Showing posts with label Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comics. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Santa Comes To The Big Top

Christmas in the post-War United States
Christmas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Santa Comes To The Big Top - Free Comic from Chuck Thompson

Santa Comes To The Big Top.  Custom created edition of the vintage comic book.  We cut out all the advertising which was pretty substantial.  We used the cover and then only used the actual comic book story here.  Entertainment for Christmas.  To read the comic in full screen mode, left click the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the above container.  To exit full screen mode, just hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Merry Christmas.
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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Terry And The Pirates - Sunday Comics

Terry and the Pirates (serial)
Terry and the Pirates (serial) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Terry And The Pirates, No 28 from Chuck Thompson

Terry and the Pirates.  Issue no 28.  From the silver age of comics comes this vintage digital comic book.  Back in the days when a comic book only cost 10 cents.  Boy, talk about cheap.  To read this in full screen mode, just left click the icon at the far bottom right of the container above.  When done, hit your escape key.  Sunday comics right here for your entertainment.  Enjoy.  Oh yeah, we have free downloads on this comic on our slideshare site.  Help yourself.
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Sunday Comics - Gasoline Alley

Souvenirs - Gasoline Alley - 1918 from Chuck Thompson

From 1918 comes this comic strip of Gasoline Alley.  You will want to view this in full screen mode.  To do so, left click the icon at the far bottom right hand side of the Slideshare container.  To exit full screen, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Vintage comic strips from a time long gone.  Enjoy.
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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Navy History and Tradition 1817 - 1865 Sunday Comic

Navy History and Tradition 1817 - 1865 from Chuck Thompson

Now here is a way to teach history in a fun manner.  A comic book about American navel history.  20 information packed pages for a great read.  To view the comic in full screen mode, left click the icon at the very bottom right hand side of the container above.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.  Free downloads are available on this comic from our Slideshare site.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Davy Crockett - Indian Fighter

Davy Crockett - Four Colour Comic 631 from Chuck Thompson

From the silver age of comics comes this issue of Davy Crockett, Indian Fighter.  Sponsored by Walt Disney.  Davy Crockett was a very popular historic character in the 1940's through the 1960's.  Tales of Davy Crockett go back to the days just after the American Revolution when people were seeking new frontiers, land and fortunes.   He was a real person and not just some fictional character.  Free downloads of this comic are available from our slideshare site.

Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Charlie Chan Sunday Comic Strip

Charlie Chan Sunday Comic Strip 2 from Chuck Thompson

Charlie Chan old time classic Sunday comic strip.  Short stories of the world famous detective from the 1920's to the 1950's.  His popularity went down towards the end of the 1940's pretty much putting a halt to the movies and comic strips.  During the time period, Charlie Chan was more popular than Sherlock Holmes.  These days, not that many people are even familiar with Charlie Chan.

  To view the comic strip in full screen mode for easier reading, just left click the icon at the very bottom far right of the slideshare container.  To exit full screen mode, hit the escape key on your keyboard.   
First episode of Alfred Andriola's Charlie Cha...
First episode of Alfred Andriola's Charlie Chan Sunday comic strip (October 30, 1938), distributed by the McNaught Syndicate. The daily strip began earlier that week (October 24, 1938). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Red Ryder, Dell Comics - Sunday Comics

Red Ryder 129 -1954 from Chuck Thompson

The complete comic book.  From the silver age of comics comes this Dell comic of the Red Ryder.  Western action tales from yesteryear.  Free downloads are available from our slideshare site.  To enlarge the comic to full screen view, left click the icon at the far bottom right of the container.  To exit full screen mode,, hit the escape key on your keyboard.

Adventures of Red Ryder
Adventures of Red Ryder (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Voodoo - The Shelf of Skulls, Comic Book Of The Week

Voodoo - The Shelf of Skulls from Chuck Thompson

To view the comic in full screen mode, left click the icon on the bottom right hand side of the container.  Hit escape to return back to this size.  From the Golden Age of comic books, Voodoo.  The featured story is The Shelf of Skulls.  Old fashioned entertainment.  What people used to do before spending so much time in front of the TV or the Internet.

  Now you can spend time on the Internet seeing what people used to do and how.  Neat huh?  Enjoy.

Voodoo 01 - 03 The Shelf of Skulls - Matt Baker
Voodoo 01 - 03 The Shelf of Skulls - Matt Baker (Photo credit: bbmason1981)
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