Showing posts with label Virginia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginia. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Conversation Between Gloucester Supervisor and Superintendent of Schools

On October 20
th the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors (BOS) and School Board had a joint meeting. Near the end of the meeting, Supervisor Winebarger said the following:

“Dr. Clemons, glad you’re here. I’ve gotten multiple phone calls from parents saying that they’ve heard; and I want you to either tell me yes, or no or maybe so; that Gloucester is going to start requiring a class in black history in order to graduate and that they are going to start to teach history based on 1619 instead of 1609. Tell me it ain’t so.”

See the SlideShare presentation below to see the email conversation that followed and other emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) After that you will find a link to hear the Supervisor's question. After that you will find a link to a Board of Supervisor "Public Comment" section where certain people spoke about the Supervisor and his question to the Superintendent. 

Written By: Kenny Hogge, Sr.

SlideShare presentation of documents obtained under FOIA

Monday, December 14, 2020

Superintendent of Gloucester County Public Schools Plays Race Card

On October 20th the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors (BOS) and School Board had a joint meeting. Near the end of the meeting, Supervisor Winebarger said the following:

“Dr. Clemons, glad you’re here. I’ve gotten multiple phone calls from parents saying that they’ve heard; and I want you to either tell me yes, or no or maybe so; that Gloucester is going to start requiring a class in black history in order to graduate and that they are going to start to teach history based on 1619 instead of 1609. Tell me it ain’t so.”

For those who do not know, the 1619 date comes from what is known as the 1619 Project, a highly controversial black history piece created by several “journalists” at the New York Times. I strongly believe the Supervisor's, “Tell me it ain’t so.” ending to his question was directed solely at the inclusion of highly questionable content from the 1609 Project; something every American should be concerned about.   

Superintendent Clemons responded, but did not actually answer Mr. Winebarger’s question, so Mr. Winebarger sent Superintendent Clemons the following in an email:

“Rick, is Gloucester School Systems one of the 16 pilot programs and will the program be teaching history from 1609 or 1619? Mike”

At this point, nothing appears to be unusual; right? Just a simple conversation between a Supervisor and a School Superintendent. The Superintendent did respond with a partial answer to the Supervisor’s questions, but he also had a lot more to say. The following is the Superintendent's reply to the Supervisor:

Good Morning Mr. Winebarger:

As a follow-up to our conversation from the meeting last night, I will provide the Board of Supervisors and the School Board an outline of the course so all know the framework and contents within. I will make sure all know the periods of history that will be taught. In addition, GCPS is not one of the 16 districts piloting the course this year.

However, I must tell you that as an African American/black man, notwithstanding the fact that I happen to be the Superintendent of Schools in a majority non-minority community, I found your comments last night to be racially insensitive at a minimum if not downright racist in nature, and I am very disappointed, angry and offended by such comments.

Please let me be clear. I have no problem with anyone asking about the course, periods of time or content within. However, your comments around the fact of what you heard and if it was going to be required as a course for graduation is deeply disturbing. My question to you would be, "So what if it was a course needed for graduation?" Would you have a problem with that? Your comments in my view showed an insensitivity to African American History and it came across that it is not good enough or appropriate to teach in this community.

Please know that I do plan to follow up with you, the Board of Supervisors and the Gloucester community on this matter.

In closing, thanks for your time and I hope you have a great day! Sincerely,

Dr. Clemons

I don’t know about you, but I was floored by the Superintendent’s racial attack and the way he attempted to label the Supervisor an insensitive racist. Why would he say such things to someone asking a simple question on behalf of a Constituent? The Superintendent’s comments were nothing less than “race baiting”. (An attempt to deflect a conversation by implementing an assertion that the asker is racist.) I also believe there are political motivations behind the Superintendent’s unacceptable behavior. He, at least five School Board members and four to five Supervisors would love to see Mr. Winebarger leave the BOS. They want him gone because he and Supervisor Bazzani are the only two Supervisors who are constantly fiscally responsible in the way they vote and are more than willing to ask the tough questions. A few days later, the Supervisor sent the following in an email to the Superintendent:

Dear Dr. Clemons,

I have given your email to me dated October 21 some thought, especially given its concerning rhetoric. As the old saying goes, "Don't shoot the messenger". As a Supervisor elected by the citizens of this County, it is my duty to investigate and respond to questions or concerns expressed to me by my constituents. I always ask these questions in public, even though others may do so in private. I have done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future because it is my duty.

At the joint meeting of the School Board and Board of Supervisors on October 20, I relayed to you questions which I had been asked by a constituent. You provided partial answers in the meeting and indicated you would provide follow-up information. As a builder who has worked construction my entire life, I do not have the benefit of multiple degrees - I speak simply and plainly without any hidden agendas. On October 21, the morning after the meeting, I emailed you as a reminder of the information I was seeking. Your email response did not provide answers to enable me to respond to my constituent, but instead expressed your feelings about my question. In the joint meeting of the School Board and Board of Supervisors, the forum is one where the Boards ask the questions and the employees provide the answers. I regret that you attributed any insensitive or offensive meaning to my words - none was intended - it was just a question asked by one of my constituents about a course. I await your response to my inquires.

