Saturday, August 4, 2012

GVLN - Twitter confronts ethics of commercial pressures in wake of Guy Adams 'mess'

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase

The social media site took a hit to its reputation as a home to free speech as the fight for internet freedom enters new stage.

In January 2011 Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, together with the site's "trust and safety" arbiter Alex Macgillivray, posted a paean to freedom of expression under the portentous title: The Tweets Must Flow. They promised they would respect everyone's human right to unimpeded speech, vowing only to remove tweets that were illegal, spam or in breach of privacy.
Fine words. But this week the tweets stopped flowing for one of Twitter's users. When Guy Adams, the Independent's Los Angeles correspondent, went to issue his latest gobbet of wisdom in 140 characters on Monday he found his Twitter stream well and truly dammed.
The suspension of Adams' account, and its reinstatement on Tuesday, led to a storm of indignation culminating with an apology from Twitter. "We did mess up," admitted Macgillivray – now Twitter's general counsel – "and we will actively work to ensure this does not happen again".
The most toxic aspect of the affair was the whiff of a commercial incentive. Adams was blocked after he posted a succession of tweets heavily critical of NBC for its tape-delayed broadcasts of the Olympics. When it was revealed that Twitter and NBC had entered into a business partnership for the Games, and that Twitter had tipped off the TV network to Adams's tweets, prompting the complaint that would lead to his suspension, the Twittersphere turned blue with rage.
Twitter's quick and abject apology may have nipped in the bud the suspicion that it censored Adams for commercial gain, but doubts will remain. "The whole incident reveals how easily people can be silenced in social media for commercial reasons if we are not vigilant in preventing it," says Rebecca MacKinnon, author of Consent of the Networked who sits on the board of Global Network Initiative, a body that fights internet censorship.
CLICK HERE for the rest of the story,

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Gloucester, VA Chick-Fil-A Continues In The News

Chick-fil-A Kiss-Ins Divide LGBT Movement

English: Chick-Fil-A restaurant in Laredo, Texas
English: Chick-Fil-A restaurant in Laredo, Texas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Posted:  Updated: 08/03/2012 9:57 pm

Carly McGehee, 24, had been trying for months to plan a "kiss-in" to protest fried-chicken chain Chick-fil-A's long history of donating money to groups that oppose same-sex marriage and promote conversion therapy, a controversial practice intended to "cure" gay people.
But there was no real catalyst for the event until now.
This summer, the company's chief executive Dan Cathy gave a pair of interviews saying he was “guilty as charged” of supporting “the biblical definition of the family unit" and that gay marriage invites "God's judgment on our nation."
The company now sits at the center of a furious debate over same-sex marriage, gay rights and free speech while some politicians rally around it and others urge the company to stay out of their cities. McGehee, of Dallas, thought the time was right.
On Friday night, she estimates about 15,000 same-sex supporters will show up at Chick-fil-A restaurants nationwide to snap photos, and hug, kiss or hold hands with someone of the same-sex. One of her main goals for the event is to give hope to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth living in the South, who hear messages condemning gay marriage more often than words of support, McGehee said.
"Tonight is for those kids that are growing up in, say, a small town in Texas, like I did, so that they can see that they're not different, that they're loved and accepted and they shouldn't be ashamed of who they are," McGehee said. She also hopes to show the world that the American people "aren't going stand for discrimination and intolerance."
Click Here for the rest of this story.
As I have said before, let those in the gay community convert to the Wicca religion or the Satanist religion.  Those are the two religions that recognize same sex marriages.  We do not need to create extra laws for minorities that are not already in existence.  I have a zero sum issue for gay rights.  Gay marriage is not a gay right according to the state.  Want to argue that on the proper end?  1st Amendment, to the bill of rights, Congress shall make no law respecting establishment of religion nor  prohibiting the free exercise thereof.  Gay marriage is not a Christian value, therefore the need to recognize it as such does not exist.
 It is a recognized value under Wicca and Satanism.  Paganism may also recognize it as well.  Therein lies the answers to this dilemma.  The state is under no obligation whatsoever to recognize the issues and to do so is to go against the Constitution of the Untied States and also the Bill of Rights of the US.  If gay people wish to get married, then let them follow the paths where it is accepted.  No issues there.  
  Gay marriage is a privilege, not a right.  Now here is what is really going on with the protests.  It's an attempt to silence the freedom of speech made by the owner of the Chick-Fil-A franchise as well as a very blatant attack on Christianity itself.  Just because you do not like his view does not give you the right to attack him for it.  Any gay person who protests the owners right to the freedom of speech attacks themselves for the right to be gay openly.  Think about it.  

