Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Johnny Liberty: The Real State of The Union Address

If you think this video is long, wait til you try and read the book that goes along with this.  If you want to truly understand the real state of the Union as it presently stands, you have a lot of work ahead of you.  The good news is that most of the work has already been done for you.  You do not have to do all the footwork research, but you are free to verify all of it.  What you need to do is spend the time reading and watching the above video.

  The video above is not even starting to touch on what the book contains.  The book is a long read, fascinating, infuriating and inspiring all under one cover.  It not only explains the issues, it also explains the solutions.  We are not left high and dry like most everyone else likes to leave you with just complaints.

  Solutions to the issues are given throughout the book but do not start until you have a very strong understanding of the issues.  Why should you care?  Because you have already been a victim to massive abuses and may not even be aware of just how badly you have been victimized.  There is not one person in the United States that has not been victimized by very serious abuses put forth by the system.

The Global Sovereigns Handbook from Chuck Thompson

It's all here.  The question is do you have the guts to learn the real deal?  Can you stomach how bad it all really is?  Are you willing to do something to reclaim your rights?  If you are not willing to do anything to protect and or reclaim you true rights, then don't even bother with any area of this post.  It is not for wimps.

  If you would rather watch TV and live in your own little world of bliss, by all means, that is fine.  The world is demanding slaves just like you and you fit that bill to a tee.  If on the other hand, you have the guts to stand up and say no, you are not going to take the abuses anymore, then you have found the right place to start your journey to self governance and true freedom.  It is just a matter of reclaiming it, but you better know all the angles worked out against you designed to defeat you even when you do reclaim your natural rights.

  You need to be prepared to defend your new found freedom and how to properly use that freedom and for the benefit of not only yourself, but for others as well.  We wish you either a happy journey or a happy sleep.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Governor McAuliffe Announces 225 New Jobs in Henrico County

~ McKesson Medical-Surgical to invest more than $10 million to expand divisional headquarters operation~

RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced that McKesson Medical-Surgical, Inc., an affiliate of McKesson Corporation, a leading healthcare services and information technology company, will invest more than $10 million in capital expense to expand its divisional headquarters operation in Henrico County, creating 225 new jobs. The company will relocate its headquarters facility to 168,500 square feet of the Deep Run III building, which was recently purchased and renovated by Markel|Eagle Partners.

Speaking about the announcement, Governor McAuliffe said, “McKesson Corporation’s expansion is great news for the people of Henrico County and our Commonwealth as a whole as we work to grow and diversify Virginia’s economy. Henrico County has been home to the company’s Medical-Surgical business unit for many years, and McKesson Medical-Surgical is an important employer, paying highly competitive salaries to nearly 600 staff in the region. Virginia’s high quality workforce and world class business environment played a key role in helping McKesson expand, and we are going to continue to leverage those outstanding assets to bring more companies like them here to the Commonwealth.

“The success and growth of Virginia’s existing businesses are key to sustainable economic vitality in the Commonwealth,” said Maurice Jones, Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade.“Virginia values its partnership with McKesson Corporation, and McKesson Medical-Surgical has been a significant corporate citizen in Henrico County since 1998. We are proud that the company continues to excel in the marketplace, and celebrate this expansion of its divisional headquarters that brings new jobs and capital investment.”

McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc., headquartered in Henrico County, is an affiliate of the McKesson Corporation. McKesson Corporation, currently ranked 15th on the FORTUNE 500, is a healthcare services and information technology company dedicated to making the business of healthcare run better. McKesson works with payers, hospitals, physicians’ offices, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies and others across the spectrum of care to build healthier organizations that deliver better care to patients in every setting. McKesson Medical-Surgical helps its customers improve their financial, operational, and clinical performance with solutions that include pharmaceutical and medical-surgical supply management, healthcare information technology, and business and clinical services.

“This new, state-of-the-art headquarters will create a collaborative workspace that helps us attract and retain the top talent we need to grow our business and better serve our customers as we work to improve healthcare in the U.S.,” said Stanton McComb, president, McKesson Medical-Surgical. “McKesson Medical-Surgical is proud to be a Top-50 employer in Richmond and I look forward to McKesson’s continued investment in Virginia.”

Since acquiring the property in 2011, Markel|Eagle Partners has completed a multi-million dollar renovation that transformed Deep Run III into one of the premier suburban office buildings in the market.

“McKesson Medical-Surgical’s selection of Deep Run III as the home of their divisional headquarters operation is a great win for all involved,” said J.B. Gurley, a principal with Markel|Eagle. “We have worked very hard to reposition Deep Run III so when we were selected by such a fine company it was a great day for our firm.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with the Henrico County Economic Development Authority and the Greater Richmond Partnership to secure the project for Virginia.Governor McAuliffe approved a $500,000 grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist Henrico County with the project. Funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program.

