Showing posts with label Commonwealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commonwealth. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention, Part 7, Oath Not To Touch Underlying Constitution

(By; Chuck Thompson)

The risk is to great.  Once the politicians start on a convention, they will destroy what is there.

  Slow down.  There will be an Oath administered before the Convention even begins.  WIthin that Oath will be a provision that each delegate will swear to that will ensure the underlying Constitution can not be touched for any reason and everyone is going to know that it's not the intention of the Convention to even consider.  The only area that will be open is a chance to create an amendment to the present Constitution that will make it very easy to remove any politician from office if they break any area of our Commonwealth Constitution or our Federal Constitution and any of our Bill of Rights.

  They will have to prove that what they are proposing does meet the intention of the Constitution.  That will be it.  There will be absolutely no tolerance for anyone breaching the Oath administered.  Besides, the way the plans are starting to come together, there will not be time for that anyway.  The intention is to keep costs down so the meeting schedule will be very tight.  Plus, I do not believe for a minute that our local representatives to the convention would want to even try to take that on.

  We need your help.  Get these posts to your local boards and have them put this on the agenda for the public to vote on.  It's much easier to maintain our unalienable rights than to have to try and fight to get them back.  Voting them out does nothing to reverse the destruction that will be caused and many of the new codes can be killed here, but once put into play, will be nearly impossible to reverse.  You can hope and pray that they get reversed, but many are not likely to.

Now is the time for action.  Don't sit and hope someone else does this for us.  We have that opportunity now.  Take advantage of this.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

In State Constitutional Convention To Correct Richmond, VA Codes

(By: Chuck Thompson)

Section 1. That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

Section 2. That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants and at all times amenable to them.

MAG'ISTRATE, noun [Latin magistratus, from magister, master; magis, major, and ster, Teutonic steora, a director; steoran, to steer; the principal director.] A public civil officer, invested with the executive government of some branch of it. In this sense, a king is the highest or first magistrate as is the President of the United States. But the word is more particularly applied to subordinate officers, as governors, intendants, prefects, mayors, justices of the peace, and the like.

Section 3. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration. And that, when any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community has an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

Section 4. None of mankind is entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community, but in consideration of public services; which, not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislator, or judge to be hereditary.

Section 5. That the legislative and executive powers of the state should be separate and distinct from the judiciary; and that the members of the two first may be restrained from oppression, by feeling and participating the burdens of the people, they should, at fixed periods, be reduced to a private station, return into that body from which they were originally taken, and the vacancies be supplied by frequent, certain, and regular elections, in which all, or any part, of the former members, to be again eligible, or ineligible, as the laws shall direct.

Section 6. That elections of members to serve as representatives of the people, in assembly ought to be free; and that all men, having sufficient evidence of permanent common interest with, and attachment to, the community, have the right of suffrage and cannot be taxed or deprived of their property for public uses without their own consent or that of their representatives so elected, nor bound by any law to which they have not, in like manner, assented for the public good.

Section 7. That all power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws, by any authority, without consent of the representatives of the people, is injurious to their rights and ought not to be exercised.

Section 12. That the freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments.

Section 13. That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

2. Relating to any man as a member of a community; as civil power, civil rights, the power or rights which a man enjoys as a citizen. (Webster's 1828 Dictionary)

Section 14. That the people have a right to uniform government; and, therefore, that no government separate from or independent of the government of Virginia ought to be erected or established within the limits thereof.
Section 15. That no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.
Section 16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practise Christian forbearance, love, and charity toward each other.

It's time for something that has never been considered before.  An in state Constitutional Convention.  How is this done?  One representative from each county, city and or town is sent to a convention meeting place to look at the codes being considered and or passed in Richmond, Virginia and debate if they exceed the Constitution of the Commonwealth.  If any of them are in fact found to be in violation of the Commonwealth Constitution then they can be abolished by the convention.  There are no checks when the state legislators go to far.  Most of us here in Virginia believe our legislators have gone to far and have brought about these radical new changes against the will of "We The People".  This is a more than fair way to put in checks and balances without burdening our courts.  After all, we the people are the one's who created our government and Constitution as explained by Chief Justice John Marshall of the Supreme Court and reiterated by Chief Justice Joseph Story and others. That means the people are the final arbitrators of all the laws we will follow or not.  We don't have to wait for court decisions because if we do not think the court was right, we still have the ability to override the court being the final arbiters.  

