Arts at the Abingdon Episcopal Church has just finished up their concert events for the year. This ending was a very nice touch with the wonderful selection of Rodrigo Guitar Trio featuring Raymond Burley. This trio was outstanding. World class classical guitar. We had the chance to meet the members of the trio and they were all just incredibly gracious.
We asked for the chance to film them but they turned down the request for some very valid reasons. One, they felt it was to much pressure to play under knowing they were being recorded and two, one of the usual members of the trio could not make this trip so they had another person filling in who was just getting used to playing with the two usual players.
We got to spend some time with Raymond Burley who truly is a world class expert on guitar. Raymond started playing guitar when he was 10 years old. He has played with Rod Stewart and performed on tracks with Elton John and Sting. So it is interesting that he started out as a pop musician and still does a good bit of work in the Rock and Roll industry. We had him autograph one of the CD's we bought while at the event. I was surprised to find out he is left handed. He plays the guitar right handed. He had a valid point though, he was taught that way and never thought about it. If your left handed, you do not cross your hands to play the piano in a left handed manner. The point well taken.
The three performed like they had played together for years. I only detected two minor misses during the entire event and considering they just arrived in the US a few days ago, that's pretty amazing. The other two members of the trio are Arne Brattland who is from Norway and presently resides in England, and John Feeley who comes from Ireland. Both Arne Brattland and John Feeley are highly accomplished artists with world class recognition.
To learn more about Raymond Burley, Click Here to visit his web site. Truly one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. For more information on Arne Brattland, Click Here to visit a site with information on him. For more information on John Feeley, Click Here.
Here is a video to give you an idea of what you missed.