Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The VI-Light Zone: Conspiracy Theories Part II

 Welcome to the VI-Light Zone.... We are still on the conspiracy theories of what is happening to our children. If you know me, you know I have been asking for a long time. Before Trump ran years ago, I brought up the look many of our children have in their eyes today. It's distant, it's weird. And it's just not that, it's what they are saying that is so scary.

Bear with me here, I wish I could tell you I was a good girl who always kept good company, but I can't do that honestly, so I won't do it. What I can tell you is that I had friends in my teens who liked to "trip". They would often tell me their experiences, very different hallucinations is how I'd describe them. You see, some of it caused hallucinations back then too. The biggest difference today is that everyone I have encountered is having the same hallucination. I'm sorry folks, but I don't believe it, there has to be some truth in what they are saying. I'm serious, I have met people who never met one another, and they are saying the same thing. Let's say there is a drug that can make people Schizophrenic or hallucinogenic, then perhaps there is some truth to what they are saying. Perhaps the drugs being brought into this country is loaded with it. A silent attack on our young Americans. I know North Korea was sending something called Lady Bug Attractant to local head shops were selling over the counter. It was laced with PCP. They say this person could have hallucinations the rest of their natural life..... scary stuff.

Now, we keep asking why our kids think like they do. It's easy folks, if you ever try to lose weight through NOOM, you will find it's all about mind over matter. Something we can do for ourselves but......not our children. If you are looked upon as 'not the norm' then you might conform just to become the norm. We see Christians being mocked just about everywhere you go. Yet, people say......God wants you to be quiet. I'm sorry, I'm that person who heard "STAND FIRM" and that doesn't mean to be swallowed up by the whale unless of course you're not listening to Him.

So, we see how they are drugging our children, we see how they are manipulating their minds. We see how they are killing our children, yet we are quiet, why? I'm not done with this, there's more to share and as soon as I feel comfortable enough to share it I will. There is one factor that we really need to concentrate on. Good VS Evil....if you don't think we walk amongst the evils of this world, you should be afraid. As for me and my house....we WILL serve the LORD and we will win this battle because there is no other way to save our children. The number of deaths in our children is increasing and we have to put a stop to it.

And could Secret Service please provide what the blood analysis says Crooks had in him when he was annihilated? We just want to know, and we should be told. I'd say we go after everyone we know who is involved in this activity. That means the big guy with the nice house getting your kids to solicit it, should go down first. This matter isn't about snitching this is a matter of saving our young adults who will hopefully someday have the brains to run their lives and this country.

God bless America! The Battle is real and our children are in jeopardy.

Stay tuned for PART III - there's so much more!

The VI-LIGHT Zone: Conspiracies Revealed PART I

 I decided to let my fingers do the talking this morning, so let's get started.

 Welcome to the Vi Light Zone, the one place you can always come to if you want to take your imagination and apply it to your common sense, that is. I know, you either love me or hate me, trust me I'll sleep tonight either way. BUT....sometimes you just got to say what needs to be said and if you think I'm one wagon wheel short of a hayride, get off the happy wagon. 

I am not sure how many remember but the VI-Light Zone began at a circus. Most likely the ding-a-ling brothers and the democrat's daily circus but it was the tents I focused on. Each one offering something that would blind sight our children. 

Yesterday, I took some time out and watched Candace Owens, who by the way can be seen streaming on YouTube. I have always admired her for never changing her stance and not being afraid to sit amongst the opposition. The one I watched yesterday was about the would-be assassin and his eyes. Then she held up his picture and said, now haven't you seen this picture before? Quite frankly, it looked like I had. In fact, it made me wonder what is happening to our autistic children that are disappearing.

Then, she introduced a book called...CHAOS, by: Tom O'Neill, I am sure we will be looking deeper into it soon enough. I do plan on reading it and reading it again, I encourage you to do so as well. It was not just the part where they talk about Lee Harvey Oswald and the man, I'll have to watch it again to catch his name, they first accused of the assassination of Kennedy being mentally incapable although the judge had seen him previously and he claimed the man was of sound mind when he had seen him. Is there some truth that medications have been created that cause Schizophrenia and other mental disorders? Rumors have it they were used that day. And his theories on Charles Manson which I have been calling this generation the Mansonian era for years now, so I am curious that what he'll have to say is along my line of thinking.

And what about NOOM, the behavioral modification program that makes you lose weight? So, you can't lose weight by yourself, but NOOM can mess with your mind and get it done? So, they can embed thoughts in people's minds by modifying their behavior/thinking. Imagine how easy that must be for a child to be "altered" and they can give them drugs that make them manic for the rest of their lives? If they want to. Do you see what I am getting at here? 

I also believe the author Tom O'Neil brings into question that which is of good and of evil, which so many people want to steer away from. Why? What frightens them so? If you get a chance take a look at Candace's YouTube reels, you might just get an ear full .  It's called "Trump Assassination Attempt". You could even buy the book Chaos and then when I get off on some sort of tangent in the near future tangent. You'll know where it's coming from. 

