Monday, August 18, 2014

Abolish the Economic Development Authority of Gloucester County, Virginia

According to the Bylaws of the Economic Development Authority of Gloucester County, Virginia (EDA); the EDA was created in 2010.  Since its creation, the EDA has done very little to fulfill its purpose of promoting overall economic growth and stability within Gloucester County.  Since its inception the EDA has focused the majority of its efforts on supporting the interests of a select few individuals and a few nonprofit organizations like the Gloucester Main Street Association, the Gloucester Community Foundation and the Main Street Gloucester Preservation Trust. 

 In comparison, very little has been done in the best interest of Gloucester’s overall citizenry and economic stability.  A new plan should be devisedto retain and allow for the expansion of existing businesses and to attract new, clean, responsible, commercial and industrial enterprises which will best contribute to the economic well being of the community and the preservation of its natural resources.  The existing EDA should be completely abolished and economic development matters placed within the County’s planning department until a new unbiased Authority with a clear and transparent path of direction is created.  We the People of Gloucester County have grown tired of watching our tax dollars being squandered.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.
Gloucester PointVirginia

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