  How would this work?  The same way it would work for the states and the Federal Government.  Two thirds of the localities have to agree in order to override what the Legislators may put forth and or vote in and or what gets passed into Virginia Codes.  Amendments to our Commonwealth can be added to ensure nothing like this ever happens again and should it, that the Governor is easily arrested for such.

  I for one believe "We The People" need to form militia's in every locality throughout the Commonwealth and every state for that matter.  That can be done by clicking the link here.  Another option we have here in Virginia is the VEXIT option.  Vexit would allow Virginia localities to leave Virginia and become a part of the state of West Virginia.  That is a legal option thanks to a loophole that has never been closed from the Civil War.  

  Our last option that I see I do not like in the least.  Civil War 2.  I am averse to war of any form.  The issue with a Civil War 2 is lack of leadership.  No clear enemy.  Once the immediate threat is eliminated, there will still remain unclear immediate threats.  War is the biggest and fastest money maker out there folks and it would radically change the United States of America forever.  It's not a good option.  The left wins no matter what if war were to be considered an option.  Most people do not get this.  

Now getting back to the concept of an in state Constitutional Convention.  We already have the precedent to start this with all of the 2A sanctuary localities throughout the Commonwealth now.  The counties have spoken but our legislators are refusing to listen.  These issues could be tied up in courts for years all the while our Commonwealth is destroyed from within while waiting.  I don't like that option.  So let's get this done.  Contact your local Board and get them to read this article or print this out for them.  Spread the word.  Not only can it work here in Virginia.  It can work in any state.  Stop complaining and take action.  No one likes a sideline commentator that does nothing but complains.  You have to take action or you deserve what you get.

Friday, February 24, 2017

McAuliffe Vetoes Senate Bill 1105 Claiming VA Constitution Violations; We Don't See It

The more we research this guy, the more we think he is a dishonest prick lying to the people of Virginia to push his own communist agenda.  His latest move?  He claims to have vetoed Senate Bill 1105, 2017 session, because it violated the Virginia Constitution.  Really Terry?  Can you please show us where?  dId you even read the bill?  Of course you did, and that is why you vetoed it.  It works for rigging elections by vetoing the bill.

  What a dishonest jerk this guy is.  So let's look at the facts.

Governor McAuliffe Vetoes Bill Requiring Investigations into Virginia Voters

Today Governor Terry McAuliffe vetoed Senate Bill 1105, which would require local election officials to investigate Virginia voters without a clear standard for when and how such investigations should be undertaken. The Governor’s full veto statement is below:

February 23, 2017

Pursuant to Article V, Section 6, of the Constitution of Virginia, I veto Senate Bill 1105, which would require local election officials to investigate voters under certain circumstances and provide a report to the State Board of Elections.

By requiring 133 individual general registrars to conduct an investigation of voters under undefined standards, this bill raises serious constitutional questions. It could expose eligible and properly registered Virginians to the risk of improper disenfranchisement.

Further, Senate Bill 1105 would increase the administrative burden on local election officials. Rather than imposing unnecessary investigative requirements on those officials, we should focus attention and resources on the Commonwealth’s proven and efficient methods of list maintenance, which serve as a national model.

Accordingly, I veto this bill.


Terence R. McAuliffe

The above is a press release from his office.  Now let's look at the actual bill.

SB 1105 Registered voters and persons voting; reports of persons voting at elections.

Introduced by: Mark D. Obenshain | all patrons ... notes | add to my profiles

Reports of registered voters and persons voting at elections. Requires the local electoral boards to direct the general registrars to investigate the list of registered voters whenever the number of registered voters in a county or city exceeds the population of persons age 18 years or older, based on the most recent population estimate of the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service of the University of Virginia. The bill also requires the local electoral boards to direct the general registrars to investigate the list of persons voting at an election whenever the number of persons voting at any election in a county or city exceeds the number of persons registered to vote in that county or city. The Department of Elections is required to provide certain data to any general registrar conducting such an investigation for the registrar's use during the investigation. The local electoral boards are required to make reports of the findings to the State Board. These reports are public documents.