Your accusation that my "comment in [your] view showed an insensitivity to African American History and it came across that it is not good enough or appropriate to teach in this community" is grossly misguided and false. In my view, American History is the history of the American people. I believe that as Americans we are all a great melting pot and any American history course should highlight the participation of all Americans regardless of race, creed, or color, and the African American experience is absolutely an important part of our history.

Please know that I am ready and willing to have further discussions with you on this issue and encourage you to call me at your earliest convenience.

Mike Winebarger

Supervisor, Petsworth District

The Supervisor’s reply is pretty cut and dry. You certainly can’t blame him for doing what he was elected to do, unlike numerous other elected people in Gloucester County.

The story does not end there. On November 4, 2020, the Superintendent and several school employees spoke during the BOS meeting Public Comment period, publicly attacking Mr. Winebarger, with some attempting to label him a racist. Mr. Winebarger maintained his composure throughout the whole orchestrated ordeal. The same cannot be said about some of the speakers.

Several people in the community told me about the Superintendent’s email to the Supervisor, so I submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the school system asking for all the Superintendent’s emails between October 16, 2020 and November 15, 2020; essentially 30 days’ worth. I was shocked by the following reply from the school system:

“the school division estimates that the cost for accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for the records responsive your request is $2,926.00 based on 5,600 emails and estimated an average of one minute to review each, at the hourly rate of the Superintendent’s Executive Assistant.” 

They sure don’t want me or anyone else checking out their emails. That amount is ludicrous and beyond what I am willing to spend on seeking such information, so I revised my request to:

“all emails sent and or received by the Superintendent of GCPS that pertain to, reference, mention and or touch on the "1619 Project" and or African American history and or Black history and or Native American history during the time period of Oct 16, 2020 thru November 15, 2020.”

I received copies of several emails and a bill for $62.94. Like I've said before, transparency isn't cheap in Gloucester County. The entire first part of an email was completely redacted. It appears like the Superintendent forwarded the Supervisor’s question and the Superintendent’s response to someone they claim is exempt from being identified under the “Working Papers” FOIA release exemption. I have received many emails and other documents containing redactions authorized under FOIA, but I have never received any in which the sender, recipients, subject, date and 100% of the content was blacked out. I sure would like to know who the Superintendent forwarded the email to and what his comments were. One can only imagine at this point, but one thing is crystal clear, he does not want the People to know. 

Gloucester County has always been a civil place to live and raise children. Of course, we have had our moments and like everywhere, there are a handful of true racists of all skin colors, but overall, most people tend to get along without a lot chaos and drama. It seems the Superintendent does not feel that way. It seems like he thinks there is significant racial divide and inequality in Gloucester and in Gloucester schools and “as an African American/black man, notwithstanding the fact that he happens to be the Superintendent of Schools in a majority non-minority community,”  it appears he has done very little over the last several years to adequately blend his little part of the American melting pot into a unified culture of acceptance, instead choosing in this instance to spew unwarranted accusations of racism. In another instance he complained about his child not having a teacher of color since attending Gloucester schools. In still yet another instance of having taxpayers pay for his membership to the National Association of Black Educators. Of all people to complain about ethnic diversity when he is the one person in this community in the best position to cause effective improvements, not only in our schools but in our County as well; if the need truly exists. As for membership in the NABE; didn’t segregation end in the 60’s? Why does the Superintendent feel he must belong to a racially segregated organization? Should there also be separate organizations for each race of educators? The Superintendent certainly does not reflect unity, diversity, equality, integrity, civility and honor; all essential traits necessary to preserve American freedom, liberty, justice and equality for all. Instead, he travels the path of race baiting and exclusion to silence those who do not align with his ideals and agenda and to silence those who question what is taking place in our public school system.

When I attended Gloucester schools from the late 60’s till the late 70’s, we were taught to get along and respect each other, despite, nationality, skin color and financial or academic standing. We were also taught; our personal choices and level of effort would determine our destiny. We had black teachers and white teachers and thought of them all as just teachers. Their color didn’t matter, just like the color of our fellow students didn’t matter.  At GHS, Mr. Loring had a class in which the students replicated the cast of “Welcome Back Kotter”. We watched the Jefferson’s, Sanford and Son, All In The Family, Good Times and other shows that offered moral lessons on race relations, among other things. Today Gloucester has an activist school Superintendent who, despite his own career success as a “black man”, is setting a path for racial divide in our community in order to further progress the Socialist/Marxist/Communist movement that is jeopardizing our great Nation. Does anyone really want this kind of drama in Gloucester County? I know I don’t and believe we owe it to the children of Gloucester to put a stop to it sooner than later. Superintendent Clemons was welcomed into this community when he was selected for the job, but I believe because of this instance and other instances in other areas he is responsible for, he has worn that welcome out.

Below I have included a SlideShare presentation of the emails responsive to my FOIA request. I have also included links to the section of the Joint meeting where the Supervisor asked the question and subsequent section of the BOS meeting where the Public Comments were made.

Written By: Kenny Hogge, Sr.

Email Presentation

Sunday, February 2, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention, Part 7, Oath Not To Touch Underlying Constitution

(By; Chuck Thompson)

The risk is to great.  Once the politicians start on a convention, they will destroy what is there.

