Here is yet another must watch video, showing that the average man or woman, does not need to have or posses a driver's license to travel down the road or highway. That means when you get a ticket, they are robbing you at gunpoint. That also means that the judges are also robbing you at gunpoint. You need to be armed with the knowledge on how to stop these criminals from infringing on your rights.
If you do not exercise your rights, then you have none. So you must know and exercise them in order to actually have them. Watch this video and understand it to the fullest. Research the information. We have been researching this for some time and now we are sharing as much as we can to help you protect yourself.
This video shows you a number of illegal statutes that are in the what are called law books? So called laws that you may be violating? Codes, statutes and or ordinances are strictly the color of law and not actual law. But they rob you with very nasty tricks they created for you to purposely not understand. This is by design.
Now the word is getting out. You can legally ignore these statutes, codes and or ordinances with impunity according to the laws of the united states Constitution of America. We will cover that in the future. The criminals are wearing uniforms and or robs or suits. They claim to be upholding the law, yet they violate it at every level. And they wonder why we no longer trust any of them? Really?
Let's be fair. There are some very decent people locked into this criminal system being used against us. They are being forced to do their jobs in order to keep food on their own tables and roofs over their heads and their families. They know what they are doing is wrong and try to do what they can to protect people. But there are others who only view you as chattle and they want to take everything they can from you.
If you are facing a traffic ticket and think you cannot defend yourself, you must realize that you can. Everything you need is right here. If you are saying to yourself that someone should do something about all of this, then why not be that somebody? You be the somebody to do something about it. We are fighting this everyday. We can't be the only ones doing so. The more people who fight these folks, the better we will all be. We are all fighting for our rights. If we do not stand up for our rights, then we have none. You surrender them by your own inaction. That means you can only blame yourself for the loss of your rights.
Are you willing to keep paying these folks for crimes you have not committed but they have? They are committing the crimes against you and you are letting them? You deserve no rights if that is the case.
This of course is not legal advice. If you want legal advice, you must contact a British Bar attorney who unlawfully practices a franchise within the borders of the united states of America against the laws of the united states Constitution and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. You are then free to pay them for advice that will not work in your favor for the most part. You are then free to have that attorney cut some form of deal on your behalf that will not help you in most cases. But at least you think you have gotten the best deal you could get. Good luck with that.