Final document from the Senate:

2017 SESSION ENROLLED 1 VIRGINIA ACTS OF ASSEMBLY –– CHAPTER 2 An Act to amend and reenact § 24.2-404.4 of the Code of Virginia and to amend the Code of Virginia 3 by adding sections numbered 24.2-405.1 and 24.2-406.1, relating to investigations and reports of 4 registered voters and persons voting at elections. 5 [S 1105] 6 Approved 7 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 8 1. That § 24.2-404.4 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted and that the Code of 9 Virginia is amended by adding sections numbered 24.2-405.1 and 24.2-406.1 as follows: 10 § 24.2-404.4. Exchange of registered voter lists with other states. 11 A. Pursuant to its authority under subsection A of § 24.2-405 and subsections B and C of § 24.2-406, 12 the Department of Elections shall request voter registration information and lists of persons voting at 13 primaries and elections, if available, from the states bordering the Commonwealth to identify duplicate 14 registrations, voters who no longer reside in the Commonwealth, and other persons who are no longer 15 entitled to be registered in order to maintain the overall accuracy of the voter registration system. 16 B. Pursuant to its authority under subdivision A 10 of § 24.2-404, the Department of Elections shall 17 utilize data regarding voter registration and lists of persons voting at primaries and elections received 18 through list comparisons and data-matching exchanges with other states to identify duplicate 19 registrations, voters who no longer reside in the Commonwealth, and other persons who are no longer 20 entitled to be registered in order to maintain the overall accuracy of the voter registration system. 21 C. The Department shall compare the data received pursuant to subsections A and B with the state 22 voter registration list and initiate list maintenance procedures under applicable state and federal law. The 23 Department shall report to the House and Senate Committees on Privileges and Elections annually on 24 the progress of activities conducted under this section, including the number of duplicate registrations 25 found to exist and the procedures that the Department and general registrars are following to eliminate 26 duplicate registrations from the Virginia registered voter lists. All annual reports required to be filed by 27 the Department shall be governed by the provisions of § 2.2-608. 28 § 24.2-405.1. Registered voters; reports when exceeding age eligible population. 29 Whenever the number of registered voters in a county or city exceeds the population of persons age 30 18 years or older, based on the most recent population estimate of the Weldon Cooper Center for 31 Public Service of the University of Virginia, the local electoral board shall direct the general registrar 32 to investigate the list of registered voters in order to determine the cause of the inflated number of 33 registered voters, including identifying persons who may be improperly registered. The Department of 34 Elections shall provide to any general registrar conducting such an investigation the data received by it 35 pursuant to § 24.2-404.4 regarding voters registered in the registrar's locality, and the general registrar 36 shall use such data during the course of the investigation. 37 The local electoral board shall make a report of the findings to the State Board, and this report 38 shall be a public document. 39 § 24.2-406.1. Persons voting at elections; reports when exceeding number of registered voters. 40 Whenever the number of persons voting at any election in a county or city exceeds the number of 41 persons registered to vote in that county or city, the local electoral board shall direct the general 42 registrar to investigate the list of persons voting at that election in order to determine the cause of the 43 inflated turnout, including identifying persons who may not be eligible to vote. The Department of 44 Elections shall provide to any general registrar conducting such an investigation the data received by it 45 pursuant to § 24.2-404.4 regarding voters registered in the registrar's locality, and the general registrar 46 shall use such data during the course of the investigation. 47 The local electoral board shall make a report of the findings to the State Board, and this report 48 shall be a public document. ENROLLED SB1105ER

Okay Governor, where exactly is the violation to the Virginia Constitution you are claiming?  If you make the claim, you need to back that up with solid legal documentation.  Where is that documentation?  The above proposed laws in my own opinion are too weak.  But they are a step in the right direction.  Wait, I have to remember that you are a democrat and we now all know that democrats are the party of lies these days.  Virginians are not interested in your communist agenda Terry.  We can't wait until you are gone and hopefully in jail.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Gloucester, Virginia Local Government Allows Personal Use of Government Vehicles In Violation of State Codes?

§ 2.2-1179. Use of vehicles for commuting.
No passenger-type vehicle purchased or leased with public funds shall be used to commute between an employee's home and official work station without the prior written approval of the agency head and, in the case of vehicles assigned to the centralized fleet, the DirectorThe Director shall establish guidance documents governing such use of vehicles and shall ensure that costs associated with such use shall be recovered from employees. Employees who do not report to an official work station shall not be required to pay for travel between their homes and field sites. Guidance documents established by the Director and recovery of costs shall not apply to use of vehicles by law-enforcement officers. By executive order of the Governor, such guidance documents may extend to all motor vehicles of any type owned by the Commonwealth, or such of them as the Governor may designate.
(1989, c. 479, § 33.1-406; 2001, cc. 815842, § 2.1-548.07; 2013, c. 485.)

