Monday, December 13, 2010

Gloucester County Christmas Parade Part 4 of 5

Gloucester County Christmas Parade, Part 5 of 5

This has been the entire parade for the 2010 Christmas Season. Hope you all enjoyed the show.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Salvation Army Now Caught In Lies

In the continuing saga of the Salvation Army already torturing the homeless, we have been given new information that has them steeped in lies. The so called excuse they are now claiming for why they dumped a homeless family that they had promised to help is because the landlord felt uncomfortable with the family when he met them. We decided to investigate this and found out that this was an all out fabrication on the part of the Salvation Army. We are going to continue to dig deep into this as there is something horribly amiss here. What is the Salvation Army trying to cover up? Did someone in this organization steal something and now they are trying to shift blame?

We will continue to keep you posted on this as the story continues to unfold.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Salvation Army, “Doing The Most Harm”, Torturing The Homeless During This Christmas Season For Fun

The story we are about to tell you is a Christmas nightmare. We came across a family with a horrific story. To start with are the pictures added here. These are pictures of two of the children of a homeless family. They were put up in a motel for a few weeks by several organizations. They were surrounded by drug dealers and the children were eaten from head to toe by bed bugs. The family were also subjected to very personal questions by unknown individuals whom never identified themselves and never got back to the family. The family consists of a husband, wife and two daughters. The wife works across the river and the husband is out of work. He can't even get McDonald's to call him. When we asked about his background to see where the trouble was, there isn't any, he just can't even manage to get an interview anywhere.

The story begins with this family being sent to numerous places to fill out forms with different organizations after being put into a motel. The Salvation Army was amongst them. At first the Salvation Army treated them with disrespect but then gave them a shopping cart of food. Okay, seems like a start if less than ideal. They are off the street and have food. The Salvation Army promises the family help and to find a place for the family to live, and to pay for the first months rent and security deposit. Sounds like a nice deal. Another organization is ready to help them with their upcoming bills for electric and other utilities. Things are looking up for this family. The Salvation Army calls them and has an appointment for them to go see a place to live and sets everything up. Well great this is looking wonderful. The family keeps the appointment and they agree to take the place from the landlord. The landlord is aware of the deal and is willing to accept the offer from the Salvation Army, for the first months rent and security deposit. However the place is up for sale and can be sold at any time. Hold on, not looking so hot, but let it go for now. So it's finally coming together for this family.

Two days later the family gets a call from one of the other organizations that has been working with them and lets them know that they have a number of people on standby ready to help them move in that day. The family is rather excited. They are finally getting off the streets. Their next move is to go back to the Salvation Army and see what has to happen next. When they get to the Salvation Army, they are put off and told to just wait for their call. Well the Salvation Army never calls. This family is back out on the streets where they were. They notify the other organization who tries to help but the other organization can not do a thing without the Salvation Army. The family calls the Salvation Army numerous times over several days and no one there will return their calls. The other organization can not seem to get an answer either. We stepped in and tried to contact the Salvation Army and they will not talk to us either. We had some other people try to contact them and again, they will not speak to anyone on this.

So let's sum this up, a homeless family gets temporarily taken off the streets, paid for by outside organizations who work with the Salvation Army, puts this family into a motel where the family is surrounded by drug dealers and the children get eaten by bed bugs. The family is probed and probed by people whom they have no idea who these people are and never hear anything from these people again. This family is told they will have a place to call home and that the Salvation Army will help them with the first months rent and security deposit then backs out for no known reason and puts the family back on the streets, wasting the time and money of the other organizations trying to help this family. Oh how nice. To us this looks like cruel mental torture. We verified the story with the landlord that had made the deal with the Salvation Army. He has not heard anything from the Salvation Army since and has been put off as well.

We verified that the motel where they stayed has a known drug dealer element. We took the above pictures showing the bites from the bed bugs of the young girls. We also spoke with several people from the other organizations that were trying to help this family and the offer still stands but their hands are locked until the family is in a place. We can not get any information from the Salvation Army at all. Our hearts go out to this family. They were already going through enough, but then to have to go through this on top of it? We asked if there was anything they might have said or done that would have caused this silence. The only thing they could come up with was that they addressed the issue of the place they were taking was up for sale and could be sold at any time. Gee, that's more than a fair question don't ya think?

