Showing posts with label Centers For Disease Control And Prevention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Centers For Disease Control And Prevention. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Scoring heroin on Philadelphia's streets

CNN's Randi Kaye rides along through a Philadelphia neighborhood where heroin is prevalent and easy to get.

Legalize it like pot, clean it up so it's not death in a needle, tax the hell out of it.  No more street sales.  No more sudden deaths from laced dope.  More tax revenues.  No issues.  It's sold where it is kept away from children and schools.  Full control.  What's the issue?  Legalize all of it and still maintain the same standards for getting a job.  If you do drugs, no job.  No SS benefits either.  You are on your own so you better be independently wealthy.  You can destroy an entire industry by taking it over and legalizing it all.  Tax it over 100%.  
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The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum

Major brain structures implicated in autism.
Major brain structures implicated in autism. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By Dr. Mercola
When I was in medical school, more than 30 years ago, the incidence of autism was one in 100,000. Today, the incidence has climbed to 1 in 50, according to CDC statistics.1
This is a startling increase from 2008 data,2 which showed one in 88 children had the condition. Some experts believe that if you consider the full range of neurological disorders that could fall under the wider umbrella of "Autism Spectrum Disorder," the incidence may be as high as one in 10!
The video above features Dr. Temple Grandin, author of The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum. In it, she discusses the transformation that has occurred since autism first became recognized.
Originally, the study of autism was primarily confined to the fields of psychology, and then genetics. Today, much of the research has moved into neurology, and Dr. Grandin shares some of the more exciting discoveries, including the use of neuroimaging.
This echoes the comments of Dr. Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist specializing in the use of SPECT imaging, which can be of profound use when trying to diagnose a wide variety of neurological disorders, whom I previously interviewed.
For example, Dr. Amen's work shows that most cases of depression and anxiety are really symptoms of underlying brain dysfunction, commonly caused by toxic exposures, and/or a combination of poor lifestyle habits such as a poor diet and lack of exercise.
One of the major benefits of SPECT imaging is in fact the ability to identify damage caused by toxic exposures, which can be critical for proper treatment, whether you're dealing with depression, autism, ADHD, or any other neurological disorder. As I'll discuss below, toxicity may in fact be a significant factor in the development of autism.

Autism—Thinking Across the Spectrum

I was fortunate to find a talk Dr. Grandin recently gave at Google, in which she discusses autism traits that are of profound use to society, noting that many IT professionals exhibit behaviors and thinking patterns that fall within the spectrum of autism.
This is in fact what makes the study of autism so challenging—the spectrum is so wide that on the one end you have leaders of multi-billion dollar Silicon Valley companies, and on the other, you have people who are unable to communicate or even dress themselves.
Dr. Grandin also focuses on how differences in brain structure result in different thinking and processing patterns—information that can be useful in any relationship. 

Autistic people's brains actually process information differently, as neuroimaging now show, and depending on where a person is on the autism spectrum, he or she may exhibit certain strengths and weaknesses. The same applies for non-autistic people as well, of course. For example:
  • Photo realistic visual thinkers are good at visualizing object, but poor at algebra
  • Pattern thinkers excel at music and math, but tend to have trouble reading
  • Those who excel at verbal language translation tend to be poor at drawing pictures
  • Auditory thinkers have fragmented visual perception
One of the keys to allow children with autism spectrum symptoms to thrive is to understand how they process information, and adjust their education and activities accordingly.

