Showing posts with label John Meyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Meyer. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2013

Vote Louise Theberge June 11th, 2013 For More Conflicts of Interest

Vote Louise Theberge tomorrow, June 11th, 2013 if you are interested in more conflicts of interest.  More ordinances that do not meet state law.  More heavy handed tactics in the republican party designed to keep decent people from running for office.  Send her a message that it's time for her to take a vacation.  After 14 years of service, she deserves the break.  After 14 years of service you have to ask the question, why are a number of county ordinances out of sync with state law?  Has Louise been asleep for the past 14 years?  Do we need another 4 years where the county ordinances remain out of sync with state laws? Do we need more conflicts of interest that violate state laws like in the video above?

  Vote John Meyer for Supervisor at large tomorrow, June 11th, 2013.
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