Showing posts with label Paul Begala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Begala. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Billionaire: Rich Americans should get more votes

10c Billionaire
10c Billionaire (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Paul Begala and Reihan Salam discuss Billionaire Tom Perkins remarks that America's rich should get more votes.

Our Notes:  What?  He is really saying this?  The rich already get a lot more votes than the little guy.  It's called lobbying!  Ya think?  It's giving special interests to special interests.  Violations to the US Constitution.  This is just a bad argument.  Well done by CNN however which is a real shocker.  Give Paul Begala a bone and tell him to go somewhere else.  Stupid has no limitations.  But hey, it got him in the news.
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