The Causes of Autism Spectrum Are Likely Manifold

From my perspective, having had the opportunity to speak with a number of pioneering physicians, I believe there's a conglomerate of potential factors that contribute to the rise in autism spectrum disorder, including but not limited to the following. The countless possible combinations of these and other factors could help explain why there's such a wide spectrum of autistic behavior:
  • Gut dysbiosis in combination with vaccine and their additives like mercury (thimerosal), aluminum, and others, which are known to damage your mitochondria—the powerhouses in your body's cells that produce energy
  • Microbial toxins, such as mold
  • Dietary factors (including genetically engineered foods, agricultural chemicals, food additives, and food processing techniques—all of which destroy gut flora that is critical for normal development and brain function, and contribute to nutritional deficiencies)
  • Vitamin D deficiency. The link between vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women and the proportionate jump in autism has been highlighted by Dr. John Cannell. Vitamin D receptors appear in a wide variety of brain tissue early in the fetal development, and activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in your brain.
  • I believe vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is a MAJOR contributing factor to autism, especially when you consider that vitamin D also helps in the detoxification of mercury. Without sufficient amounts of vitamin D, any subsequent toxic assaults—regardless of the source—will be further magnified
  • Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cell phones, cell towers, and Wi-Fi devices, which can trap heavy metals inside of nerve cells, accelerate heavy metal toxicity, and hinder natural detoxification processes

The Connection Between Autism and Gut Flora

While not discussed in Dr. Grandin's presentation, one factor I believe may be critically important is the link between a child's gut flora and the development of autism spectrum symptoms. Your gastrointestinal system is often referred to as your "second brain," containing some 100 million neurons—more than in either your spinal cord or your peripheral nervous system. 

And research by pioneers such as Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride shows there's a profound dynamic interaction between your gut, your brain, and your immune system.
She has developed what might be one of the most profoundly important treatment strategies for preventing and treating autism, as well as a wide range of other neurological, psychological, and autoimmune disorders—all of which are heavily influenced by your gut health.
Her findings show that children born with severely damaged gut flora are at a significantly increased risk of vaccine damage, which may help explain why some children develop symptoms of autism after receiving one or more childhood vaccinations while others do not. (Another group of children that may also over-react to vaccinations are siblings of children with autism, severe hyperactivity, obsessive compulsive disorder, mental conditions, and type 1 diabetes.)
Children use all of their sensory organs to collect information from their environment, which is then passed to the brain for processing. This is a fundamental part of learning. However, in children with Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)—a term coined by Dr. Campbell-McBride—the toxicity flowing from their gut clogs their brain with toxicity, preventing it from performing its normal function and processing sensory information.
Keep in mind that this toxic burden is NOT necessarily limited to thimerosal (mercury-based preservative) or aluminum-based adjuvants found in some vaccines. The MMR vaccine for example does not contain thimerosal or aluminum. Instead, it appears the measles virus in the vaccine may contribute to chronic inflammation of the bowel, thereby unleashing a cascade of harmful effects on the brain.
Autism isn't the only potential outcome in this case. GAPS may manifest as a conglomerate of symptoms that can fit the diagnosis of either autism, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), dyslexia, dyspraxia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, just to name a few possibilities. Digestive issues, asthma, allergies, skin problems, and autoimmune disorders are also common outgrowths of GAPS, as it can present itself either psychologically or physiologically. It's critically important here to understand that the gut flora your child acquires during vaginal birth is dependent on your—the mother's—gut flora. So if your microflora is abnormal, your child's will be as well. Hence, addressing your gut health prior to, and during pregnancy, is essential.

How to Identify GAPS

The good news is that it's possible to identify GAPS within the first weeks of your baby's life, which can help you make better informed decisions about vaccinations, and about how to proceed to set your child on the path to a healthy life. This is done by analyzing your child's stool to determine the state of her gut flora, followed by a urine test to check for metabolites, which can give you a picture of the state of your child's immune system.
If your child turns out to have abnormal gut flora, Dr. Campbell-McBride strongly advises against vaccinating with the standard vaccination protocol until or unless the metabolic characteristics of GAPS have been reversed, in order to prevent vaccine damage. The non-invasive tests described in her book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, are now available in most laboratories around the world, and typically run around $80-100 each in the US. This is peanuts compared to the incredible expense of treating an autistic child once the damage is done.