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Gloucester, VA A History of American Christianity - Free E-Book

More on pre American and early American history.  This e-book is a special edition created for this web site and is re published by us.  Free downloads are available on this e-book straight from Slideshare.  This book covers William Penn and also the history of the Separation of Church and State in the United States.  What we found interesting is that this book credits the Baptists with the Separation of Church and State.  Not an item you find in the vast majority of history books.  This book covers a lot of history you will not learn anywhere else.   There is a lot of history about a lot of Christian religious sects and how they have had significant influences on the founding of this nation and it's political systems.  Everything from the Quakers, Pilgrims, Methodists and Catholics to Baptists, Episcopalians and more.  258 pages total.  Remember, on our additional resources site, we have an e-book converter.  You can download a free copy of that software and convert this PDF to another file format to work on your Kindle, Nook, iPad and more.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gloucester, VA History And Politics of Our Nation

Patrick Henry's Famous speech on Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.  Not a part of Gloucester History, but a major part of British American Colonial history.  We decided that this being election season, now is a great time to remind people of our founding history.  The picture in this PDF file is a scene from the Battle of the Hook.  You are welcome to download a free copy of this PDF file from Slideshare.  Just click on the Slideshare link and when you get to the page it is hosted on, at the top of the container, there is an option to download.

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Gloucester, VA Extreme Sports Air Trekkers

"I think the padding is the difference in just jumping around and doing tricks. The pads added extra support and comfort and makes the air-trekkers feel like part of your leg. I found that using a strap gives me tons of confidence. Strapping the knee really locks you in. The tighter they are the more the air-trekkers feel like part of your leg. Before I try anything new, I always make sure the straps are tight."
Mark McHugh, GA

"They are so amazing- endless fun. So easy to run, jump and fly through the air with these things. It’s amazing the power you have with these – and it’s just not physical."
Joshua Lowry, TX

Great time to get a great deal.

Air Trekkers Clearance Page

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Gloucester, VA Unclaimed Money Resources

Janet Clemmons Found $450!
"I was working for a company that I ended up quiting that job. I was told I was not owed any more pay. I questioned this company, wrote letters to their corporate office in San Francisco and never could get a response, other than we still do not owe you any money. Something just told me the story was just not right. This has been going on for five years now. I found your website, joined up and I found this company owed me $450. On one hand I was very angry at this company but then on the other hand I was very grateful for your company and your website. 

I contacted made some calls and the money is coming to me now. I am in the city of Detroit and things are doing bad here, the car industry is doing bad here, the film industry is doing bad here. So really $450 is a lot of money I will be able to use for groceries, medical bills. It will take a lot of relieve off of any bills I owe. I am very happy I found this site. I also recommended to friends and family and I was able to find about $1,000 for them. Thank you very much."

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Gloucester, VA - Chick-Fil-A A National Divide

Pictured here is local Chick-Fil-A owner John Gordon III and congressman Rob Wittman during the Grand Opening ceremonies for the Gloucester, VA location.

  Monday August 1st, the local Chick-Fil-A restaurant was jam packed with people in support of the chain, based on the franchise founder''s statements of believing in the traditional  marriages with a national interpretation of being against gay marriage.

  Our staff insisted I write a piece on the debate.  I have a lot of issues surrounding the whole thing.  I have no issues with Chick-Fil-A and it's support of traditional marriage.  This nation was founded on Christian principles and to quote John Adams, "Will support no other."  I have no issues with gay relationships.  It is not my place to make those life decisions for others.  Do I support gay marriage?  No.  Do I oppose gay marriage?  Yes, but not for the reasons that one would normally consider.