  Slow down.  There will be an Oath administered before the Convention even begins.  WIthin that Oath will be a provision that each delegate will swear to that will ensure the underlying Constitution can not be touched for any reason and everyone is going to know that it's not the intention of the Convention to even consider.  The only area that will be open is a chance to create an amendment to the present Constitution that will make it very easy to remove any politician from office if they break any area of our Commonwealth Constitution or our Federal Constitution and any of our Bill of Rights.

  They will have to prove that what they are proposing does meet the intention of the Constitution.  That will be it.  There will be absolutely no tolerance for anyone breaching the Oath administered.  Besides, the way the plans are starting to come together, there will not be time for that anyway.  The intention is to keep costs down so the meeting schedule will be very tight.  Plus, I do not believe for a minute that our local representatives to the convention would want to even try to take that on.

  We need your help.  Get these posts to your local boards and have them put this on the agenda for the public to vote on.  It's much easier to maintain our unalienable rights than to have to try and fight to get them back.  Voting them out does nothing to reverse the destruction that will be caused and many of the new codes can be killed here, but once put into play, will be nearly impossible to reverse.  You can hope and pray that they get reversed, but many are not likely to.

Now is the time for action.  Don't sit and hope someone else does this for us.  We have that opportunity now.  Take advantage of this.

Friday, January 31, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention Part 5 Your Help Is Needed

(By: Chuck Thompson)

We need your help to get this idea going.  Please contact your local Board of Supervisors and have them put this on their meeting agenda.  For those in towns and or cities, please contact your local town or city council and have them put this on their meeting agenda.  No different than what was done for the 2A sanctuary meetings.  But, we need them to commit to sending someone to the convention.  It needs to be decided if localities want only 1 representative or maybe 2.  If one, it should probably be the chair person of the Board or council.  If two, we recommend the chair person and the local sheriff for the area.  A central meeting place still has to be picked and arrangements need to start for that meeting.  The question is who pays for this?  It's going to have to come out of each localities pockets to do this.  How much?  No idea at this time.  It will depend on the location of the meeting place and the arrangements that need to be made to cover the amount of people who will be attending and an estimate of how long the meetings will go on. 

  This is not an easy concept to setup and run.  But we have to begin somewhere folks.  Remember, we are leading the nation in this fight.  What is done here will be done everywhere else.  So we want to be very successful in this mission.  Meeting in Richmond is probably not the smartest plan, but can still be done if that is what the masses want.  This will have to be paid from our tax dollars.  Private funding may have legal issues unforeseen.  What is an estimate of the costs?  It depends on how many localities actually participate.  We would need a quorum of at least 51% of the localities.  Then we would need two thirds of the votes to eliminate any code deemed a violation of the Constitution. 

  Once we start getting localities on board we can start calculating costs.  

Thursday, January 30, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention Part 4 Trust The Regular Courts? No Way

(By; Chuck Thompson)

So why not just take the new codes coming out of Richmond and put them before the regular courts?  This is an answer where you will probably have to do some research if you have never been in the courts before.  You simply can not trust the so called regular courts of corruption.  Let's take a moment to look at this.  If we even have anyone suggesting any code that looks like it could breach the Constitution and the unalienable rights of the people, the courts have a duty and are honor bound to do something about that even before it goes to the floor of our Commonwealth legislative body.  Has anyone seen or heard of this being done anywhere?  Me either.  A corrupt government depends on corrupt courts in order to put forth their illegal codes.  A corrupt court depends on a corrupt government to continue to support the so that they may continue to do as they please.  The two go hand and hand.  One can not exist without the other. 

The enemies of Liberty that have infiltrated our government would have you to believe that Common (Natural) Law is passé and have been legislated away. We the People ordained the constitution that created and governs our government, how then can the "created" supersede the "creator" and by what authority? They have none!

The People’s US Constitution Article VI, Clause 2, known as the “Supremacy Clause” denies the ability of the servant to act as master: “This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding”.

The People’s US Constitution Article IV, section 4 guarantees a “Republican” form of government not a democracy, the un-codified common law is the superior law of the people and the codified civil law is the special or inferior law of the government and its agency. Therefore the law and the will of the people outranks the law of the government and access to the common law is guaranteed and protected in law by the U.S. Constitution.

  If you take a corrupt government before a corrupt court, how can you expect to win?  And attorney's can not be involved in this either as they are part of the corrupt system.  They say you must have a license to practice law in the courts.  Folks there is not one attorney that I have ever met that has a license to practice law in any court anywhere in these United States of America.  Instead they say, or granted a right, as in BAR attorney's whom are first and foremost loyal to the judge of the court no matter what.  Read their own statements and pledges.  It's all right there.  And the BAR is a foreign concern which means all lawyers who are members of the BAR are required to file a foreign agent statement with the United States of America.  Whether or not they do is still another issue, but they are in fact required and if they have not, are in violation of the Foreign Registration act.  