Strategies to Restore Health to Children with GAPS and Autism

There is a growing wealth of evidence demonstrating that the nutritional cause of many diseases is related to an imbalance of bacteria in your gut, a problem easily rectified by eating a diet consisting of high-quality, minimally processed, and preferably organic, foods.
There's also plenty of evidence showing the harm being done by the over-prescribing of antibiotics as they are indiscriminate killers, eradicating all the beneficial bacteria in your gut along with the bad ones. Agricultural chemicals like glyphosate, and processed foods in general also decimate healthy microbes, and are best avoided—especially if you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Dr. Campbell has developed a very effective treatment for GAPS children, called the GAPS Nutritional Protocol. It is described in great detail in her book, which is designed to be a self-help book. In summary, the protocol consists of three elements:
  • Diet—the GAPS diet consists of easily-digestible foods that are dense in nutrition, including fermented foods. In general, avoiding processed foods and foods high in sugar/fructose is an essential component of a gut-healthy diet, as sugar feeds harmful bacteria and throws your microflora off kilter. It also promotes insulin resistance, and ultimately type 2 diabetes, so it's easy to see how the dietary component can contribute to all of the problems discussed here: type 2 diabetes, imbalanced gut flora, and brain/learning/developmental disorders.
  • Food supplements - including probiotics and vitamins D and A in the form of cod liver oil, although sun exposure is also an important part for GAPS patients, for proper vitamin D production.
  • Detoxification—The GAPS nutritional protocol will naturally clear out most toxins. Dr. Campbell does not use any kind of drugs or chemicals to remove toxins as it can be too drastic for some, and can produce damaging side effects. Instead she recommends juicing as a gentle but effective way of removing toxic build-up, as well as baths with Epsom salt, sea salt, seaweed powder, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda.

The Importance of Vitamin D and Cholesterol During Pregnancy

I also want to mention the importance of vitamin D and cholesterol during pregnancy, to help protect your child from autism. The most crucial role for both vitamin D and cholesterol in the embryo is in the development of the brain and central nervous system. Not only is cholesterol a core building block of the brain, but vitamin D also plays a critical although not well-understood role in brain development. Deficiency in either cholesterol and/or vitamin D may affect your child's autism risk.
For example, one previous study3 measuring cholesterol levels in children with autism found a striking correlation between low cholesterol and symptoms of either autism or Asperger's syndrome. And, according to Dr. John Cannell of the Vitamin D Council, several research findings suggest that low vitamin D levels during pregnancy, and during infancy, may raise the risk of autistic symptoms.4
Vitamin D is manufactured in your body from cholesterolagain showing the interconnected importance of maintaining optimal levels of both—especially during pregnancyThis happens in your skin as a result of sun exposure. Keep in mind that if you're wearing a sunscreen, then you're pretty much guaranteeing that you won't generate any vitamin D.