§ 2.2-1178. Use of passenger-type vehicles on an assigned basis.
A. Passenger-type vehicles assigned to the centralized fleet may be assigned to persons performing state duties only if deemed necessary by the head of the agency or institution requesting such vehicle and approved in writing by the Director. Request for such vehicle shall be made in writing on forms prepared by the Department of General Services by the head of the agency or institution explaining in detail the purpose of or reason for such assignment.
B. Assignments shall be approved by the Director only on the basis of one of the following criteria:
1. The vehicle shall be driven not less than the annual usage standard. The Director shall promulgate a minimum mileage standard taking into account best value, industry standard practices, and the use of alternative transportation methods;
2. The vehicle shall be used by an employee whose duties are routinely related to public safety or response to life-threatening situations:
a. A law-enforcement officer as defined in § 9.1-101, with general or limited police powers;
b. An employee whose job duties require the constant use or continuous availability of specialized equipment directly related to their routine functions; or
c. An employee on 24-hour call who must respond to emergencies on a regular or continuing basis, and emergency response is normally to a location other than the employee's official work station; or
3. The vehicle shall be used for essential travel related to the transportation of clients or wards of the Commonwealth on a routine basis, or for essential administrative functions of the agency for which it is demonstrated that use of a temporary assignment or personal mileage reimbursement is neither feasible nor economical.
C. No assignment shall be for a period exceeding two years except upon review by the Director as to the continued need for the assignment.
D. The use of such vehicle shall be limited to official state business.
(1989, c. 479, § 33.1-405; 2001, cc. 815842, § 2.1-548.06; 2011, c. 611.)

Verses Gloucester County Human Resources Information:

Use of County Vehicles and Equipment 620.1 Introduction The operation of vehicles is necessary in conducting the day-to-day business of the County. This use of vehicles represents one of the greatest risks facing the County. Recognizing this, it is imperative that the County take reasonable steps to control the use of County and privately owned vehicles while performing County business. This policy sets forth the guidelines and policies governing the operation of vehicles used in the performance of official County business. Department and agency heads are responsible for implementation and enforcement of this policy for all vehicles and drivers assigned to their department.

 620.2 Applicability and Definition This policy applies to all County vehicles as defined herein and to all employees who routinely or occasionally drive a County vehicle. The term County vehicle as used in this policy is defined as (1) any County owned, leased or rented vehicle, including special-use vehicles such as construction and excavation equipment designed to operate primarily offroad but driven on public roads to a job site, and (2) privately owned vehicles when used in the performance of official County duties. (Sheriff’s Department and Department of Social Services vehicles and employees are covered by their respective operating policies.)

 620.3 Authorized Use The following examples are an attempt to cover most circumstances or conditions of authorized use and should not be considered all inclusive:

 A. Official Use - County vehicles are authorized “For Official Use Only.” Such vehicles are to be utilized to perform the functions and to conduct the operations and programs of the Department or Agency which is using the vehicle. County vehicles may be utilized both within and outside of the County for official use. 

B. Transport of Unofficial Parties – When such official use includes the transport of unofficial parties, that is parties not directly related to County business, the County Administrator must first approve such transport. 

C. Use of Vehicles by other Public Entities - Employees of other public entities may operate County vehicles under the specific approval of the department head as long as such operation is essential in conducting County business. Department heads granting permission for non-County employees to operate County vehicles are responsible for ensuring that the driver is properly licensed, trained and qualified to operate the vehicle. 

D. Personal Use - County vehicles may not be utilized for personal purposes. Exceptions include those employees who, while conducting County business, are away from their normal place of work at mealtime and those employees with an assigned  vehicle where such vehicle is the only practical mode of transportation available at mealtime. Employees whose duties require them to be away from a County office building during the day may briefly stop at a commercial establishment located along their work required travel route to use a restroom or purchase a refreshment. Department and Agency Heads are charged with reviewing with staff appropriate and de minimis usage identified herein. 

