Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Heading For Guinness World Records With Fife and Drum Videos

We are Heading to Guinness World Book of Records. We have already registered on the Guinness web site and posted our new challenge. What are we shooting for? World Record of the most Fife and Drum videos shot, produced and published in one year. We already hold the title for producing and publishing the most Fife and Drum videos on the Internet today. It's time to take it to a new level. The start of the new challenge begins January 1st, 2012 and ends on December 31st, 2012. We have set up a new blog site to chronicle the events, will be adding a new calendar to the site to show where we will be shooting on any given day and we will also launch a new video channel on You Tube to host all the videos for 2012.

Our goal will be to shoot and produce no less than 300 videos during the year. One camera, one person, one goal. Winner takes the title.

Monday, September 12, 2011

US Coast Guards Scott Petty In The News Again

The above clip is of Scott Petty of the US Coast Guard blowing off illegal fireworks. This is just a partial clip but shows the illegal fireworks going off in his back yard. We have some updates to this story and another one coming soon. First we want to thank Congressman Rob Wittman for stepping up and sending to the Coast Guard our complaint on this guy. We received a letter from Congressman Wittman's office along with a letter from the US Coast Guard informing us that they are now holding an ongoing investigation regarding Scott Petty.

Well our own continuing investigation shows that this guy stoops to some very low levels. I mean really low levels. What we learned. Scott Petty tried to pick a fist fight with one of his neighbors. Okay, no big deal you say? The neighbor is a woman. This woman decided that instead of trying to fight back, she would report him to the Coast Guard. What she got for reporting this guy was backlash from the US Coast Guard. Joseph Sedoti, US Coast Guard RAC, started a harassment campaign against her in the name of a so called investigation. When the woman's husband stepped in a week later, Joseph Sedoti claims he never opened nor was looking to open an investigation.

Wait, the US Coast Guard got involved but had no intention of doing an investigation? This guy harassed a civilian just because he was conducting backlash? Well we have sent this information to Congressman Wittman's office so that he may forward it to the US Coast Guard as part of the ongoing investigations they have against Scott Petty. If you think this is over or that you have seen how low this guy really sinks, you have not seen anything yet. We are finishing up yet another news story on this guy that is even worse than this one.

Scott likes to use and abuse his friends in the wrong places. One such case was sending a police officer to investigate the so called illegal video we did of Scott shooting off illegal fireworks and then giving us permission to show the video to his boss. The police officer was not acting under authority of his boss but instead on his own behalf using his uniform to intimidate. He claimed to have seen the video but yet it was clear he hadn't. This isn't the next story we have for you. It's just one of many sideline stories we have on this guy.

We said it before, this guy is a neighborhood terrorist. Our next story will show you how deep it all goes. Do we really need people like him serving in Homeland Security? That should scare everyone.

Green Cleaning Products You Can Believe In

As any of you whom have been following this site for some time know, we are anti green. So much so that we use the term that we are orange. You have to see our other post on this for further details. With that said, one of our arguments forever and a day has been that most manufacturers that claim to be green or going green are far from green at all. The products still contain harmful chemicals and they ship a lot of water with them which we already have enough of thank you.

Once in a while we actually see a company that has made serious in roads to true green technology and are making products that make sense even to us on the orange side. Two companies come to mind. Amway with it's LOC product also known as Liquid Organic Cleaner, sold in concentrated form where they are not shipping a lot of water and now Shaklee who ships even less water with their new H2 product. This is the link to Shaklee's page for their H2 organic cleaning product. We have no connections to Shaklee nor do we want any. We were just very impressed with this offering and it makes true sense. Non toxic. Bio Degradable, highly concentrated, not shipping a bunch of water, multi use product with zero sum side effects.
Now L.O.C. has changed since we were last aware of what it was called, but they still make the same product but have expanded on the product line and now call it Legacy of Clean. The Multi Purpose Cleaner is the one that was always a favorite. Again, we have no ties to Amway and we do not want any either. We can not stand the Multi Level marketing game. Places products cost to high in order to pay everyone out on the various levels. If I wanted to sell these items at retail, the markup on them isn't there to make it worth our time. Selling the items wholesale to any business makes zero sense as then there is no markup at all. You have to sell at your own cost which makes no sense at all.

You may get a bonus at the end of the month because of volume? Big deal, no thanks. These products make sense for what they are and what they do, but for buying them through a network? Again, a pain. I don't want to buy from someone who will try and sell me a lousy business op all the time, or sell me at full retail. I'd rather buy it on line without the hassle of having to deal with any dealers or buy it in a store. So there you have it. If you want green products that make sense and work, you have to deal with a bunch of other stuff you may not be able to stand.