How this family must feel is beyond belief. Makes you want to go kick one of those people ringing the bells out in front of the stores with the Salvation Army sign that reads, “Doing The Most Good”. Good for whom? We applaud the other organizations that have tried to help this family, but are mortified by the folks at the Salvation Army. I for one will no longer support this organization for any reason. Years ago I read a book written by a Senator that exposes the corruption inside of charities and can't help but wonder what this one is up to. (By the way, don't go kicking those bell ringers, they are just volunteers trying to help and have no idea). We are going to try and keep a following with this family to see how things turn out for them.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gloucester County Christmas Event and Food Drive, December 17th, 2010

Christmas is fast approaching and so is a big event on Crany Creek Dr. Many of you are well aware of the house with all the incredible lights, Christmas decorations and displays. In fact, it's a Gloucester County institution at this point. Well on December 17th, 2010 starting at 5:00 PM and going until about 9:00 PM there will be food and entertainment available to the public.

There is going to be top notch entertainment from around the area and also from around the nation. So we seriously recommend you mark this date on your calendar. A food collection drive event will also be held at the same time. This year's goal is 3 tons of food. So please bring food if you can to donate to the local charities of this community. This is a free event. A truck will be on site to pick up any and all donations.

We will be there on the 17th posting live feeds. These feeds will be posted on this site instead of an alternative site so stay tuned here if you can't make it out of the house. Pictures and postings will be in real time. Video will have some delay though.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Motor Medic Mobile Repair, New Business Service Here In Gloucester

Motor Medic Mobile Auto Repair. A new business here in Gloucester County. Owned by Mike Brosemer. Mike is a Master auto technician and ASE Certified. The services offered range from scheduled maintenance, tune ups, CV Axles, timing belts, computer diagnostics and so much more. Motor Medic comes to you whether it's your house, place of business or even on the road side because you are broken down. A great service in this day and age. No reason to take off from work anymore to have your vehicle worked on. Just call Mike at Motor Medic and he will work with you to get your vehicle in top running shape.

Do we recommend him? Well to be fair, we just had him do a complete front end brake job for us and we are very pleased with his service. So yes, we highly recommend him. His rates? Well we checked around town before going to him and let's just say he is very fair and easy to work with. He also has a shop here in town so you can always make an appointment and drop off your vehicle. You can reach Mike by calling 757-651-8496. This is his cell phone number which is why it does not look like a local phone number. Mike is also licensed and insured so there is never a worry.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Education And Religion

Education and Religion;

Education and religion is the third article in our series being presented. Now I promise not to argue whether or not religion should be taught in our school systems. That is not within the scope of this article and I am a Jeffersonian when it comes to this subject in that I believe that each and every person has the right to believe what is best for them and that no other has the right to invade that belief. So why then the subject of religion coupled with education? To make a point. Wars for centuries have been fought over religion and religious views. Why? The answer is very simple. Religion is conceptual. No one can or has seen God. God is strictly left to us as a footprint within us all as a concept. Arguments ensue as to the correct interpretation over even a single verse of a bible or as to which bible is the correct or closest to the correct one. Which denomination is right and why all others have it wrong. It's all based on conceptual beliefs that none of us have a picture for nor can we create one.

Remember in my last article I pointed out that there is no picture for the word no or stop and others. It's the same thing here. Battles, wars, fights, arguments, are all the result of one persons picture of a concept opposed to the next persons picture of the same or similar concept. Mans biggest struggle is over building the right image or picture of a given concept. The most successful people in the world are the ones who are best adept at imposing their image or picture of a concept to another with the highest level of accuracy. The bloodiest battles have always been in opposing views of an image or picture of a concept. Again, concepts have no pictures to them. They are our biggest hurdles and our most successful triumphs.

Right and wrong are mere concepts again that we have built pictures for. What one day everyone thought to be right, was later proven wrong. A great example of this is when someone decided to stand on top of a building with the concept and picture in mind that they could fly. The person jumped off and the natural laws of gravity caused that person to land smack down on their face. Well man can't fly. The image is now fully ingrained throughout society based on natural law. Well gravity is defeated by reversing the polarity of magnetic poles. This to is natural law. While man struggled to build a better picture for the ability to fly, we developed planes, helicopters, gliders, even jet packs. (Somewhere out there are reversed polarity machines). So the concept of the right picture that man can not fly was proven wrong.

So what is right and what is wrong one day, are proven to be opposites the next. (Is there any wonder why there is so much turmoil in the world today)? Can we standardize concepts to a correct picture? Should we even really consider doing so? If we do, we are all at a lose. If we don't we can rest assured of more fighting, battles, war, arguments and more. (This could explain why I do so much photography and video, I constantly create images of my world as I see it and wish to see it). Different versions of the bible or different versions of religion create different images and pictures in the minds of the end user. So they are never going to be the same between two people no matter how close you try to make them. Only through understanding of this process can one achieve peace.

