Having attended GHS for a couple of years shortly after it
was built, I was amazed at the great condition of the schoolhouse. After
hearing stories for the last several years about how bad of shape GHS is in; I
was expecting the place to be in shambles. That was absolutely not the case.
There likely needs to be a significant amount of money spent
on our schoolhouse, but not as much as our school administrators are trying to
make us believe. One of their complaints is the undependability and
inefficiency of the heating, ventilation and cooling system. Considering the
schoolhouse was built in the mid 1970’s, it is probably time to replace the
entire system. The administrators complain the roof needs to be replaced. Well,
roof maintenance is part of maintaining any building, so if there is a need to
replace the waterproofing components of the roof, then it needs to be replaced
before other components are damaged. If a future replacement account for major
schoolhouse components had been started when the school was built, money would
be available when needed. Every year monies could have been added to the
account as part of the schoolhouse’s operating expenses. When a school system
builds a schoolhouse it is provided with information that identifies the life
expectancy of such things as HVAC and roofing systems. Our local, state and
federal governments choose to wait until something falls apart, then borrow
money to fix and replace things. Operating this way is costing us far more than
investing money in a replacement fund every year. Just let it accumulate
interest each year and then pay cash when things are needed. Maybe someone
needs to look into who is benefiting from all of the interest money we pay each
During our tour we spoke with teachers who said noise
transfer from neighboring classrooms and hallways interferes with teaching and
learning. I asked if changes in the methods of teaching had increased the noise
level in today’s classrooms. The answer was along the lines of “probably”. Upon
asking more questions it became apparent that a lot of the noise is generated
by small groups from varying classes being sent in the hallway to work
independent of the rest of their class. I found all of this odd because when I
attended GHS, we had 25 to 30 students per class and we broke down into small
groups at times, but we remained in the classroom. Everyone was taught and
expected to be conscious of the volume of their voice and to respect each other
by not disrupting the class. As a matter of fact, most of the classrooms didn’t
even have doors. (Doors were installed some years later though.) We as students
were expected to keep the noise level down and for the most part we did. If
noise transference is a problem, there are ways of fixing the problem without
reconfiguring the entire inside of the building.
Speaking of reconfiguring; that appears to be our school
system’s ultimate objective. After touring several areas of the schoolhouse we
were directed to the auditorium to watch what I consider an indoctrination film
titled, “Most Likely to Succeed”. Chuck Thompson published a review of the film
on GVLN and can be found at this link http://www.gloucestercounty-va.com/2016/11/the-state-of-education-in-gloucester.html I must say I agree with Mr. Thompson’s opinions.
America’s public education system has been under siege for a
long time; the ultimate objective being to lower America’s educational
standards and success in order to bring our Country inline with the objectives
of the United Nations/New World Order. Every aspect of their objectives entails
weakening the strong and empowering the weak, on a global scale.
Former Gloucester Public Schools Superintendent, Howard B.
(Ben) Kiser was successful in steering our elected representatives into pushing
the Socialism/Communism envelop, by shoving the design of Page Middle School
down this community’s throat. Now Mr. Kiser is in a position to influence all
school districts in Virginia as the Director of the Virginia
Association of School Superintendents. The schoolhouse designs Mr. Kiser and
others who I consider to be Socialist/Communist oriented traitors to America are pushing on us, were created after
thousands of America ’s so called educators like Kiser
visited Finland on indoctrination trips. They claim
Finland’s way of educating is the best way because Finland currently has one of
the best rated public education systems in the world. Rated at what measures
and by whom; other New World Order propagandists? What our elected leaders and
school administrators don’t tell us is; Finland is a Socialist Country where the
government foots the bill for everything including educating teachers. They
don’t tell us that Finland educators say they have equal success in older box
style schoolhouses as they do in modern, more expensive designed schoolhouses
like Page Middle School. They don’t tell us the personal income tax rate in Finland averaged 52.96% from 1995 until
2016, reaching an all time high of 62.20% in 1995 and a record low of 49.00% in
2010. (How would you like the government taking over half of what you earn?)
They don’t tell us Finland’s schools practice collectivism. They don’t tell us
collectivism is a trait of Communism and Socialism. They don’t tell us that in
collectivist cultures, identity is based on the social network to which one
belongs and with the implementation of collectivism in our public schools,
individualism will be erased. Everything will be about what is good for the
group and completely ignoring what is best for each individual. This will erase
the potential of there being other great individuals like George Washington
Carver, Louis Pasture, Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison and so on. The only way to
achieve the goal of collectivism is by “leveling the playing field”; in other
words the strong must be weakened and the weak must be empowered. In the
education spectrum that equates to lowering standards to make it appear more
students are successful in academia land.
I believe we need to take back control of our public
education system and return it to an educational institution that reflects the values, morals, traditions, customs, quality and superiority that empowered America to become the greatest and freest nation in
the World. Common Core must go, but more importantly, the federal government
must be stopped from blackmailing our public education system into submitting
to the Socialist/Communist ideology of the United Nations.
Look for a future article on, “where the money will come
from to pay for our school administration’s $100,000,000 vision”.
Kenneth E. Hogge, Sr.