This is going to get long and rigorous, so I am going to break it up as best I can. There are a lot of theories out there that look conspiratorial .... my plan is to find the facts and expose the truth. SO, Let's call this Part ONE of....... Conspiracies Revealed....yea that

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The VI-Light Zone: Attempted Assassination on Donald Trump

Well, here we are. My first practice run on finding facts and exposing truths. I don't want to make it too long, so I'll try to get right down to it. It's no secret that the secret service failed Donald Trump on July 13th, 2024.
Many of you know that I awake early, so when I saw on the news that a young man by the name of Thomas Mathew Crooks had been the shooter, I immediately began to research him. What I do find most interesting is that I came across a video he made stating that he hated republican's and it ended with him saying, "you got the wrong man" or something similar. It has been taken down and no one seems to have a copy of it. I suspect it was removed to stop any angry retaliatory behavior which isn't horrible I don't suppose.
On that note, let's talk about the nut who decided to climb a building and get his brains blown out. His video that we do have has a sponsor, Black Rock Global Investing. I have provided some information below. I did not provide links this time. Keep in mind, I'm rusty but it's all coming back to me. In time, I'll write what I think happened.... here's a hint. We all know how NOOM likes that behavioral modification therapy. If it can brainwash someone into losing weight what else can it do?  And it's not like counseling would have helped much since both of Crooks parents were supposedly counselors. And what about all these counseling commercials, if you ask me y'all don't need to get on no mind-altering drugs. But that's another blog coming.
Let's get back to Black Rock, now...with the world trying to go digital and Sleepy Joe allowing it, this corporation understands the great takeover will not take place with Trump in office so in my humble opinion, this would have worked out quite well for them. Leaving the RNC in as much chaos as the democratic party is currently in. 
Oh, by the way, Black Rock has an office in Philadelphia. A little over 100 miles away from Butler, PA. Not too bad of a ride, eh?
Ponder that while I share with you that an officer actually took a picture of the sniper on the roof 26 minutes before Crooks fired his first shot, not to mention an officer went on the roof and retreated. Let me guess, somebody gave him a Barnie Pistol? I mean, I get it.... he was in danger, but his job was to protect the man on stage at all costs. Still, there was no response from anyone. That's troubling.
Now, look closely at the video where Trump was shot in the ear and apparently, it's been said, his protection shielded him from another? At that point, he turns and looks at the Secret Service Agents that were sitting behind them. It was AFTER Donald Trump went down that they bothered to jump up and protect him. Yes, in my opinion, Cheatle has to go and so does everyone who failed the mission.
I will close by saying, it might just be that Patriots need to be vetted and allowed to observe, apparently, they saw more than the Secret Service did and the irony is.... Secret Service was in the building he was firing from and supposedly someone was on the same roof!
Below you will find Black Rocks information, just visit their website if you want to know more. I have about five more rants I'm working on but thank you in advance for your support and for supporting the man above who intends to fight.... for you, for America. So.....bring in the voters. Knowledge is power and we have a lot of people who are not in the know.... go get them, bring them into the polls and save our country.
God Bless America and the man who is trying to save it.

BlackRock Worldwide

As we expand our capabilities globally, BlackRock continues to focus locally. Our nearly 16,000 colleagues work from 89 offices in 38 countries, helping people from all walks of life around the world to reach their investing goals.

2929 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA 19104 Phone: 215-349-9700

Monday, June 3, 2024


 Well, here we are folks, paying outrageous prices to accommodate the illegals that are swarming over our borders and feeding our kids deadly drugs. You watch idly by while you pay for it. Kind of like an overrated movie, eh? Only you don't like the theme or the high cost. In fact, it's too violent, drug filled and shows your children things you would never teach them. Yet, you vote for the guy who was your cousin's uncle's sister. You don't know the first thing about him but he's a 'familiar name'. Now don't you?

Let me ask you you know what he/she (for the sake of this article I'm using he) has done for the community? Could you recognize him if you saw him? Is he interested in school and community events, and does he want the same things for your town or county that you do? Think about the statistics I'm about to share with you. Think about the drug problem in your community and research to see how many young adults have died in your own area due to open borders that allow more and more of these deadly drugs in. Are they mad about it? or are they supporting it? If they are supporting it, THEN.... THEY DO NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART!!!

If you haven't been affected by the high gas prices, the rising food costs and the outrageous costs of entertainment outside of your home then you must be an illegal, because the rest of us have been impacted and we have Joe Biden and the open borders to thank for it.  Now, let's talk about what else those borders have done for you and your children.

According to the National Health Interview Survey.... 6.3% of children between the ages of twelve and nineteen years old are on one or more medications for behavior. In 2019, 19.2% people had "treatment" and 15.8% of them were medicated. 23% were Caucasian non-Hispanic, 13.6% were Black non-Hispanic and 12.9% Hispanic. Look at those numbers!!!! Correct me if I'm wrong but that looks like a good portion of people walking around in a 'duh' crowd. Interestingly, the counseling decreased as the drugs increased. Guess they didn't want to get better after all. Being stuck in the cloud keeps them out of the rat race, wouldn't you say?

