Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Latest NORAD Tracking Over New York

Santa Now IN The USA, Hope Everyone Is In Bed

Track Santa In Gloucester Virginia With NORAD

Latest NORAD Video Update

More Santa Tracking Choices For Gloucester, VA

The MSNBC Santa Tracker.
Because it's all about choice as to how you want to track Santa here in Gloucester. Our goal is to bring you plenty of choices. So have fun and see when Santa will be here so that you can be sure to be in bed when he comes down the chimney. Sure hope you have all been good so that you get what you asked for.

Gloucester County Va Santa Watch

Here is the Santa Watch site. You do want to see him leave the North Pole don't you?

Norad Santa Tracker For Gloucester, VA

NORAD Santa Tracker
And Christmas would be what without the Santa Tracker?
Let's not forget the all important North Pole web site.

Merry Christmas Gloucester County Virginia

Merry Christmas Gloucester County Virginia. We will soon be moving into a new year and in that new year, we have been working on some big changes to this site. We will begin the new changes with the start of the new year. We won't give away what we have planned for you, but we know that many of you will be very pleased with these changes. Enjoy the holiday season and we hope that Santa brings all of you the best for the new year coming.

Friday, December 12, 2008

WXGM Link update

WXGM Here is the latest link for WXGM 99.1 FM in Gloucester, VA. Finally found the actual web site. This is a great time of year to listen to them as they are playing a great collection of Christmas music. Yup, I said it. Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, not Holiday music, I don't ever hear 4th of July music around the 4th of July. I don't hear Thanksgiving music ever, It's the Christmas season for most of us here in the good old USA. I mean no disrespect of people of other faiths, but the vast majority in this nation still believe in Christmas and what it stands for. So God Bless and Merry Christmas to all. (And don't forget to check out WXGM at 99.1 on your FM dial). Also, if it says Holiday tree on the package, ask them if it is a Palm tree with lights on it and what Holiday it's for and do they sell it throughout the year? If they answer no to any of these, don't buy it.