Truths lie within all religions. Falsehoods equally lie within all religions. Throughout my years of study, I even ran across the Satanic bible and read it. I even found truths in there as well as falsehoods.
Here is a direct quote, “pictures and how people view the same exact image, are not seen in the same way from one person to the next”. This was one of Satan's ways of proving his superiority. When opposed to man, he is right on the money on that level as he understands this concept all to well.

(Hey, I did promise this would be a hot topic). Let's see how many people remember this from their old school days. You set up a line of people. You tell the first person in line a story. Each person then tells the story to the next and it goes all the way down the line. The last person repeats the story and it does not sound anything like the original story. What happened? The story kept changing it's image in the mind of each person. Now had the story been something along the lines of “It's a green elephant”, then the story would probably remain the same all the way down through the line as the picture was very accurate and simple. If you can consistently convey your concept into an image and keep it as simple as it's a green elephant, then you will do by far better than 95% of the rest of the people in the world.

This is how you teach. Convey a simple picture or series of pictures through words and direct hands on action using the best principles as we know them today until proven wrong. Will you always be right? No, someone else has a different picture from you. But with an open mind, that could expand to something great.

Our next article will be, “What IF”. What if we could find the best teachers and have them teach all the children? Remember, I'm shooting for 21st education. My what if already has an answer.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Education Phase Two

Education Phase Two;

By; Chuck Thompson

Some years back I took courses in Mega Memory and how we learn. The spoken word is a language of creating pictures and images in our minds for us to understand. Without these pictures, we can not understand what is being conveyed to us by another person. In other words, we think in pictures, not words. Yes you hear words in your head, but there is an underlying part in your brain that is translating all those words into pictures. Now not all words have pictures to them. Some are conceptual words such as no, stop, and don't or do not and not. Try for a moment to think of a picture for no.

Okay, no picture there. Now how about for stop? Well we have the Stop signs all over our roads so we do have a picture for that, or do we? Well no we do not. Again, the stop sign had to be created and is still a conceptual piece with no picture that can be attached to it. This is why parents have such a hard time with their children. Children do not understand conceptual language as there is no picture in their heads for this. Concepts such as time out, scolding or even a mild spank of the butt sends the message to a child trying to teach a concept. In the event you care to argue this, do NOT think of a pink polka dot yellow elephant. (Aha, got ya didn't I). Yes even today at your present age, you still do not have an image for a conceptual word. If you come up with one, the world will pave more gold at your feet than you know what to do with.

Conceptual learning is the toughest subject to learn and also to teach. A child who does poor in math has a conceptual learning disability, not a learning disability. There are no pictures for math. There are symbols that we call numbers for learning, but no pictures. The nice thing about math is that pictures can be applied to the numbers. This does become a problem though when dealing with multiple numbers and subjects such as multiplication and division. I have a son who is conceptual learning handicapped. At 11, he still can't figure out the basic concepts of simple math as he can not apply pictures to it. He still has issues with no, stop, do not and so forth. He isn't at all stupid, he reads like a champ and understands what he reads. He understands and applies picture language very well. Move him into the conceptual world and he is just lost.

Now is he a total lose? Not at all. We have taught him to use an abacus and he flies with it. It's something he does understand as the image is right in front of him. Take the abacus away and he is once again lost. I do a tremendous amount of photography, video production and I build and own a large amount of web sites. He understands all of this and loves it. Now I have to use creativity and conceptual processes in my work to make my work stand out from the crowd. It's what separates average from great. While conceptualizing a shot or video, I am able to explain what I am doing and he gets it. He can see the process and the end results so he understands why I did what I did and how.
We have worked together on creating videos that he conceptualized and created. Some of them are incredibly good, but I am able to see him still getting lost in the process and then recovering as he understands what the end results will be.

So again, even in the conceptual stages of learning it's the hands on experience that make all the difference in the world. My son understands concepts that do not have pictures attached to them when he can do it as a hands on project. Take away the hands on aspect though and he is perpetually lost. In my first article on “The State of Education”, I talked about, “The Cone of Learning”, and at the top of that cone was the actual hands on doing as the number one way people learn. It is equally so in the arena of conceptual thinking and applications. How this can be applied to those with conceptual learning disabilities I have yet to master when it comes to subjects such as math unless the abacus is used and taught to those with such disabilities. This is not an area that is presently addressed well in our present educational system. Let's hope this changes and that is part of what I am seeking to do. My next article will continue in the line of conceptual issues and this promises to be a very hot topic that I am sure everyone can get something out of.