  There is nothing new under the sun.  One must study history to see if we are about to make some major serious mistakes.  Rome was destroyed from within over reasons just like this.  Gay marriage is extra privileges above and beyond what is and has been a part of normal society.  It is granting additional rights to a class of citizens that are in a minority.  I have no issues with gay rights.  No one should be harmed based on their opinions or lifestyle choices as long as it is mutually consensual and not forced on the masses.

    The issues of gay marriage are nothing more than the division of the masses of people.  No different than the abortion issues, democrats verses republicans, left verses right, and whatever other issues the mass media wants to play on us all.  It's revolting to me that people are so easily caught up in all of these issues and told how and what to think, keeping a nation always divided.

  Here is an interesting issue to consider.  In one state it was a recent headline piece that a gay couple who filed for divorce could not get one.  Reason?  There were no laws on the books of the state that allowed people brought together in a gay marriage to get a divorce.

  Another area I have a real problem with is the constant bashing of Christians.  Again, this nation was founded on Christian principles and we all see the constant attack to destroy traditional Christian values.  The local churches do a good enough job of that themselves without any outside help.  The state of our nation is because of the destruction of what was once our core values.  Ask any young adult about history and you are likely to get a blank stare or a very strange interpretation of what they think history has taught them.

  Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not an educational tool for colleges to be teaching.  Keep the people confused and divided is more of the story piece.  Not who is right or wrong.  Anyone who disagrees with my own opinion about gay marriage?  I respect their right to disagree.  It's called freedom of speech.  The only two religions I am aware of that has ever supported gay marriage is the Satanic religion and also fairly recently, Wicca.   If you want to get married into a gay marriage, please join one of the two and do not ask traditional Christian religions to accept you when it is against the Christian code.  Know your history and you won't have these issues.  Gays just need to join Wicca in order to get married and leave everyone else out of it.  The other choice?  Become a Satanist.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gloucester, VA Courts To Create Conflict of Interest?

At this point, we have to ask the question as to who is going to hear this case from the articles below this one.  Will it be Judge Shaw?  If so there will be a clear conflict of interest as Judge Timothy Shaw was the judge in the case that we have been reporting on.  This is the link to the full story.  With published complaints against Judge Shaw on the way he handled the case, it would be an extremely clear conflict of interest.  Will it be Judge Long?  We have no personal issues with Judge Long however again, it is fair to claim a conflict of interest as Judge Shaw and Judge Long were and may still be business partners that also included Michael T Soberick who is the attorney we have also published serious complaints about.

  In fact, pretty much any Gloucester County Judge can be fairly claimed as a conflict of interest.  Gloucester County would be well served finding a judge from outside of the county with no discernible ties to any of the local judges or anyone in the local county government.  The court date and time is this Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 at the Gloucester County Courthouse at 3:00 PM.

  Special invitations have already been sent out to Delegate Kieth Hodges and commonwealth of Virginia senator Tommy Norment of the 3rd district to view this proceeding and watch out for any potential conflicts of interest as well as watch out for Gloucester County officials potentially once again making up their own laws as they go along.

  Other members of the press are being sent special invitations to attend this proceeding as well.  Anyone with an interest is also invited to attend to see how the county handles this matter.  At present, numerous Commonwealth Officials are being asked to investigate the corruption of Gloucester, VA officials from the Gloucester County Sheriff's Office, Gloucester, VA Animal Control, Gloucester, VA court clerks, several Gloucester County Commonwealth attorney's, potential corruption of county judge, Judge Shaw, local attorney Michael T Soberick, Holli M Cohoon, and others based on the evidence presented on this site as well as the linked site above and a special locked site where evidence is presented that will not be made public.

