The New Atlantis, Sir Francis Bacon, Free eBook from Chuck Thompson
To understand the history of this nation and the history of the Constitution, one must look back in history to see what the real influences were. Having read a number of history books, it has been stated in numerous books that the ideas, ideals and concepts for the Constitution were created in early America. Well, this is only partially true. One has to go back even further to see where the roots for the Constitution really came from. Thomas Jefferson, one of the most influential founding fathers of this nation was highly influenced by the works of Sir Francis Bacon.
A study of Sir Francis Bacon shows that the concepts for the governance of the new world were in fact formulated in the late 16th to early 17th century. The above eBook will show how these concepts took shape in the development of the Constitution of the United States. Even still, the ideas, ideals and concepts were not unique to Sir Francis Bacon as even he was taught many of the ideas he later wrote about and published.
The above eBook can be downloaded for free from our Slideshare site. You may have to become a member to access the free download, but signing up is free and the site is free to use. We have well over 600 selections on offer and that number keeps growing, so you might find it worth your while. Otherwise you can always read it right here on this site. You can expand the eBook to full screen for better viewing. What you may learn is that history is truly fascinating and not the least bit dull. School was dull, history is fun.
To understand the history of this nation and the history of the Constitution, one must look back in history to see what the real influences were. Having read a number of history books, it has been stated in numerous books that the ideas, ideals and concepts for the Constitution were created in early America. Well, this is only partially true. One has to go back even further to see where the roots for the Constitution really came from. Thomas Jefferson, one of the most influential founding fathers of this nation was highly influenced by the works of Sir Francis Bacon.
A study of Sir Francis Bacon shows that the concepts for the governance of the new world were in fact formulated in the late 16th to early 17th century. The above eBook will show how these concepts took shape in the development of the Constitution of the United States. Even still, the ideas, ideals and concepts were not unique to Sir Francis Bacon as even he was taught many of the ideas he later wrote about and published.
The above eBook can be downloaded for free from our Slideshare site. You may have to become a member to access the free download, but signing up is free and the site is free to use. We have well over 600 selections on offer and that number keeps growing, so you might find it worth your while. Otherwise you can always read it right here on this site. You can expand the eBook to full screen for better viewing. What you may learn is that history is truly fascinating and not the least bit dull. School was dull, history is fun.
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