Showing posts with label Defined. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Defined. Show all posts

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Individualism & Capitalism vs. Collectivism & Monopolies

Marxists Internet Archive
Marxists Internet Archive (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Most people have no clue what the above titles words mean.  Most people have no real clue what Capitalism is nor do most people have a clue what real socialism or communism is either.  You may think you do, but do you really?  This video is one of the best sources for defining Capitalism for what it is really supposed to be and not what most consider it to be as well as what socialism really is as opposed to what most people think it is.

  Another piece we found on the Internet Archive.  We doubt this would be found on YouTube and if it is, chances are it gets very little views.  Most people do not want to know the meanings of these words.  We prefer real capitalism which unfortunately is dead.