Here I sit...once again pondering how the world went mad. Now, we see it everywhere, but I won't get started on what all needs to be fixed because quite honestly, I'd say start with the people. There sure are a bunch of them. Many of them are taking psychotropics daily and assuring you they are of sound mind. If you have ever been prescribed psychotropic's then you already know that is NOT the case. But anyways....
My beef is with what's up with Deltaville. Now, I'm not going to go into my history with this small town or that of my ancestor's which clearly goes back to a long, long time ago. But I will tell you that I have been witnessing a number of things that didn't make sense when I first moved here nine years ago. The first was that there was a need for bike lanes.... okay if you've visited Deltaville you can really see a need for that. NOT.... But then they said they were putting water lines in beneath the bike path/lane. Well, I saw and smelt some of the water down that way so I could rationalize it, you know? Still, there was always something that didn't make sense because where the water lines were put and how far up, they went. Something was odd.... just a feeling.
Then, in a conversation with a friend who actually oversees the water in a very large city on the West Coast.... I had expressed my disdain for the upcoming vote on solar panels and she asked me if I was aware of just how much water the solar panels need.... Hmmm.... no, I wasn't. Wow people! I'm not so sure farmers will have much water left to irrigate our fields if we keep allowing the 'new green package' that puts our food production in Chinas hands and not our own. Yet, we grow soy to offer nutrition to them so they can take our chickens and send back chicken nuggets. Get it yet? A bit of chicken with a combination of preservatives and whatever else they choose to put in it. These are the people worried about the air. I'll say no more.
Now, if that's not disturbing enough, I started a web search for the "cons of solar panels" because it's the con's that affect everyone around here. Oh boy! The internet tried to take me every way but the right way. I discovered though that there is a program teachers can download for the pros of solar panels and numerous people are happy to list your property for free if you'll lease it for solar panels...After all, someone as to benefit from it. Never you mind that the soil beneath them will become useless, droughts have proven to increase because they draw the sun towards them and even worse, it's very expensive replacing the panels that are tending to fail at a much faster rate than they'd like you to know and of course who wants them to end up at our local dumps? They tend to avoid these topics. I suppose I would too.
Now here is what I found to be the Biggy...... on the website ......I'll put the link at the bottom for you. Starts off very quickly with, "there are several possible negative effects of modern agriculture. One example is found in farming operations practiced without proper knowledge." Did you catch that??? My dear farmers of Deltaville, the next thing you know they are going to want to conform you too. Afterall you won't have the proper knowledge to work your fields, and Lord knows they are going to want you to abide so they can change the way you do things that accommodates the solar panel's needs. They aren't worried about healthy vegetables being grown locally but about how clean the air isn't. One would think if you don't have proper nutrition...then air isn't going to help out all that much.
In my opinion, if it ain't broke don't fix it. The ecosystem we live off of, suits us fine. I'm sure the preservatives put in our food from China is going to enrich your health greatly. NOT. Sorry folks, we don't need drier hotter summers or people telling our farmers how to revise what they've been doing their entire lives. And quite frankly, I am one of those people who thinks God knew exactly what he was doing when He created the ecosystem and it's not man's job to try to come in and change it.
Nope, you can't make this stuff up. Welcome to the Vi-Light Zone