Now, let's talk about our street drugs...According to NCDAS: Substance abuse /Addiction Stats for 2023....50,000 deaths a year are attributed to Opioids. Responsible for 7 out of ten deaths. Now, as terrible as that sounds fentanyl, which seems to be the drug of choice of late only takes about .0007 of an ounce to kill you. Isn't it wonderful that we have opened our borders to those who wish to corrupt your loved ones with it? Isn't it wonderful that our children are polluted by street gangs and physicians who want the world to conform and not discover who you are? After all, discovery might mean recovery and they can't have that while they have your head in the clouds. Now, can they?

I could go on and on, but I don't want to lose your attention if I already haven't but people, this is the crossroad. You can't just run to the polls and vote for one person you want and leave the others who don't want the same things. They are voting against you; it doesn't matter who their daddy is!!!!!!! Get ready for election day now, tell your friends about the children we're losing to those who cross our borders. Remind them of how much they are paying for gas and by all means ask them how much their grocery bill was.... then remind them it's up to us to change this now. You can beat the rat race without coasting through life and missing out on the good things in life. Be wise folks, get rid of the liberals who have made us susceptible to inside attacks and replace them with those who love our Country and are trying to save it. 

On that note.... How can you have a part in saving America? It's simple.... clean house this November.... TRUMP 2024!!!

 You can follow me (Violet Holland) on Facebook.... 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

MY RANT: What they really want BY: VIOLET



If y’all are thinking about buying apartment complexes and fixing them up. Perhaps, you should ask yourself who’ll you’ll be housing. Yea, that. You don’t get rich off of vouchers, but prices are so high you won’t get rich off of young people who can’t afford it either. They'll likely leave owing you something. Not to mention court procedures and damages, if you end up with those. And who cares about their credit right now? 
Think about it… we have families paying weekly rent at motels, but they can’t get approved for rent. And they’re the ones not sleeping in their car.

The motels I'm seeing usually aren’t owned by Americans👀 either, so there goes that money. 
I took my kids to Florida in the 90’s I realized then … most of the hotels and memorabilia shops were not owned and operated by Americans. 
What politicians never bothered telling Americans is they were entitled to the same business loan offered to these immigrants. I guess the difference would be… the immigrants researched… read the criteria and claimed the business loan. Isn’t it nice schools never taught our children this? Isn’t it nice our teachers want to get them involved in protests that offer no career opportunity but avoid telling them business strategies they have access to?
Oh yea…, those people with the motels and hotels and gift shops have family teaching your kids👀 in school and in our universities. Find out how many are American nationals when you pay your extreme tuition next time… you’ll see where your money is going. You'll see how many are teaching love of this country. 

If you want to know where American values went…. Lemme help you ..., We sold it…. Bit by bit… to anyone who hated what we stood for. And to top it all off…. Your demented president opened our borders for everyone who hates us to come on in. Think you’re safe now?
Personally, I think the men on January 6th had a much better chance at stopping the infiltration than these sleeping giants who post memes.  These guys went to make a stand for America and Americans let them down. This was no insurrection. It was a protest that the polls had been manipulated and Trump was president. I’m sorry… I saw three cars in a parking lot beeping their horn for Biden while he’s hanging out with his ducks who probably had to wear masks too. I’ll never believe it was a fair election and I will never believe in the system again. Do electoral votes mean anything anymore? I’ll never believe it wasn’t instigated by the left.  I’m sorry I just can’t.

The one thing I know I saw…. Was this tall man probably between 50-60 years old. Gray hair looked like it was pulled back in a small ponytail… very tall, noticeably tall… with a long black jacket. He was standing in the yard of the couple who were charged for bearing arms after rioters tried to loiter and harass them at their home. Remember them? How did they get prosecuted, yet the violence brought to their doorstep wasn’t?
Anyways, this same man … was walking in the front of those who walked in on January 6th. As though he were their friend. 
When I posted something about it. I noticed the clips were removed and I have yet to find any… I haven’t looked real deep though.
Surely, someone has access to clips that can put the old guy in both places…. I’m sure nothing will happen to him but… he needs to be displayed so people see him coming.
And if you ask me…. That’s the guy orchestrating this stuff. The riots, the protests… the burning down of cities… I’m telling you he has a lot to do with it. Find him and I bet you cut the head off the snake. But that’s just my opinion🤷‍♀️
So, while you are being pushed to buy apartment complexes and restore them…. Try questioning why they’re pushing it so hard right now and then maybe…. You’ll make the government pay for their housing with what we’re giving them instead of putting ourselves out there for us to be … branded…    * low income housing* therefore you get vouchers. Imagine that! The same money you have to give them🤷‍♀️  

The more educated this world gets… the less common sense they use. But… that’s just my opinion too ~sigh~