Helpful Strategies for Autistic Children

There's tremendous hope for children with autism and I have made it one of my goals to provide parents with as many safe and effective cutting-edge solutions as possible. Based on my own experience and insight from many autism experts, here are my recommendations:
  1. Optimize vitamin D levels through proper sun exposure. If that is not possible, then use a safe tanning bed or as a last resort oral vitamin D. It is VITAL to make sure a pregnant mother's vitamin D level is above 50 ng/ml during her entire pregnancy. This is clearly the easiest and most profoundly important recommendation to implement.
  2. Eliminate processed foods, sugar (particularly fructose) and grains from your child's diet: Sugar is in fact toxic to your body, capable of causing profound harm to your health. This includes ALL forms of sugar, whether it's regular table sugar or corn-based sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), honey, or agave, and whether it's found in juice, soda, French fries, or grain products (such as pasta, bagels, cereal, pretzels, etc).
  3. Avoid pasteurized milk. This is absolutely imperative when you're treating autism. This includes ALL milk products, including ice cream, yogurt, and even whey. Even natural flavorings in food must be avoided unless the processor can guarantee, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that caseinate is not included.
  4. Lower microbial burden: Any type of chronic infection, whether caused by Lyme disease or any other microbe, such as mold, can spread through your system and make you chronically ill. One of the major problems is that the biotoxins produced by the infection compete for the same detoxification pathways as do other toxins, like mercury and pesticides, and so on.
  5. Make your child's body less of an optimal habitat for microbial overgrowth through dietary changes (less starch and sugar at minimum) and lowering overall stress. Also, consider testing for mold (in your home) and Lyme (in their body) but only after "provocation treatment."
  6. Lower your toxic burden: Avoid exposure to as many environmental toxins as you can, such as pesticides, herbicides, and sources of mercury, aluminum and fluoride. Also, do whatever you can to establish a mold, dust, and smell-free environment for your whole family, followed by a comprehensive detoxification program. Please remember hidden toxins like fluoride and carefully evaluate all cleaning products in your home.
  7. Reduce EMF exposure: Exposure to electromagnetic fields from cell phones, electrical wiring, and Wi-Fi may significantly add to the problem because when toxic microbes in your body are exposed to electromagnetic fields, they respond as if they're being attacked, and start producing even more biotoxins in an attempt to prolong their survival.
  8. Use an effective intervention to address any emotional stresses as soon as possible – avoid having destructive thoughts and letting emotions fester. Potent energy psychology tools such as the Emotional Freedom Technique are excellent for this purpose.
  9. Carefully review the vaccination issue, including the conventional vaccination schedule. Know that in most US states you have the right to opt out of vaccines. Remember, an imbalance in gut flora can leave your child a sitting duck for vaccine complications. If you decide to vaccinate, it is crucial that you first confirm that your child has good gut flora and will not be at an increased risk of adverse effects from a vaccine.
There's no doubt that the avalanche of autism must be curbed, and we cannot afford to wait for a magic bullet. While science is making some progress in the diagnosing and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, I believe they're failing to take into account some of the most basic and foundational factors, such as gut health and cholesterol- and vitamin D deficiency.
Prevention is surely preferable to treatment, which is why I'm so passionate about sharing this information so that you can take action BEFORE your child becomes symptomatic. If you're pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or know someone who is, I highly recommend picking up a copy of Dr. Campbell's book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome. You can also find more information on Dr. Campbell's website:, and on her blog at
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Why Widespread Nutritional Deficiencies Are a Reality

Vitamin Line-Up
Vitamin Line-Up (Photo credit: Earthworm)
There’s been much controversy surrounding the question of whether or not you need to take supplements. Critics claim that vitamin supplements are a waste of money, as you can get all the nutrients you need from your diet. They also claim that most people are not, in fact, nutritionally deficient, thanks to all the fortified foods on the market.
Alas, there are a number of problems with such assertions. First of all, I believe we have to acknowledge that there is a problem with our food supply—it’s simply NOT providing you with the same nutrition as it did in generations past.
This is largely related to industrial based modern methods, which include reliance on synthetic fertilizers that radically decreases nutrient density, including valuable micronutrients that have long ago largely vanished from most of these soils.
Furthermore, toxic agricultural chemicals, used in ever-increasing amounts, end up on and in your food. I believe a strong case can be made that many people—especially if you do not eat a diet of unprocessed, organically-raised foods—aresuffering from nutritional deficiencies of varying kinds and to varying degrees.

To suggest the general population of Americans consume a nutrient dense diet is complete nonsense and shows extreme ignorance of the facts.

General Population Does Not Eat Enough Fruits or Veggies

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,1 dated September 10, 2010, highlights one of the core problems encountered by most Americans, and that is lack of access, availability, and affordability of fresh, whole fruits and vegetables. According to the CDC:
“A diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk for many leading causes of death and can play an important role in weight management.
Healthy People 2010 objectives for fruits and vegetables include targets of increasing to 75 percent the proportion of persons aged ≥2 years who consume two or more servings of fruit daily and to 50 percent those who consume three or more servings of vegetables daily.”
Americans fall far short of such targets. According to the CDC’s report, a mere 32.5 percent of adults consumed fruit two or more times per day in 2009, and just over 26 percent ate vegetables three or more times per day. Overall, no significant changes in vegetable consumption were noted from 2000 to 2009, while fruit consumption actually fell a couple of percentage points... According to the report:
“These findings underscore the need for interventions at national, state, and community levels, across multiple settings (e.g., worksites, community venues, and restaurants) to improve fruit and vegetable access, availability, and affordability...”

