Monday, March 30, 2009

Book Review, Across The Color Line, by Lizzette G Carter

Photo's by; Chuck Thompson

From time to time we include book reviews about local authors or books that cover the local area. Lizzette G Carter's new book, "Across The Color Line", is the latest book in her career as a writer. Lizzette Lives in Mathews County and is a superb writer and a wonderful person. We met her at the Daffodil Festival this past weekend and she did a marvelous job explaining the book to anyone interested.

Okay so what is the book about? Well here is the story line off the back cover of her new book;

It's a happy New Year and great start for Lacie and Tony's interracial relationship. But turmoil ensues once Lacie meets Tony's parents - namely his mother, Abigail. Circumstances get even more complicated for the couple as they work on a lucrative business deal with a new associate, Trevor Weeks, who is quite vocal about their relationship. Surprisingly,
Joe, Tony's best friend and Lacie's ex- fiance, returns to team up with them on the business deal. However, the friendly reunion sours once the identity of Joe's secret lover is exposed.

In the prequel, the question whether Lacie would have enough courage to cross the color line was answered. Now the follow-up social novel with compelling twists and emotionally charged dialogue, gives a raw and honest look inside the struggles of an interracial relationship and poses another question: Will Lacie and Tony be strong enough to survive being Across The Color Line?

Book from C.L. Press
PO Box 1
Hallieford, VA 23068

Check out the Author's web site;

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm looking for this author, I met her and bought a book long ago,


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