Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sexual Misconduct Cover Up (What are Tim Kaine and others hiding)

I am somewhat taken aback by the women's rights activists who are deliberately overlooking the fact that their beloved candidates have paid out 17 million in tax payers dollars to hush women who have been sexually harassed or abused by, said politicians. Since when did only one party be worthy of their recognition? Since when did these women victims stop becoming important?

I see so much regression happening in the liberal party that it pains me to know that women are once again being hushed by men, money and power. Where are our feminists who cried in the streets for Dr. Ford? The woman who couldn't remember a detail pertinent to her "ordeal"? Yet they have no empathy or desire to get to the truth on behalf of the great cover up amongst our senators. Then to add insult to injury, they used millions of tax payer dollars to do so!

Are you frustrated that a man by the name of Tim Kaine could share the list of these predators, yet doesn't? Has the thought occurred to you that he "might" be hiding his own name from the public? Let's be real...if your son husband or father were accused of such a deed, they would be arrested, publicly humiliated and face a judge. The only "plea deal" would be an admission of guilt and a rejection by society with a tag over their head for the rest of their lives. Yet, we are PAYING sexual predators to remain in office and allow their power to only victimize more women and/or men. Yes, I believe we might even see that there are men victims as well.

Think about it, wasn't Anthony Weiner a close ally of the Clintons who are also closely tied to Tim Kaine? Hmmm....apples don't fall too far from their tree and we all know only too well Monica Lewinski has paid dearly for having been violated by Bill CLinton in the oval office. Yet, Where is his shame? Why doesn't it bother Tim Kaine to be seen with such a sexual predator? Whom I might add his wife ... Hillary’s closest associate is married to one of the most notarized internet child sexual predators of all time. People if we don't stop this craziness that is taking place in our public offices...we are just as responsible as if we did it ourselves! They won't stop unless we stop them...your daughter could be next....your wife...even your mother. Is that when you'll make noise? Is that when it will matter? The fact of the matter is....we must DEMAND to see the list of sexual predators serving the people. We must expose these men and DEMAND pay back from these unprosecuted criminals. We don't want our tax monies bailing these men/ women out of their sexual misconduct. If you vote for a man who refuses to reveal the truth to YOU. You have in fact, helped to fund the hush money for future pay offs.

It's okay to question the behavior of your party if they go against your values and I know you don't want to surrender your values for a party that deliberately keeps it's voter's in the dark. Be wise this coming election day....demand the truth and stop the deception.... we don't want or need anyone in office who would willingly make a woman or man feel inferior by sexually harassing them or deceive the people by not exposing the predators. Ladies....and gentleman, I ask you to consider this matter before voting. Don't allow them to victimize another soul or hush them with YOUR money. You also might want to ask many of these predators would offer up your tax dollars to get you out of a bind discreetly? With that answer you should have the answer you need when stepping up to the polls this November.

Written by Violet Holland