E. Take Home –In order to meet the business needs of the County, the County Administrator may authorize an employee to take a County vehicle home. County vehicles taken home overnight shall be locked and secured in the responsible employee's driveway or other designated parking space which is in close proximity to the employee’s residence. It is the intent of the County to limit the use of take home vehicles to the greatest extent practicable and to restrict this practice to those living within Gloucester County unless specifically stated otherwise. An employee in possession of a take home vehicle may stop briefly at a grocery store, pharmacy, etc. for reasons of personal convenience along the most direct route to or from their residence.  Such stops must be completed within one half hour of the beginning or end of the employee’s shift. The following examples are an attempt to illustrate the circumstances under which the County Administrator, or his/her designee, may authorize an employee to take a County vehicle home and should not be considered all inclusive: 

1. Employees who are subject to 24-hour call out, and due to the nature of their work, report directly to a jobsite away from a County facility in a County vehicle required by the nature of their response.

 2. Duty vehicles designed or equipped for high priority response where response time will be enhanced by allowing the vehicle to remain in custody of individual employee. Employees assigned to duty vehicles which are taken home must be available to respond upon request on a 24-hour basis any time the employee has custody of the vehicle. 

3. To prepare for a post-disaster response in order to plan an effective and efficient recovery. 

4. When travel from the employee's home, either within or outside of Gloucester County, to a destination for official County business is the most direct and/or closest route, (for example, early morning travel to a conference).

 620.4 Control and Use of Vehicles The County Administrator, department and agency heads shall carefully monitor and take necessary action to preclude operations that are contrary to the policies and procedures herein. Gloucester County Administrative Policy Gloucester, Virginia Section:

 620 Page: Page 3 of 10 Supersedes: N/A Effective Date: November 1, 2014 Title: 

Use of County Vehicles and Equipment Authorized By: County Administrator The following examples are an attempt to cover most circumstances or conditions of use and should not be considered all inclusive: A. Vehicle Identification - All service vehicles utilized by County departments will be identified with the official logo, departmental designation, and color scheme as designated by the County Administrator. 

B. Proper Licensing - Employees and authorized drivers must have a valid vehicle operator’s or commercial driver’s license in their possession at all times while operating a County vehicle. 

C. Qualified Operator – A qualified operator (driver) must be positioned at the vehicle's controls any time it is running unless otherwise approved by the manufacturer. No vehicle shall be left unattended without first stopping the motor, locking the ignition, removing the key and locking the doors or otherwise securing the vehicle to prevent theft, vandalism, and unintentional movement. 

D. Seatbelts - All drivers of County vehicles and all passengers therein shall properly use seat belts (if the vehicle is equipped with seat belts). Employees are prohibited from removing, deactivating, modifying or otherwise defeating any occupant restraint system installed by the manufacturer unless approved or instructed by the manufacturer. 

E. Motor Vehicle Laws - Employees shall obey all City/County, State and Federal laws while operating County vehicles and any time personal vehicles are used on official County business. Drivers should practice “defensive driving” and anticipate and observe the actions of other drivers and control their own vehicle in such a manner so as to avoid an accident involvement. 

F. Prohibition of Alcohol and Illegal Substances - It is prohibited for County vehicles to be utilized if the driver is impaired by, or under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, drugs, or illegal substances. The possession or consumption of alcohol, intoxicants, or illegal drugs while operating a County vehicle is also prohibited. 

G. Smoking - Smoking and/or the use of tobacco products is not permitted in County vehicles. 

H. Mobile Communication Devices – Drivers of County vehicles should refrain from operating cellular telephones or other electronic devices that may cause driver distraction while operating a County vehicle. Drivers shall make every attempt to properly park their vehicle prior to using such devices. Drivers must adhere to Virginia laws and jurisdictional laws while traveling out of the State. 

I. Rendering Assistance - County vehicles may not be used to pull or push any other vehicle unless the vehicle is equipped to do so and the driver has been properly Gloucester County Administrative Policy Gloucester, Virginia Section: 620 Page: Page 4 of 10 Supersedes: N/A Effective Date: November 1, 2014 Title: Use of County Vehicles and Equipment Authorized By: County Administrator trained. It is permissible to render assistance in case of emergencies and to transport unofficial parties in such cases. 

J. Passengers – No person shall be allowed to ride on running boards, fenders, hoods, tailgates, beds, or other locations on a vehicle not designed or approved by the vehicle manufacturer for passenger seating. 

