Monday, January 11, 2010

Rosewell Ruins Picture Slideshow

We recently had a chance to photograph The Rosewell Ruins here in Gloucester County. At one time one of the most prominent houses in Virginia, where George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both spent time at this house and walking these grounds. In the not to distant past, this was a local favorite party place. We have heard word that the grounds are still haunted and that this even made one of the national ghost hunter shows on TV. Well I didn't see or hear any ghosts while I was there, I would have enjoyed talking to Thomas Jefferson though if he were still making appearances. This slide show is 140 pictures long and will take some time to get through. We are donating these pictures back to the folks who now run and maintain the ruins and we hope they put them to some good use.

1 comment:

  1. I have two chairs that were in this house that were passed down to me from my mother's side of the family. They were first cousins to the Pages. The chairs are quite old, and the story passed down is that they were in the house while Jefferson was known to have visited, and could have been sat in by him, and perhaps Washington too. Pretty cool.

    Elliott Webb


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