Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The State of Education In Gloucester, Virginia And The Nation: And it's not good.

The future of education was unveiled last night at the Gloucester High School.  The future is very bleak by the admission of the video they showed us.  But the school board and the school administration is excited about the opportunities in this bleak future.  Why is it so dark?  According to what they showed us, the claim is that technology is now becoming the center of productivity where computers are replacing people at so many levels and that it's only a matter of time that technology leaves little to no jobs left.

  You get flash back memories of movies from the past such as the Terminator series or I-Robot.  That means the masses will have to compete in new ways to become one of the few that will get the privilege to actually work and make a living while the rest of humanity becomes obsolete.  Now of course the school board and school administration will deny that this was the intent of the film, that is because those areas were downplayed and you had to be astute enough to catch that.

  The new school curriculum of the future looks nothing like the past and is being designed, whether we like it or not, as a bee hive, collectivist mentality.  So your children will go to school to be indoctrinated into a collectivist society never understanding what freedom is or ever was.  They will not ever challenge it because they will not understand it.  They will become incapable of even debating what freedom means.  Not that many of them can now.

  Now I am not going to criticize anyone on the school board nor the school administration.  I talked with a few of them last night and I think they either have blinders on or can't see what the real issues with where all of this is going, or some might actually be supporters of the collectivist mentality.

  There are many forms of the collectivist.  Socialists, fascists, communists, dictatorships, are various forms of the collectivist mentality.  None want freedoms as America has known in it's past.  All want to squash individualism and freedoms except what they allow and will tell you are your so called freedoms.    Under collectivist propaganda, opportunities are held from the masses and jobs are scarce.  Resources are not available to the average person.  Only a select few are allowed certain opportunities and or resources that are well controlled from above.

  The model that was shown in last nights propaganda video explained these issues in very very low key areas or you had to read between the lines for some of the clues, while playing up the very very limited upside to the concepts.  They expect failures, and there must have been a ton of failures as not  one was shown at anytime.  Only a few, what they call, successes, were highlighted in an attempt to minimize the failures.

  Even more troubling is the violations to what are now standards, students put on plays with guns and violence in the name of education.  But try this in any other school in the nation and no way would it ever go through.  The students were actually using model guns.  Not presently allowed in any other school system anywhere in the US.  This was one of the success models they were promoting in the video.

  The other success model they were all in love with is a great piece of fun engineering, but the main person they gave all the credit to, was a person who did have the vision for it, but they failed to mention all the others who were highly integral to it's overall success showing that the main purpose of this new model is to identify the upcoming future elitists.  (You had to see the video to understand this area, and it was not something that was said, you had to read the meaning of it all).

  I agree with both the school board and school administration that change to our educational system is long overdue.  I can not agree with them that a collectivist, beehive, propaganda model for indoctrination of our children is the answer.  Many of them do not even see these issues based on discussions with them last night.  This isn't just a local movement, this is a nationwide movement.  It is being pushed in every state from the state level on down.

  Beware the enemy within.  I am not trying to say our elected officials or the present school administration is the enemy, yet, but if they do not wake up and start taking a stand against this collectivist mentality and model, then they do become the enemies of freedom and future growth.

  The enemy of our future is the collectivist mentality.  Their claims are false and can only come to fruition if they are fully in charge to control such.  Under freedom, the opportunities are limitless.  Today our nation remains stagnant as the collectivists take more and more control and bleed the freedoms from the people.

  With the amount of people that showed up last night, hardly anyone from the county, it is clear that no one understands what is really at stake for our future and our freedoms as well as our country, actually, under this model, we will no longer have a country and we will end up under full UN control and no one will think anything of it.  Trust me, that will be no utopia.

  I made no bones about it to several people last nigh, Dr Walter Clemons and Charles Records, both wonderful to speak with, that I found the video appalling and a collectivist mind set.  Neither of them were able to see it or would not admit they saw it that way.  I was with a group, each of us saw it as clear as daylight.

  Now, here is the kicker.  The school board and school administration made this publicly available and gave the entire county a chance to come and view this, but almost no one bothered to show up.  Silence is consent.  (Collectivist mind set).  So now you have no way of knowing what is on the table for our country's future.

  Now for the other part of why we went.  The question of the 44 million dollars to 65 million dollars the school board and administration is looking for.  Within the group I went with last night, we received a tour of the present high school and had an opportunity to speak with staff, teachers and students.  What we found was a structurally sound school with highly committed teachers.  The school does not need to be rebuilt under any circumstances nor does it need a massive face lift like the school board and administration would like.

  We agree that the school does need some minor renovations to update the electrical outlets and from one of the people I was with, and knows these matters, can be run through the ceilings of the school at a low cost.  Other potential options where to knock out some walls in some areas and sound proof some other areas of the school.  Some equipment updates can be justified as well.  What was discussed in our group is that the school maintenance department along with, if needed, some outside contractors, all of the work that is needed, can be done fairly cheaply.  The concept of needing even 12 million is just not justified.  The school is very structurally sound.

  We did get complaints from teachers that certain areas in the school are too loud and thus disruptive to the classes.  With a lot of questioning, what we found is that certain classes move their students into the hallways to conduct group session classes making the noise level higher than it should be.  When we viewed the propaganda film with the new modern open school designs, those classes held in the open are a lot more noisy than present day conditions.  So moving to these new open designs is not in the least bit conducive to education from the complaints we are getting from the present teaching staff.  From what we can tell, the only reason to move to open design is to indoctrinate our youth, not educate them.

  So there are a number of us who oppose the collectivist mindset we see coming deeper and deeper into our American freedoms.  There are always those who create for themselves an elitist leadership role so that they may be in control and determine who gets what and even if they should.  They oppose freedoms of self determination, responsibility,  the right to control one's own destination, and decide what they want out of life and how they should live life.  But they also deny these accusations even though the accusations fit.  Again, I am not saying our school board or administration fits within these parameters, but I am not sure they do not at this time.

  Collectivists will tell you that you need a certain degree from a certain school to be able to do certain jobs or tasks.  A common question from them goes like this.  Would you want a person operating on you for a heart transplant who is not a doctor?  My answer back is one they never like, if their success rate is as good or even better, then yes.The collectivist mindset will lock out a more qualified person because that person did not pay for their piece of paper that says the person spent a ton of money to go to the right school and get indoctrinated by them.  But how many of you are already indoctrinated?  You would never think of allowing someone to operate on you without them having the right piece of paper.  And that is all it is.  A piece of paper that says they were indoctrinated by some group that may not actually be the best qualified to even make that call, but no one else is allowed to challenge that anymore.  In fact, doing so can be considered a crime by those also not qualified to make that call.  The poison of the collectivist is fully set in most of us and it continues to grow.

  I'm not against education.  I am against the dissemination of disinformation in the guise of education designed to steal the freedoms of the people for the gain of the few also known as the collectivists.  There will be more published on this as at least one other, Mr Hogge Sr, will also be posting his views on this matter soon.

  On a final note.  We were impressed with what the teachers and staff already have to work with and it's well beyond what was available when I went to school.  The complaints that the equipment is outdated, well we all suffered that when we went to school and no one is any the worse by it.  That is what college or other continuing education is for as well as work experience.  The students that stayed were great.  Very helpful and took us on tours of the school and classrooms.  The food that was available was beyond any expectations, and we figured costly as well.  It was nice, but beyond the costs of what should have been made.  Plus, soda was available.  I hardly ever drink soda but indulged in a a couple of cans of Coca Cola.  No expense was to great?  Guess you want to schmooze the people when you want money from them.

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