Many Do Not Get Sufficient Amounts of Heart-Healthy Omega-3 from Their Diet

Similarly, a recent article in Scientific American2 underscores the nutritional deficiencies caused by declining fish consumption. Recent research published inThe Annals of Internal Medicine3 suggests that eating oily fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon, once or twice a week can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and arrhythmia and helps decrease all-cause mortality. 
Most Americans are not getting the nutrition they need from their diet. According toScientific American:
“Approximately 69 percent of U.S. individuals were found to be usual fish consumers – meaning they had eaten fish once in the month before being surveyed – according to a review article4 published in 2013. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans5 (DGA) estimate that the average American eats 3.5 ounces of seafood per week, which is around half a fillet of cooked salmon.”
Meanwhile, DGA recommendations call for eating twice this amount, or two 4-ounce servings of fish per week. In light of the well-known health benefits of nutrients such as omega-3 fats, it’s foolhardy in the extreme to assert that eating processed foods and fortified junk foods is enough to maintain your health. Yet, this is exactly what the food industry wants you to believe!
This is NOT a good use of multivitamins, but that’s what the food industry is doing—they’re adding synthetic vitamins and nutrients back into all manner of highly processed foods in order to “ensure” their processed and hence sorely denatured junk does not cause you to be nutrient deficient...
What they’re ignoring is the fact that synthetic vitamins and minerals are not identical to natural ones, and typically cannot be properly or efficiently utilized by your body.
Between processed denatured food being fortified with junk vitamins, and whole food being grown in nutritionally deficient soils, and most people simply not eating enough whole foods to begin with , there’s little doubt that many if not most people are lacking in vital nutrition...
The food and chemical ag industries’ vehement opposition to vitamin supplements probably hinges on the fact that to admit people need supplements is to admit that there’s something really fundamentally wrong with the way they conduct their business. They are great at producing high volume relatively cheap crops, but they fail miserably in producing nutrient-dense, environmentally sustainable foods.

‘The Battlefront for Better Nutrition’

“Yes, there is a battle going on between those who are trying to promote better nutrition, and the food manufacturers who insist on making products ‘worse so that they can be sold for less,’ thereby eliminating the competition of more honest and self-respecting producers who would prefer to apply in business the Golden Rule.”
So begins an article titled “The Battlefront for Better Nutrition,”6 written in 1950. It clearly shows that these problems are not new, because although it was penned more than 60 years ago, the information is as applicable today as it was back then. In fact, besides changes in names of the key characters, the storyline is one we’re all too familiar with. Consider this excerpt:
“These commercial interests have the United States Government on their side, ever since they ousted Dr. Harvey W. Wiley from his job as head of the Food & Drug Administration in 1912. The present head of the Food & Drug Division of Nutrition, Dr. Elmer M. Nelson in a special Constitutional Court in Washington... testified that: ‘It is wholly unscientific to state that a well fed body is more able to resist disease than a less well-fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn't been enough experimentation to prove dietary deficiencies make one more susceptible to disease.’ (Washington PostOctober 26, 1949.)
This is nothing new for Dr. Nelson. Ten years ago he, with his group of experts, testified in a similar court, that neither degenerative disease, infectious disease, nor functional disease could result from any nutritional deficiency.
For all these years, he has battled for the maker of devitalized foods, tried to stem the tide of public opinion against the use of white flour, refined sugar, pasteurized milk and imitation butter by vigorous prosecution of any maker of any dietary supplement designed to abate the consequences of using such devitalized food, basing his arguments on the thesis that there were no such things as deficiency diseases.
Truly, as Dr. Wiley sadly remarked in his book The History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law (1930), the makers of unfit foods have taken possession of Food & Drug enforcement, and have reversed the effect of the law, protecting the criminals that adulterate foods, instead of protecting the public health.”
Fascinating, isn’t it, how this corrupted system was already well-recognized 60 years ago, yet has been allowed to continue to flourish and grow through the decades! Already, in 1950, they had nailed the problem. Keep in mind that the food industry works hand in hand with the pharmaceutical industry, at least if you consider how the two industries support each other. One destroys your health while proclaiming to feed you, while the other sells you expensive remedies that never cure the ailment—they  can’t really, because that’s what food is for! I highly recommend reading through this old gem of an article. It’s quite an eye-opening experience.