  Attorney's will be fighting this at every angle as it creates a real court and throws them out.  They can not control it nor make money from it.  It's never been about justice folks.  It's been about enslaving us and taking our money.  Think about it.  How many attorney's are you seeing fighting these thugs in Richmond?  They are silent.  Why?  They stand to make huge sums of money if all these codes go through.  And they will hardly have to even work for it and they are going to charge you large sums of money while barely doing anything except deceiving you and cutting deals to make it look like they did something for you.  

  I am not saying all attorneys are bad.  There are a few good ones.  Very few.  They usually do not last long or keep themselves pretty well hidden because they realize and dislike all the corruption within their own business.  And that is all the entire law practice is, a business that they have usurped for their own.  And they do not even have a business license.  What a crock that is.

  Do your research.  Start here.

Become part of the solution.  Join the militia, or start a militia in your locality.  If you are part of a militia, register everyone in your group to be Constitutionally compliant.  There are no fees and you come under Federal and State recognition.  You do not surrender your militia to anyone else by registering.  go to the link provided here.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention Part 2 Convention Is A Court

(By:  Chuck Thompson)

A few days ago I introduced the idea of an In State Constitutional Convention.  This is part two in an effort to explain more about the idea and why we need to do this.  An In State Constitutional Convention can not touch the underlying Constitution nor can there be any form of effort to change or rewrite the underlying Commonwealth of Virginia's Constitution.  That is not what the In State Constitutional Convention is for.  The Convention is actually a court.  The proposal is that a member of every board in every locality throughout Virginia send one delegate for that locality to the Convention.  The Delegates will hear each House Bill from Richmond and decide if it has violated the purpose and intent of either our Commonwealth Constitution or that of our Federal Constitution.  If yes, the delegates will vote to kill the new bill.  If not, the House Bill gets a pass.  If the delegates can not make a determination, the delegates have an opportunity to bring back to their respective localities and put the matter before the people to determine if they want to allow or kill the House Bill.  In order to kill a House Bill. two thirds of the localities must agree that it violates an area of either the Commonwealth's or Federal Constitution. 

  If the House Bill appears to be purposely written to deprive the people of their rights, the delegates of the Convention, will have an opportunity to have those behind the House Bill arrested and tried before the Constitutional Convention with the delegates of the Convention's determination as being final.  If it turns out that the bill was voted into law, all those who voted for it may be tried before the Convention along with the Governor if he signed the House Bill into law.

  The only option for any form of change to our present Constitution that may be considered is an amendment for these Constitutional Conventions to continue in an effort to reign in a rogue government. 

  This type of court is known as a Common Law Court which is the type of court our Constitution guarantees to "We The People".  The below code is from the Code of Virginia.

§ 1-200. The common law.

The common law of England, insofar as it is not repugnant to the principles of the Bill of Rights and Constitution of this Commonwealth, shall continue in full force within the same, and be the rule of decision, except as altered by the General Assembly. (This last part, highlighted, is an usurption of our rights, and not lawful).
Code 1919, § 2, § 1-10; 2005, c. 839.

§ 18.2-152.7:1. Harassment by computer; penalty.

If any person, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass any person, shall use a computer or computer network to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act, he shall be is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. A violation of this section may be prosecuted in the jurisdiction in which the communication was made or received or in the City of Richmond if the person subjected to the act is one of the following officials or employees of the Commonwealth: the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly, a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.

Now what is interesting about the above is the fact that it's actually from English Common law and was once the law here in the Colonies.  Tavern keepers were not allowed to have any of their patrons speak anything negative about the government or government officials.  Once we became the United States, this was forever changed as it is considered repugnant to our Constitution, specifically free speech.  Politicians did in fact try to bring back the above style of law early in the Republic of these United States of America but the idea was shot down as a violation to the 1st Amendment.  So, if 18.2-152.7:1 should be passed, then those who vote yes, those who proposed and sponsored the bill and the Governor, should he sign such into law, will all be charged with violations to the Constitution  and arrested and brought before the Convention for trial under the Convention.

  So why not use our present courts?  Because our present courts are not Common Law Courts.  They are civil law courts that are in violation of the Constitution.  Something you will have to do research on your own.  The evidence for this can be found on the National Liberty Alliance website.  Visit  Plus, by doing this through a Constitutional Convention, we can act much faster.  Does the Convention have to have members of the local Boards?  No, it can be the Sheriff's from each locality.  It can be the Chair of each board and the Sheriff.  In fact, by having our Sheriff's involved, whom are all Constitutional Officers, it gives more force behind the actions of the Convention itself.  It's still a work in progress and I believe it's a sound solution.

More to come on this.

Virginia Patriots, We Must Prepare For The Next Mission


Now that the current tyrants in power were shown a small sample of our Unity and determination in Richmond on January 20th, it is time to prepare for a future mission that is growing closer with each passing day.

Personally, I am loyal to no party and never have been. I have always felt each is corrupt in its own way, but something is different now. The Democratic party has reformed into a radicalized Communist party. Some like me will argue it is Communist, while others will say it is Socialist. I say, one leads to the other and both desire to destroy the USA.

Patriots, we must now prepare for a much larger demonstration of Unity and determination. It must unfold swiftly, decisively and endure many years of attacks by those who wish to destroy everything the USA stands for.