One day maybe someone will get it right. In the mean time, here's to the orange revolution sticking our thumbs down to the green movement.

Affordable Ink Cartridges For HP, Kodak, Lexmark, Epson, Canon And Others

One of the issues that has bothered us as of late is the constant rising costs of ink cartridges without competition to slow the prices. There was a time when you could go into most retailers and find an off brand cartridge for your printer that didn't cost nearly as much as the name brand cost. Most retailers these days have made deals with the manufacturers though to no longer carry the off brand cartridges leaving us no choice but their own high priced offers. Kodak and HP lead the field in the best prices for replacement ink on the market today, but that is not competition. Competition is when there are competing manufacturers of the same product.

So we have done our research and found that Ink Grabber is one of the best deals around to find alternative manufacturers for ink cartridges made by alternative manufacturers for the printer you presently use. A fair enough argument can be made that the off brand manufacturers do not use the same quality inks as the name brand uses, however, it makes little to no difference if you are printing text pages with minimal pictures and will only be using the pages for a short period of time for your work. Now if you are printing say top end pictures that you want to last for years to come, then you may want to consider the higher prices, otherwise why would you bother to spend more for less?

Another alternative that we will mention is that Walgreen's refills ink cartridges for a fair price. However, I rarely find that they can refill the ones we use the most such as Kodak. If they can refill yours, color is usually only $12.00 per cartridge. If you find a better deal on line, buy it on line then.

Again, we like Ink Grabber because they carry an alternative manufacturer for our Kodak ink at a cost of only about $8.00 for a number 10 color ink cartridge as opposed to paying $20.00 retail for Kodak's offer. So we can buy 3 color ink cartridges for slightly more than the cost of 1 from Kodak. We have decided to start advertising Ink Grabber on this site for exactly that reason. So here is to leveling the playing field and starting to tell the world that we want real competition and not forced products at inflated prices.

Friday, September 9, 2011

It Is Now Illegal To Feed Deer In Virginia

As of September 1st, 2011, it has become illegal to feed deer in the state of Virginia. Click Here to see the official state notice. Feeding deer may just harm other species of wildlife according to the state department. In fact, they say that there is movement to see the deer population decrease. Poor Bambi does not have a prayer here. So if you have a bird feeder outside your door and the deer sometimes come over to it to eat the seed, you may now be guilty of breaking the law. According to what we have read, it is alright to kill off deer to save other species of wildlife. ?????

You also can not use feed as bait for hunting deer as that too is a violation of Virginia law. Seems that this is what brought about the present law. Gotta love the people who spend how much money of our tax dollars to come up with this stuff?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Irene Updates, Gloucester, Virginia

Just some quick update news. For the most part Irene was not as bad as it could have been. We have seen much worse. We lost internet access to the site for posting just after we posted the video Saturday. We have tried to get back onto the site for several days but had no luck as servers were still down in numerous areas. Everything seems to be fixed now. A fair amount of trees went down along the main roads and plenty down all over. We heard that the Courthouse area was hit especially hard in relation to Isabelle. We never lost power at the command center. We have traveled all through the Northern Neck and damage overall is minimal. Not to make light of those who have suffered extensive damage to their properties, overall it was minimal for the area as a whole when compared to the damages seen by other storms and this past spring's tornado's.

This year we have seen a number of strange behaviors that are not normal to the area. Massive tornado's and numerous earthquakes. We hope we have seen the worst of the year and that we can now begin to write it all into history. We hope that those of you here in Gloucester get your power back on soon and we have learned that many of you have. There are still a few without lights and we know that this is no fun.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene Video, Gloucester, VA

Irene is now really starting to pick up strength now here in Gloucester. The winds have picked up quite a bit and in the distance it even sounds like a tornado is hitting. This video was just shot moments ago along route 17 just outside our present command center. Branches are now being pulled off of some of the trees behind and along side of us. Power has been flickering on and off. But still nothing major. Dominion Power trucks are still traveling along 17 so that is a good sign. The worst has not even begun yet. Maybe we were wrong about this storm? It might just be a bit stronger than what we have been expecting.

Nicks Spaghetti And Steak House Open Today Even If Power Goes Out

The folks over at Nick's Spaghetti and Steak House wants everyone to know that they will be open today to serve you even if the power goes out. Good to know should the power go out. A fine menu over at Nick's.

Virginia Dominion Power Trucks On The Road

The winds have picked up again and are now blowing pretty hard. The rain is coming down harder and everything is mostly coming in from a northern direction. While we were outside, we spotted a Dominion Power truck traveling north on 17 so they are out and ready to respond should things get worse. This is a good sign that they are pro active.