Most Clinical Studies on Vitamins Use Flawed Methodology

More recently, an analysis published in the journal Nutrients,7, 8 asserts that most large, clinical studies of vitamin supplements that have reached negative conclusions use flawed methodology that “renders them largely useless in determining the real value of these micronutrients.” The problem, they say, is that researchers are studying the effects of nutrients in the same way you’d evaluate the effects of a powerful prescription drug.
Another problem is that most large studies on vitamins have been carried out on well-educated and more affluent people, such as doctors and nurses, who typically tend to have among the best dietary habits simply because they’re better informed and can afford better food. As stated by Balz Frei, professor and director of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University and co-author of the analysis:
"It's fine to tell people to eat better, but it's foolish to suggest that a multivitamin which costs a nickel a day is a bad idea."
According to the authors, these methodological flaws leads to conclusions that have little scientific meaning, let alone bearing on reality. And, in fact, many such trials defy both other available evidence and common sense. For example, as I wrote about last October, one analysis concluded that making better use of supplements could save the American healthcare system BILLIONS of dollars each year. It stands to reason that a nutritional supplement would benefit you more if you have a nutritionally deficient diet or suffer from a particular vitamin deficiency. But most clinical studies do not identify baseline nutritional inadequacies, or whether supplementation actually remedies a deficiency, and what the subsequent health effects of such remediation might be. Without this data, any clinical conclusion becomes more or less meaningless.
As reported by Medical News Today:9
“These flawed findings will persist until the approach to studying micronutrients is changed... Such changes are needed to provide better, more scientifically valid information to consumers around the world who often have poor diets, do not meet intake recommendations for many vitamins and minerals, and might greatly benefit from something as simple as a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement. Needed are new methodologies that accurately measure baseline nutrient levels, provide supplements or dietary changes only to subjects who clearly are inadequate or deficient, and then study the resulting changes in their health.”

The Threat of Worldwide Famine Is Quite Real

We also cannot discuss the state of our nutrition without addressing the now very clear fact that declining soil quality is having a major impact on the nutritional status of our food. Worse yet, mismanagement of soils, worldwide, courtesy of modern farming methods, could lead to massive food shortages. In a November 2013 article, The Telegraph10 discussed the growing threat of worldwide hunger caused by decades of flawed agricultural land management:
“American scientists have made an unsettling discovery. Crop farming across the Prairies since the late 19th Century has caused a collapse of the soil microbia that holds the ecosystem together... Entitled ‘Dust to Dust,’ the paper argues that the erosion of soil fertility has been masked by a ‘soup of nutrients’ poured over crop lands, giving us a false sense of security... Chemicals can keep crop yields high for a while but the complex ecology beneath is being abused further... The paper calls for a complete change of course as the ‘only viable route to feeding the world and keeping it habitable.’"
The article goes on to discuss examples of how governments make matters worse by “sacrificing their future to stop their people from starving today.” While many of the examples revolve around deforestation and destruction of fertile lands in third-world countries, the same argument can be made for the Western world. Here, corporate-dictated malfeasance at our federal agencies has resulted in food and agriculture systems that are knowingly killing people and the earth we live on.