  Complaints have been sent to Kenneth T Cuccinelli II, Virginia Commonwealth Attorney General, Virginia Governor Robert F McDonnell, Delegate Kieth Hodges, Commonwealth Senator Tommy Norment, 3rd District of Virginia, the Virginia State Police, and the Newport News division of the FBI.
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Gloucester, VA Courts - More Questionable Documents?

In our last article, we discussed how the local Gloucester County Courts failed to give Due Process in this case, now we are going to explore further issues with documents coming from our local courts.  For one thing, Holli M Cohoon now has a change on this form that was not in her original Emergency Protective Order.  Before she claimed she was afraid for her life and that of her families life as well.  Now we see that she is just concerned for herself.

  In the Emergency Protective Order, the form said weapons involved.  This form makes no claims about weapons.  What we are seeing here is a flip flopping of Holli M Cohoon's concept of concern.  Makes you wonder.  We had legal council look over this form and the original Emergency Protective order and he thought it very odd the change in the way the order was changed, how the order was changed and how it even went to a second order.

He also had some very serious concerns with the judge's signature.  The section in the form pictured here is where the judge sign's the form.  What is made on this form is commonly refereed to as a peasant's mark.  A peasant's mark dates back in history for peasant's who were illiterate and just created a mark in place of their name.  When this is done, a judge is supposed to have a stamp showing the judge's name on the document so everyone knows who authorized it.

  A peasant's mark is acceptable as a way to sign documents, but overlooking that stamp when one does this is suspect.  You can click on the form and it will open to a larger document that you can read.  It's also interesting to note that this document has a valid time and date stamp that was electronically added. The time and date stamp reads 5:07 PM and dated for July 26th, 2012.  This is exactly what the original search warrant lacked that is at the very front of this argument.  Is the link to read the full story on how all of this began.

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Gloucester, VA Court System Fails To Give Due Process

This is the next article in our story about how Holli M Cohoon keeps going after the victim in the case we have been covering. is the link to the site with the full story.

  You can blow up this image by clicking on it in order to see everything we discuss about this document.  To begin, this is a Petition For Protective Order.  It has been filled out by one Amy Pierce who is a Gloucester County Court Clerk.  We have a number of issues with this document which we will cover in just a moment.  We want to point out that we are not blaming Amy Pierce in any of this despite the fact she created and signed the document.  Many times these things are done under order.

  That order came from Judge Timothy Shaw.  This is the same Gloucester County judge that allowed false evidence and very very questionable practices to happen in his courtroom trying this victim.

So to begin, there is a biased conflict of interest  with here.  But that is not the nasty part of this document.  The nasty part of this document is the fact that Due Process Was Never Given or followed through on.  Look at the date and time of creation.  July 26th, at 1:35 PM.  Now look at the date and time of the court hearing to issue this document if needed.  July 26th, 2:00 PM.  The victim was never given the chance to be heard in this matter.  That is a complete failure of Due Process.

  Now this could be a standard practice in Gloucester County, Virginia Courts, it could even be a standard procedure throughout the entire commonwealth of Virginia.  We have no idea.  Either way, no citizen in the commonwealth of Virginia should ever find this acceptable under any circumstances.   The victim was given 25 minutes to show up in court to argue this case without even being notified of the summons?  Look at the form.  It is a summons with no way for anyone to ever possibly meet especially when the victim isn't notified.  Who are they kidding?

  This is just Gloucester County making up it's own laws as it goes along and the hell with the law books.  What we see here is an awful lot of issues to questions to ask.  We will do so in our next article.

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Holli M Cohoon Continues Her Attacks On Victim

Holli M Cohoon, the 911 operator who gave phony testimony against the victim we have been reporting about continues her attacks on the victim.  We have added this copy of yet another petition for a protective order coming from Holli.  This one delivered after the other one expired.

  We removed the victim's name from the document. This particular order has a court date added to the bottom.  August 2nd, 2012 at 3:00 PM at the Gloucester County Court House.  Something that was missing from the Emergency Protective Order.

  Now anyone can get an emergency protective order against anyone else at any time.  The procedure is quite simple.  You just have to stand before a Magistrate and state a complaint and the order will be given.  Get to this next level is much harder however and the nasty little trick that Gloucester County used to create this one was very underhanded and will be our next article.