The mission I speak of is taking control of OUR Commonwealth Government. In case some of you have not noticed, elections DO have consequences. Even after seeing our Unity and determination in Richmond and in every Sanctuary/Constitutional county, city and town in the Commonwealth, the tyrants have continued forward with the destruction of our Rights and our Constitutions.

We must harness the momentum we have generated as believers in our Constitutions and our Right to Possess and Bear Arms. We must accelerate the momentum by registering to vote, becoming active in all local Republican Committees, voting every chance we get and encouraging likeminded people to do the same. Some people will say why should I vote, it’s all rigged anyway, my vote doesn’t mean anything, etc. To all of them I say, United we can do anything, register to vote and vote. Let me explain how much power we will have if we continue to Unite to save our Commonwealth and Country.

-         The population of Virginia is around 8.5 million.

-         There are over 2.5 million gun owners in Virginia.  

-         There are roughly 5.5 million people registered to vote in Virginia.

-         During Trump’s election, just short of 4 million people voted.

-         During Northam’s election only 2.6 million people voted.

Nearly the same number of people who own guns in Virginia voted during Northam’s election.

Northam won with 54% of 2.6 million total votes cast. Only 54%!!! What would have happened if all gun owners had voted? I’ll tell you what would have happened, Northam would still be seeing patients instead of leading a charge to destroy our Commonwealth and Country.

Had all Virginia gun owners voted in 2016, Trump would have won Virginia. If all gun owners had voted last November, the radical Communists would not have taken control of our Commonwealth government.

United gun owners in Virginia have the power to make a huge difference in who gets elected to Our Commonwealth government because they can potentially cast 50% or more of the votes in every election.

The heart of the mission lies with infiltrating and reforming the Virginia Republican party. Many efforts to create a third party have failed over the years, but party reform has occurred often throughout history. Look at what has happened to the Democratic party. Infiltration and reform will clear out a lot of what are commonly referred to as RINO’s, will eliminate building and financing political infrastructure, will increase the number of people in the force and much more. But most importantly, it will create the force necessary to reject and eject those from our Commonwealth government who wish to destroy everything that makes Virginia what it is and makes the USA the greatest country on the planet.

Register to Vote, Become Involved in Your Local Republican Committee, VOTE Every Chance You Get and Encourage Likeminded People To Do The Same.


Kenny Hogge, Sr.

Gloucester Point, Va.

Here is a link to Virginia voter registration: 

Here is a link to find your “Local Republican Party”:

Saturday, January 25, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention To Correct Richmond, VA Codes

(By: Chuck Thompson)

Section 1. That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

Section 2. That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants and at all times amenable to them.

MAG'ISTRATE, noun [Latin magistratus, from magister, master; magis, major, and ster, Teutonic steora, a director; steoran, to steer; the principal director.] A public civil officer, invested with the executive government of some branch of it. In this sense, a king is the highest or first magistrate as is the President of the United States. But the word is more particularly applied to subordinate officers, as governors, intendants, prefects, mayors, justices of the peace, and the like.

Section 3. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration. And that, when any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community has an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

Section 4. None of mankind is entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community, but in consideration of public services; which, not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislator, or judge to be hereditary.

Section 5. That the legislative and executive powers of the state should be separate and distinct from the judiciary; and that the members of the two first may be restrained from oppression, by feeling and participating the burdens of the people, they should, at fixed periods, be reduced to a private station, return into that body from which they were originally taken, and the vacancies be supplied by frequent, certain, and regular elections, in which all, or any part, of the former members, to be again eligible, or ineligible, as the laws shall direct.

Section 6. That elections of members to serve as representatives of the people, in assembly ought to be free; and that all men, having sufficient evidence of permanent common interest with, and attachment to, the community, have the right of suffrage and cannot be taxed or deprived of their property for public uses without their own consent or that of their representatives so elected, nor bound by any law to which they have not, in like manner, assented for the public good.

Section 7. That all power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws, by any authority, without consent of the representatives of the people, is injurious to their rights and ought not to be exercised.

Section 12. That the freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments.

Section 13. That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

2. Relating to any man as a member of a community; as civil power, civil rights, the power or rights which a man enjoys as a citizen. (Webster's 1828 Dictionary)

Section 14. That the people have a right to uniform government; and, therefore, that no government separate from or independent of the government of Virginia ought to be erected or established within the limits thereof.
Section 15. That no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.
Section 16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practise Christian forbearance, love, and charity toward each other.

It's time for something that has never been considered before.  An in state Constitutional Convention.  How is this done?  One representative from each county, city and or town is sent to a convention meeting place to look at the codes being considered and or passed in Richmond, Virginia and debate if they exceed the Constitution of the Commonwealth.  If any of them are in fact found to be in violation of the Commonwealth Constitution then they can be abolished by the convention.  There are no checks when the state legislators go to far.  Most of us here in Virginia believe our legislators have gone to far and have brought about these radical new changes against the will of "We The People".  This is a more than fair way to put in checks and balances without burdening our courts.  After all, we the people are the one's who created our government and Constitution as explained by Chief Justice John Marshall of the Supreme Court and reiterated by Chief Justice Joseph Story and others. That means the people are the final arbitrators of all the laws we will follow or not.  We don't have to wait for court decisions because if we do not think the court was right, we still have the ability to override the court being the final arbiters.  

