gloucester’s public water system.
the current proffer statement eliminates the construction of a water tower all
together. A piece of land that must be claimed by the County within five years is
all that is offered; therefore, when buildout of The Villages reaches a certain
point, the burden of funding the construction of a new tower and associated
piping will fall completely on Utilities’ water customers and Gloucester’s
taxpayers, while the developer walks away with a fat profit. That is not how
free enterprise is supposed to work.
There are several
other items contained, or not contained, in the new proffer statement that will
result in future costly impacts on Gloucester taxpayers. The developer claims
the project will be cost prohibitive if the proffers contained in the
previously approved proffer statement are required to gain approval of their current
submissions. Then maybe Gloucester is not the right place for such a
development or the developer is not the right fit for Gloucester.
Just because
the developer’s project did not come to fruition during the time since it was initially
approved is no excuse for not providing reasonable proffers in their current proposals;
nor is it a valid excuse for the developer to expect Gloucester taxpayers and utility
customers to enhance their profit margin or reduce their losses, whichever may
The Villages
proposal should not be accepted as being reasonable on numerous levels. Please
deny the proposal.
Kenneth E.
Hogge, Sr.
Gloucester Point
Chris Hutson
Mike Winebarger
Andy James
Robert Orth
Ashley Chriscoe
Kevin Smith
Phillip Bazzani
Link to
public hearing information:
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