  Also, from what we have been informed, the way in which this order was delivered was highly questionable.  Here is what we have been told in the way in which this was handled.  Numerous Gloucester County Sheriff's Deputies delivered this describing this only as a two week extension of the first order and that there could be a third extension.  They were very sure to point out that this was only an extension.  Not a summons to appear in court.

  Now why would the Sheriff's Deputies do this?  Were they hoping that by misrepresenting the paper that the victim in this case would not bother to read it?  Maybe then not bother to show up in court?  That is what we are betting on.  Now what could possibly be gained by doing such a nasty trick?  We will cover that in another story.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gloucester, VA Early History Series Continued

We are adding yet another piece to our early Gloucester, VA history series with this special e-book we have just finished putting together and re-publishing.  Now the works states Jamestown, but for the beginning period, Gloucester, Virginia was very much a part of Jamestown, Virginia.  We are giving away free downloads on this e-book and it is licensed under a Creative Commons license 3.0.  You have two choices of where you can download the book from.  One is from Slideshare itself and the other is form our own link.  CLICK HERE for your free download from our own link.

  In the event you have any confusion on how to download the e-book from this site, for help on your download.  While on that expansion site, you can also download the free e-book conversion software and turn this e-book into another format to use on other devices in more useful ways to you.

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Gloucester, VA Job Board Now Up And Running

The new Gloucester, VA Job Board we have been told is now up and running.  We checked the site out and sure enough, it is loaded with jobs.  They have an incredible deal that not even the local papers such as the Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal or Glo Quips can even come close to matching.  Employers can post help wanted ads on the site for only twenty five dollars per job for an entire 30 days.

  We have also added other job listings that cover the Norfolk, Virginia area.  If you are willing to travel, then there are more options on the lower right hand side column of this site.  Gloucester has lacked a good place to search for jobs for some time now.  Gloucester, VA Jobs is now filling that gap.

  We are working to add more features to help everyone get the most out of your Internet experience.  We are now working on bringing in a new staff member to write articles about job searching and success strategies for landing the interview and then landing the job.  We have linked Gloucester, VA Jobs at the top of this site and on the right hand column sidebar of this site.  Or is the direct link to the site.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Gloucester, VA Job Listings

There is a new job board for Gloucester, VA.  It's called Gloucester, VA Jobs.  It's a brand new site so there are no jobs posted on it yet.  Is the link to the new site.  Employers can post new job openings on here.  We are going to be fully supporting this site.  As always, we are doing our part to be more useful by the day.

  Update, the job board is now loaded with jobs.  Happy hunting and best of luck.

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GVLN - Tables Turned On Humane Society

English: The Oliver M. Evans Memorial Building...
English: The Oliver M. Evans Memorial Building, headquarters of The Humane Society of the United States, located at 2100 L Street, NW in the West End neighborhood of Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jim Matthews, Outdoors

The Humane Society of the United States, an organization that does next to nothing for animal shelters but sues, badgers and lobbies politicians and businesses into adopting its radical animals rights agenda, is getting a taste of its own medicine.

In a little-reported ruling by a judge in the District of Columbia earlier this month, the HSUS is going to court to face charges under RICO statues on racketeering, obstruction of justice, malicious prosecution and other charges for a lawsuit it brought and lost against Ringling Brothers Circus' parent company Feld Entertainment, Inc.

After winning the case alleging mistreatment of elephants in its circuses brought by Friends of Animals (later merged into HSUS), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), lawyers at Feld filed a countersuit with a litany of charges ranging from bribery to money laundering to racketeering. The attorneys for the animal rights groups asked the judge to dismiss all charges, but most remained because the evidence was overwhelming. So in early August, HSUS will be facing the music in a case that should attract the attention of hunters, ranchers, farmers and anyone impacted by HSUS' radical animal rights agenda.