  How would this work?  The same way it would work for the states and the Federal Government.  Two thirds of the localities have to agree in order to override what the Legislators may put forth and or vote in and or what gets passed into Virginia Codes.  Amendments to our Commonwealth can be added to ensure nothing like this ever happens again and should it, that the Governor is easily arrested for such.

  I for one believe "We The People" need to form militia's in every locality throughout the Commonwealth and every state for that matter.  That can be done by clicking the link here.  Another option we have here in Virginia is the VEXIT option.  Vexit would allow Virginia localities to leave Virginia and become a part of the state of West Virginia.  That is a legal option thanks to a loophole that has never been closed from the Civil War.  

  Our last option that I see I do not like in the least.  Civil War 2.  I am averse to war of any form.  The issue with a Civil War 2 is lack of leadership.  No clear enemy.  Once the immediate threat is eliminated, there will still remain unclear immediate threats.  War is the biggest and fastest money maker out there folks and it would radically change the United States of America forever.  It's not a good option.  The left wins no matter what if war were to be considered an option.  Most people do not get this.  

Now getting back to the concept of an in state Constitutional Convention.  We already have the precedent to start this with all of the 2A sanctuary localities throughout the Commonwealth now.  The counties have spoken but our legislators are refusing to listen.  These issues could be tied up in courts for years all the while our Commonwealth is destroyed from within while waiting.  I don't like that option.  So let's get this done.  Contact your local Board and get them to read this article or print this out for them.  Spread the word.  Not only can it work here in Virginia.  It can work in any state.  Stop complaining and take action.  No one likes a sideline commentator that does nothing but complains.  You have to take action or you deserve what you get.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Say “NO” To More Refugees In Virginia; Here’s How.

Our 2nd Amendment Rights are not all that is at stake with the pending change in Power in Richmond. Governor Northam has reportedly sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, asking to have more refugees settled here in Virginia. We did not consent to this and should do our part to prevent the Commonwealth of Virginia from becoming the next California. Below is a message to Secretary Pompeo that can be copied and pasted into a message to the U.S. State Department at this link: U.S. State Department

Kenny Hogge, Sr.

Dear Secretary Pompeo,

We the People of the Commonwealth of Virginia, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ask the United States Department of State, to ignore Governor Ralph Northam’s request to have more refugees settled within the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Chris Hutson or Damien Kelly For Gloucester Point Supervisor? The Choice Is Simple.

The residents of Gloucester Point now have the opportunity to elect a Supervisor who has proven, through his campaign efforts and community involvement, he will be a representative of his constituents interests instead of an enabler of the agenda of just a few people in the county. Damien Kelly may be young and may not have the business or political experience touted by so many politicians, but he knows how important it is and is willing to engage, listen to and support issues important to the people he represents. The incumbent Gloucester Point Supervisor has a very strong and continuous track record of avoiding and or ignoring most of his constituents and supporting the agenda of just a few people in the county. Unlike his opponent, Damien Kelly will be a conservative addition to the Board of Supervisors who will fight to eliminate wasteful spending and for keeping taxes as low as possible. November 5, 2019 is the time to make a positive change. Vote Damien Kelly for Gloucester Point Supervisor.

Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.
Gloucester Point, Virginia

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Local Sheriff; Complaints About Massage Parlors, Warning; Sexually Explicit Content

(Story by; Chuck Thompson)

Tuesday, October 1st, at the Gloucester County Board of Supervisor's meeting held at the old colonial courthouse, Sheriff Darrell Warren was looking to get a public hearing on the creation of a special local ordinance that is outside of the purview of state code and equally outside of the Dillon Rule that local authorities are supposed to adhere to.  This new special local ordinance would create a new law against what is going on inside of local massage parlors making certain actions illegal in Gloucester County.  Now for some background on why the Sheriff is looking for such an ordinance.  Sheriff Warren claims that he has received numerous complaints about special services being practiced at several locations here in the county and that there are no state laws for which the Sheriff or his deputies can site against these massage parlors for these special services in an effort to stop future practices like this.

What are these special services?  (Warning, the following may be considered sexually explicit and may offend some readers. Caution is advised beyond this point).  Before we begin to explore these special services, let's define what they are not.  Vaginal, Anal and oral intercourse for a fee is considered prostitution within the state and there are laws in place that Sheriff Darrell Warren can take action on and stop these actions if they were going on inside of these massage parlors.  So, these are not the actions where complaints have been issued.  What is not covered is masturbation.  There are no state laws that forbid paying someone to masturbate or massage one's private areas, male or female.  Other complaints are also massage with nudity.  What was not said is who the nude parties are, if they are the massage therapists or the customers or both.  The indication seems to be both however.  The complaints later explained, were after mutual agreements between a customer and the massage therapist and there have been numerous complaints filed by multiple citizens.  Why is anyone's guess.

  One of the problems our forum had while discussing this is the violation of the Dillon Rule by counties in matters like this one.  How is one person to know the laws of one county to the next when traveling through them?  Once the lion is out of the bag, there is no stopping how far it will go in these situations.  One day what looks like a local ordinance to protect the county ends up with who knows how many later?   It's a very dangerous precedent once started, more will follow.  That is why the Dillon Rule is in place.

