Thursday, January 22, 2009

Carolina BBQ House, Gloucester Point, VA

Here is a picture of the outside of the Carolina BBQ House in Gloucester Point. They advertise buffet style on the sign so I will take them at their word. I have not eaten there but word of mouth says they are good. Don't know what I am waiting for as I am a big BBQ fan. My biggest problem is when I really get into the mood, we all head over to Pierce's BBQ Pit in Williamsburg. I never think of this spot. Well that is going to have to change.

As a creature of habit, we know what we like so we usually visit the places where we know the food is good and the prices won't kill you. Since we have never eaten here, we just do not know what to expect, so we are just going to take a leap one day and give this place a go. We will let you know once we do that. There are a lot of new places and places that have been around for some time that we just have not tried yet. I kind of feel guilty posting a place of business and knowing little or nothing about it. But my main objective is reporting on anything about Gloucester County, so that will continue.

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