K. Cargo - When cargo, materials or tools are being transported, the driver is responsible for assuring that all items are properly secured to prevent them from shifting or falling from the vehicle or trailer. 

L. Backing up large vehicles – Drivers of large vehicles and/or construction equipment will avoid whenever possible, operating the vehicle in reverse to avoid the necessity of backing. Before entering the vehicle, the driver shall check the rear clearance of the vehicle. 

1. The driver shall not back the vehicle unless such movement can be made with reasonable safety and without interfering with other traffic. 

2. A spotter should be used whenever possible. Before and during backing movements, the driver and spotter will check blind zones for objects not visible in rear-view mirrors, watch both sides for adequate clearance, and limit speed to allow a full stop on short notice. 

M. Towing - A driver whose vehicle is towing a trailer, dolly, or other equipment shall ensure that the trailer hitch is securely latched, adequate for the load being towed, properly installed on the towing vehicle, and that safety chains are properly attached. 

1. The driver shall also ensure that the tow vehicle, in general, is rated to tow the type and weight of trailer being towed. 

2. The driver shall ensure that the trailer or other towed equipment is supplied with proper lighting including brake lights, turn signals, and running lights. 3. Any vehicle having a load which extends more than four (4) feet beyond the rear shall have the end of the load marked with a red flag, not less than twelve (12) inches in square. 

N. Intentional Misuse - Intentional misuse, abuse, moving violations, reckless operation, or negligent actions while operating a County vehicle may result in the suspension of the employee's driving privileges and is grounds for further disciplinary action. 

O. Citizen Complaints – Complaints regarding the use or operation of County vehicles are received in the County Administrator’s office. The County Administrator, or appropriate department or agency head, shall investigate the complaint and, if necessary, take appropriate corrective action. 

Either way, you can read the rest at the above link.  Anyone see major violations between county policy and state Codes?  Looks to us as though the county is in direct violation of Commonwealth Codes as is par for the course.  How many other violations does that county allow on its books?  How much of your tax money do county officials think they are allowed to waste?  When they are wasting your money like this, of course they need more tax revenue.  Of course they are going to raise your taxes.  So what if they are only wasting your money as we can clearly see they have no issues in doing so.  We think they should raise your taxes to 95 cents per hundred dollars and not leave it at just 72 cents.  That way they can buy more cars and waste more gas.  You should buy all of them lunch everyday.

  You should also buy them breakfast and dinner as well.  They all want raises so you should give them at least a 10% raise each and every year.  Why should they have to suffer even though you may be suffering?  You should pay all of their health care costs as well as that of their families costs too.  You should provide all of the county employees with no cost and no percentage loans so they can all buy and live in nice houses.  Maybe even your old house that you can no longer afford.

  You should also do the same so that they can all buy and drive nice cars or trucks.  Each employee should be able to afford an expensive Disney vacation at least once a year as well.  Come on and step up for these folks.  Who cares if they are in total violation of what Virginia allows and does not allow.  At least you will be doing your part in ensuring a truly rotten future for all of us.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Governor McAuliffe Announces Administration Appointments

IADC Seal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
RICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced additional appointments to his administration today. The appointees will join McAuliffe’s administration focused on finding common ground with members of both parties on issues that will build a new Virginia economy and create more jobs across the Commonwealth.

Secretariat of Veterans and Defense Affairs

Jaime Areizaga-Soto, Deputy Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs

Jaime Areizaga-Soto serves as a military attorney (JAG) in the Army National Guard, holds the rank of Colonel, and commands a Judge Advocate Detachment. In 2013 he was activated to attend the war college (Inter-American Defense College) in Fort McNair from which he recently graduated and where he served as class president. He is a former White House Fellow at the U.S. Treasury Department and served as the Senior Attorney Advisor at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Mr. Areizaga-Soto graduated from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and upon graduation was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He holds a Masters of Science in Security and Defense from the Inter-American Defense College, a Mágisterfrom the Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (ANEPE) of Chile, and ajuris doctor and Masters of Arts in Latin American Studies from Stanford University. He is a 2009 graduate of the University of Virginia’s Sorensen Political Leaders Program. He serves as Vice President of the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), is a lifetime member of the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS), and is fluent in French, Portuguese and Spanish.

