Showing posts with label Mass media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mass media. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Americans Very Quickly Losing Their Freedoms, An Oration at Gloucester Might Help Restore Them

Oration at Gloucester, July 4th, 1827 from Chuck Thompson

Today the mass media is doing a bang up job propagandizing everyone into the philosophies of the left or should we say the collective mentality.  Where you no longer have freedoms.  Wait, most of you know the word freedom but have no real clue what that means.  Its more than free to drink a beer if you want or free from being in jail.  Its about what you are free to do without having to pay someone else for the privilege that may grant you a license to do what you want.

  Owning a business is not a privilege.  It is a right.  Zoning is not a privilege you have to meet requirements for.  Zoning is for County owned or state owned or Federal owned properties only.  They do not apply to you.  But you think they do so you allow yourself to be fooled into paying fees and hoping to get approval for what you already have the right to do.

In a recent discussion with a friend, he explained to me that Gloucester officials would not let him do what he wanted to with his land because officials told him that whatever the state does not give permission for, it's simply not allowed.  Can anyone read the 10th amendment to the bill of rights above and show me how anyone could come up with such an insane statement?  What is not granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution is reserved for the states, or the people.  That means if the Commonwealth does not allow it, then its already a right of the people.  Permission does not need to be sought.

  But even that is going way overboard.  I really do not care what the state allows or does not allow.  As long as its lawful within the confines of the Common Law, then that is all that matters.

The eBook above was an oration given to Gloucester by Thomas Stephenson back on July 4th, 1827.  Mr Stephenson explained to the people of Gloucester what their rights are as people of this country.  Most people would be hard pressed to understand it these days thanks to all the years of brainwashing by the mass media.  Although you may understand the words, you won't understand the meaning or how it applies to you.  Now that is very sad and why American freedoms are being taken away at lightening speed.  You are giving them up without even a fight.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Real Trayvon Martin Exposed - Suppressed Information Revealed

Author unknown.  Sent to our contact info.  False Photo of Trayvon Martin.
Do you know who this is?

It is Little Trayvon Martin...! At 17 yrs of age.
Don't know how much coverage this story has had in your area, but, if it hasn't, here's a new look at it!
For those of us who thought we were well informed and weren't.....quite the realty check.
That old adage applies here: "there are two sides to every story." We don't always get the truth from the media.  Television news, newspapers, magazines, radio; all continue to show 12 year old Trayvon; NOT 17 year old Trayvon.
They continue to show the 5 year old picture BECAUSE it helps to cement in your mind the cute, little, hoodie-wearing youngster who was stalked by this monster
In reality "little Trayvon" at the time of his death stood almost 6'2" tall and weighed 175 muscular pounds. He had numerous run ins with authorities (both at school and local police), had been stopped and almost arrested two days before his death for smacking a bus driver in the face, because the driver refused to let him ride for free. He was released because the driver was told not to press charges by the bus company and to continue on his route.

When "little Trayvon" was suspended at school it was not only because he tried to bring a little marijuana in with him, he was in possession of wedding rings and other jewelry, watches, etc. that he said he "found" along with a large screwdriver while on the way to school that day. The jewelry was turned over to the Police by the school.

I am not trying to say this kid deserved to die. I am saying the media in the USA 
 twist and distort what you see and hear in order for you to see things their way.

>Not a single paper has printed RECENT photos of this kid, because it would not keep your interest in this case.

Not a single paper will admit that this kid was a marijuana dealer.
>His friends on Facebook all say he had the "best plants". Not a single paper will show you any of his recent photos where he shows off a mouthful of gold teeth and all of his tattoos.

Not a single newspaper will tell the news like it really is....and NOT how they want you to think it is...

President Obama looked at the FIVE year old photo the media chose to show the Nation and said, "If I had a son...he would look like Trayvon.." So from that comment should I assume you did not bother to look for the facts in this shooting?

A fair and impartial news media in the USA ? One that does not follow the liberal agenda? Is NOT looking to further divide this already fractured Nation?

Trayvon at the age of 12.

Will the real Trayvon Martin please stand up?

Photo courtesy of

The above information about Trayvon Martin, just before this picture, has been making the rounds through email.  The top picture is of a rap singer taken back in 2010 when he was 31 years old and was done for a magazine.  This piscture was taken of Trayvon not long before he died.  So it's fair to say that everything in the above email that has been making the rounds is 100% fabricated.  The entire story is a timebomb that no matter what, will not have a good end.  
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