Showing posts with label Plant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plant. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

Chervil Soup - Recipe of the Day

Chervil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Put a bone of veal on to cook in water, with four or five potatoes, according to the quantity desired. When these are tender, pass them through the tammy and return them to the soup. Chop up the chervil, adding to it half a dessert-spoonful of cornflour. Quarter of an hour before serving, put in the chervil, but take the cover off the pot, so that it remains a good green color. Pepper and salt to be added also.

Make something extraordinary.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Botanical Cactus - Art of The Day

Our art picture of the day.  Botanical Cactus.  Feel free to grab a copy of this for your collection if you would like.  Just right click the picture and save as to whatever folder you want to keep it in.

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