District judge Emmet G. Sullivan did dismiss allegations of mail and wire fraud, but he did so only because Feld didn't have standing to file this charge. His ruling all but set the stage for a class-action
RICO lawsuit against HSUS for misrepresenting itself in its fundraising campaigns across the nation. This lawsuit easily could bankrupt HSUS, put it out of business and send some of its top executives to prison.

Read more:

Next should be USERL and the ASPCA.  It's only a matter of time before these get hit as well.  But we will have more on that later.
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Gloucester, VA Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts about Gloucester County

As of 2011, Gloucester County's population is  37,812 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 8.61 percent.

The median home cost in Gloucester County is $208,800. Home appreciation the last year has been -3.81 percent.  And taxes are up.

Compared to the rest of the country, Gloucester County's  cost of living is 7.60% Higher than the U.S. average.  Isn't that nice to know that we are all being overcharged?

Gloucester County public schools spend $5,004 per student. The average school expenditure in the U.S. is $5,678. There are about 13.4 students per teacher in Gloucester County.  We pay more and get less?

The unemployment rate in Gloucester County is 6.40 percent(U.S. avg. is 9.10%). Recent job growth is Negative. Gloucester County jobs have Decreased by 0.59 percent.  Good thing we are so close to where the jobs are.

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Free MP3 Download - Jonathan Dimmel - You've Got It.  Awesome track.  Pop Rock.  Great song.
CLICK HERE for your free download.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gloucester, VA Political Center, Romney, Obama, Paul

Issues of the day and of the campaigns.  Romney, Obama, Paul.  3 videos getting a lot of attention on You Tube.  The political season is under full swing.  Time to show the contenders and the issues.

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Gloucester Main Street Association Misrepresenting Gloucester, VA

                                  Screen shot from the Gloucester Main Street Association site.  Click to enlarge image.

If you take a look at the screen shot above, you will see a picture from the Gloucester Main Street Association's Home page of their website. If you look at the header picture you will notice that the Gloucester Main Street Association claims that Gloucester, Virginia is the Daffodil capital of the world. This is not true and if you go in for more information, it takes you to a page that does not contain any historical information at all. You have to look for the historical information page from the page it takes you to. Strike two. Once on the historical page, when you get to the bottom of the page, the story changes to Daffodil capital of the United States. This part is true. But why lie to everyone on this point?

Okay, maybe it's one major blunder and we can overlook it as long as they bother to fix it. The other issue is the claim that Gloucester, Virginia is Virginia's oldest living village. Not so. Another major mistake. Let's see, what could possibly be older? Yorktown? Yes. Hampton? Very much so. Newport News? Without question. Maybe Williamsburg? How about Jamestown itself? Ya think? At one time they used to claim that Gloucester was the nations oldest living village. I brought that up to them and they said, and I quote, “No one has ever challenged the story.”

Well I guess someone challenged it as they no longer make that claim. Now I challenge the claim that Gloucester is Virginia's oldest living village. Hampton, Virginia already celebrated it's 400th birthday a few short years ago and I was there to record that event. Jamestown celebrated it's 400th anniversary back in 2007. Gloucester, Virginia is only 361 years old. It's Virginia's oldest living village how? Beats out Yorktown, Virginia how? What about Portsmouth? Surry? Charles City?

How can anyone expect to attract new business to an area when a self appointed local non profit concern starts out by lying to everyone?   That makes no sense. 

From their website. "In 1990, Gloucester County had become one of the nation’s fastest growing counties with a population of 33,000. National chains began to replace local businesses along Route 17, new residential developments were built, and the Walter Reed hospital expanded."

Really?  One of the nation's fastest growing counties?  Not on the list.  CLICK HERE for the list of the fastest growing counties in the USA during that time period.  Yorktown made the list, but Gloucester didn't. Yet another complete fabrication?  An outright lie?  

Some of the directors for the Gloucester Main Street Association are also high ranking Gloucester County, Virginia employees. Guess we are not surprised then by the lies on their site. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see more businesses come to main street especially not chain store types. I would love to see more businesses come to Gloucester overall. But you can't try and start a business relationship based on numerous lies and the complete fabrication of information. It's just sickening.

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