“McKesson’s Medical-Surgical Division has been one of Henrico County’s major employers for as long as I can remember,” said Henrico Board of Supervisors Chairman Patricia S. O’Bannon. “We are pleased with their decision to lease 168,500 square feet of office space in the Deep Run III Building as their new corporate headquarters, and are particularly excited about their plans to add 225 new jobs there over the next few years.” O’Bannon added, “Winning a project of this magnitude takes a team approach, and we appreciate the efforts of the VEDP, the Greater Richmond Partnership, and our local team of the EDA and administration.”

(Giving away your hard earned tax dollars to corporations like this because we can!)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Gloucester, VA Happy Halloween, Dracula And Frankenstein Are Here

VHS cover.
VHS cover. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dracula, by Bram Stoker, Free eBook from Chuck Thompson

Though we are not fans of Halloween for our own reasons, we know that a great deal of people love this time of year.  So with that, we have put up this book from Bram Stoker, Dracula.  It's the entire book.  You are free to download a copy.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Free eBook from Chuck Thompson

This version of Frankenstein is the second print copy produced for Mary Shelly.  It has some very interesting history covered in the very beginning of this book explaining how she came up with the idea for the book.  Again, the book is available for free downloads.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dr Walter Reed and Yellow Fever, Gloucester, Virginia History

Dr Walter Reed Birthplace.  Gloucester, Virginia.  Photo by Chuck Thompson

Science, Dr Walter Reed, Gloucester, VA from Chuck Thompson

While doing some off the wall research, we ran across this story in an old comic book and had to grab a copy to share.  It's a short story, but puts Dr Reed's major accomplishment into perspective for everyone.

An extremely rare peek inside the birthplace of Dr Walter Reed's humble beginnings.

Another view inside Dr Walter Reed's birthplace.  Very simple, yet very charming home.
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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Gloucester, VA School Board's Appalling Pleas For Additional Funding - Video

This is the video from the March 24th, 2014 budget meeting.  Right around 36 minutes, after Brenda Garton, County Administrator, gave her presentation for the 2014 - 2015 budget, a student comes up and gives an absolutely appalling speech requesting additional money from the taxpayers, claiming old outdated textbooks, and a lack of paper for copying as some of the claims as well as teacher raises are much needed.  Though the student was well spoken, he was very poorly educated in the area of economics and it was a disgusting display of pure ignorance in our view.

  There is nothing complicated about budgets, economics and or government until bureaucrats decide to make it so.  The nihilistic socialist agenda spewing from the mouth of the student shows clearly that we have seriously digressed in the areas of economics and government oversight.  The Kiser has put this county into higher economic burdens and now we get to see with great delight, the horrible outcome of his oversight in the extraordinary appalling speech from the young man whom has no idea what he is talking about as he lacks the education to understand and we can not blame this young man for such.  We must look at those in charge of education.

  Let's be specific with his complaints.  He states what he claims are facts and figures that DO NOT ACCOUNT for areas such as shrinking enrollments, higher expenditures at the school board level that have little or nothing to do with the education of the students, subsidized lunches for school administration as well as higher levels of security for school board administration than they are willing to provide students with.  Bloated areas of expenditures in the school board that have little or nothing to do with education.

  Let's address the textbook issues.  Children are not coming home with textbooks.  If the textbooks are outdated in the school, direct the questions to the school board and NOT the board of supervisors.  The school board budget never uses it's full amount in any given year for textbooks that is allocated from what we have seen.  We are mortified here with this.  We can all thank The Kiser and the school board.  And this kid wants to become a teacher?  Says he won't come back here to teach?  Thank God.  He already lacks the education and shame on the school system for producing such a disgusting product of pure nihilistic filth.

  The folks that continued to come up, kept overlooking all of the above issues.  Lower enrollments.  No increases within the community showing expected increases in enrollments.  The Kiser closed one school when he could have used that school for relocating students from the old Page school.  The money wasted building the new Page Middle school instead of rebuilding the old Page site.  That was millions of dollars that were left on the table.  Does anyone understand simple economics or are we looking at the continued product of The Kisers really nihilistic socialist schooling. platform?

  At least the second speaker pointed out flaws in Brenda Garton's bloated budget which needs some very serious adjustments as well on the downward trend.  If anything, these meetings showed a need to get back to basics in education for everyone.  Simple economics is step one.  Let's look at the works of one of the first and real economists, Adam Smith.


Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith from Chuck Thompson

That's 667 pages of back to basics.  You can download this book for free from our slideshare site.  It's all very simple and easy to understand.  If the school board needs more money, let them take it out of the extra money they have cost us all building a new school in the swamp the county didn't need.

  Way to much oh poor me.  Guess what, the taxpayers are also saying poor me.  These folks are failing to realize who they must get their money from.  The taxpayers, not the board of supervisors.  The taxpayers DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY folks.  Did you hear that?  the taxpayers DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY.  YOU ARE NOT ASKING THE BOARD FOR MONEY.  You are asking the county taxpayers for money.  Hello!!!!!!  Anyone home?