Corporations Are Not Capable of Creating Policy That Protects and Benefits Citizens

Pesticide producers and junk food manufacturers have been allowed to create terrifyingly ignorant policies for health, in exchange for a rather lucrative business model that benefits their own bottom lines. This has been going on for decades, and once a lie begins, it must be defended. Reputations (not to mention continued profits) are at stake.
Just look at the history of trans fats, which we’ve long known to be a primary cause of heart disease killing millions of Americans. It took some 60 years before action was finally taken, this past November, by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to remove this harmful substance from the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list.
The Big Tobacco model also parallels the current food and agricultural model—Kill people slowly and there’s no liability... Sad but true, private corporations dictate food, environmental, and health policy in the US and in many other areas of the world, and this is in large part how we got into our current mess.
All in all, we seem to have a problem understanding and appreciating the importance of diversity when it interferes with a business model, which is why we always end up with an industrialized monoculture-type model that decimates the environment and ultimately threatens the very future of mankind. For example, in 2013 alone, some 1.6 million acres of land (an area equal to the state of Delaware) was removed from the American federal Conservation Reserve Program,11 which pays farmers to keep their land swathed in native grasses and/or trees. This precious land is now being turned into more corn and wheat fields. As reported by NPR:12
“There’s a growing demand for more food and biofuel... and farmers are responding to that demand. Most of them also want to protect soil, streams and wildlife... Yet it can be difficult to do both.”

Revolving Doors Between Industry and Government Must Be Sealed Shut

As stated by Veerle Vanderweerde, the environment chief of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD):13 "They can't just come in, take the resources, and then walk away. The big companies need to change their behavior and they won't do it unless they are made to.”
The problem is, there’s no one telling these companies they have to be better stewards—of sea, air, land, soil, and yes, even microbes—as the same companies doing and reaping immediate profits from the harm are in essence running policy from withinour government agencies... The revolving doors between industry and government bodies charged with their oversight must be addressed, and shut. As stated by The Telegraph:14
“We are becoming complacent again. The blunt truth is that the world cannot afford to lose one hectare of land a year, let alone 12m hectares. The added discovery that we doing even more damage than feared to the soil microbia should bring us to our senses... The global land crisis is almost entirely our own doing. It is closing in on us right now. It can be reversed if world leaders choose to reverse it.”

Improve Your Nutrition by Updating Your Shopping Habits

A strong case can be made that most people are struggling with getting enough high quality, bioavailable nutrients from their diet. I would go so far as to say it may be virtually impossible to do so if your diet consists primarily of processed foods and no fresh vegetables.
I’m quite prudent in my recommendations of nutritional supplements, urging people to get their nutritional needs met by the foods they eat. But the bottom line is that you have a problem with your food supply, and most likely simply not getting enough high-quality whole foods. Certain nutrients also tend to be scarce overall, even in organic foods. In such cases, taking a high-quality nutritional supplement is most likely going to do far more good than harm.
One of the best options you can implement is to grow your own food. You can put your toe in the water by growing sunflower sprouts  as you don’t need much space and can even do this in a studio apartment or college dorm room. The next step is to grow the vegetables you like in optimized soil, highly amended with Biochar and rock dust powder like basalt and Azomite, which are phenomenal sources of trace minerals. Greenhouses can be added to radically extend your growing season. Remember that prior to World War 2, 40 percent of the vegetables grown in America were grown by urban farmers in their front or backyard.
Buying your food from a local organic source is another way to ensure that it’s both fresh and high-quality. I strongly advise you to avoid wilted vegetables of any kind, because when vegetables wilt, they lose much of their nutritional value. In fact, wilted organic vegetables may actually be less healthful than fresh conventionally farmed vegetables. (For tips on cleaning your fruits and veggies, please see my previous article: “7 Tips for Cleaning Fruits, Vegetables.”) Regardless of whether you’re shopping at a supermarket or a farmer’s market, here are the signs of a high-quality, healthy food:
Grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers (organic foods fit this description, but so do some non-organic foods)Not genetically modified
Contains no added growth hormones, antibiotics, or other drugsDoes not contain any artificial ingredients, including chemical preservatives
Fresh (keep in mind that if you have to choose between wilted organic produce or fresh conventional produce, the latter may be the better option)Did not come from a confined animal feeding operation (CAFO)
Grown with the laws of nature in mind (meaning animals are fed their native diets, not a mix of grains and animal byproducts, and have free access to the outdoors)Grown in a sustainable way (using minimal amounts of water, protecting the soil from burnout, and turning animal wastes into natural fertilizers instead of environmental pollutants)

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