Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The VI-Light Zone: Conspiracy Theories Part II

 Welcome to the VI-Light Zone.... We are still on the conspiracy theories of what is happening to our children. If you know me, you know I have been asking for a long time. Before Trump ran years ago, I brought up the look many of our children have in their eyes today. It's distant, it's weird. And it's just not that, it's what they are saying that is so scary.

Bear with me here, I wish I could tell you I was a good girl who always kept good company, but I can't do that honestly, so I won't do it. What I can tell you is that I had friends in my teens who liked to "trip". They would often tell me their experiences, very different hallucinations is how I'd describe them. You see, some of it caused hallucinations back then too. The biggest difference today is that everyone I have encountered is having the same hallucination. I'm sorry folks, but I don't believe it, there has to be some truth in what they are saying. I'm serious, I have met people who never met one another, and they are saying the same thing. Let's say there is a drug that can make people Schizophrenic or hallucinogenic, then perhaps there is some truth to what they are saying. Perhaps the drugs being brought into this country is loaded with it. A silent attack on our young Americans. I know North Korea was sending something called Lady Bug Attractant to local head shops were selling over the counter. It was laced with PCP. They say this person could have hallucinations the rest of their natural life..... scary stuff.

Now, we keep asking why our kids think like they do. It's easy folks, if you ever try to lose weight through NOOM, you will find it's all about mind over matter. Something we can do for ourselves but......not our children. If you are looked upon as 'not the norm' then you might conform just to become the norm. We see Christians being mocked just about everywhere you go. Yet, people say......God wants you to be quiet. I'm sorry, I'm that person who heard "STAND FIRM" and that doesn't mean to be swallowed up by the whale unless of course you're not listening to Him.

So, we see how they are drugging our children, we see how they are manipulating their minds. We see how they are killing our children, yet we are quiet, why? I'm not done with this, there's more to share and as soon as I feel comfortable enough to share it I will. There is one factor that we really need to concentrate on. Good VS Evil....if you don't think we walk amongst the evils of this world, you should be afraid. As for me and my house....we WILL serve the LORD and we will win this battle because there is no other way to save our children. The number of deaths in our children is increasing and we have to put a stop to it.

And could Secret Service please provide what the blood analysis says Crooks had in him when he was annihilated? We just want to know, and we should be told. I'd say we go after everyone we know who is involved in this activity. That means the big guy with the nice house getting your kids to solicit it, should go down first. This matter isn't about snitching this is a matter of saving our young adults who will hopefully someday have the brains to run their lives and this country.

God bless America! The Battle is real and our children are in jeopardy.

Stay tuned for PART III - there's so much more!

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