  We just could not stand to listen to anyone else wine about how they want the Board of Supervisors to give them taxpayer money.  It's not their money school board.  It's the people of the county's money.  It's just infuriating.  

On a final note, we really want to thank the Board of Supervisors for recording and producing these videos so we can see what kind of outrageous nagging they must sit through from very ignorant people.  Our hats off to the Board of Supervisors for having to deal with such nonsense and still try and maintain decorum.   

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Dark Side of Freemasonry Part 2 of 2

Here is part two of the video we posted just a few days ago.  Although we do not agree with everything this guy has to say, overall, we can backup the majority of it.

Now this is a lot of time to spend watching videos online, however, it is well worth the time spent to learn about the real inner workings of a secret society that has had an incredible influence on the lives of everyone on the planet.  Do you really think this is a harmless group with harmless philosophies?  You need to see these videos to answer that question.

The Mysteries of Freemasonry, Free eBook from Chuck Thompson

This book is one of the books by one of the Authors that Bill talks about in the above videos.  In the above book, you can see for yourself the oaths that masons take and what those oaths are as well as what they mean.  It's not that benign.  Most of the books that are discussed in the above videos are available from us on our Slideshare site and available for free downloads.  Do your own research.  We are adding more books all the time that show exactly what is behind so much of the problems we face today.

Gloucester Main Street Shopping Center with the sign of BAAL, a trapezoid, pyramid lighting, pyramid at the very top of the square over the trapezoid, how magical.  Ask if they will offer you a square deal or if they know the widow's son.  If you are asked if you are a traveler, the answer is you travel from east to west and from the west to east.  If they ask what you are searching for, you answer, for that which is lost. 
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Secret Doctrine In Israel, eBook

English: Flag of Israel with the Mediterranean...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra's 7...
English: The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra's 70th Anniversary. Français : L'orchestre philharmonique d’Israël, photographié lors de son 70 e anniversaire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Secret Doctrine In Israel from Chuck Thompson

The Secret Doctrine In Israel.  A book that breaks down to some degree, the Kabalah.  No reason to buy books on this ancient mystery, it's right here and costs you nothing to see what is contained in these pages.  Is it the dark side or the side that gives light?  This is a very interesting work to say the least.  If you look at the New Testament of the Bible, then it would strongly suggest that the works are not in keeping with Jesus own teachings who clearly state that he speaks the truth and hides nothing.

  One does have to question any secret teachings.  What good comes from hiding anything?  Knowledge is power is part of secret teachings and in the event you do not believe this, then look through the pages within and you will at least have a much better understanding of the world in which we live in today and why it's in it's present condition.  Evil you are told is part of the path to light and good.  That may just suggest to some that there is no reason not to do evil things as it is the path taught that eventually brings good.  That also equates that the means justify the end results no matter what the means are and or who has to die should the need arise.  Now the book does not come out and say these things in a black and white way, it's there by very strong reference however.

  If you look over the pages here, for those who are within the Masonic order, you may just find that the teachings you are paying for and are being given, are of Jewish origin.  Some secret.  Not to worry.  It's all designed to suck the money out of your pockets and cause you to do some pretty weird stuff.  But hey, who can it possibly harm?  Especially when the means justify the ends?  If you are thinking of becoming a Mason, just donate all your money to us now and read the above book so that you have a massive jump on all the teachings.

  Want to get to the 33rd degree before the end of the year is out?  Read our other secret teachings books as well and you will be well above any 32nd degree Mason you ever meet and at the level of the all exalted 33rd degree Mason.  And we are giving this knowledge away.  They will charge you dearly.  We didn't take the oath so it does not matter that we teach you these secrets.  We are not bound by any of their oaths.  See if they will price match us.  We give away the sacred knowledge, they charge you and make you do silly things and charge you still more for each level.  They even make you dress up in silly looking cloths and accessories too.  We promise not to do that to you.  You can if you really want to.  That's on you.  But we won't ask you to, ever.

  Mormons and 7th Day Adventists may also find the teachings in the above book strikingly familiar as well.  The good news, you are not being asked to pay for the church here or the gardens either.  Though we will gladly accept your worldly possessions donated to us for saving you so much trouble.  Your house, cars, investments and cash is just fine.  Oh wait, we can not possibly forget the Scientologists now can we?    

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Story of a Common Soldier of Army Life in the Civil War, 1861-1865

George B. McClellan and Ellen Mary Marcy McClellan
George B. McClellan and Ellen Mary Marcy McClellan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Audio book.  The Story of a Common Soldier of Army Life in the Civil War.  You do not have to read a book to enjoy one.  Here you can listen to the entire book.

Or read the book above.  To read it full screen, left click the icon at the far right hand bottom side of the above container.  To exit full screen, just hit the escape key on your keyboard.
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