Since we broke the story on the one homeless family another one has surfaced and there seems that there is a pattern of the Salvation Army promising that what you tell them will remain in that office and not be reported to any outside agencies whatsoever. Well the new family that has come forward was also turned into Social Services after the family did NOT receive help from Sallie. So there is a clear pattern that whatever you tell the Salvation Army under promises of anonymous information, it just isn't so. They will report you making a bad situation worse. How do you trust an organization like this?
So now we are going straight to the source and seeing what their official policy is here. We will be contacting the Salvation Army headquarters to get the answers. In the mean time, we have contacted the offices of Virginia Governor Robert F. McDonnell, Congressman Rob Wittman and Senator Mark Warner to ask what they can do regarding this matter. We have also sent this story to the Associated Press and we will be contacting the CBN Network to see if Pat Robertson can shed any light on this subject. This is just reprehensible folks.
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