Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia
Thank you Gloucester County for the support and encouragement you have provided me and this site.
The Virginia Constitution was written by men from all walks of life that wanted us to not live under the rule of an unjust government. Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States? How about the Constitution of Virginia?
Article 1 Section 5. No Separation of legislative, executive, and judicial departments; periodical elections. The legislative, executive, and judicial departments should be separate and distinct and that the members should, at fixed periods, be reduced to a private station, return into that body from which they were originally taken, and the vacancies be supplied by regular elections.
The founders of the Virginia government knew the burden of government could be over powering and to protect the people called to serve we should send them home by electing others so they can rest. They did not set terms for all positions since everyone is different for the amount of time they can serve.
We have two supervisors that have served one term, and decided they need a break. One of our at large supervisors has served for 14 years this is a long time to be in any position without a break. Louise Theberge has served Gloucester tirelessly for a long time. She has many other interest as has been pointed out in the newspaper such as the Boys and Girls Club, Gloucester Main Street Association, and she is a business person. Based on these many interests it appears Ms. Theberge may need to consider a break from service to get some rest, spend time with her family, and pursue other interest. Or we should consider giving her a vacation by voting for John C. “Jace” Meyer on Tuesday June 11, 2013.
Following the direction spelled out in the Virginia Constitution should be done by all of us so we stay Citizens and do not become serfs. Being a citizen requires work on our part to ensure we get the government we deserve and want.
“For the Common Good. “
Alexander James Jay
P.S. I am not a lawyer so I am not giving you a legal definition but what these writings mean to me.
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