Secretariat of the Commonwealth
Board Appointments

Board of Visitors for Gunston Hall

·       David S. Mercer, Esquire of Alexandria, Founding Partner, MercerTrigiani LLP
·       Nell Payne, Esquire* of Washington, DC, Director, Office of Government Relations, Smithsonian Institution
·       Tim J. Sargeant* of Fairfax Station, Manager, state and local affairs, Dominion Virginia Power
Family and Children’s Trust Fund Board of Trustees

·       Candace Bryan Abbey of Arlington, President, Abbey Road Advisors; Washington Director, Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice
·       Yasmine P. Taeb, Esquire of Arlington, Program Director, Center for American Progress; Commissioner, Arlington County Human Rights Commission  
Secure Commonwealth Panel

·       Mike Mohler of Springfield, President, Virginia Professional Fire Fighters, and the Fairfax County Professional Fire Fighters and Paramedics union.
State Health Department Sewage Handling and Disposal Appeal Review Board

·       Dean Stone, PE of Rocky Mount, President, Stone Engineering Inc.
State Rehabilitation Council

·       Lauren Snyder-Roche of Poquoson, Disability Rights Advocate
Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead and Home Inspectors

·       Jim Haltigan of Staunton, President, SEMCO Services, Inc.

*Denotes reappointment

Friday, October 17, 2014

Virginia Receives $9.3 Million Grant to Help Virginians Access Health Coverage

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (Me...
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (Medicaid administrator) logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Governor Terry McAuliffe announced that Virginia is one of only four states to have been awarded a $9.3 million federal grant to hire more than 100 enrollment assisters who will help state residents sign up on the Federal Marketplace for health insurance starting November 15. The federal grant will play a large role in helping Governor McAuliffe implement his “Healthy Virginia” plan to expand health care to more than 200,000 Virginians.

“This federal grant will boost my administration’s efforts to help Virginians get access to the health care they need,” said Governor Terry McAuliffe, who received the news Tuesday morning in a telephone call with U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell. “We will use this money to put more boots on the ground to make sure individuals and families find the best low-cost insurance options for them, and to make sure they know about the financial assistance that is available.”

During the initial 2013-14 sign-up period, Virginia’s state government was not an active participant in educational and outreach efforts. However, more than 216,000 Virginians purchased health plans. Unfortunately, an estimated 300,000 Virginians who are qualified for tax credits if they purchase insurance on the Federal Marketplace remain uninsured.

As part of his “Healthy Virginia” plan, Governor McAuliffe announced last month that he has set a goal to enroll up to 160,000 more Virginians on the Marketplace during the enrollment period that extends fromNovember 15 to February 15.

The federal grant awarded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services enables Virginia to partner with the Virginia Community Healthcare Association and the Virginia Poverty Law Center and deploy more than 100 paid enrollment assisters across the Commonwealth.

“This is a major step forward for Virginia,” said Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources Bill Hazel. “I am particularly pleased that some of the individuals who are in the Medicaid coverage gap will qualify for financial assistance on the Marketplace.”

The Virginia Community Healthcare Association is a nonprofit association representing 28 federally qualified health centers and one rural health clinic. The association trained and oversaw certified application counselors during the initial sign-up period. The grant and partnership with Virginia will enable it to step up outreach and enrollment activities this fall and winter.

The Virginia Poverty Law Center, based in Richmond, provides training to local Legal Aid program staff and is a designated Navigator organization in Virginia.

“The Virginia Community Healthcare Association is delighted with this opportunity,” said Neal Graham, Chief Executive Officer of VCHA. “This will enable us to provide funding to the Community Health Centers and other community partners to place enrollment staff at the local level.  As we learned last year, local staff make all the difference in assisting persons in making the important choices about the purchase of health care coverage; and health care coverage makes all the difference in people’s lives.”

“We are very excited about this opportunity to help more Virginians know about and enroll in affordable health insurance options,” added Jill Hanken, staff attorney for the Virginia Poverty Law Center.

As part of Virginia’s campaign to enroll state residents, the state will launch an improved website next month at with user-friendly links to health care options and educational resources. The state also will begin a major media campaign this winter to increase awareness about the importance and availability of health insurance. A family of three with an income between $19,790 and $79,160 may be eligible for tax credits when purchasing insurance on the Federal Marketplace.

The grant will be administered by the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services.