Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Shrimp Creole - Recipe Of The Day

English: Shrimp Creole
English: Shrimp Creole (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Take three pints of unshelled shrimps and shell them, one-half pint of cream, two tablespoonfuls of butter, two tablespoonfuls of flour, two tablespoonfuls of catsup, one wine glass of sherry, paprika, chili powder and parsley. Brown the flour in the butter and add the milk until it is thickened. Color with the catsup and season with paprika and chili powder. Stir in the sherry and make a pink cream which is to be mixed through the shrimps and not cooked. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve with squares of toast or crackers.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Omelet Soufflé à la Crème - Recipe Of The Day

Omelet (Photo credit: roolrool)
Four eggs, two table-spoonfuls of sugar, a speck of salt, half a teaspoonful of vanilla' extract, one cupful of whipped cream. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and gradually beat the sugar and the flavor into them. When well beaten, add the yolks, and lastly the whipped cream. Have a dish, holding about one quart, slightly buttered. Pour the mixture into this and bake just twelve minutes. Serve the moment it is taken from the oven.

Make something extraordinary.
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Friday, August 30, 2013

MUSSELS WITH EGG SAUCE - Recipe of the day

Mussels and barnacles in the intertidal near N...
Mussels and barnacles in the intertidal near Newquay, Cornwall, England. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A good washing with fresh water is sufficient for mussels that do not have any sand to be cleaned away. Put them on the fire with a sauce of oil, garlic, parsley and a pinch of pepper. Shake them and keep the saucepan covered seeing that they do not absorb all of the sauce. Take them out when they are open and prepare the following sauce: one or more yolks of egg, according to the quantity, lemon juice, one teaspoonful of flour, broth and some of their own juice. Cook this sauce until it becomes a smooth cream and pour it on the mussels when they are served.

Make something extraordinary.

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Thursday, August 29, 2013


CDC raspberry
CDC raspberry (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Gloucester, Virginia Links and News

Recipe Of The Day:

Wash and drain one box of raspberries. Place in a saucepan and add
One pint of water,
One cup of sugar.
Bring to a boil and cook until the berries are soft. Rub through a fine sieve. Cool. Now place three eggs in a mixing bowl and add the raspberries and beat the mixture to thoroughly blend. Pour into custard cups and set the cups in a pan containing water. Bake in a slow oven until firm in the centre.

Make Something Extraordinary.
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Enchiladas - Recipe Of The Day

Cheese enchiladas
Cheese enchiladas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Make Tortilla. Chop one cup onions very fine, slice and chop one-half cup olives, cook in little lard; have cup grated cheese ready, dip tortilla in hot salted lard, dip in chile sauce No. 1, spread with grated cheese, put in center tablespoonful of cooked onions, tablespoon chopped hard-boiled eggs, two tablespoons chopped chicken, six seedless raisins soaked in claret, level tablespoon chopped olives, a sprinkle of cheese and fourth cup Chile Sauce No. 1, fold both sides, one over the other, pour Chile Sauce No. 5 over all, put tablespoon cooked onion on center of top of each and several large pieces of cheese and three whole olives. Place in hot oven till cheese is melted, serve very hot.

Make something extraordinary tonight.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

STUFFED CAULIFLOWER - Recipe of the day

English: Cauliflower Ελληνικά: Κουνουπίδι
English: Cauliflower Ελληνικά: Κουνουπίδι (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Something Different:

Pick over a fine cauliflower, and plunge it for a moment in boiling water. Look over it well again and remove any grit or insects. Put it head downwards in a pan when you have already placed a good slice of fat bacon at the bottom and sides. In the holes between the pan and the vegetable put a stuffing of minced meat, with breadcrumbs, yolks of eggs, mushrooms, seasoning of the usual kinds, in fact, a good forcemeat. Press this well in, and pour over it a thin gravy. Let it cook gently, and when the gravy on the top has disappeared put a dish on the top of the saucepan, turn it upside down and slip the cauliflower out. Serve very hot.

Make Something Extraordinary Tonight.

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Amherst Pudding - Recipe of the day

Three-fourths of a cupful of butter, three-fourths of a pint of sugar, four eggs, five table-spoonfuls of strained apple, the grated rind and the juice of a lemon, and nutmeg and rose-water, if you like. Bake half an hour, in a moderate oven, in a shallow pudding dish that has been lined with a rich pasts, rolled very thin. Let it become partially cooled before serving.

Make something extraordinary.
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