Showing posts with label John Adams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Adams. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

John Adams And The Question of Independence

John Adams And The Question of Independence" target="_blank">John Adams And The Question of Independence from Chuck Thompson

As we move towards the 4th of July, now is a good time to look at what one of our forefathers had to say about moving towards independence.  The above is only 5 pages long.  It will become available for free downloads once the folks over at SlideShare fix the issues with that area.  In the mean time, you can read it online.
President of the Senate John Adams
President of the Senate John Adams (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gloucester, VA - Chick-Fil-A A National Divide

Pictured here is local Chick-Fil-A owner John Gordon III and congressman Rob Wittman during the Grand Opening ceremonies for the Gloucester, VA location.

  Monday August 1st, the local Chick-Fil-A restaurant was jam packed with people in support of the chain, based on the franchise founder''s statements of believing in the traditional  marriages with a national interpretation of being against gay marriage.

  Our staff insisted I write a piece on the debate.  I have a lot of issues surrounding the whole thing.  I have no issues with Chick-Fil-A and it's support of traditional marriage.  This nation was founded on Christian principles and to quote John Adams, "Will support no other."  I have no issues with gay relationships.  It is not my place to make those life decisions for others.  Do I support gay marriage?  No.  Do I oppose gay marriage?  Yes, but not for the reasons that one would normally consider.

  There is nothing new under the sun.  One must study history to see if we are about to make some major serious mistakes.  Rome was destroyed from within over reasons just like this.  Gay marriage is extra privileges above and beyond what is and has been a part of normal society.  It is granting additional rights to a class of citizens that are in a minority.  I have no issues with gay rights.  No one should be harmed based on their opinions or lifestyle choices as long as it is mutually consensual and not forced on the masses.

    The issues of gay marriage are nothing more than the division of the masses of people.  No different than the abortion issues, democrats verses republicans, left verses right, and whatever other issues the mass media wants to play on us all.  It's revolting to me that people are so easily caught up in all of these issues and told how and what to think, keeping a nation always divided.

  Here is an interesting issue to consider.  In one state it was a recent headline piece that a gay couple who filed for divorce could not get one.  Reason?  There were no laws on the books of the state that allowed people brought together in a gay marriage to get a divorce.

  Another area I have a real problem with is the constant bashing of Christians.  Again, this nation was founded on Christian principles and we all see the constant attack to destroy traditional Christian values.  The local churches do a good enough job of that themselves without any outside help.  The state of our nation is because of the destruction of what was once our core values.  Ask any young adult about history and you are likely to get a blank stare or a very strange interpretation of what they think history has taught them.

  Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not an educational tool for colleges to be teaching.  Keep the people confused and divided is more of the story piece.  Not who is right or wrong.  Anyone who disagrees with my own opinion about gay marriage?  I respect their right to disagree.  It's called freedom of speech.  The only two religions I am aware of that has ever supported gay marriage is the Satanic religion and also fairly recently, Wicca.   If you want to get married into a gay marriage, please join one of the two and do not ask traditional Christian religions to accept you when it is against the Christian code.  Know your history and you won't have these issues.  Gays just need to join Wicca in order to get married and leave everyone else out of it.  The other choice?  Become a Satanist.

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Some of Gloucester's most incredible history is found on this site in detail.
Gloucester, VA Links and News – A GVLN Website.
We cover what no one else will.

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Gloucester, VA Links and News - The Rights of The Citizenry

Political History, The Rights of The Citizenry;" target="_blank">Political History, The Rights of The Citizenry;
View more documents from Chuck Thompson

As part of our ongoing series of historical sayings quotes and political history, we present to you, "The Rights of The Citizenry."  With contributions by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Henry D Thoreau.  We have a huge surprise coming very soon.  We'll let you in early on what we have under construction.  We are working on a custom version of Beacon's Rebellion.  Beacon's Rebellion is a very big part of Gloucester History and the information on line is simply horrible.  We are going to have a free download of our own custom version with local area pictures.

  So far the e-book is 70 pages total.  We will offer a free license with this e-book as well.  So it can be used on any site or printed and used as a promo for local area businesses and or government projects.  Look for it as a side bar item towards the end of the week.  Which reminds us, to our reader feed friends, thank you for putting us in your reader feeds, may we recommend you visit the site again as we have added a huge amount of features that you do not want to miss.  More free e-books, more music downloads, extra pages with all kinds of databases and directories, site and news submission areas and a link to one of our sites with a great mix of free software.  We continue to add features that we think you might find helpful.  SO the next time you have a minute, come back and explore the site.

Free MP3 Album download - J S Bach - Some well produced classical music.  We offer a full range of music genre's as we have a full range demographic audience and we try to offer something for everyone.  This is Russian produced and outstanding.  Click Here for your free copy.  Again, it's an entire album, not just a single song or a few songs.  You are going to need to visit our software site to make sure you can use the downloaded files.  We have converted everything over to ISO files in a zipped folder to ensure against malware.

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Some of Gloucester's most incredible history is found on this site in detail.
Gloucester, VA Links and News – A GVLN Website.
We cover what no one else will.

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Gloucester, VA Links and News - Thomas Jefferson - History of Our Nation

Thomas Jefferson - Response To The Citizens of Albemarle, February 12, 1790

View more documents from Chuck Thompson

A major part about living in an historical area is understanding history.  Knowing and understanding our past is a major part of helping us understand where we are today and where we want to go in the future.  Understanding the intents and purposes of our founding fathers and their message as they stated them as opposed to how modern day revisionists would have you believe them is critical knowing why the world presently works the way it does.  Over the next few weeks, besides our other stories, we will be presenting a number of historical documents along with commentary to help everyone better understand where we have been, where we are today and where we want to look to going into the future.

  We will look at the morality of yesterday and compare it to today and see what we want to consider for tomorrow.  We have a number of articles and pieces already prepared for just this idea.  We will be looking at not only the works of Thomas Jefferson, we will be looking at the life and contributions of George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Henry D Thoreau and many others.

  George Washington has some very interesting points that are even more valid today than they were in his own time.  In fact, one could say he was very prophetic to modern times.

You may download a copy of this work and distribute it.  The license for such is below.  Click Here for the free download.

Creative Commons License
Thomas Jefferson - Response To The Citizens of Albemarle by Thomas Jefferson - Presented by Chuck Thompson of TTC Media, GVLN and WTLN is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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