  So we sent out part of the TTC Media team to do some research and see if Sheriff Darrell Warren might be overlooking any laws to curb and or stop what he believes to be a breach of county ethics in an effort to save the people from themselves.  Why yes there is we found out.  Each massage therapist must be licensed by the state and they could very well be in violation of their state license if they are in fact giving customers hand jobs for a fee.  Besides, this is also a state matter if that is in fact not the case.

  We had a round table discussion on this matter and an interesting concept was brought up.  Could it be that Sheriff Warren wants the county ordinance in an effort to close these businesses down and force a Civil Asset Forfeiture upon them taking all of their money and assets?  We looked at that and what we see, this is an interesting question.  It would also make it impossible for the people who both own and or work at these locations to properly defend themselves as all of their money is taken from them.  In Civil Asset Forfeiture cases, rarely does anyone ever get their money back even if found to be innocent.  Great way to fund your department when the county isn't giving you the budget you would like for your department.

  Now we are not saying this is going to be the case with Sheriff Warren.  This only came up as a possible question in our discussions that makes for an interesting story.  There is also the question in regards to the timing of this.  It's re election time.  What a powerful story this could make days before the election to help sway the vote.  Not that Sheriff Warren really needs any help here anyway.  But it sure does not hurt.  Positive news spin and who knows how much in cash and assets all in one single move?

  Another interesting fact that came up in the round table discussions is that these massage parlors are believed to be owned by folks of oriental decent.  Eastern philosophy is much different than western philosophy in that orientals believe that a massage should have a positive outcome.  A question of intolerance for their beliefs may be of concern to some.  This is not brought up in defense of their practices, just an interesting note.  It was equally brought up with interest that failure to address masturbation for a fee by state legislatures may be for reasons we might not be aware of and they may not wish to discuss.  Either way, it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few months here in Gloucester. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

All Gloucester Schools In Violation of The US Constitution

Gloucester schools and all schools across the country all operate in violation of the United States Constitution in our opinion.  And we are going to show you why.  Everyday parents are forced to put their children on a bus or walk them to school against the child's wishes and in many cases, against the will of the parents.  That's called kidnapping.  If parents don't send the child or children to school, the parents get into trouble with some crazy claim that they are damaging their children.
(By:  Steven Blume)

There is no provision in the United States Constitution that provides for this.  Children are then imprisoned for hours against their will and forced to work without compensation in violation of the 13th amendment which clearly reads as follows.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Please explain what crime a child has committed that subjects them to such cruel and unusual punishment?  Children are then normally sent home after hours of incarceration to be further punished with what is referred to as homework.  Again, what crime have they committed?  It's called education but is it really?  It's indoctrination and propaganda mixed with some education so that those who run these enterprises can confuse folks into saying it's education.  Money is extorted from the masses of local citizens, many against their will, to support this criminal activity.  Here is what James Madison said about the powers of congress regarding the Constitution.

  So according to Madison, our government does not have a right to take our children from us and tax us for what government these days calls education.  So where does the power come from?

The right to a free public education is found in the various state constitutions and not in the federal constitution. Every state has a provision in its constitution, commonly called the "education article," that guarantees some form of free public education, usually through the twelfth grade. The federal constitution, on the other hand, contains no such guarantee. In San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriquez, the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 held that education is not a "fundamental right" under the U.S. Constitution. Thus, as a matter of constitutional law, the founding fathers left it to the states to decide whether to provide an education or not and, if deciding to provide one, determine at what level of quality.

The Federal government involvement comes from the so called spending clause, which again, referring to Madison, Congress simply does not have.  For more on what the states are doing, check the link here.

  And, the state's constitutions were not originally set up that way.  Therefore they can and should be considered null and void.  If you are sick and tired of paying for insane indoctrination policies being put on the youth of this nation that have already been proven dangerous, take action.  Stop sending your children to these decrepit institutes of degradation.  Home school.  You do not have to follow their agenda on home schooling either.  Teach your children civics, their natural rights.   No state has the right to take your children at any time for any reason.  Your children are your property.  Government has no say in that area.  Free education was a socialist policy that was allowed into our society and has had crippling negative effects ever since.  Here is a great resource for the birth of government controlled education and it's nasty foundings.  It's foundation, morally bankrupt.  That trend has only continued with great fervor.  It's time for a new war on education, or the end of government controlled indoctrination.  

Monday, March 4, 2019

Legal Brief Calls For Circuit Court Judge Jeffery W Shaw's Arrest

A legal brief filed in court on February 19th, 2019, listed as a Notice, Motion of Default, calls for the arrest and conviction of Circuit Court Judge, Jeffery W Shaw.  Said arrest and conviction is not limited to just Judge Shaw, but also a number of others as well.  The arrest and conviction of Judge Shaw is found on page 23 of the document ported into this article and seen below.  78 Federal charges of premeditated fraud with malice are claimed in the document.  Total charges start at over 9 million dollars and claim RICO charges as well which triple the amount of the charges to a new total of over 27 million dollars.

  A demand for the professional bonds of both Judge Jeffery W Shaw and Attorney Bruce E Arkema, of Durrette, Arkema, Gerson & Gill P.C. law firm have been set forth in the mtion for
default filed.
(By: Liberty Law)

The motion for default is due to a failure to answer previous briefs filed with the court and presented to the plaintiff's and their attorney and Judge Shaw ignoring the fact that plaintiff's refused to answer said filings.  Filings challenged jurisdiction.  Papers were filed in King William County where the civil case issues are located, but from what we know, Judge Shaw held court in Gloucester County, creating a serious jurisdictional issue.  Jurisdiction was challenged and while in court, judge Shaw denied the demand that challenged Jurisdiction.  According to adjudicated Supreme Court rulings, once jurisdiction is challenged, everything must stop and jurisdiction must be proven.  Judge Shaw failed to follow this.

The court papers are below and include court stamps on several pages.

Judge Jeffery W Shaw Arrest Legal Filing from Chuck Thompson

What comes next is not within our knowledge.  We report information as it is brought to us on this case.  We sat in several of the court hearings on this case and can attest to a number of facts here.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Kevin A Wilson, Gloucester Virginia, Taking Without Just Compensation

Kevin A Wilson, Gloucester County, Virginia, Commissioner of the Revenue, sends out letters to local businesses that have all the appearances of doing a taking without just compensation.  Converting property to public funds for public use without consent and under threat of the color of law.  Here is what county code states; § 16-100. Tax valuation date for tangible personal property and machinery and tools; establishment of rate;  (a) Tangible personal property, machinery, and tools shall be taxed as of January 1 of each year. The status of all persons, firms, corporations and other taxpayers liable to taxation on any such property shall be fixed as of such date in each year and the value of such property shall be taken as of such date.

(By:  Steven Blume)

(b) The rate of the personal property tax shall be established each year by the board of supervisors.

Now, what constitutes a person is a matter of legal debate as it is not what most people actually believe it to be.  See Virginia codes for natural persons.  That area is not going to be argued here today.  "Other taxpayers", is not defined and when the language is not clear, has no standing in law.  So these taxes can only be applied to corporations and the term firm is equally at question depending on the legal status of the firm.  Is the firm a creation of the state?  If so, taxes can be applied.  If not, no taxes are due and the form can be ignored.  If you have a business, if it is not a creation of the state as in an incorporation, S corporation, C corporation, etc, then you are a creation of the state and hence a franchise of the state and subject to taxation.  If you are a sole proprietor, or sole owner, or the business is privately owned, you are not subject to this tax for the following reason in our opinion.  But please, do the research and take the laws here we present into your considerations.

  Any tax on any private enterprise is not legal for the following reasons.  Violation to the 5th Amendment of the US Constitution, as stated, nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.  Ownership of a business is a right, not a privilege.  See Hale vs Henkel, 
linked right here,  Just because you file for a business license, which you are never required to do, does not make you a creation of the state.  It is simply a registration not a creation.

  So why wouldn't the taxes apply to a private business?  Simple, it constitutes a taking without just compensation as stated in the 5th Amendment as shown above.  The 14th Amendment strengthens this considerably.  Section one of the 14th Amendment reads in part as follows; No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.  Again, what the county is doing to some of it's citizens is a direct violation of the US Constitution as well as the Virginia Constitution which reads pretty much the same way.  Is the county making this clear?  No.  It needs to.  Again, what the county is doing to the private citizen is taking your property, converting it to taxes for public use and it is doing so without just compensation to you.  If you have been paying any of these bills, I would demand all of my money back with interest, or sue the Commissioner of Revenue for failure to convey this information.  But again, you can not be a creation of the state or a state franchise and sue or demand money back.

  Stand up for your rights or just pay what you do not owe.  It's up to you.  I am just telling you what I see as injustice here and giving you the laws as I know them.  You are free to buy into the socialist system the government has over layered on us.  I for one am not going to buy it.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Public Notice: Judge Jeffery W Shaw Lawsuit Update

An update on the lawsuit against Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey W Shaw.  Everyone is looking online to see where the lawsuit is posted.  We have been given permission to show the front page of the lawsuit because it isn't like any other lawsuit anyone has ever seen before.  We will not be publishing the entire brief so please do not ask or look for it.  Most will not understand how any of this works.  The front page only sets the stage for the filing.  This is a commercial lien.  It can not be sealed.  It can not be redacted.  And no one can understand how it all comes together without reading the brief in it's entirety.   Below is a copy of the front of the brief.

(By:  Liberty Law)

Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey W Shaw Lawsuit Update from Chuck Thompson

We have redacted the injured party's name from the above information.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Public Notice; Attorney Bruce E Arkema And His Law Firm, Durrette, Arkema, Gerson & Gill pc are being sued

A lawsuit was filed in King William County that has named Bruce E Arkema and his law firm, Durrette, Arkema, Gerson & Gill, pc for the following charges.  Denied a defendant a Right of Due Process of Law, The Right To Due Process of Law, Domestic Mixed War, War, Malfeasance of Office, Slavery, Treason, Fraud, Extortion, Grand Theft, Robbery, False Documents, Conspiracy and Racketeering to name a few.  We have a copy of the filing in our office and have verified the case.  A commercial lean has been filed against them.

(By: Liberty Law)